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Moment of Truth

Page 20

by Emrys Apollo

  “Stuart, is not like that.”

  “Just leave me the fuck alone.” Stuart glared at the wall. Antony checked over his shoulder that no one was paying them any attention. He put his hand in his pocket, retrieving the image he had stolen from Michelle’s file.

  “They need our help.” Antony pressed quietly, holding out the image towards Stuart. He took it, frowning, until his eyes recognized what he was being shown. “Can you get hold of them at all?”

  “That’s Jody.” Stuart accused. Antony bit his lip nervously.

  “There is a plan to-”

  “Now Jody is putting his life on the line for you?” Antony couldn’t hold Stuart’s eye contact. “He’s gone rouge with Desmond for you?”

  “Did not ask-”

  “You fucking set this up!” Stuart barked, throwing the photo at Antony.

  “Please keep your voice down.”

  “That fucking business card! This was the plan?”

  “Did not mean for Jody to-”

  “And you didn’t mean for me to be kidnapped either, but here we are, all because of you.”

  “If we can send Henson a message, a sign, let him know where they are to help out?”

  “There is fuck all I can do locked up here, is there.” Stuart snarled, his eyes swimming with tears. Antony ran his hands through his hair. “You know, don’t you. You know they’re not going to be targeting Desmond.”

  “I’m so sorry…”

  “So you’re hoping I can give you the magic solution to fix this before he’s killed so you don’t have his blood on your hands.” Uncontrollable tears were streaming down Stuart’s face. He hated himself. He couldn’t protect Desmond and now he’d basically signed Stuart AND Jody’s death sentences. “Well it will. If he dies trying to save you when you’re safe, that’s on you. His death will be entirely your fault. As will mine. And I hope you live a lengthy life so you have to suffer with that guilt for a very long time.”

  “Stuart-” Antony gasped, but the German kicked out at him, making him recoil away.

  “I can’t help you.” Stuart spat at the wall. “Leave me the fuck alone.”

  Antony stood slowly, looking down at Stuart, the mess of a man he had created. He couldn’t just give up, there had to be something he could do to help. He wouldn’t be responsible for any of their deaths because there had to be a way to save them all.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  The Night of the Reunion…

  Stuart sat looking out of the window, trying to ignore the ache in his shoulders. His hands were, once again, tied behind his back, but his shoulder had been twisted at a weird angle and it was starting to get very uncomfortable. He had no idea what was going on. He hadn’t seen Antony since the day before, since the man had basically said Argent were going to kill Jody. He’d caught the other man’s eye from across the room, but he was so filled with contempt for Antony the man usually shrunk away if they looked at each other.

  His throat was dry, stomach tight and his eyelids heavy. Stuart wasn’t sure what the plan was for him this evening, but the Argent were doing their best to make him break. If he wasn’t confident that they’d killed Jody he would likely be closer to breaking down. But the anger that burned inside him for taking Jody away from him filled him with determination to kill everyone in this room. Including Antony.

  Stuart flinched slightly as the door beside him opened. He glared at Antony as he climbed in, closing the door with a snap.

  “Finally getting your hands dirty.” Stuart snipped. Antony pushed him forwards against the seat in front of him.

  “Shut up.” He snapped back. Stuart tried to fight from the position Antony was holding him in, but the pressure between his shoulders was keeping him still. A moment of stillness followed. Stuart tried to move to get more comfortable but Antony was crowding him so close to the chair, fiddling with something near his hands.

  “What are you-”

  “I said shut up.” Antony interrupted, pushing him closer to the chair. Stuart was about to protest when the tightness on his shoulders was released. He didn’t hesitate, bringing his hands down as they were untied. Antony moved off him, allowing him to sit back. Stuart frowned deeper when Antony held out a sealed bottle of water. “Do not guzzle it.”

  “Spiked it?” Stuart asked wearily, looking at the water.

  “Sealed.” Antony shook his head. Stuart still eyed the water cautiously. “Please, do not have all day.” Antony pressed, dropping the water in Stuart’s lap. Stuart picked it up tentatively, cracking the seal. He sniffed it before giving it a small sip. His body craved the slightly cool liquid the moment it passed his lips, and before he knew it his impulses took over, tipping the water down his neck. Some of it splashed over his face as Antony pulled it back. “Said do not guzzle.” Antony chastened. Stuart wiped his mouth on the back of his hand.

  “Why?” Stuart gasped. Antony handed the water back to him.

  “Much to your disbelief I care about you all a lot.” Antony said.

  “And don’t want to live with a guilty conscience.” Stuart said, taking a long sip of the water. Antony shook his head.

  “Jody is alive.” Antony said, causing Stuart to choke on his water. “He got Desmond out. Desmond was somehow shot but Jody got him to safety.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “I’m not.” Antony said softly. “But I understand you do not believe me. Sadly have no pictures to prove but maybe this is actually a better thing.”

  “They’ll just try and kill him again.”

