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The Sweetest Revenge

Page 3

by Lucy Felthouse

  The cogs in her brain were still turning, desperately trying to come up with a reaction. Something to say, something to do. But fear, it seemed, had paralysed her thought processes as well as her body. And the longer she did nothing, the worse it got. A few seconds of silence between the two women felt like forever, and Abigail felt like she was two breaths away from breaking down in tears, getting down on bended knees and begging forgiveness. Even though Mackenzie had deserved it, she just wanted to end this crazy, scary tension and get the inevitable confrontation over with.

  She didn’t have to wait much longer. In the moments of Abigail’s panic, Mackenzie had been busily inspecting her bike. Finding no damage, she turned slowly to the older woman, and said coldly, “You.”

  Chapter Five


  Abigail actually gulped. She’d always thought that was some overdramatic thing people did in films, but apparently you also did it when faced with someone who was incredibly pissed off at you and couldn’t take a joke.

  To be fair, it had gone too far and now Abigail was desperately wishing she’d never done it. She should have just taken the other woman’s previous unpleasantness with a pinch of salt and forgotten all about it. Instead her hurt feelings had driven her to retaliate, by hitting Mackenzie where it would make the most impact. Her pride and joy. Her precious motorbike.

  Abigail glanced at it now, then flicked her gaze back to Mackenzie, who was advancing on her, still with a thunderous expression on her face. Now she knew exactly how rabbits and deer felt when they were trapped in the beams from car headlights.

  “Well?” Mackenzie said, standing so Abigail was trapped between her and the wall. “Haven’t you got anything to say for yourself? And don’t even try denying it. Your mate in there squealed like a pig. Fucking wimp.”

  Abigail idly wondered which of the men had cracked under the pressure. She quickly came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter. What mattered was getting out of this awful situation as quickly and painlessly as possible. She’d given up on the ground swallowing her up — that clearly wasn’t going to happen — so she’d have to rely on good old-fashioned grovelling.

  “I’m really sorry,” she said earnestly. “It was meant to be a joke — first of April, y’know? But I just got a bit carried away.”

  “Too right you fucking did. Luckily for you, I twigged that it was a joke, otherwise you could have ended up with the police on your doorstep. The bike may have only been round the damn corner, but I’m sure I could have gotten you charged with something. I’ve just got one question, though.”

  Abigail nodded enthusiastically, willing to give the woman whatever she wanted, if she would just stop looking so damn angry.

  “Why me? Why hide a motorcycle belonging to a practical stranger? Don’t people usually play jokes on people they know? And not on such a large scale?”

  “Um...” Abigail wasn’t sure what to say. She knew the damn answer, of course, but she didn’t know if it would make things better or worse. In the absence of any other excuse, she blurted out the truth. “I did it to get my own back on you.” She paused, waiting for a reaction. All she got was raised eyebrows and a look that seemed to mean go on.

  “You were so mean to me last week, and all I was trying to do was talk to you, get to know you a little better. I was eventually going to pluck up the courage to ask you out.”

  Mackenzie’s raised eyebrows almost disappeared into her hairline. “Are you serious? You’re into women? Lucky me.” She still wore an expression of total disbelief. “I had absolutely no idea. It explains a lot, though.”

  “What do you mean?” Abigail replied, feeling a little better now the furious look had gone from Mackenzie’s beautiful face.

  Now it was the redhead’s turn to look chagrined. “I thought you’d been dared to talk to me, or something. It’s happened to me before — a bunch of dickhead men once dared a female colleague to come and chat me up. I fell for it hook, line and sinker — you wouldn’t blame me if you saw her, she was hot. Then I saw the guys watching us and laughing, and I realised what was happening. It kind of put my guard up.”

  Now Abigail felt lots better. It didn’t excuse Mackenzie’s behaviour entirely, but it was a damn good reason for her rudeness, and also meant it was nothing personal. “I get it. I can understand why you were wary.” She decided not to let her entirely off the hook. “But you were seriously fucking horrible. Not everyone’s like that, you know. I am actually a lesbian!”

