Four Corners

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Four Corners Page 7

by Cassie Alexandra

  The queen stood up, a horrified look on her face. “Did you just say that it’s circling our castle?”

  He nodded.

  All of the color washed out of Princess Eva’s face. “What do we do?” she asked, terrified.

  “I want to see the dragon!” Mathias cried, getting up from his chair.

  “Me, too!” said Zackary, who was seated next to Mariselle.

  Mariselle couldn’t believe how excited they looked. It was as if they were talking about a puppy.

  “Absolutely not. You will stay where you are,” Queen Lizbeth ordered sternly.

  Disappointed, both boys plopped back into their chairs and began to mope.

  “We need to get you all to safety. Father suggested that we leave the castle from the underground escape route,” Griffin said.

  “Yes. We need to get moving,” Aiden added. “We’re supposed to meet Marcus down there in twenty minutes.”

  “Leave?” The queen’s eyebrows knitted together. “Surely, staying here would be in our best interests right now?”

  “In most circumstances, yes. We’re dealing with witches and dragons, however, so the safest place is anyplace other than here,” Griffon replied.

  The queen sighed.

  “What if the dragon catches us outside of the castle?” Eva asked, alarmed. “I don’t know about this idea.”

  Mariselle listened intently as they discussed all of their options, her fears rising. From what she understood, everyone’s lives were in danger and that the dragon would have no problem destroying the castle, since they had no real defense against the beast.

  And what about Father? Would he be required to stay?

  “Don’t worry, Mariselle,” said Zackary noticing that she was frightened. He reached under the table and took her hand. “Our father won’t let anything happen to you. We have the knights and I have my sword, too. I won’t let anything, or anyone, hurt you.”

  She wanted to believe him, but they were talking about a huge, fire-breathing dragon. She didn’t think anything could protect them against something like that. “Thank you, Zackary,” she said, trying to smile.

  He smiled back. “I told you I’d be your champion.”

  “If we’re to leave, I imagine we should gather a few belongings,” the queen said, moving away from the table. “Karina, why don’t you and Mariselle wait for us in the Great Hall?”

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” her mother replied.

  “There isn’t much time,” Griffin said, looking frustrated. “We need to get moving now.”

  “A few more minutes won’t make a difference,” the queen said, staring up at the ceiling. “I don’t hear anything coming from the towers. Are you sure there really is a dragon out there?”

  “That’s what we were told,” Aiden replied.

  Still looking doubtful, Queen Lizbeth turned toward the five guards, who were talking amongst themselves quietly. “Someone needs to find the king. I won’t leave until I hear it straight from him that this is the best thing to do.”

  “Yes, My Queen,” they said in unison.

  Mariselle watched as two of the guards left quickly to find King Edward.

  “Let’s go,” Karina said softly, grabbing her hand. “We’ll wait in the Great Hall. Like the queen suggested.”

  A SHORT TIME later, as Karina and Mariselle were being escorted down the hallway by a guard, they heard commotion behind them. Turning around, Mariselle stared in shock as a group of soldiers led Angelique and Gaylen toward the Throne Room. As if sensing her, the sorceress looked her way and their eyes met. Mariselle smiled and waved. Angelique smiled back at her.

  “Mariselle,” Karina scolded, grabbing her hand. “You mustn’t do that.”

  She looked up at her. “Sorry.”

  “The woman is evil,” she muttered, picking up speed. “Just remember that.”

  As much as everyone kept saying it, Mariselle still couldn’t help but feel that they were wrong.


  ANGELIQUE STOOD IN front of King Edward’s throne, her head held high as Marcus informed him of what had happened in the woods.

  “No more games. Who sent the message?” the king asked, holding it in his hand.

  “I did,” she replied, staring boldly back at him. “I wanted you to know that your wizard is up to his old tricks. Hopefully, you’ll believe me this time when I tell you not to trust Gaylen.”

