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Two Dates Max

Page 11

by Missy Jane

  That made me feel better but I still hadn’t heard what I’d hoped for. I crossed my legs and he frowned again.

  “I don’t flirt with my coworkers and Ben knows there will never be anything between us.”

  “So you’ve talked about it?”

  “Yeah, he’s asked me out a few times.”

  He slipped off his jeans and kicked them away angrily. “Figures.”

  “It’s not like you haven’t gone out with any of my coworkers.”

  “I know, that’s not the point…look, we’re going off on a tangent.”

  “Then answer my question. Did you just come over to fuck me? Is our relationship just about sex for you?”

  His expression instantly cleared as if he finally understood my meaning. I prayed he did because though I wanted him, I wasn’t going to put up with him not loving me too.

  “It hasn’t been just about sex…ever.”

  It was my turn to be surprised. He took off his boxer briefs and crawled onto the bed. I straightened my legs as he loomed over me. Our faces were inches apart, his hot breath wafting over my lips.

  “I’ve never looked at you and thought about fucking you, Megan. Not like that. Not a typical guy reaction. I knew from the moment we met you would be a girl to keep. Why in the hell do you think I kept trying to resist? I knew how easy it would be to love you.”

  I gasped and dropped my arms to my sides. “Do you?”

  He didn’t pretend to misunderstand. “Yeah…I do.”

  “Oh, Sean.”

  I threw my arms around him and pulled him on top of me. He grunted as he fell and I giggled.

  “I love you too. I love you so much,” I said as I took my time covering his face with kisses.

  He let me have control for the moment, but didn’t wait long to maneuver us into the center of the bed where we both had room to stretch out.

  “You know, I’m not an on-again, off-again kind of guy.”

  “I know.”

  “So, if we go any further—”

  “We are,” I interrupted with a smile.

  “And you know I don’t share.”

  “I don’t either.”

  “Well okay then.”

  “Okay then.”

  He grinned down at me as he pinned my arms above my head with one hand.

  “I love you, Megan.”

  “I love you too, Sean.”

  He leaned in and I closed my eyes to accept his kiss, but his lips barely brushed mine before moving on. I whimpered in disappointment and he chuckled.

  “Patience, beautiful. Patience.”

  I sighed but it quickly turned into a moan as he ran his other hand down the front of my body. He was leaning on one side with his opposite leg thrown over my thighs. I wiggled but he was too strong to allow much movement. I felt trapped, conquered, and loved every second of it.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” he whispered.

  I just nodded as he bent to tug one nipple between his teeth.


  He grinned and gave the other nipple a tug before sliding his hand down my abdomen.

  “Have I ever told you how hard I get knowing you’re smooth as silk?”

  I shook my head and he rested his palm against my mons. “N-no. You haven’t.”

  “Well, I do. I think about licking you here and sucking on your pretty pink skin.”


  He chuckled again and slid his fingers around in the moisture pooling between my thighs. My legs were parted enough for his play but my attempts to widen the gap were stopped by his strong thigh.

  “I want to play too,” I whispered.

  He shook his head with a grin. “Nope. Tonight is all about you, baby doll.”

  Before I could argue, not that I really wanted to, he claimed my lips with a long, hot kiss. I pulled his tongue into my mouth and sucked on it, eliciting a deep groan from him.

  My hands were clenched into fists with the urge to touch his warm skin, but he held them firmly in his grasp. I wiggled against him even though I knew it was futile. I was well and truly caught.

  He left my mouth and made his way back to my breasts, sucking them alternately. Streaks of pleasure shot from my nipples to my pussy. I tightened my inner muscles since I couldn’t close my thighs. He rubbed his leg against mine, the delicious friction nearly sending me over the edge.

  “God, Sean. Please touch me. Please.”

  “I am touching you.”

  “No…more. I need more.”

  “Oh yeah?” He pressed a finger between my thighs until it slipped inside me. “Like this?”

  I whimpered and nodded, thrusting my pelvis up as much as his body allowed.

  “Or…like this?” he asked, as he thrust a second finger in to join the first.

  I gasped and shook my head. “More.”

  “Ahh, I think I know what you need.”

  He squeezed my wrists to the bed for a second before releasing them, telling me without words to keep them in place. I nodded and watched him slide down my body. He kept his gaze locked to mine as he pressed his lips to my belly, above my navel, then below it, then just above my mons.

  “I’m going to eat you up,” he whispered against me.

  He didn’t wait for a response, just pressed his large palms against my inner thighs, spreading me open like an offering.


  I clutched the blanket above my head and held on.


  His voice vibrated against my skin, sending enticing tingles through me. Then he opened his mouth and placed the tip of his tongue against my clit. One flick, two, and I was almost crying at the pleasure. A slow lick from top to bottom had me calling out his name. Then he stabbed his tongue between my slick lips and I screamed as I came in his mouth. That didn’t stop him from continuing to feast. I finally tried to close my thighs and grasped his head in one hand.

  “Sean, please. It’s too much.”

