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Winning Wyatt (The Billionaire Brotherhood Book 1)

Page 16

by Floyd, Jacie

  As Sean’s initial shyness wore off, he became an instant hit with his relatives. Each Maitland vied for his attention. He had been comfortable with Xander from the start, but her child’s natural friendliness and curiosity soon included Allie and even Rosalie.

  Xander pulled out his cell phone and urged everyone to line up for a picture with his new cousin. As Kara seethed over the way they had commandeered her son, Allie took the phone, suggesting a picture of Xander with Wyatt and Sean.

  The handsome adult, the young man, and the small child looked so similar there could be no doubt about the DNA that linked them. Envisioning her son’s appearance in years to come, Kara felt an unwelcome tug on her heartstrings. Before someone suggested taking her picture with Wyatt and Sean, she slipped away to help Maria in the kitchen, although there was really nothing to do. Wyatt’s assistant had ordered food and serving staff from a catering service for the non-event.

  “He’s very intelligent.” Rosalie made the proclamation after tea had been served and Sean’s knowledge of colors had been accepted as genius. “He should be given every advantage possible.”

  “Anyone can see this is an excellent environment for a child. It doesn’t look like he lacks anything a two-year-old could want.” Allie took in the assortment of playthings Sean had dropped in her lap.

  “He has great toys.” Xander set off a whirl of buzzers and bells on a laptop pinball machine.

  Rosalie sniffed like she was checking the air her grandchild breathed. “But material possessions aren’t our major concern.”

  Kara clasped her hands in her lap to keep from stuffing Bob the Builder’s hammer down the throat of the self-righteous witch who was had instigated the deluge of material possessions. The tension between Kara’s shoulder blades climbed up the back of her neck.

  “He gets plenty of love and attention, Mother.” Wyatt’s words of defense washed over Kara, making her forget for the moment that it was his family causing her this torment.

  “I’m sure Kara does her best, but can a single parent do enough? Doesn’t every child merit the attention of two loving parents?” She picked up her teacup and sipped demurely.

  “May I offer you anything else, Mrs. Maitland?” Kara pasted a smile on her face and rose to pass a tray of treats. “Another scone?” One laced with arsenic?

  Kara carried the pastries around, but only Xander and Sean accepted seconds.

  “Do you intend to encourage a relationship between Wyatt and Sean, Kara?” Rosalie asked when Kara resumed her seat. “A father can be such a formidable influence on a child’s life.”

  “Mother, I told you.” Wyatt’s words were laced with a cautionary note. “Kara and I will settle this ourselves.”

  She acknowledged the warning with a regal nod. “What steps are being taken toward that end?”

  The tension in the back of Kara’s neck exploded behind her eyes into a migraine. Pressing her fingertips against her temples, she took deep breaths and tried to transcend the pain.

  “I can’t speak for Wyatt, but I can tell you my own intentions.” Kara made every effort to remain calm. Dreadful as this scene was, it might be best to spell out her reservations. “I’m waiting to see how serious Wyatt is about being a father before I make any permanent concessions in that regard.”

  “How will you know if he’s serious or not?” Rosalie raised an imperial eyebrow. “Is there a test?”

  “Just the test of time.” Kara held the attention of all the Maitlands, but she especially felt the heat of Wyatt’s gaze. “At present, he’s fascinated with the idea of being a father, but who knows how long that will last? Commitment has never been his strong suit. Now, while the concept of parenthood is new and interesting to him, he’s visiting Sean at every opportunity. But will that dwindle into the occasional weekend and then to once or twice a year? I don’t want my child getting attached to someone who considers him a passing and easily discarded fancy. California is a long way away and Wyatt already divides his time between the university and your company in Atlanta. Plus, he may have other, uh, diversions, for all I know.”

  Although Kara directed her comments to Rosalie and refused to look at Wyatt, his annoyance radiated to her from across the room.

  “Those are valid points, Wyatt,” Allie said. “Being a parent has its own rewards, but it’s a lot of work.” She knit her eyebrows together, and Kara guessed that Wyatt’s sister weighed her loyalties carefully. She remembered hearing that Xander’s father hadn’t been a successful parent. “I wouldn’t want you to walk away from a responsibility after you had accepted it.”

