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Two Dates Max

Page 6

by Missy Jane

  I swallowed a bite of juicy steak that suddenly tasted like cardboard.

  “What is that exactly?”

  “Well…you already know I’m not exactly forthcoming about what’s on my mind. I try, really I do, but sometimes…I don’t know. For me actions speak louder than words.”

  He took the time to eat a few more bites as I considered what to say.

  “Okay, I get that about you. I just think we have a lot in common and we always get along so well.”

  He laughed. “Even when I’m running the other way?” I frowned and he shook his head. “No, don’t get mad when you know it’s true.”

  I huffed out a breath and finished my food.

  “It might be true but I’d like to know why. I mean, if you‘re not interested just say so. Stop letting me make a fool of myself.”

  I pushed my plate away and crossed my arms over my chest. Anger and annoyance surged as I thought back over how he’d been treating me the past couple of weeks.

  He finished eating and stood. I thought he would clear the table and ignore my outburst but I was wrong. He calmly took me by the arms and lifted me from the chair, pulling me into his embrace. I stiffened at first, resenting the rush of warmth his touch gave me. But he was persistent and I melted against him as the fight drained out of me.

  “Please give me a chance. I can’t undo years of reservations within days.”

  I ran my hands over his chest, hardened muscles jumped beneath my palms and I sighed. I couldn’t help believing he’d be worth fighting for.

  “Okay, if you’re really willing to try. But I don’t like playing games, Sean. Don’t keep stringing me along.”

  He pressed his forehead against mine, his warm breath ghosting across my lips.

  “That’s never been my intention.”

  He spread both large hands across my back, smoothing one up to my neck and letting the other slide down to my hip. Heat spread quickly through my veins and my belly tightened in anticipation. Unfortunately patience really isn’t my strong suit so I kissed him first.

  It was more of a tease than a proper kiss as I flicked the tip of my tongue along the seam of his mouth. I felt his breath catch and nibbled on his bottom lip. Both of his hands tightened on me and I raised my arms to wrap them around his neck.

  “Megan,” he whispered, before taking over my mouth.

  His kiss was fierce and possessive, a claiming and a promise. I moaned as his tongue pressed between my lips to play with mine. He tugged me impossibly closer to his hard body and I wrapped one leg around his. I was nearly climbing him like a tree when he pulled back and kissed my chin.

  “Damn, babe. I want you so much.”

  I nodded my instant agreement before attempting to plunge my fingers through his hair. Unfortunately, his military buzz gave me no leverage, so I settled for grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him back to my mouth. We kissed for what felt like an eternity until it stopped. Then it was only a heartbeat and not nearly long enough. I was about to protest when he suddenly lifted me into his arms.

  “What are you doing?” I asked on a laugh.

  He grinned and walked out of the kitchen. “Taking us to a more comfortable setting.”

  My insecurities once again raised their ugly heads and I tried to decide on whether to stop him if he headed to his bedroom. But he stopped in the living room and sat in his large recliner instead. I shifted on his lap so I was straddling him and started kissing him again.

  The warmth of his palms against my ass was the biggest distraction until he ground me against his erection. I gasped and raised my head to catch my breath. He took advantage of the position and left stinging kisses all along my throat.

  “Oh! Sean…”


  He moved his hands from my ass to slip them beneath my polo uniform shirt and I nearly stopped breathing.

  “Your skin is so soft,” he murmured against my neck.

  Before I could respond, he pulled my shirt over my head, letting it fall to the floor, and started kissing the tops of my breasts. My pulse went into overdrive and all I could do was hold on to his strong shoulders. My bra disappeared before my thoughts cleared enough to give me pause. I didn’t push him away, but squeezed his shoulders to get his attention.

  “Sean…” He sucked one nipple into his mouth and my eyes rolled back. “Oh! Uh…Sean.”


  He switched nipples and I shook my head to clear the sensual haze.


  He suckled my other nipple but rolled his eyes up to look at my face.

  “C-can you stop that for a second?”

  He released my wet nipple with a pop and sat back with a grin on his handsome face. I was panting, trying desperately to catch my breath and order my thoughts.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  I ran my hands down his chest and looked him in the eye, deciding to cut through the bullshit to the heart of the matter.

  “I’m not a one-night-stand type of girl.”

  His grin immediately disappeared but he didn’t look disappointed. “I know you’re not.”

  “So…if this goes any further—”

  “It is.”

  “And I don’t share.”

  “Good. I don’t either.”

  “Okay then.”

  His grin reappeared. “Okay then.”

  And that was apparently all the permission he needed before taking over my mouth again for long moments of bliss.

  I wound up completely naked, draped over his fully clothed body before my wits finally returned to me.

  “Sean, you’re still dressed.”

  He chuckled and continued to suckle the breast in his mouth. My skin was tight with anticipation, sweat-slickened and sensitive in all the right places. I clawed at his back, his shoulders, through his short hair, trying to anchor myself through the storm. Detonation was so very close, if only he would do that one last bit…and then he did.

  The tip of a thick finger made its way around my thigh to sneak in through the back, slipping through the moisture at the apex of my legs. I cried out as he tested my readiness then began to play with my vagina.