  He sat up and flipped me over before I had a chance to catch my breath. I lay helpless beneath him as he lightly bit one ass cheek.


  He chuckled. “Delicious.”

  “Yeah? Let me bite you on the ass.”

  “Not tonight.”

  I tried to look over my shoulder but he leaned his weight against me, pinning me securely to the bed.

  “I told you, tonight is for you. Stay still. I’m not done yet.”

  I relaxed beneath him and stretched my arms above my head again to show my surrender. He rubbed his chest against my back and moved my hair over one shoulder to kiss my nape.

  “I love your hair. Soft as satin, just like the rest of you.”

  I smiled my pleasure at the compliment. “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome. Are you ready for more?”

  “I’m ready to have you inside me.”


  “Oh yeah.”

  The bed moved as he leaned toward the bedside table to retrieve a condom. I heard a thump and horror filled me for a second as I remembered there were more than condoms in the drawer.

  “Well, well, what have we here?”


  “Was this my replacement?”

  He sounded amused but I quickly leaned back far enough to see his face. Luckily he was grinning as he looked over the toy in his hand. I shrugged.

  “Not exactly. I’ve had that longer than I’ve known you.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Oh yeah?”


  “So, this little guy knows all your hot spots then, huh? I think maybe he needs to show me your secrets.”

  I giggled as he gently pushed me back onto my stomach and spread my legs. He opened the drawer again and I knew he was getting the lube.

  “Warming? Interesting.”

  I shivered at the heat in his voice.

  “Just remember, anything you do to me tonight I can find a way to pay you back for tomorrow,” I said. />
  He groaned. “God I hope so.”

  My giggle turned into a gasp as he placed his mouth against the small of my back and began suckling my skin. He moved up to my shoulders, covering the whole of my back before moving down to my thighs.

  I felt the loss of his heat as he sat up but I was too relaxed to look at what he was doing. Cold liquid dripping on my ass answered my unspoken question.

  “So, I just rub this in to warm it up?” he asked.


  “No problem.”

  He started on my lower back, rubbing in slow circles until I was dangerously close to falling asleep. Then one large palm covered each cheek and he squeezed.

  “I’ll never get tired of touching you,” he whispered, seemingly more to himself than me.

  I didn’t respond as he continued massaging. His thick fingers dipped between my thighs and the liquid began to warm. My skin tingled from his touch and I couldn’t help but squirm a little.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “Y-yes. It’s warming but…good.”

  He grunted and kept going.

  I clenched the covers in my fists as the liquid heated further. It was a spicy tease, tingling deliciously and ratcheting up my arousal even more. A noise escaped my throat, somewhere between a moan and a whimper. Sean ignored it and rubbed harder.

  “I think you’re about ready for your little friend.”

  I squirmed in response.

  His hands left me for a moment but cold plastic soon replaced his fingers against the inside of my thigh.

  “So do you like to turn it on right away? Or do you rub it around a bit first, making it vibrate harder and harder the more excited you get?”

  I licked my dry lips and panted out a couple of breaths before I could answer. “Low. Vibrate on low first.”

  He immediately obliged. The shock of it turning on made me jump and he placed one hand on my ass to keep me in place.

  “Easy, baby doll.” I nodded and relaxed into the bed. “There we go. Let me play for a bit.”

  He nudged my thighs open wider with his knees and I thrust my ass off the mattress. When he didn’t complain or push me back down, I moved up a bit farther to give him better access.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” he whispered.

  The plastic had warmed the slightest bit as he smoothed it through the warming lube. I sighed as he pressed it lightly on either side of my clit, teasing and enticing in equal measures.

  The vibrations grew stronger as he turned it up a notch. It usually took me the full gamut when alone but I was so close to climax already I knew it could happen any second. I desperately wanted him inside me for the next one.

  “Sean, please. I really want you now.”

  He kissed my spine. “You have me.”

  “Inside me. Now.”

  “Not quite.”

  The vibrator buzzed louder as he turned it up again and I bit down on the blanket to keep from screaming at him.

  He moved the toy all around my pussy, allowing added moisture to seep down my thighs. I started rocking back and forth in an open invitation. Finally he seemed to lose patience and threw the toy on the bed along with an empty condom wrapper.

  “Now,” he groaned.

  And then he was pushing his way inside me. I pushed back with a relieved sigh. He gripped my hips and held me tightly to him, not moving outwardly but pulsing inside me.


  I wasn’t even sure what I was begging for but he took it as a sign to start moving against me.

  He thrust forward as I thrust back, working together in pleasure as we savored the fit of our most sensitive skin. It was absolute perfection.

  All the foreplay had put me past the point of no return already, so when he reached around all it took was the touch of his fingertip to my clit and I was coming.

  “Oh, Sean!”

  He grunted and thrust faster, through my orgasm, until he pushed me into another cataclysm. I screamed into the bedding and clamped down on his cock.

  “Megan. God, I love you…”

  He grunted the words thickly as his orgasm took him. I absorbed his heat against my back and sighed in satisfaction.

  “I love you too.”

  His now familiar chuckle warmed my ear and he nipped at my shoulder.

