Four Corners

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Four Corners Page 6

by Cassie Alexandra

  “Indeed. You may join us,” King Edward said, licking his fingers. He nodded toward an empty chair. “Sit, Gaylen.”

  “Thank you, Sire,” Gaylen replied, as King Edward grabbed another piece of chicken and took a bite. “I really do feel that it’s imperative we talk in private now, however.”

  The king finished chewing and dropped the piece of chicken onto his plate. “You have news of Angelique?”

  He nodded.

  The queen sighed. “Then why don’t you just share it with the rest of us? Tell us, Wizard, did you manage to do your job and get rid of her?”

  GAYLEN DESPISED QUEEN Lizbeth and couldn’t wait to see the life snuffed out of her cold, blue eyes. As far as the king, he’d served under much worst tyrants. If anything, Edward was too soft. The fact that he had commoners feasting at his table demonstrated it. When he became the new ruler, things would definitely change.

  “I do have some news. News that is quite unsettling and in my opinion, not meant for young ears,” he said, motioning toward Mariselle.

  Edward stood up. “Then let’s take this conversation elsewhere. Marcus, you will join us.”

  “Of course, Your Highness,” said the sheriff, rising out of the chair.

  “May I come, too?” Griffin asked.

  “No,” the queen said firmly.

  “Yes,” King Edward said at the same time.

  “I want to come, too,” Aiden demanded. “I saw the witch first. If it wasn’t for me, Gaylen might not have been here to protect us when she showed up yesterday.”

  His father nodded. “Yes. I agree. You should be included.”

  Aiden grinned.

  The two youngest boys began whining about wanting to join them as well and Gaylen groaned inwardly. He hated children, especially the king’s irritating brood.

  “No. You’ll stay and eat,” Edward said firmly.

  “Oh, for Heaven’s sake. Why don’t you just announce it to all of us, Gaylen,” the queen grumbled, looking more irritated then ever. “If it’s a matter of safety, we should all know what’s happening.”

  Gaylen would have loved to announce what was really going through his mind but didn’t dare. They’d have his head.

  Before he could reply with something less suicidal, King Edward gently touched his wife’s shoulder. “The guards are here to protect you, Lizbeth. As Gaylen mentioned before, the news is probably not for young ears. Don’t worry, I’ll fill you in on everything later.”

  She reluctantly nodded.


  AS THE GUARDS led them through the castle, Edward’s thoughts were on Angelique; the sight of her had awakened something he thought he’d buried long ago. Feeling foolish, he reminded himself that the woman was evil and vowed to do everything in his power to keep his family safe.

  His kingdom safe.

  He wasn’t a young, naïve man anymore who would succumb so easily to her wiles. Thank goodness Gaylen had set him straight all those years ago. Edward had actually thought about taking her as his queen, even though it would have caused an uproar in the kingdom. If the wizard hadn’t shown him solid proof that Angelique had sold her soul to the Devil, he would have made a tragic error and one that could have cost him everything. He recalled the night he’d slipped her a sleeping potion, upon Gaylen’s recommendation. Afterward, the wizard snuck into his chamber and they’d pulled back her eyelid, which revealed an odd, blue birthmark.

  “It’s the sign of the beast,” Gaylen had assured him.

  At first he scoffed at the idea, but then the wizard brought him to Angelique’s home. In her shack they’d located a dark spell book hidden under the floorboards.

  “It looks like she’s cast a love spell on you, Your Majesty,” Gaylen said, showing him a page in which someone had inked in the name ‘Edward’.

  After searching through the book, and seeing further notes relating to him, even Edward couldn’t deny that the evidence was damning.

  Heartbroken, Edward had Angelique arrested. In the end, he’d been too weak to have her executed, but made sure she was banished from Syracuse. Now, she was back and a threat once again. It was a relief to have Gaylen on his side. Without him, the kingdom would have fallen long ago.

  “Okay, what is this troubling news you have?” Edward asked Gaylen, when the guards left them alone in his cabinet.

