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A Forbidden Tryst (A Taboo Tale #1)

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by Violet Williams

  A Forbidden Tryst

  A Taboo Tale (#1)

  Violet Williams

  Published by Quiver Publishing at Smashwords

  Copyright 2011 Violet Williams

  Davis Kensington is a successful man, lucky in life and love. He's at the helm of one of the most powerful law firms on the east coast. He reconnected with his college sweetheart and married her. His life was perfect...until a car accident changes everything.

  Jess Capshaw is eighteen and living the dream. When her artsy mother settles down with one of the most eligible bachelors in town, she's whisked away to a life of wealth and privilege...until a car accident rips her mother away.

  One forbidden tryst will bring them devastatingly close, throwing caution to the wind. But their taboo behavior will have consequences...

  Content warning: A Forbidden Tryst features pseudo incest, forced consent and graphic sex in virtually every chapter. All characters engaging in sex are 18+ and this title is intended for adult audiences only.

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One: A Guilty Conscience

  Chapter Two: A Seduction

  Chapter Three: A Delicious Lunch

  Chapter Four: Retail Therapy

  Chapter Five: Third Wheel

  Chapter Six: A Lover, A Doctor

  Chapter Seven: Caught

  Chapter Eight: A Side of Nausea

  Chapter Nine: Afternoon Delight

  Chapter Ten: Consequences

  Chapter Eleven: Reality

  Chapter One

  A Guilty Conscience

  “No car this weekend,” Davis Kensington snapped, eyeing his stepdaughter with disappointment.

  Jess barely even flinched as she eased into the cushy chair beside him, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

  “And I want you home by eight p.m. Your last class ends at seven and Creighton State is only fifteen minutes from here.”

  His only response was a perfect eye roll as she took a sip of juice.

  “I mean it Jess,” he said adamantly.

  “I was only out like, an hour past curfew,” she said saucily. “It’s not a state of emergency or anything.”

  “Just because your mom’s not around doesn’t mean this is party central,” Davis said through clenched teeth. “You were supposed to be home at 1am. Not 1:05, and certainly not 2:30.”

  Jess flipped her blonde hair over her bare shoulder and let out an annoyed sigh. “You’re so adorable when you play daddy.”

  Davis’ cheeks were warm as he glanced at Toshi, the maid that was stocking the dishwasher a few feet away. If she heard the overtly sexual tone in Jess voice, she had one hell of a poker face. Toshi just kept her head bowed, continuing to load the dishes.

  When Davis had brought Claudia and Jess to the corporate retreat last summer, his associates had barely hidden their lust as their eyes roamed Jess’s scantily covered curves. She’d worn a paper thin white linen dress that left very little to the imagination that day. Davis had fought Claudia tooth and nail, knowing he’d be in for an earful on how scrumptious his stepdaughter looked. Claudia had just laughed, her brilliant blue eyes sparkling as she reminded him that Jess was almost eighteen and old enough to express herself as she deemed fit.

  And what Jess deemed fit was practically nothing at all. Davis took a hearty bite of his toast, remembering the barely there number she’d worn in the ER while they waited to hear news after Claudia’s wreck. When the doctor came out with a grave look on her face, he’d had to use his jacket to cover Jess as she fell to the floor, her sobs echoing through his heart.

  Davis could have walked away from it all with a clear conscience. He and Claudia had only been married for a year after all. He’d had no real connection to Claudia seeing as she was practically an adult when she and her mother moved in. But his heart just wouldn’t let him…and his head reminded him daily that it was a mistake.

  Jess was headstrong, and as far as he could tell, had aspirations to become the next Paris Hilton. She only went to the classes she felt like when her mother was alive and now, he was lucky if she went to one a week.

  But whenever he looked into Jess’s eyes, Claudia's eyes, he knew that as frustrating as she was at times, he couldn't refuse her a thing.

  He glanced over at her, blonde hair creating a golden curtain as she typed away on her cell.

  "I'm not kidding about the car," Davis added futilely. "To school and home and nowhere else."

  Jess didn't look up from her phone, but a mischievous smirk spread across her face. "What're you gonna do if I disobey you, daddy? Spank me?"

  His throat went dry at her brazen statement and his mind drifted back to that night they’d spent together. Davis had spent most of the days after Claudia's funeral lumbering about like a zombie. His usually sleek, tailored face was harried and in desperate need for a shave. His toned body remembered the feel of the machines in the gym, but it had been weeks since he'd even done a crunch. What little work he accomplished for the firm was done from bed, if at all.

  That night, he'd been just lying in the tangle of covers, letting his grief keep him warm. He could still smell Claudia's perfume that hung over the bed in a velvet haze. He'd closed his eyes and inhaled deep...and when he opened then, Jess stood at the foot of the bed.

  Her lithe figure was on full display. She only wore a fire engine red lace bra and panties that left little to the imagination. Just her style.

  When he'd asked her what the hell she was doing, her reply was, "I'm gonna fuck your brains out."

  And she had. Davis throbbed with desire just remembering how wet her tight little pussy had been on his fingers, on his dick. She'd rode him like a banshee, her screeches driving him wild...and setting him free for one pleasure filled hour.