  Mackenzie held her hands up in supplication. “I know that now, and I’m sorry. Look, we’ve both fucked up here, haven’t we? I was a total bitch to you. But you, you hid my fucking bike! You really knew how to hit me where it hurt, didn’t you?”

  Abigail grinned. “Let’s just say I’ve been watching you for a while. It’s obvious that the Khaki Green Mean Machine is your favourite thing in the world.”

  “The what?” Mackenzie laughed, and the sound was music to Abigail’s ears. Maybe things weren’t at a total loss, after all.

  “The Khaki Green Mean Machine.” Abigail repeated matter-of-factly. “It’s my nickname for the bike. I think it describes it perfectly, don’t you?”

  Mackenzie turned to look at her beloved motorcycle, then back at Abigail. “You know, it really does. I like it!”

  “So,” Abigail said, her confidence boosted, “what do we do now? Are you gonna be nicer to me know you know we bat for the same team?”

  Mackenzie moved closer to Abigail, pushing her right up against the wall with her hands either side of her head, their bodies pressed tightly together. “I can do better than nice, you know.”

  Abigail trembled a little at the words, and at the feel of the sexy girl’s body against hers. The smell of leather invaded her nostrils, and her mouth went dry. Her crush was definitely on again, and if the way her body was reacting was anything to go by, it was ramped up to fever pitch. “R-really?” she managed to choke out, resisting the temptation to roll her hips towards the redhead. “W-what’s that then?”

  The way Mackenzie’s breathing had increased hinted to Abigail that the other woman wasn’t unaffected by their proximity, but she wasn’t quite as weak-kneed. “Well, how about we wipe the slate clean, and start again?”

  “Okay, that sounds great to me.”

  “You haven’t heard my terms yet.”


  “Yes, for wiping the slate clean. It doesn’t happen just like that” — she clicked her fingers — “with me, you know. I like to make things a little more fun.”

  The look on Mackenzie’s face seemed to indicate that her fun wasn’t of the sweet and innocent kind. Suddenly, she pulled away from Abigail and walked back towards her bike. She reached into the helmet which was still hanging from one of the handlebars and pulled out her gloves. Flicking them back and forth in her hand, she said, “So, you up for some fun?” Then, just in case Abigail had had any doubts as to what she was talking about, she thwacked the gloves against her palm, and grinned widely at the older woman.

  Abigail opened her mouth but couldn’t seem to make any sound come out. Did she seriously

  “Well?” Mackenzie indicated the seat of her bike. “I’ll be gentle. It’s clearly your first time.”

  Abigail was still too stunned to correct her. She had, in fact, been spanked before. A few times. And she’d enjoyed it. But it hadn’t been anything too heavy, and certainly not with leather gloves. And absolutely, one hundred per cent not bent over a motorcycle in a public place!

  “Come on,” the redhead said, waving the gloves once more. “No one will see. That door is shut, and nobody is going to come wandering around the side of the building any time soon, are they? That’s why you hid my bike here in the first place, wasn’t it? Go on,” she wheedled. “Just six of the best, and all will be forgiven.”

  Abigail finally found her v
oice. “And what do I get to do to you in return?”

  Mackenzie wiggled her eyebrows and grinned wickedly. “Anything you like.”


  “Yep. I’m a pretty adventurous kind of a girl.”

  “Yes,” Abigail replied, moving towards the bike. “I’m beginning to realise that.”

  She bent over the bike, her forearms either side of her torso and her fingers tightly gripping the edge of the seat, but not so tightly that she’d leave marks. The last thing she wanted to do was to up the number of spanks from six. Not here, anyway. Maybe later.

  “Keep your eyes on the ground,” Mackenzie said. Abigail could hear her moving around behind her. She was obviously getting into a prime spanking position. Abigail braced herself, ready for the first blow of the gloves against her backside.

  Instead, she felt warm fingers gliding up under her skirt, and taking it with them. The material was shoved up around her back, and she heard Mackenzie give a low whistle.