  “Don’t listen to her, Your Majesty,” Gaylen said, looking at her with disgust. “It’s obvious as to what she’s doing. Angelique is trying to separate us so that she can take her revenge out on you. You know that I would protect you with my life. Your welfare is all I care about.”

  “He’s lying,” Angelique said between clenched teeth. “Gaylen asked me to kill you and your family because he’s tired of serving you and can’t harm you himself. Once you’re gone, he’s planning on using the identity of your eldest son, to acquire the throne.”

  The mage laughed harshly. “Nobody believes you, Witch. You’re just making yourself look like a fool.”

  “Your Majesty,” Marcus said. “If I may have a word with you?”

  Edward nodded.

  Marcus approached the throne and began whispering in his ear. Angelique watched the king’s expression, but his face remained stony.

  “Thank you, Marcus,” King Edward said, as the sheriff stepped away. “It’s been brought to my attention that there is definitely cause for questioning, Gaylen. Apparently, Marcus heard you mention something about a ‘plot’? And, why were you having a conversation with Angelique, in the middle of the woods anyway?”

  The wizard gave him a wounded look. “It pains me that you would question my loyalty, Your Majesty.”

  “It pains me to have to,” the king countered.

  Gaylen pointed to Angelique. “You asked me to find out about the dragon,” he said angrily. “I did and it was her. She’s continually playing mind games.”

  “So, you say,” he replied and looked at Angelique. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

  She raised her chin. “Honestly, I am here only as a courtesy, which you don’t deserve. As much as I despise you, your children do not deserve to die and believe me, that’s exactly what he wanted.”

  “Do you have any proof at all?” Edward asked with a cool smile.

  “Yes, in fact,” she pulled out something from her robe and smiled when she saw the sudden look of panic spread across the mage’s face. “I have a Truth Stone. Make him hold it while he answers your questions. He won’t be able to lie.”

  Gaylen glared at her. “Don’t listen to her. There is no such thing as a Truth Stone.”

  She chuckled. “Really? You’re the one who introduced me to it.”

  “More lies,” growled Gaylen.

  “We’ll see about that.” Angelique nodded toward the sheriff. “Test the stone out on him. You’ll quickly learn who is lying and who isn’t.”

  The king nodded toward Marcus.

  “Don’t let him touch it. It could be poisonous,” the wizard snapped as Marcus approached Angelique.

  “If I wanted to kill someone, I’d have done it by now,” she said dryly and looked at Marcus. “Don’t worry. No harm will come to you, unless… you have something to hide.”

  “I have nothing to hide.” Marcus took the stone from her and held it in his palm.

  Angelique looked at the king. “Go ahead, ask him something. Anything. He won’t be able to lie. In fact, Marcus, try and lie. Make something up and see what happens.”

  “Will it hurt?” the sheriff asked, studying the stone.

  “Only someone’s feelings if you say something cruel about them,” she replied with a smirk.

  Grunting, he nodded and looked at the king. “Go ahead. Ask away.”

  “Marcus, what color is my hair?” he asked.

  “Remember to lie,” Angelique said.

  “It’s…” Marcus’s mouth moved but nothing came out. “It’s black,” he said final

  The king looked puzzled. “Did you try and say otherwise?”

  “Yes. I truly did,” he replied, a stunned expression on his face.

  “Ask him something else,” Angelique said.

  “What color robe is Gaylen wearing?” the king asked.

  Again, Marcus tried to lie but was compelled to tell the truth.

  “It truly works,” he said, staring at the rock in wonder.

  “Interesting. Hand Gaylen the stone,” the king said, waving his finger.

  “What? I refuse to touch that thing,” the wizard said with a look of disgust. “It’s some kind of trickery, I promise you.”

  “And yet, you’re the one who introduced me to it,” Angelique said dryly.

  “Gaylen, I command you to take the stone,” the king said sternly.

  The wizard’s eyes widened. “But, Your Majesty, I wouldn’t trust-”

  “Now,” the king said firmly.