  “It appears that there is more to worry about then just Angelique, I fear,” he replied with a grave look on his face.

  Edward’s eyebrows knitted together. “Go on.”

  The four of them listened as Gaylen spoke of Baldour and how he’d learned that Segomo had brought the dragon back from the dead.

  Marcus frowned. “Who told you this?”

  “Someone I trust. A friend who claims to have seen the dragon with his own eyes,” Gaylen replied with a grim expression.

  “I thought all dragons were extinct?” Aiden asked, looking at his father.

  “So did I,” Griffin said, frowning.

  The wizard nodded. “They still are. All except for Baldour.”

  “Why would Segomo do such a thing?” Marcus asked, crossing his arms over his chest with a dubious expression.

  “To get to me.” Gaylen looked at Edward. “As well as you, Your Majesty, and your entire family.”

  Edward’s chest tightened in fear. He’d heard all kinds of stories about Balfour terrorizing Syracuse before Gaylen actually killed him. It was one of the reasons his great, great grandfather had rescued the wizard from Segomo in the first place. To get rid of the beast.

  “Why would he come after us?” Aiden asked, looking shocked.

  “Because it was our family who helped Gaylen escape from the prison he’d put him in,” explained Edward.

  “Which is why I will always be in your debt,” the wizard said, bowing slightly.

  “May I ask why he’d imprisoned you in the first place?” Marcus asked him.

  Gaylen let out a weary sigh. “He accused me of some things that were false; when I failed to admit to the lies, he became furious and locked me away. The gods can be very temperamental.”

  “What did he accuse you of?” Aiden asked.

  “I truly think that there are more important things to discuss at the moment, like Baldour,” Gaylen replied.

  “Yes,” agreed Edward. “Gaylen doesn’t have to explain himself to us. Now, what are your thoughts on the dragon?”

  “That he needs to be destroyed as quickly as possible,” said the wizard.

  “Will you be able to do it?” Griffin asked.

  “If I can find him, yes. I believe that I can,” Gaylen replied and smiled. “I’ve aged, but I’m also wiser.”

  Edward nodded. “I have total faith in your abilities. Hopefully it can be done swiftly, before anyone gets hurt.”

  “I will do my best, Your Majesty,” he replied.

  “Are you sure this isn’t related to Angelique?” Marcus asked. “After all, Aiden claimed that she turned into a black dragon. Maybe Baldour isn’t really alive? Maybe it’s just the sorceress he saw?”

  Gaylen nodded slowly. “Yes, I suppose there is always that. Regardless, you’ll need to secure the castle for a possible attack.”

  Edward threaded a hand threw his hair. He needed to get his family to safety. If, by chance something went wrong, the dragon, if there really was one, could destroy the castle and everyone in it.

  “What do you propose we do, Father?” Griffin asked.

  “Exactly what he said, we’ll secure the castle and prepare for an attack. Gaylen, make haste and find out where this dragon is and if the threat is even real,” Edward said.

  He nodded and disappeared.

  “What would you like me to do?” Marcus asked.

  Edward told him about his plans to move his family away from the castle. “I’d like you to help with that.”

  He nodded. “Of course.”

  “Leave? I’m not going anywhere,” Griffin said stubbornly. “I’ll fight with you.”

/>   “Me, too,” Aiden said bravely.

  “There isn’t going to be a fight. It’s us against a dragon,” Edward said, staring at his sons with pride. Both were definitely chips off of the old block. “But, I applaud your courage. Both of you. You cannot stay, however. I won’t allow it.”

  Griffin started to protest.

  Edward put his hand on his shoulder, silencing him. “Your safety is crucial. If something happens to me, the country will need you to step up as king. And you, Aiden,” he added, staring at his younger son, “you’re just as important to me as your brother. If anything happened to either of you, I’d never forgive myself.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to you,” Griffin said firmly. “I won’t allow it.”

  “We won’t allow it,” Aiden said.

  Edward smiled at the sheriff. “Do they remind you of someone, Marcus?”