  “Sean! God, Sean.”

  He chuckled again and smoothed his finger over my slit before finally sliding it inside me. My orgasm was instantaneous after all the foreplay. I screamed and shivered in his arms. He tightened his hold and groaned against my neck.

  “Damn, that was beautiful.”

  I could only whimper in reply as every muscle relaxed into his care. He held me to him for a few seconds before standing and carrying me to his bedroom. I was barely aware of him laying me down on a soft surface, but the loss of his warmth as he released me was like a slap.


  “Just a second. My turn to get naked.”

  My eyes shot open and I struggled to move up to my elbows. The bedroom light was off but the attached bathroom door was open with light spilling through. Illuminated in its soft glow was Sean in all his masculine perfection. My breath caught as I watched him unveil my hottest fantasies.

  “Damn,” I whispered.

  He glanced up but it was too dark to read his expression. I bit my lip and remained silent as he stepped out of his boxer briefs. Finally he was completely bare, hard muscles gleaming with a hint of sweat from our exertions in the living room. He stepped up to the bed as I slid my legs over the side and around his. I pressed both palms against his abdomen and he hissed in a breath. His jutting erection was right at the perfect level for me to lean forward and kiss the tip. He groaned.


  “Mmhm, I’ve got you right where I want you.”

  Without further preamble, I wrapped my fingers around his cock and began to lick.

  His breath stuttered and he grabbed my head lightly but I didn’t stop. This was one of my favorite fantasies and I planned to enjoy every second. Unfortunately, as soon as I sucked the head of his cock between my li
ps he halted my plans.

  “That’s it.”

  He grabbed my arms and lifted me enough to toss me farther up the bed onto my back. I giggled in surprise when his warmth immediately covered me like a blanket. Then he was kissing me again and I didn’t have the willpower to stop him. We tumbled around the bed, each of us fighting to be on top, kissing and touching, legs intertwined and hearts beating like mad. He finally won and pinned my hands above my head in one large fist.


  I sighed out a laugh and my heaving breasts immediately caught his attention. He suckled each nipple briefly before releasing my hands and sitting up. I was about to question him when he reached into the nightstand and removed a small box. Rather than open it right away, he moved to sit on the side of the bed and turned on the lamp. His frown was clearly illuminated. I sat up and leaned against his broad back.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”

  He glanced at me, seemingly surprised by the endearment, and I smiled. He smiled back before turning his attention to the unopened box of condoms in his hand.

  “Sorry, baby. I just need to check the expiration date.” That surprised a laugh out of me and he frowned. “It’s been a while.”

  The honesty in his voice sent a thrill of happiness through me. I started kissing the back of his neck as he inspected the box.

  “It’s good. We’ve got a few months yet,” he finally said.

  “How many are in there?”


  I whispered into his ear, “We’ll need more tomorrow.”

  He ripped open the box with a growl and pounced on me. I squealed and spread my arms and legs for his invasion. No part of me went without feeling the heat of his mouth, the possession of his fingers. He somehow slipped a condom on without me realizing it, but paused to test my readiness.

  “I can’t wait any longer, Megan.”

  I opened my eyes, only then realizing I’d closed them, to follow his gaze down to where our bodies met intimately. He hadn’t entered me yet, just rested his cock against my core. He thrust forward slowly, rubbing my slick surface and causing a shudder through me.

  “I’m r-ready whenever you are,” I gasped.

  With my permission granted he wasted no more time and entered me in one solid thrust. I cried out and grasped his biceps, holding on for dear life as he began to move. We pushed against each other almost violently. He nipped at my throat and shoulders while I clawed his arms and back. Heat spread between us and boiled the blood in my veins. I was moaning his name and other incoherent nonsense as an earth-shattering climax climbed up my spine. My heart pounded as the urge centered within me, and then I detonated.


  He kissed me, swallowing my cries of ecstasy as he picked up the already frantic pace.

  “Ah, fuck!”

  He groaned against my heaving chest and pressed his pelvis into mine. I tightened my inner muscles to squeeze every ounce from him and he groaned again.

  “God, baby…that was…”

  He remained on top of me, resting his weight on his elbows and knees as we both caught our breath.

  “Yeah, that was,” I whispered.

  He kissed my lips briefly before climbing off the bed. I watched as he padded into his bathroom. He left the door open and running water soon filled the sudden silence. I shivered and rolled onto my side. Now what? Should I jump up and get dressed? Leave as if this meant nothing more than scratching an itch? Our brief conversation in the living room gave me pause. I’d been very clear about my intentions…hadn’t I?

  I was so lost in thought I didn’t even notice Sean come back into the room until his light touch on my thigh made me jump. I gasped and rolled onto my back to cover my reaction.

  “Hey. That sure is a serious look you’re wearing,” he said.

  I had to swallow and clear my throat of the sting of tears before I could reply.

  “Just thinking.”

  He sighed and sat beside me, pushing the blankets farther away to leave me fully exposed. It wasn’t until he laid it against me that I noticed the washcloth in his hand. I remained silent as he began to gently cleanse my most private parts.