  “Damn, girl. I thought you were hot before, but now? You are on fire.”

  Abigail realised that the redhead was voicing extreme appreciation for her undergarments, which were a black g-string with black suspender belt and stockings.

  “I don’t even need to pull those down. They’ll be no protection at all.” She pulled the waistband out like a rubber band, then let it go with a snap. Abigail sucked in a breath at the slight sting, then felt a warmth between her legs as she realised that was just the beginning. The gloves were going to feel a damn sight more painful. And she didn’t have to wait much longer to discover that she was right.

  Thwack! The first blow from the gloves made her jump, and she jerked away with a yelp. As a result, her weight was thrust against the motorcycle, which then swayed a little on its centre stand. Abigail’s heart pounded. Fuck, if she pushed the bike over she’d be in for a lot more than a spanking. She’d have to suck it up and just take what was coming to her.

  Slap! The second spank followed rapidly after the first, and landed on the opposite ass cheek. Now they were both hot and tingly, and would no doubt feel much worse when Mackenzie had finished doling out her punishment. Abigail felt her clit and labia swell, and a trickle of pussy juices soaked into the gusset of her g-string. God, if this is what she was like after two, she’d probably have come by the time the sixth blow of the gloves landed on her bare, reddened skin.

  The third strike hadn’t come yet, and Abigail had to resist the temptation to turn around and see what was going on. Somehow she knew that no good would come of that. So she waited, bent over the motorcycle with her naked ass in the air and her pussy growing increasingly slick and ready. She listened carefully, and could hear the rapid breathing of her punisher, and wondered if it was due to the exertion of the spanking, or because she too, was horny. Abigail came to the conclusion that it was probably both. After all, if spanking did nothing for Mackenzie, she surely wouldn’t have suggested it in the first place. So both of them were getting off on this act of wiping the slate clean.

  She would have to think long and hard about what she would do to Mackenzie when it was her turn to return the favour. Just as she was about to do just that, there came a sound, and her right ass cheek was on fire again. Then her left, then her right. The three blows had come with barely a pause between them, and had Abigail clinging onto the Ducati for dear life and gasping in shock and pain. As each wave of pain rolled and morphed into one of pleasure, she felt her clit swell to the size of a cherry, one that was desperately ready to be picked. And eaten.

  Teetering on the edge of orgasm as she was, it was inevitable that the final blow would send her tumbling over. Aware that just a door lay between herself and her colleagues, and that any great movement could push the bike over — and her with it — Abigail gritted her teeth and grunted and groaned as her orgasm crashed through her body. It was intense; the feeling of her empty cunt twitching around nothing, and the wash of bliss that overtook her.

  Mackenzie had barely touched her — with her hands, that was — and already she was in heaven. She couldn’t wait to find out what would happen next with the redhead, when they were alone, in private.

  But it seemed she had one more ordeal to go through first. She startled as the leather gloves were slapped onto the seat next to her upper arm. Just as she was about to twist around and look at Mackenzie, the younger woman’s hand pushed her back down.

  “I’m not quite done yet, honey.” She proceeded to stroke her other hand across Abigail’s cheeks, soothing the reddened marks that no doubt stood out against her pale flesh. Then her hand moved steadily down and down, pulled aside the now sodden crotch of Abigail’s underwear and slipped two fingers inside her wetness.

  Abigail bit back a moan, which then threatened to burst from her lips anyway as another of Mackenzie’s fingers joined the two already in her eager cunt. They moved in and out a couple of times, before being removed entirely. Abigail could hear a telltale wet sound, then Mackenzie spoke.

  “Fuck, you taste good, baby. And you’re so fucking wet. God, I wish I could take you home right now.”

  The hand was removed from Abigail’s back, and Mackenzie pulled her up off the bike and into her arms, holding her tightly and stroking her hair as she came down from her climax and regained the use of her limbs. After a while, Mackenzie held Abigail at arm’s length and looked at her enquiringly. The older woman nodded, indicating she felt steadier, and Mackenzie pressed a kiss to her lips before letting her go and moving over to her bike.