  “Definitely. Like father like sons,” Marcus replied.

  A loud rap on the door interrupted them.

  “Come in,” Edward said, releasing his hand from Griffin’s shoulder.

  One of the soldiers stepped inside, a concerned expression on his face.

  “What is it, Monty?” Edward asked.

  “A message, Your Majesty.” He handed him the folded parchment paper.

  “From who?” Edward asked.

  “A boy delivered it to the castle. That is all I know,” Monty replied.

  Edward opened the seal.

  You are in mortal danger. Gaylen is plotting to kill you and your family for the throne. He lied about Baldour and I can prove it. Meet me in the woods, behind the castle, in ten minutes. If you care about the safety of your wife and children, do not trust the wizard.

  He pursed his lips. What kind of treachery was this now?

  “What does it say?” Marcus asked.

  He handed him the message.

  Marcus read it and his eyebrows knitted together. “Who do you think it’s from?”

  “Angelique, obviously,” Edward replied, rage boiling in his stomach. “She just won’t stop with the lies.”

  Griffin asked to see the message.

  Marcus passed it to him and both boys read it together.

  “You don’t believe her do you?” Griffin asked, looking up.

  “Of course not. They are lies. Gaylen has protected our family for generations. She’s trying to cause trouble, as usual,” Edward muttered. Was there no end to Angelique’s madness?

  “If this really is from Angelique,” Marcus said, “we could use it to our advantage. If you can regain her trust, you could take away her wand and have her arrested.”

  Edward nodded slowly. “Good thinking.”

  “What if it’s a trap to kill you?” asked Aiden looking alarmed. “I don’t think it’s a good idea to meet with her, Father.”

  The king sighed. The boy was right. He couldn’t risk it and the odds were that it was definitely a trap. “We should show Gaylen. He can advise us on what would be the best.”

  “I’d think about that if I were you,” Marcus replied. “Just in case there’s any truth to what she’s saying.”

  “You don’t believe this nonsense?” Edward asked, looking surprised.

  “I don’t know, but something seems not quite right about this entire situation,” Marcus said. “I think we should send someone to meet with her, but not you. In fact, I will go.”

  “Marcus, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” the king replied.

  “Why not? She didn’t kill me earlier,” he said with a smirk. “I think that’s a good sign that I’ll walk away again. If she wants to relay a message to you, she wouldn’t kill the messenger, right?”

  “Let’s hope,” Edward replied dryly.

  Another soldier appeared, a shocked look on his face. “Sire, a dragon has been spotted, circling the towers.”


  UPON LEARNING THAT her message had been delivered, Angelique turned into “Baldour” and flew up into the moonlit sky, hoping her plan would work. She realized that Edward would never believe words alone, and needed to make sure he was witness to the wizard’s treachery. As far as she was concerned, both of them could kill each other in the end. She just couldn’t be part of Gaylen’s plot to murder innocent children, not even the king’s.

  Spotting her, Edward’s soldiers appeared at the castle battlements, their bows poised and aimed in her direction. With her heart pounding in her chest, she flew to the eastern turret, where she was supposed to meet Gaylen. Seeing him, she drew closer and with a wave of his wand, he mounted her in the air.

  “What now?” she roared in the dragon’s voice.

  “Just as we discussed. Kill as many of them as you can,” he said, his voice filled with glee. “And then we’ll go after the royal family.”

  “You mean I will.”

  “Yes. You get to do the honors. Believe me, if I could do it myself, I would.”

  Angelique circled the castle and shot her fiery breath, purposely missing a group of soldiers in her path.

  “What was that?” he hollered in disbelief as they circled around. “You could have done much better than that! Try it again!”

  She did what he asked with the same results.

  “What game is this?” he growled angrily.

  “None. I’m sorry. I have something in my eye, which is why I keep missing,” she lied. “I need to land and get it out.”

  He groaned. “You’re kidding? Now?”