  Gaylen’s face turned red. “Forgive me, Sire, but I will not fall victim to… to this Black Magic, which it obviously is. I have always been true and loyal to the Rothhavens. You know that.”

  Angelique crossed her arms. “He’s afraid you’ll find out the truth. Of how much he really despises you and your family.”

  “What I am afraid of is you getting away with making me look like I would ever go against my king.” He looked at Edward. “Please, I implore you… don’t trust this woman or her ‘rock’. Have I ever given you any cause to distrust me, Your Majesty?”

  “No. You haven’t,” Edward admitted. “Angelique has been the only deceiver here, I’m afraid.”

  The wizard’s eyes brightened. “Yes. Her plan is to take me out of the picture, leaving you and your family defenseless against her dark magic. Don’t listen to her lies and trickery.”

  The king looked at Angelique.

  “No,” she said, panicking. She could tell by the look in the king’s eyes that he was falling for Gaylen’s lies once again. “You have to believe me.”

  “Why should I?” he asked, tapping his fingers on the throne’s armrest. “Honestly, if I were standing in your shoes, I wouldn’t be back to help the man who banished me from Syracuse. Why should I believe that you would ever want to?”

  “Because,” trying not to cry, she grabbed the stone from Marcus and closed her eyes. “Because even after all of this time, Edward, as furious as I am with you… my heart is still yours.”


  EDWARD FELT A tug at his heartstrings at such an emotional confession. But then he reminded himself that a woman who practiced Black Magic was also an expert at lying and deceiving. Gaylen himself had showed him that long ago.

  He clapped his hands and smiled coldly. “Great performance. I must hand it to you, Angelique, the lengths you’ll go to get what you want are impressive. Fortunately, I’m not easily bamboozled by your lies.”

  Her eyes hardened. “You stubborn fool. You’re going to get your entire family killed because of your ignorance.”

  “Did you hear that?” Gaylen said excitedly. “She’s threatening to destroy your family!”

  “I’m trying to save it,” she replied angrily.

  As far as Edward could tell, Angelique was the only threat. An idea came to him.

  “If you truly love me, would you be willing to prove it?” he asked her.

  “I think I already have by coming here,” she answered, raising her chin. “Willingly.”

  “An honest woman would also honor the laws of Syracuse and it’s king. You’ve dishonored me by returning here, as you were banished,” he said in a grave voice. “If you want to prove your loyalty to me, then you’ll pay the penalty for breaking the law.”

  Her face paled. “Penalty being?”

  “Imprisonment,” he replied.

  Angelique locked eyes with him. “If I prove my loyalty, you’ll take my warnings seriously?”

  “I will definitely look into them,” he replied, surprised that she was actually considering it.

  “You can’t imprison a witch and she knows it,” Gaylen sneered. “Especially one who’s studied under Hecate. She could leave whenever she wanted. Even without the wand.”

  “If staying will save innocent lives, I give you my word. I will not leave,” Angelique said.

  “Her word? She should be hanged,” a voice called out.

  Everyone turned to stare at the queen.

  Lizbeth walked toward them, a look of anguish on her face. “She’s broken several laws – practicing Black Magic. Returning to Syracuse after being banned. Terrorizing the kingdom by turning into a dragon. And now… trying to coerce you into ridding yourself of the one person who can truly protect you from her? When will it ever end, Edward? She’s toying with you still and here you are, falling for it. Wake up.”

  “The queen is right,” Gaylen said. “Your father would have had her executed just for practicing Black Magic. You know that.”

  Edward was furious. Both Lizbeth and Gaylen were making him look like a fool and now he was the one being backed into a corner.

  “I never practiced Black Magic,” Angelique retorted angrily. “Gaylen planted those things in my home.”

  “Why would he do that?” the queen asked, stepping up to her throne, next to Edward’s. She turned around and sat down, a haughty expression on her face. “If what you say is true, you wouldn’t have been a threat to a powerful wizard like him. Why would he even bother?”