  Wyatt pushed himself to his feet and shoved his hands in his pockets. He went to stand in front of the hearth where a fire flickered brightly. He and Kara may as well have been alone in the room, because he focused entirely on her and ignored the others. “I’ve requested a leave from Southern Cal. I’m moving here to be near Sean.”

  “Not here! Not to my house.” Kara’s head and heart whirled in opposite directions, leaving her disoriented and dizzy from the contradictory emotions hammering against her migraine. She cautioned herself to think logically before speaking again.

  “Not unless I receive an invitation.” Wyatt eyed her flirtatiously.

  Kara ground her teeth. “You won’t.”

  “Just a leave?” Allie asked. “Not a permanent separation?”

  “It might turn into that.”

  The notion that he was as reticent about revealing personal information to his family as he was with her penetrated the double filters of Kara’s shock and pounding headache.

  “What do you plan to do?” Rosalie asked, clearly dubious.

  “I’m working on trading schedules with a friend at Columbia,” he explained. “He wanted to spend the winter in California, and I said I’d be willing to relocate to New York.”

  “Cool, Uncle Wyatt.” Xander had grown a foot since Kara had last seen him. She sensed a genuine affection between him and Wyatt that had been missing before. “Columbia’s one of the schools I want to apply to. Maybe you’ll still be there.”

  “You will be attending Duke, young man. The sixth generation of Wyatts to do so,” Rosalie stated firmly.

  “Aw, Grandmother. You know I don’t want to go there.”

  Kara hoped reality would soon reassert itself over the walking-nightmare quality that had settled over the afternoon. She hoped she could keep herself from throwing a fit of screaming hysterics before it happened. Her eyes sought out Sean, playing with a little tool bench in the corner. She kept her gaze on her child. “And no one at either university objects to the trade?”

  Wyatt shrugged. “It hasn’t quite been approved, but I’m being very persistent.”

  “Well, that proves he’s serious about being a father.” Xander’s grin was so much like Sean’s and Wyatt’s that Kara felt shaken by it. “Uncle Wyatt hates cold weather. He’s never spent a winter up north. And he always claimed he never would.”

  Kara finally looking directly at Wyatt. “A good reason to reconsider.”

  His jaw firmed. “I’ll adjust.”

  “No doubt.” Kara had the sinking feeling of inevitability that defined her life of late.

  He would adjust to anything he set his mind to, but would she?

  Four weeks later, Kara stood in the center of yet another trendy gallery and made notes on an exhibit for her Sunday column. As she wrote, a dark presence settled behind her and began nuzzling her neck.

  The man’s expensive aftershave identified him before she turned around. “Hello, Dylan.”

  “Mmmm.” He nibbled her ear. “Want to go someplace where I can kiss you all over?”

  “Sure.” Nonchalantly, she placed her iPad in her purse and stepped away from him. “Will it take long?”

  “Hours.” He wiggled his eyebrows in a leer.

  “Oh, rats.” She checked her watch and faked a crestfallen expression. “I only have thirty minutes until I have to leave.”

  “I’m adaptable.
I’ll hurry.” Dylan took her arm to lead her away. “We may have to skip your elbows entirely.”

  “That’s unacceptable. Elbows are absolutely essential in a full-body seduction.” Her feet remained rooted to the marble tile. “Maybe another time would be better.”

  He scowled with pretended dejection. “I won’t hold my breath.”

  “Good thinking.”

  He leaned in to nibble her ear again. “You know we’d be great together. I don’t know why you want to avoid the inevitable.”

  “Because she has higher standards than the likes of you.” A large hand clamped around Dylan’s shoulder.

  Ah, yes. Wyatt. He seemed to have joined them from out of nowhere. Her heart gave a happy little lurch, even before she saw that he was accompanied by another guy so gorgeous he overshadowed Wyatt. Now, there were three of them, for heaven’s sake. If she didn’t stand out of the way, she’d be stampeded by women trying to get to them. Like being out with three Magic Mike cast members.