  “Yes. I think it could be a bird. I can barely see, especially in the dark,” she replied, flying away from the castle, toward the woods. As soon as they landed in a clearing, Gaylen climbed off of her back and mumbled something about incompetence.

  We’ll see who’s incompetent, she thought, scanning the surrounding trees for Edward. If he acted upon her message, a search party would hopefully be arriving soon.

  “Hurry, before they realize what’s going on,” the wizard said, glaring at her. “There’s really no time for this.”

  “I didn’t plan on this happening either. Quit being so bossy and rude,” she replied, turning into her real form. “If you’re unhappy with my performance, maybe you should be Baldour. Something tells me you’d enjoy setting fire to the soldiers much more than I would anyway.”

  “You know that I can’t. I already explained why,” he said gruffly. “It would be dishonoring the Rotthavens and my vows forbid me to do that.”

  “You can’t possibly think that this conspiracy you’ve engaged me in, isn’t dishonoring the king?” she asked, trying to stall.

  “As long as I’m not the one doing the killing, I can plot whatever I need to. Now, hurry up.”

  “What kind of plot are you talking about, Gaylen?” a voice asked in the darkness.

  Angelique’s heart began to pound. It wasn’t Edward, but she did recognize the voice of the sheriff.

  Eyes wide, Gaylen whipped his head around. “Who is there?”

  Marcus stepped away from the trees with a knight at his side. Both of them had their swords out.

  Angelique quickly took a step in their direction. “Fear me not. I was the one who sent Edward the message. Surely, you heard what Gaylen said, didn’t you?” she asked excitedly.

  “Don’t move,” the knight warned. “Stay where you are.”

  Angelique froze.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” Gaylen asked angrily. “What are you doing out here, Sheriff?”

  “The king received a message, stating that you were stabbing him in the back. Considering what we just heard and the company you’re keeping, it appears to be true.”

  Angelique frowned. “Hey, I’m the one who wrote the note. I’m the one trying to save the king’s life. Mind your words.”

  “Excuse me? I hope you’re not implying that I’m committing some type of treason?” Gaylen said. “And, don’t listen to her. I was the one who sent the message… so that you could capture Angelique.”

  She glared at him. The wizard was clever. She g
ave him that. “Liar!” Angelique turned to Marcus. “It was me. Gaylen sending the message would make no sense. Surely, you see that? In fact, ask him what the note said. Go ahead. Ask him.”

  “I believe I will. Wizard, what did the message say?” Marcus asked with a smirk.

  Gaylen opened his mouth and closed it. “I… I don’t remember. She must have wiped my memory clean.”

  Angelique laughed harshly. “You just never stop, do you?”

  “Let’s go. Both of you,” Marcus said sternly. “We’ll let the king decide who’s lying and who’s not.”

  Gaylen smoothed down his robe. “Fine. At least King Edward will listen to reason.”

  The knight ordered both of them to turn over their wands. Neither agreed.

  “You have nothing to fear from me,” Angelique promised, looking at Marcus. “If I wanted to leave, I would have already done so. If I wanted to harm someone, you’d know by now. I’m just tired of Gaylen’s treachery and want the king to learn the truth about his beloved wizard.”

  Gaylen grunted. “Don’t let her words fool either of you. She is a witch and we all know that they can never be trusted. Obviously, I will not be giving up my wand. That would leave the entire kingdom defenseless.”

  Angelique rolled her eyes.

  “I cannot trust you around the king with your wand,” Marcus said, staring at her.

  “You have my word that I will not harm him. Just like I didn’t harm your daughter,” she replied evenly. “Besides, you overheard our conversation and talk of a plot. It was Gaylen you heard mentioning it, correct?”

  “Lies,” spat Gaylen.

  Marcus looked from one to the other and sighed. “Let’s go. Both of you.”


  AS MARISELLE, AND the others, were finishing supper, Griffin and Aiden returned, alone.

  “What’s going on?” the queen asked, looking past them. “Where’s Edward?”

  Griffin quickly told them about the dragon sighting.

  Mariselle’s eyes widened in fear. “Dragon?”


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