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Page 5

by VictoriaVallo

  “Were you looking for battles and adventures when you joined the military?”

  Viktor laughed. “I was looking for a steady income so I could leave home for good. An honest way to make a living and keep honing my skills.”

  “I love reading about history. It’s interesting to read about war and conquest from the past, but I worry at times. The monarchy seems stable, but the king is so withdrawn. The vanes govern well. But as more people fill the world, I worry about people’s greed and desire for power.”

  “It’s something worth worrying about. I was glad I left the king’s service without seeing a war.”

  “Even with Captain Drake dead, the piracy problem isn’t solved. Now men who were constantly in Drake’s shadow will likely try to take his place.”

  “Oh, they certainly will. I can think of at least three men in my family who would like to be the new king of the pirates.”

  “Would it be hard if you had to fight against someone in your family?”

  “Yes, but I’d still do it if I believed it needed to be done.”

  Thomas shivered.

  “Getting cold?” Viktor asked.

  “A little. We need to put the fire out, but I noticed a hole in the tent as I was putting it up. We might have a bit of a breeze.”

  Viktor smiled. “I had an idea about that.” He rose and pulled his shirt off. “And I’m not doing what you think I’m doing.” He continued to strip.

  “I don’t mind cuddling, but if we get naked, there’s no chance we’ll make it to morning without fucking.”

  Viktor knelt and braced his hands on the ground. “I’m going to shift. If you shift as well, you’ll be very warm curled up on top of me.”

  “That’s … pretty intimate.”

  “More than fucking?”

  Thomas nodded. “But that wasn’t an objection.” He rose. “Go ahead. I’ll put the fire out. The torch over there will give enough light for me to see.” He turned away and tended to the fire, tossing dirt on it. Despite the dim light, he had caught a little glimpse of Viktor’s cock. At first, he tried to put it out of his mind, but then he stopped fighting it.

  When Thomas turned back around, he gave a little gasp at the giant creature standing behind him. The bear sniffed him and then moved back to curl up on the ground. Thomas took Viktor’s clothes and their bed rolls and put them in the tent before taking his own clothes off. He could hear Viktor breathing, and something about that excited him. He shifted into his fox form and walked over to Viktor. The other man’s scent was even stronger now, and Thomas drew it in greedily. Viktor seemed to be settled, so Thomas tentatively sniffed around him and began to climb up. He settled on a soft patch of fur, but he could feel the hard muscle beneath the warmth. He could also hear Viktor’s heartbeat, and he fell asleep much faster than he had in a very long time.

  * * * *

  Viktor reached out and caught the handkerchief as it flitted by. He nudged his horse to the right so that he could come up alongside the cart Bella and Meg rode in. Handing the handkerchief back to Meg, he said, “This tried to escape. I thwarted its plans.”

  Meg laughed. “Thank you very much.” She grasped it securely and smiled at him. “That wind certainly came up suddenly.”

  Viktor looked to the sky and then down the road a bit. “The clouds are moving swiftly, but it doesn’t look like rain. There may be some coming in behind it, though.”

  Bella glanced up as well. “I think we’ll make it. It’s only a couple more hours.”

  “Do you need anything? Some water, perhaps?” Viktor asked.

  “I’m fine,” Bella said. “Meg?”

  “Oh, I’m fine,” Meg said, still smiling. “I hope the carts aren’t kicking up too much dust. I know Thomas sometimes has trouble with his allergies as well.”

  Viktor gave a quick look back. “I think he’s fine. He certainly hasn’t been complaining the past two days.” The journey, to Viktor at least, had gone much too fast. Two nights sleeping under the stars with Thomas hadn’t been enough. At the same time, he looked forward to sleeping in a bed with him before too long. He felt the return home would be the real test of whether or not his little fox was ready for that.

  Bella cleared her throat and said, “I’m so glad you two are getting along. He works so hard. I can’t remember the last time he took a day off. He even works in the evenings most of the time.”

  “He’s very devoted to his job. I was surprised by how young he is, but now I see he’s more than capable of running your uncle’s estate.” He paused, noting how both women seemed to be waiting for him to say more. Feeling a tad mischievous, he added, “But don’t worry. I’ll make sure his evenings are spent better from now on.”