  The last Kara had heard, Wyatt wasn’t supposed to get into town until tomorrow. Before she questioned his sudden appearance, he rendered her speechless by feathering his lips across hers.

  “Hello, love.” He draped an arm around her shoulders, nodding to her frowning companion. “Hello, Dylan.”

  “You know Dylan?” Kara used her elbow to wedge some space between them.

  “I didn’t know you knew one another,” Dylan said at the same time.

  “I don’t know her,” the third Chippendale dancer said. If he wore the requisite Speedo, bowtie, and no shirt, he’d make a fortune in tips. He sure had the body to enhance the costume. “I wouldn’t mind getting in on this thing you two have going with this charming lady. Introduce me, buddy.”

  “I’ll only introduce you if you’ll behave.”

  “I don’t know how to do anything else,” Hunk Number Three said, giving Kara a practiced once-over.

  “Kara Enderley, this is my best friend, Ryan Eastham. And yes, we know Dylan, too. He’s been a thorn in our sides for years. We try to lose him, but he keeps hanging around.” Wyatt pulled her firmly against his side.

  Ryan took her hand in his, stroking his fingertips over her palm. “Very nice to meet you.”

  “You might recognize him if you’re into sports,” Dylan suggested. “He plays professional football.”

  She crinkled her nose. “Not much of a fan.”

  “I could explain the finer points of the game to you.” His sensual fingertips trailed up her forearm. “See if I could arouse your interest.”

  She shook her head, regretfully. He really was quite something. “Sorry, but no.”

  “Back off, Ryan. You two should know that Kara and I are very close, personal friends.”

  Ryan watched them speculatively. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Does she know you’re an English professor? And that you go around quoting things? On purpose!” Dylan punched Wyatt in the shoulder. “She has better taste than that.”

  “Oh, believe it. We’ve even got matching tattoos to prove it.” Wyatt winked and brushed his hand against her hip to indicate the location of the marking.

  “You’ve got a tattoo?” Dylan demanded. “Where?”

  “What is it, Kara?” Ryan became immediately intrigued. “Can I see?”

  “Not if you want to continue living.” Wyatt moved his mouth into a smile that didn’t quite relay good humor.

  “Seriously, dude?” Ryan studied first Wyatt and then Kara. “You know what, Dylan? I think he means it.”

  With her cheeks flushed over Wyatt’s possessiveness as well his comments, Kara set her heel down sharply on his instep and once again tried to move away. Instead of gaining her freedom, she only managed to change his expression from a smile to a wince. His grip didn’t lessen.

  “Well, hell.” Dylan thunked his forehead with the heel of his hand. “No wonder I never had any luck with her. Being with you must have turned her off men completely. How long’s it been since your sorry experience with him, Kara?” He slid his hand around her waist to draw her toward him, but Wyatt held on tight. “Maybe it’s time you tried a more talented partner.”

  “Not long enough to make any of you look attractive.” Even though they were the three most attractive men in the room. In the state. Maybe in the universe. She gave one mighty push to escape Wyatt’s grasp. “If you’ll excuse me, boys, I need to leave now.”

  Wyatt easily waylaid her. He twirled her back to his side and tried to dismiss Dylan and Ryan with a casual nod. “I’ll talk to you guys later.”

  “Sure.” Dylan looked curiously at Wyatt and Ryan, crossed his arms and made no move to leave. “What are you two doing in town, by the way?”

  “Ryan was tired of Boston and I’m here to house-hunt,” Wyatt told him.

  Kara swallowed hard to hold back her objection to the announcement.

  “You’re moving east?” This again from Dylan. “That’s good news!”

  “Didn’t I tell you? I’m going to teach at Columbia this semester.” Wyatt turned his attention toward Kara. “Any suggestions on where I should look?”

  “I have a few.” She smiled sweetly. “But you don’t want to hear them.”

  “I think there’s a floor opening up in my building,” Dylan suggested.

  “Nah, I was thinking of looking in Connecticut.”

  Connecticut! Kara’s heart sank. Her one hope about the relocation was that he would move to Manhattan and get caught up in the urban lifestyle and social life to be found there, making the rounds with world-class partier Dylan Bradford. Connecticut would allow him easy access to Sean’s life—her life—and would put him altogether too close for comfort.