  But when they'd come down and he'd held Jess in his arms, the same arms that held her mother, he'd felt sick.

  While it was no backwoods union since they shared no blood, his conscience ate at him. What kind of stepfather fucks his stepdaughter mere months after his wife was killed? Hell, what kind of man does something like that at all?

  So he'd made himself a promise. It was one moment of weakness...that could never be repeated.

  But Jess tempted him...walking around the house with her delicious body calling to him like a siren. She shot him brazen glances that said she was mere moments from begging him to make love to her. And to top it off, she made little comments like the one that just fell from her succulent lips about spankings and playing daddy.

  He cleared his throat and pushed back from the table. "I'm off to work." He leaned down his lips brushing Jess's ear. "Stop it, Jess."

  She put her phone down and trailed her fingers down her neck, eyelashes fluttering. "Stop what, Daddy?"

  He snapped back up, crossing his hands over his groin as he thanked God that Toshi's back was to them.

  "Could you at least make an attempt at going to class today?" he asked hotly.

  She did a mini salute. "Yes sir!"

  Davis rolled his eyes to the heavens and pushed out of the kitchen. Now he had to drive all the way to work with a raging hard-on.

  Chapter Two

  A Seduction

  "You want me to fix you a sandwich for lunch?" Toshi a
sked from the sink. She tucked a gray dread behind her ear as she gathered the cleaning supplies from beneath the sink.

  "Nah," Jess said, taking one final gulp from her juice. "I'll just grab something on campus."

  Toshi shot her a look that said she knew Jess had no intention of stepping foot on campus.

  "What?" Jess snapped, her cheeks burning hot. "I'm caught up on the homework. My professors don't even take attendance."

  "I didn't say a thing," Toshi said, spraying the counter.

  “I know you, Toshi,” Jess said, sticking out her tongue. “You don’t have to say a thing.”

  “You should worry a little less about what I’m thinking and a little more about the way you’re talking to Mr. Kensington,” Toshi said, swiping a towel.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know exactly what I mean. You should give your father a little more respect, Jessie,” Toshi murmured from the sink. “It would break your mother’s heart to see how saucy you get with him.”

  Jess’s lips became a thin line. “First off, he’s not my father. He’s the guy that was married to my mom for a year. And second, I’m not some child that he can ground. I’m almost nineteen years old for god’s sake!”

  Toshi shook her head. “And where would you be without him?”

  Toshi’s words sunk in Jess’s chest like a dagger, cutting deep.

  "I'm gonna go take a shower," Jess said to no one in particular, sliding away from the table. Mostly she wanted to escape Toshi's disapproving eyes. She'd been with Jess and her mom for years and so she really was like a surrogate mom. She hated to make her disappointed, even if it was only slightly.

  As Jess walked into the foyer, she wondered if Toshi could pick up on the sexual tension between her and Davis. She couldn't help but tease him, especially when he went all parental mode.

  Nah, she assured herself as she walked up the spiral staircase. She bit her lip as she traced the mahogany wood. Even she couldn't believe that she'd actually hooked up with Davis. Not that he wasn't sexy in a suave George Clooney-ish way. When she'd first met him and he’d flashed a signature megawatt smile, she'd been reduced to a bumbling idiot.

  She turned onto the back hall, walking past the projection room and the upstairs Jacuzzi. Sitting like some sort of harbinger of doom, a wedding picture of Davis and her mom stared back at her, mere feet from her bedroom.

  Jess never imagined Davis would actually marry her mother. She’d heard the story a dozen times. They’d met in a sociology class and had quite the affair and reconnected in a grocery store years later. The fact still remained that her mom was a hippy, earthy woman that listened to NPR; he was a suit that drove a Lexus. Before they got hitched, Jess and her mom lived in a modest bungalow in the city; he lived in a mansion on the ritzy side of town. Her mother's 18th birthday present to Jess was a framed print from a local artist; Davis bought her a brand new BMW.

  Jess had given Davis a hard time all the while…it was her job, right? Stepdads and stepdaughters are supposed to knock heads. But deep down she cared about him and knew he cared about her mom. And they all lived together like it had always been that way for a little over a year...until some drunken asshole plowed into her mother's sedan and changed everything.

  Jess pulled off her robe as she stepped into her bathroom, the chill of the cool air electric on her skin. Her own bathroom. Hell, she practically had her own wing.

  And now I'm the bastard queen, she thought with a bitter chuckle. She turned the porcelain faucet and jutted her hands beneath the spicket, savoring the cool lick of water.

  She could still remember the night she'd decided to fuck her stepfather. She had been on the phone with her friend Kara, who'd made some offhand remark about how she'd miss her. Jess had furrowed her brow and told her she wasn't going anywhere. But Kara had brought up the point that now that her mother was out of the picture, why would Davis keep her around? After all he hadn't raised her or anything.

  When they got off the phone, Jess had looked around her room, looked around at the life she'd grown accustomed to. Davis wouldn't really kick her to the curb would he? I mean, they weren't close but he valued her more than a piece of luggage, right?