  “Oh, that’s … good of you,” Bella said. She seemed to be trying not to giggle, which reminded Viktor of how young she still was.

  At least she’s happy for him. “It’s my pleasure. I haven’t enjoyed another person’s company so much in a long time.”

  Meg opened her mouth to say something, but then something distracted her. “I believe they’re trying to get our attention.”

  Viktor looked ahead and saw Godwin had slowed his pace. He was talking to another man on horseback, and they both waved before Godwin raised his fist to signal everyone to stop. Viktor excused himself and moved forward, as there was something familiar about the rider.

  “Hello, Viktor!”

  Viktor breathed a sigh of relief. Thank the gods it’s only Garrick. “Garrick, what has happened to you?” he called as he approached. His younger brother had one arm in a sling and looked tired. Also, last Viktor had heard, Garrick had gone across the sea to the Utha region to work his way into the mining trade.

  “I fell off my horse a few days ago,” Garrick said. “It’s been slow going. I’m happy to see a familiar face.”

  Godwin spoke up then. “Fall in with us. We’re mere miles from home. You can visit with your brother as you heal.” Without waiting for a reply, he motioned for everyone to start again.

  Viktor moved to the side to stay by his brother. “How did you end up back here?” he asked.

  Garrick shrugged one shoulder. “Apparently, to be a respected merchant you have to actually be able to lift the things you trade in. Put my back out the first day.”

  “Ah. I seem to recall dad advising you to work in the mines for six months before trying to get in on the trading. The miners will respect you more, too, if you’ve actually done the job.”

  “I’m not cut out for it,” Garrick said.

  “Don’t tell me you’re out here looking for Klaus. That’s a very bad idea.”

  “No. I’d make a terrible highwayman.”

  “Klaus is a terrible highwayman. Doesn’t seem to stop him.”

  Garrick laughed. “No, I’m … well, working on a plan.”

  “Why not go home?”

  Garrick didn’t answer, looking down at his reins.

  “Is someone pregnant?”

  “Oh, gods, no. I haven’t slept with a woman in a couple of years.” He gave another half shrug. “Dad will start right in telling me what my next move should be. I can’t take it right now.”

  “Hmmm.” Viktor turned as Thomas rode up beside them. “Thomas, this is one of my brothers. Garrick.”

  Thomas nodded. “Nice to meet you.”

  Garrick grinned slowly. “Very nice to meet you, Thomas.”

  Viktor fixed his brother with a look he hoped conveyed his message. Garrick stared back at him. “What is it, brother? You seem to have something to say?”

  Viktor suppressed a groan. “Since you still haven’t developed any subtlety, I guess I need to just come right out and say hands off.”

  “Well, that’s too bad,” Garrick said. To Thomas, he added, “But do let me know if you tire of him. I’m younger and have more stamina.”

  Thomas glanced back and forth between them. “I don’t think I’ll tire of him, but it’s a … kind offer.”

  “Well, he
has more manners than you, brother.” Garrick laughed. “I’ll leave you to it while I go thank my host again.” He encouraged his horse to go a bit faster so he could catch up with Godwin. He teetered a bit once but seemed to right himself.

  “What happened to his arm?”

  “Said he fell off his horse a few days ago. I believe it. He has a tendency to not pay attention to what he’s doing.”

  “And this isn’t the highwayman, right?”

  Viktor shook his head. “No, that’s Klaus. If we met up with him, he’d pretend he didn’t know me.”

  “This one is only trying to steal your man, not your valuables.”

  Viktor turned his head slowly to face Thomas. “I’d say you’re quite valuable. Especially now I know you’re my man.”

  Thomas’s mouth fell open, something that tended to happen when his words seemingly came out in a way he hadn’t intended. He closed it and then finally managed to say, “We’ve been pretty honest about things.” He raised his eyes. “I was hoping that, when we get settled, we could do more than simply talk about it.”

  “You asking me to stand and deliver, little one?”

  Thomas’s mouth fell open again before he blushed and then laughed. “Maybe we’ll kiss and see how it goes.”