  “He knew how much Edward and I loved each other and it didn’t fall into his plans,” Angelique said, staring at the queen.

  Although Edward knew it would have been better to deny that he ever loved Angelique, he would have been lying and it would have shown in his voice. So, he remained silent.

  “Loved you? A commoner? If my memory serves me correct, Edward and I were already set to be married during that time. A king would never marry a whore.” The queen replied.

  Angelique’s face turned red. “I was not a whore. Edward was my first and only.”

  The queen smirked. “Just like you never practiced Black Magic?”

  “And to think that I am only here to protect you and your children,” Angelique answered bitterly. “I feel that I’ve just been wasting my time.”

  Lizbeth laughed harshly. “I think the only protection we need… is from you.”

  Edward lost his patience. He was tired of listening to the both of them and knew what he had to do, whether he liked it or not. “Enough,” he growled. “I have come to a decision. Angelique, you have dishonored me, the kingdom, and now… the queen with your lies. I hereby order that you turn yourself over to the sheriff to await execution.”


  ANGELIQUE GASPED. SHE couldn’t believe what was happening. Not only was the king ignoring her warnings about Gaylen, but he was actually sentencing her to death.

  “You’re making a mistake. Your lives are all in danger,” she said, frustrated.

  Ignoring the comment, the king asked again if she would give herself up to the sheriff peacefully.

  At first she wanted to tell him off, but then reminded herself that Gaylen wouldn’t just kill him and his children, but take over the throne. She had to do something. “I will agree to this only if you test the truth stone on Gaylen,”

  “That’s not going to happen,” King Edward said. “As he mentioned before, the stone could be cursed. After all, you were the one who brought it to us.”

  “Okay, fine. Use a different one,” she said frantically. “The lives of your family depend on it!”

  The king sighed.

  “What do you have to lose?” she said. “And… what if I’m right? Do you really want to gamble with the lives of your children?”

  He was silent for several seconds and then nodded. “If I agree to do this, you’ll turn yourself over?”

  “Yes. Most definitely. As long as I have your word that you will test him with a Truth Stone,” she replied.

  “You do,” he said.

sp; Angelique glanced at Gaylen, who didn’t look happy at all.

  “Sire, in all honesty, I’ve never even heard of a Truth Stone. Ever. How are you supposed to try and locate one?” he asked in a weary voice.

  The queen cleared her throat. “Actually, I believe that I could help. My father knows a wizard and I’ve met him before.”

  “What of his character?” asked the king.

  “He’s trustworthy. At least, my father thinks so. If anyone can get a truth stone, it will be him,” she replied.

  Angelique didn’t like Lizbeth, but at least she was willing to help.

  “What is this wizard’s name?” Gaylen asked.

  “Don’t tell him,” Angelique warned, before Lizbeth could answer. “Or the wizard you speak of might have some kind of ‘accident’.”

  Lizbeth remained quiet.

  Gaylen grunted and looked away.

  “Angelique you’ll need to give up your wand,” the king reminded her.

  There was no way that she could ever give up The Wand of Aberdeen. It would surely go to Gaylen and that couldn’t happen. Remembering the other – retired - wand in her satchel, she nodded. “Yes. But, if I’m going to give it up, the wand can’t go to him.”

  Gaylen sniffed. “I don’t need your ridiculous wand. Mine already puts it to shame.”

  “Marcus, take her wand,” the king ordered.

  The Wand of Aberdeen was still in the pocket of her cloak. Ignoring it, she dropped her satchel to the ground and kicked it over toward Marcus. “It’s in there with everything else I own. Just be careful with it. Please.”

  He nodded.

  With everyone’s attention on Marcus, she reached into her pocket, touched the Wand of Aberdeen, and whispered a spell that would make it invisible. She then carefully pulled it out and managed to slide it down the front of her tunic.

  When Marcus pulled out the other wand; the frightened look on his face was almost comical.

  “Don’t worry. It won’t bite,” Angelique said with a smirk.

  “What shall I do with it?” he asked the king.


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