  “Must be heavy thoughts.” I shrugged and he continued. “Will you spend the whole night with me?”

  I swallowed again as my fears ebbed. “Yeah.”

  He stood and got rid of the washcloth before sliding into bed with me. I moved over to give him room but as soon as he was settled he pulled me against him.

  “Is this okay?” he asked, settling one arm around my waist as the other pillowed my head. His warm chest against my back relaxed me.

  “Yeah, that’s good,” I whispered.

  I hadn’t slept with a man in years and didn’t know if I’d be able to now, but he held me too snuggly to allow tossing and turning. Just as I began to think I might have to leave the bed, I drifted off.

  Chapter Five

  When I woke, he was gone and I had a moment of panic. Full consciousness came slowly as I remained in his bed taking deep, calming breaths. It slowly dawned on me that he might be somewhere else within the house. I listened hard but heard nothing over my rough breathing. So what? He probably had to get up early for work. It was Friday. Didn’t he usually open on Fridays? I simply couldn’t remember but decided to stop mulling over the possibilities and find out some truths.

  I got out of bed and made use of the bathroom, snagging a robe hanging on the back of the door. The bedroom door was closed which I found kind of odd, but I just shrugged and opened it to step into the hall. The house was quiet, not a peep from any corner. I sighed and went straight to the kitchen in search of coffee. A full pot sat waiting, still warm and with a note set before it.

  Megan, I’m sorry to leave before you wake but you looked really tired. Make yourself at home. I’ll be at work until two.


  Though I hadn’t expected a vow of undying love or eternal devotion, I was still a little disappointed he hadn’t even bothered to draw a heart or anything. Oh well…men.

  I rummaged in the refrigerator and found yogurt and strawberries. After chasing them down with a cup of black coffee I felt much more human. Sean and I still had a lot to talk about, but if he needed time I would definitely give it to him. I threw my clothes back on and headed home to get ready for work.

  * * * * *

  The morning flew by and I only thought of Sean about one out of every five minutes. My shift wouldn’t end until five but he didn’t usually work out on Fridays. However, at three o’clock a familiar set of broad shoulders walked through the door and brightened my day.


  “Hey, beautiful. How’s your day been?”

  Heat infused my face and I knew I was blushing to the roots of my hair. Though we were alone at the front desk, this was the first time he’d called me beautiful in public and my pulse leapt.

  “It’s been dragging. How was yours?”

  He shrugged before adjusting the strap of his gym bag. “Mine dragged a bit too.”

  I smiled and barely fought the urge to reach out and touch him. Fraternizing with the members was seriously frowned upon. I’d rationalized that since Sean was practically my neighbor, and the manager of the store I shopped at, he didn’t count. I just didn’t want to test my boss’s view of that theory.

  “How long are you working out today?” I asked.

  He shrugged again and looked around the gym before glancing at his watch. “Probably an hour.”

  I tried to hide my disappointment that he wouldn’t be staying until my quitting time.

  “Okay. Well…have a good workout.”

  He smirked at my standard line before heading off to the locker room. Of course I watched him walk away.

  The next hour breezed by and a few minutes after four Sean walked up to the counter again. I was trying to talk to an irate customer but the woman wouldn’t let me get a word in.

  “I don’t care who dropped the ball
this time. That hot tub is out of order again and that is unacceptable.”

  “Yes ma’am, you’re right and I apologi—”

  “Where is your manager? I demand to see the manager right this minute.”

  I called for Ryan again over the PA system but suspected he was hiding. This particular member “demanded to see the manager” at least every other week. Sometimes she had valid complaints like the current hot tub situation, but others…not so much. I secretly thought she had a crush on Ryan but wasn’t sure how to go about getting his number.

  “Ma’am, I apologize but Mr. Ryan must still be in his meeting. Why don’t you leave your number with me and I’ll be certain he gets it.”

  Her expression cleared, all traces of anger mysteriously gone.

  “Yes, that’s a good idea. I think that’s what I’ll do.”

  She was forty-five if she was a day but who was I to knock the cougar down a peg? Twenty-eight-year-old Craig Ryan was pretty damn hot and more than this member had taken notice.

  She actually smiled at me as she handed over a small, violet business card. I nearly choked when I read it.

  “Thank you, Ms. Hertz. I’ll make sure he gets this the moment I see him.”

  She just huffed and walked out the door.

  Sean ambled over and raised an inquiring brow as I unsuccessfully held back my laughter.

  “Ms. Hertz,” I snorted out while holding up her business card. “A masseuse.”

  After that there was no holding back. I burst out into full-fledged laughter, wiping tears from my eyes within seconds. Sean smiled and shook his head.

  “You’re terrible.”

  “Oh please. You gotta admit that’s funny.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, okay.”

  I finished laughing with a sigh. “So…you outta here for the day?”

  He ran a hand over his short hair. “Yeah. I’m going to run home and clean up. I can come back to get you if you want.”

  He was looking at the counter instead of me. Butterflies took flight in my stomach at the telltale sign of his discomfort. Was he regretting our night together already?


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