  “You’re kidding.” Dylan didn’t bother concealing his surprise. “Connecticut’s pretty domesticated for Wild Wyatt Maitland.”

  “Face it, Dyl,” Ryan said. “His tastes and interests have changed.”

  Eyeing Kara, Dylan pieced the information together. “You live in Connecticut, don’t you, Kara?”

  “Yes, but I guess there’s room for Wyatt to live there, too, if he wants.” She shrugged her disinterest.

  “What he wants is pretty obvious,” Ryan said, with a wink. “I can’t believe you plan on giving it to him.”

  “The only thing I plan on giving him is a hard time.”

  All three men laughed at her irritation.

  “That’s not too difficult,” Wyatt agreed. “Hard is one word that always comes up when I think of you, Kara.”

  If their companion had been anyone but Dylan, Kara would have felt faint with embarrassment. As matters stood, with Dylan’s two-track mind, she knew he would think more of her for learning that she and Wyatt had shared intimate moments in the past. Ryan seemed entertained by that fact, too.

  Now, maybe, Dylan would be less persistent in trying to get her into his bed. Or more so. She didn’t know which way his interest would go. And, she didn’t care, as long as she could leave them to their male posturing and go home. Alone.

  Turning, she ducked out from under Wyatt’s arm. She moved toward the cloakroom to reclaim her coat, but he and his friends followed along.

  “It looks like we’re leaving now.” Wyatt handed his claim check to the attendant.

  With Kara’s hand reaching for the door, Wyatt pushed it open for her. Before they stepped outside, he said to Dylan and Ryan, “Talk to you tomorrow.”

  The door swung shut behind them, but Dylan poked his head out. “Wyatt? If you stop to get something to eat, don’t order anything with onions on it if you hope to get laid later. That’s one thing she really hates.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kara stalked off, setting a brisk pace to ward off the chilly night air. Wyatt moved in step beside her.

  “Where are you going?” Despite her intention to ignore him, after half a block, she couldn’t refrain from asking.

  “I’m walking you to your car.” He was certainly more subdued now than when Dylan and R
yan had been present. “Or the subway or wherever you’re going. Which is it?”

  “Car. Garage. Two blocks over.” She looked at him from the corner of her eyes. “And what is ‘Wild Wyatt Maitland’ doing in New York City tonight? I thought you weren’t coming in until the morning.”

  “I got finished at school sooner than I expected and managed to arrange an earlier flight. I stopped in to see Ryan in Boston, but he was already planning to come here for the weekend. So here I am, too.”

  “What?” She gasped in pretended horror. “You weren’t slumming on public transportation, were you?”

  “No. Ryan had chartered a plane.”

  She pulled her coat closer around her and picked up her pace. An uncomfortable bitchiness crawled over her skin like the itch of a cheap wool sweater. Everything from her immediate pleasure at first sight of him in the gallery, to finding out he knew Dylan, to his leaving the museum with her, irritated her beyond bearing.

  “Are you really looking for a house near me?” she asked as they waited at a corner for traffic to clear. That was probably the thing that irritated her the most.

  “Yes.” He exhaled the single word in a frigid cloud. “My assistant set up appointments for me to see some houses tomorrow.”

  “Then you are going to move here?”

  “Try to contain your excitement, but yes. It looks like it.” He hunched his shoulders against the biting wind.

  Buffeted by a crowd of pedestrians, they walked in silence until Wyatt stepped between her and a vagrant that stumbled into their path. “How’s Sean?”

  “Excited.” Her spirits lifted just at the mention of his name. “Last year he was too young to understand about Christmas. He just liked the lights. But this year he’s fascinated with Santa and the tree. We have this snow globe with a little sparkling village inside that he’s really taken with. He carries it around all the time, shakes it, and talks to the people.”

  Delight crinkled the corners of Wyatt’s eyes as she described it. “I’d like to see him in the morning.”

  As usual, he didn’t ask, just made his preference known. She wanted to deny him, but on what grounds? “I thought you were looking at houses.”


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