  Once there, she retrieved her keys from her pocket and unlocked the storage box. She pulled out a pen and notebook, and scribbled something down before tearing the sheet from the book and gripping it between her teeth. She returned the pen and notebook to the back box, then pulled the paper from her mouth and folded it carefully, before reaching into the top of Abigail’s blouse and tucking it into her bra.

  “Come see me tonight. We can finish what we started — and then we’ll have a truly clean slate.”

  Still feeling a little out of it, Abigail merely nodded and watched as Mackenzie got her bike sorted, pulled on her helmet and gloves, then got on. She started the engine and Abigail jumped out of the way as Mackenzie began the many manoeuvres that would turn her bike around and allow her to drive out of the alleyway. Something like a bazillion-point-turn later, and with a final roar of the engine, Mackenzie was gone, leaving Abigail’s ears ringing from the sound that had been filling the narrow alleyway for the past few minutes.

  Slumping against the wall, Abigail shook her head. Had that really just happened, or had one of her many dreams felt even more real than usual? She pinched her arm, then yelped at the resultant pain, which also seemed to kick start her sensibilities. Aware of the movement of air around her ass and upper thighs, she looked down and realised that her skirt was still up around her waist. With a gasp of shock, she yanked it down quickly and smoothed it carefully into place, as though someone would come upon her at any minute.

  Of course, nobody did, and she stayed in the alleyway for a few minutes, trying to get her bearings back before heading inside to the inevitable questions of her colleagues. God, what would she say?

  The crackle of paper as she moved reminded her of the note that had been shoved into her bra. She retrieved and unfolded it, and when she finished reading what the paper said, she read it all over again, letting the words sink in as she crossed the car park.

  Suddenly, she didn’t give a shit what any of her workmates said or did.

  She was going to the house of the hottest girl she’d ever met that evening. And she was pretty sure she wouldn’t be going home that night.

  Chapter Six


  “So,” Mackenzie said, flashing Abigail a wicked grin. “Now that we’ve filled up on energy food, would you like to fulfil your part of our bargain?”

  Abigail had done t
he bare minimum after returning to work earlier in the day, instead using the time to work out what she’d most like to do to Mackenzie in order to wipe the slate clean. But there were so many things she wanted to do, choosing just one proved difficult. Let alone one that would bear some resemblance to a punishment. Finally, she came up with something and daydreamed about her sexy decision until it was time to go home.

  She’d driven home as fast as was safely possible and raced upstairs. She showered, dressed, did her hair and applied makeup in record time, rushed downstairs, grabbed the piece of paper which contained Mackenzie’s address and left the house again.

  And now here she was, being offered the sexiest woman she’d ever met on a plate.

  “Yes,” she said, returning Mackenzie’s grin, “I would. So let’s go upstairs.”

  With a nod, Mackenzie stood and held her hand out. Abigail took it and followed the redhead — who was now clad in tight jeans and a vest top — up the stairs and into a beautifully decorated bedroom with a large bed. Abigail grinned as she noticed that it had metal head and foot boards, which were absolutely perfect for the “punishment” she had in mind for Mackenzie. She turned to her and said, “You got any handcuffs? Or basically anything I can use to spread eagle you on the bed. And a blindfold.”

  Mackenzie’s eyes widened and she froze for a second, before giving a curt nod and crouching beside the bed. Reaching underneath, she pulled out a large flat plastic container and flipped the lid off. It contained a multitude of sex toys, restraints, whips, and all kinds of other sexual playtime paraphernalia. “Knock yourself out,” she said, giving Abigail a wink.

  “Oh,” Abigail countered immediately. “Don’t worry, I will. Strip and get on the bed.”

  Mackenzie did as she was told, and by the time she was ready, so was Abigail. She’d selected the items she required from the box and shoved it back under the bed, before taking off her own clothes and leaving them in a pile on the floor. Then, she bent to retrieve the objects she’d chosen, moved over to the bed and dropped them next to Mackenzie’s left hip.


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