  So she'd hatched her plan. It was a win/win really. She'd always had a fantasy of getting it on with an older man. And once he slid his cock inside her, he couldn't just walk away. He'd be hers...until she tired of him.

  Jess stepped into the shower, sighing as the beads of water pounded her body. She hadn't expected the sex with Davis to be so good. She'd only fucked a handful of guys and they'd all been around her age, more concerned with blow jobs and jackhammering her pussy until they came. There was no romance, no real connection.

  But Davis had been gentle, caring even. He'd taken his time.

  She ran her hands over her slick, wet body, focusing on her rock hard nipples, like he had. First, he'd teased them with his fingers. Then, he'd flicked them with his agile tongue, each lick soliciting a moan of pleasure that started at her core and rippled across her whole body. He’d tugged at her peaks with his teeth, with just the right amount of pleasure to make her body tremble and quake.

  Then, his mouth had made a hot trail down her stomach. He took notice of every square inch of her rock hard abs, marking each crevice with his tongue. His kisses were soft and deep and filled with longing.

  When he'd pried open her legs, Jess had been surprised that he hadn't just shoved his cock inside. She'd only been eaten out once before, and that was only after she begged for it. But as his tongue burrowed into her sopping wet pussy, all Jess begged for was for it not to end.

  Jess found her fingers pumping her pussy as the water careened over her body. She imagined they were Davis's, his eyes so green and colored with desire. She leaned against the walls as she came hard, pretending it was his chest she was glued to as they came in unison, spent and as close to bliss as one gets.

  Jess grabbed her loofa, her legs still twitching. It only took one tryst, but she knew now that one just wasn't enough. Maybe she'd have Toshi make that lunch after all...but for two.

  Chapter Three

  A Delicious Lunch

  Davis eyed his receptionist like she was the dumbest person on the planet.

  "And why, pray tell, did you not think that the Waterbrook employee representative getting restless was not a big damn deal?"

  The young girl bowed her head. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Kensington. It won't happen again."

  "Oh that I know for certain," Davis growled. "Stop in and let Miss Halloway know that because of your incompetence, today is your last day and get Manning to send over a temp.” He shot her a look filled with contempt. "And I'm not to be disturbed."

  Davis breezed back into his office, slamming the door so hard the windows rattled.

  A class action lawsuit against a multi-billion dollar company and because his secretary was too busy checking to take good messages, the whole deal was caput. The plaintiffs were gonna take a measly 100 mil.

  Davis sunk in his chair, lowering his head in his hands. He should have known today was going to be shit. He had to rub one out in the parking garage and instead of thinking of his wife, it was Jess's name he called out. And now, his headlining case was falling apart at the seams and he'd have to hire yet another receptionist.

  "Mr. Kensington," Miss Halloway's sultry voice called over the intercom.

  "What is it?" he barked.

  "I just wanted to give you a heads up that your daughter is on her way back to your office."

  "Goddamn it! Jackie, when I say I don't want to be distur-" His words caught in his throat as Jess breezed in the office, not even bothering to knock.

  She was dressed in a lavender shift that barely went down to her mid-thigh. Her golden hair hung in a single plait that grazed her supple breasts. She had a wicker basket in one hand and a bottle of wine in the other.

  "Surprise!" she said brightly.

  Davis smoothed his tie, flashing an uncomfort
able smile. "That it is. Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

  Jess sashayed to his desk, shaking her head. "Our professor let us out early. You hungry?"

  He scanned her crystal blue eyes. "You brought me lunch?"

  "Mmhm," she nodded.

  He perked an eyebrow. "Why?"

  "You act like I hate you," Jess pouted, opening the basket. She pulled out a round of brie cheese and a French roll.

  "Don't be silly," Davis said, loosening his tie. "But you haven't really been my biggest fan. I mean, you fight me on everything. Your curfew, cleaning up behind yourself-"

  "Well, this is my white flag," Jess answered brightly. She laid out the napkins. "I don't want things to be weird between us, because of, you know."

  When she raised her eyes to his, they shared a moment. The passion was hot and tangible.

  Jess walked over behind the desk and swiveled his chair to face her.

  Davis let out a moan as she traced his jawline with her forefinger. Almost instantly, from the slightest of touch, he was swollen.

  She leaned in and took his mouth into hers. She tasted like strawberries and espresso, fruity and earthy.

  Her tongue was so pliant and eager as he sunk his fingers into her soft hair, pulling her close.

  She straddled him and let out a moan as she felt his rock hard cock through his pants, begging to be released.

  Jess gyrated against him with the agility of a courtesan, a woman trained to know how to drive a man wild. And he was wild, clasping her to him, forgetting they weren't in the security of their home, until the intercom buzzed to life.

  Miss Halloway's voice was like a jolt of electricity, shocking him back to reality. His face was hot as Jess slid off him and rearranged herself. Davis told the receptionist to just take a message.

  Jess tucked a blonde strand behind an ear. "I could lock the door. If you want."

  But Davis was sobered up. As much as his cock longed to feel the grasp of her velvet warmth, he shook his head. "We promised, Jess. Never again. It's not right-"


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