  “Oh, I know how that will go.”

  “Do you?” Thomas asked, looking pleased.

  “Oh yes.”

  They continued on in contented silence, though Viktor had suddenly changed his mind about the length of this trip.

  It was taking far too long to get to their destination.

  Chapter Five

  Thomas knocked on Garrick’s door and waited.

  “Come in!” the man called.

  Thomas opened the door and stepped inside. “Is there anything else you need? I can probably get a physician to look at your arm. It’s still quite early, and there are several here in the city.”

  Garrick smiled and rose to walk over to Thomas. “No, I’m fine. I’d love it if you’d join me for a drink, but unfortunately I feel sure you want to get back to my brother.”

  “Yes, I do.” He returned the smile. “Are you all like this? Constantly teasing?”

  “Yes. Get more than half of us together, and you’ll get sick of us.” He took another step closer. “Not trying to be nosy, but are you a fox? My sense of smell isn’t as strong as you’d expect.”

  “Yes, I am.”

  Garrick eyed him up and down unashamedly as he moved back and sat down. “Should’ve guessed. Viktor has never missed a chance to fuck a fox.”

  Thomas forced himself to keep smiling because this man was not only Viktor’s brother but also Vane Godwin’s guest. He didn’t like what Garrick was implying about him or about Viktor, but he saw no point in arguing with someone he’d only met a few hours ago. “I hope you sleep well. Good night.”

  Garrick winked at him. “Good night.”

  Thomas left the room as quickly as he could. He paused at the end of the hallway, wondering if he should return to his own room or go to Viktor’s. It would make sense for him to go check on Viktor anyway, and it seemed more likely the man might be waiting for him there. He made his evening rounds quickly and then stopped by the master study to let Vane Godwin know he was retiring for the night.

  “Yes, go get some rest,” Godwin said. “You deserve it.” The older man paused and then added, “I’m glad to see you’re … recovering.”

  “I’m fine, sir. Truly.”

  Godwin leaned on the arm of his chair and tapped his quill on the side of his desk. “As happy as I was, I’m sort of glad Bella said no. I honestly didn’t think you’d make each other truly happy. But I knew you’d be a wonderful husband.” He paused. “Was it wrong of me not to mention that?”

  “No, sir. More than anything because I would’ve asked her anyway. After months of thinking she might be dead, I couldn’t hold my tongue any longer.”

  “I don’t mean to embarrass you. I’m not implying you’d have been unhappy, but you look happier around Viktor than I can recall since you were a child.”

  “It’s that obvious?”

  “Yes, but why fight it? He seems like a good man. Impeccable references. The brother’s a bit smarmy, but you can’t help the family you’re born into.”

  “He is quite a talker. I saw he kept you occupied on the way here.”

  Godwin rolled his eyes but then laughed. “Yes. But it’s fine.”

  “Good night, sir.”

  “Good night.” Godwin returned to his ledger, and Thomas gently closed the door behind him.

  Thomas stood outside of Viktor’s door for a few seconds before knocking. The door swung open almost immediately, and Viktor took his hand and drew him inside. Once the door was closed, Viktor drew Thomas into his arms. “Are you free the rest of the night?” Viktor asked.

  “Yes,” Thomas whispered as he took in the feel of the man pressed close against him.

  “And you say we’ve talked enough?”

  “We’re grown men who know what we want. Your consideration is—”

  Viktor cut him off with a heated kiss, and Thomas forgot everything he’d been planning on saying. He’d been thinking it over as he did his rounds, all the things he would say to show his appreciation for Viktor’s patience and to prove to Viktor that he was ready, that this wasn’t going to be a rebound fling. But it didn’t seem to matter as Viktor captured his mouth and completely mastered him with a single embrace.

  Thomas melted against him and struggled for breath when they parted. “Gods, where did that come from?”

  “Wanting you for over a week. Coming to care for you more every day.” He stroked Thomas’s cheek. “Sorry if I got carried away.”

  “Carry me wherever you like.” Thomas reached up and bridged the gap between them again, pulling Viktor down enough to get his arms around the man’s broad shoulders.