  “Was that wonderful, or spectacular?” he asked.

  I smiled with my eyes closed. “Extraordinarily stupendous.”

  He laughed harder and rolled onto his side, pulling me against him.

  “I’ll have to find my thesaurus later,” he mumbled.

  I just sighed and snuggled against him before falling into a blissful sleep.

  Chapter Nine

  “So…when’s the wedding?”

  I choked on my coffee, almost spitting it onto the omelet Sean set before me. He patted my back and frowned at his sister.

  “Behave, Shayla.”

  “What?” she asked, the picture of innocence. “It’s not like you don’t already know you’re made for each other.”

  I bit my lip but refused the urge to glance at Sean’s face. I wasn’t sure what I hoped to see there.

  “Yeah,” he agreed, “but I haven’t even gotten her to agree to move in yet.”

  He turned back to the stove as I whipped my head up to stare at his retreating back. Shayla laughed.

  “Better close your mouth before you catch a fly,” she said.

  I clamped my jaw shut and frowned at her as Sean chuckled.

  “Maybe I haven’t agreed to move in because you haven’t asked,” I said.

  He came back to the table with Shayla’s omelet and winked at her as he set it down.

  “Well, maybe that’s because I was hoping you would ask me first.”

  Shayla burst into laughter as I gaped again.

  “You must be joking.”

  He grinned at me but shook his head. “Nope. I’ve been trying to talk my baby sister into moving to Houston for years. What better incentive than giving her my house?”

  This time she sputtered. “Oh no. Nonono, you’re not going to pull me into this argument.”

  I snorted. “As if you weren’t already in it.”

  “I was just supporting my big brother.”

  Sean arrived at the table with his own omelet and sat beside me, brushing his denim-clad knee against mine. I ignored it as best I could and started eating.

  “And what if I did offer you my house? Would you finally move down here?” he asked.

  Shayla stuffed a large forkful of food in her mouth and shrugged. I smiled at her efforts of avoidance.

  “There’s a lot of opportunity here, you know. I’m not sure what your field of expertise is, but Houston can surely accommodate it,” I said.

  Sean ate a bit before answering when Shayla kept eating.

  “She’s a nurse. The whole reason she’s here is to visit the medical center and go to some big conference at the convention center.”

  My surprise must have been evident because she laughed. “What? Don’t I look like nurse material?”

  I just shrugged and kept eating. Sean’s omelets were wonderful and I sighed in satisfaction after taking the last bite.

  “Well, you two can joke all you want about me moving, but you still haven’t answered the question,” Shayla said.

  I busied myself drinking coffee and left the answer up to Sean. He finished his food and took my free hand from the table, holding it between his palms.

  “What do you say, baby doll? Can I move in with you?”

  I set my cup down and stared into his earnest gaze. It was so unexpected after the turmoil we’d just been through but I didn’t want to let this opportunity slip away.

  “You really want to? You’re sure you’ll be okay with having me around all the time?”

  He chuckled. “I should ask you the same question.”

  I smiled back and hopped from my seat onto his lap. His arms came around me naturally, as if they had
always done so.

  “I would be very happy to have you around all the time,” I said.

  His shoulders relaxed and he tightened his grip in a brief hug. “Me too.”

  Shayla sighed and stood from the table to carry her plate to the sink. “Well that’s settled I guess, but you still haven’t picked a wedding date.”

  “How about we see if she can put up with me for any length of time before you pawn me off on her permanently,” Sean said with a grin.

  I laughed and nuzzled his neck before placing a kiss against his pulse. He squeezed my waist again.

  “That’s very true. I’d hate for her to ask for a refund after the whole shebang,” Shayla said with an exaggerated sigh.

  We both laughed and Sean grunted.

  “And what about you?” I asked. “Does that mean you’ll move down here?”

  She cleared the rest of the table before turning to face us.

  “I don’t know. I’m seriously tempted, and there isn’t much left for me in New York.”

  Sadness crossed her features so briefly, I would’ve thought I’d imagined it if Sean hadn’t suddenly stiffened beneath me.

  “Give me his name and address, and I’ll fly up there to take care of him for you.”

  Shayla looked at him in surprise for a moment before bursting into laughter.

  “Oh trust me, big bro, if I thought it would help I would.” She shook her head and sighed. “But he isn’t even worth the airfare. Just another loser to add to the shit pile.”

  Sean relaxed the slightest bit but his expression said he wasn’t happy.

  * * * * *

  Since we were done with breakfast and I had to get ready for work, Sean decided to drive me home. We had walked back to his place first thing that morning so he could check on Shayla since he wasn’t convinced her migraine had been an act. I let him into the house with my thoughts still on his sister.

  “Do you think she’ll move down here?” I asked.

  He shrugged and looked around my house as if seeing it for the first time. I followed his gaze and began picturing his things interspersed with mine.

  “She’ll do what she wants to do, but I know she’s ready for a change of scenery. I’d just like to have her closer.”

  I leaned into him and he put his arms around me. “You’re a good big brother,” I whispered.


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