  Viktor bent a bit more and lifted him up, and Thomas didn’t hesitate to wrap his legs around the man as well. They somehow made it to the bed, where Viktor laid him down and crawled over him. “Not so shy and timid now, are you?”

  “No.” Thomas looked up at him. “Bit shaky, though.” He could feel his hands tremble even as he held to Viktor.

  “In a good way?” Viktor whispered, an intimate warmth coming to his eyes.

  “A very good way.” Thomas drew Viktor down and into another kiss.

  Viktor’s hands never stopped moving, and neither did his mouth. In the flurry of movement and delectable sensations, Thomas didn’t even realize Viktor had managed to undress them both until he felt Viktor’s naked body flush against his. The feel of warm, hard muscles made him moan. As Viktor kissed and licked his chest, Thomas looked down at him and blinked. “Did you … rip my clothes off?” Viktor’s clothes sat in a pile just beside them, and Thomas saw the tatters of his own shirt and breeches hanging off his body. Tilting his head, he saw their boots tossed a few feet from the bed. Gods, I didn’t even feel him doing it. His heart pounded as he realized how much even the slightest touch from Viktor must be affecting him.

  Viktor wrapped his fingers around Thomas’s cock, applying light pressure. “You didn’t even notice?” He grinned. “You sighed. I thought you liked the manhandling.”

  Thomas shrugged out of his ripped shirt and kicked the remnants of his breeches off. “I was wondering how I got naked without lifting off the bed. You’ll have to go get me clothes in the morning.”

  “Or I’ll keep you here, naked and at my mercy.”

  “Don’t tempt me.” He watched Viktor stroking him. “Feels so good.”

  Viktor licked the tip of his cock and then suckled the head. “Every inch of you is so soft,” Viktor said when he looked up briefly. He dropped a few more kisses and licks to Thomas’s stomach, and then he took Thomas’s entire length and sucked, running his tongue up and down the underside in a maddening rhythm. Viktor’s hands moved over his stomach and thighs. When one hand slipped beneath him to cup his balls, Tho
mas moaned loudly. The two fingers that slid down his crack nearly sent him over.

  “Gonna make me come,” he whispered to Viktor.

  Viktor pulled away, and Thomas moved to kiss him. But before he could, Viktor had licked his fingers and slid them back down Thomas’s crack, recapturing his cock in his mouth right away. Those wet fingers circled and massaged, and then one slipped in an inch. Thomas clenched around it, and when he loosened, it slid farther. When Viktor had two fingers inside him, he couldn’t hold on any longer. He came with a cry and filled Viktor’s mouth with his cum, watching the handsome man swallow it all.

  * * * *

  Viktor moaned at the taste of Thomas spilling into his mouth. He swallowed while also trying to be gentler in his sucking. Thomas’s responsiveness and sensitivity to his every touch made Viktor want him all the more. Thomas’s ass clenched around his fingers so tight, and he couldn’t wait to be buried there. He pulled off of Thomas’s cock slowly and then carefully withdrew his fingers once Thomas stopped clenching and flexing around them. He wanted to draw out his little fox’s pleasure as much as he could. Thomas lay there panting, watching him with those beautiful green eyes.

  “I want to suck you, too,” Thomas said as he reached for Viktor.

  “Just a for a little bit. While I get you ready. I want to come in your ass, and I don’t think I’ll last long.”

  Viktor rose from the bed and grabbed the oil he’d found in the bathroom. It smelled of jasmine, and he uncorked it and slicked his fingers right away. “Get that ass in the air, little one,” he said softly as he got onto the bed on his knees.

  Thomas got on his hands and knees and positioned himself so he could reach Viktor’s cock. “How you made that sound romantic, I’ll never know,” Thomas whispered as he lifted his ass and lowered his head to take Viktor’s cock between his lips.

  Viktor sighed as that sweet mouth engulfed him. Because I’m falling for you, the way I think you’re falling for me. Viktor tried to concentrate as he prepared Thomas for his cock. He oiled him well and used his fingers to stretch the tight hole. Thomas’s body welcomed him and flexed around his fingers in a way that made it impossible to wait any longer. As good as Thomas’s mouth felt, Viktor needed more.


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