  “Only if he gets in the way.” Antony said. “Desmond won’t do that again.”

  “Like Jody will let Desmond walk into anything on his own.” Stuart said, passing Antony back the empty bottle. Antony screwed on the lid.

  “They have said if Desmond does not come alone tonight I will be killed. Desmond will not risk me for back up.”

  “Jody won’t let him go.”

  “I think we both know Desmond will have a way to stop him…”

  “Why are you telling me all this?” Stuart questioned. Antony fiddled with the rope that was in his lap; the rope that had been around Stuart’s wrists.

  “They’re going to try and kill you. Tonight. Is why you are here.”

  “Oh.” Stuart swallowed. It was odd being presented with his mortality. Did he only have a few hours left to live?

  “You are going to try and get Desmond to kill you. They plan to have him do it, then leave him whilst they take me again to realize what he has done.”

  “How?” Stuart’s voice broke on the word. Sympathy filled Antony’s eyes.

  “Blind shot. Keep your head covered until after he’s shot you. Threaten to kill me if he doesn’t kill you.”

  “Oh…” Stuart looked at the floor. He wasn’t honestly sure if Desmond would shoot who he believed was a complete stranger to save Antony. He no longer had a gauge of how far gone Desmond was.

  “He won’t do it.” Antony promised. Stuart nodded. “He is not a blind killer.”

  “You don’t know him in this capacity.” Stuart said. Desmond could be a loose cannon sometimes. It was always worthwhile, taking the risks other people wouldn’t, but Stuart just didn’t know what that meant for him. If Desmond honestly believed they’d kill Antony if he didn’t kill Stuart, Stuart wasn’t confident his trigger finger would stay steady.

  “I believe he is a better person than me, therefore I believe you are safe.” Antony’s voice was confident. It almost made Stuart want to believe him. “You will have a chance,” Antony started explaining, pushing Stuart forwards gently, back into the seat in front of him. Stuart frowned as Antony started winding the rope back around his wrists. But it was loose; Stuart could easily pull out of this bond. “Will not have long when you do, it’ll all happen quickly. Desmond will make a decision, not sure what, but it won’t be to kill you. When he doesn’t Michelle will signal for me to be pushed off the bridge-”

/>   “This is no time for questions.” Antony chastened, placing the end of the rope in Stuart’s palm. The bound wasn’t even tied. “When he does, Desmond will come for me. That is your moment. You break out, take the ropes off. Shot as many as you can,” Stuart gasped as the cold barrel of a gun was pushed down the back of the waistband of his jeans. Antony then placed his hands over the top of the gun, hidden by his ‘tied’ hands. No one would ever know. “Find any way to contact Storming, say you escaped, you found us and get them to come to Waterloo bridge.”

  “Where will you be?” Stuart said, his mind trying to keep up with everything that was happening.

  “Cannot be sure, but Desmond and I will be together. Will signal to you somehow.” Antony assured, sitting Stuart back up. Stuart shook his head at him.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “I love him.” Antony said, not a waver in his voice. “Everything I have done since I met him was to protect him. I’m not going to let them manipulate him and kill him from the inside out after everything I have done.”

  “You betrayed him.” Stuart pointed out.

  “To keep him alive.” Antony said, as if a mantra he’d been saying for years. Stuart couldn’t bend his head around Antony’s actions, but as the man got out of the truck, taking the empty water bottle with him, Stuart knew one thing. Antony had given him an exit strategy, and he might have just saved his life.

  - - - - -

  Stuart couldn’t see anything, the weave of the bag only giving away silhouettes and blurry shapes. His own breath was ringing in his ears, almost like surround sound as the bag made it echo around him. He gasped as a harsh hand grabbed his arm, pulling him forwards. Taking a steadying breath, Stuart tried to compose himself. This was the moment Antony had warned him about. It was almost time.

  He tried very hard to keep the faith Antony had in Desmond, but his rouge nature kept springing to Stuart’s head. Would he really give up the chance to save Antony for who he would assume was a random stranger? Would Desmond allow himself to be this close and let Antony slip away again? Stuart just couldn’t be sure. He tried to put himself in Desmond’s shoes; if it was him with the gun and Jody on the bridge would he not shoot? Stuart didn’t trust the turmoil that burnt inside him.

  The concrete cut into his knees as he was pushed down. Taking a steadying breath, Stuart shifted his hands slightly so he could reach the gun Antony had given him. If Desmond didn’t shoot him, he was ready to make his escape.

  “Who is that?” Desmond asked. Stuart felt his shoulders go tight in apprehension for what was coming next.

  “So many questions.” Michelle’s voice said. “I honestly thought you loved him, but clearly that was one sided.”

  “WAIT!” Stuart flinched at Desmond’s raised voice, the pain in it shooting ice down his spine.

  “You better not have another question.” Silence followed Michelle’s voice. “Good.” There was some shuffling around and suddenly Stuart could see the blurred shape of a gun inches from his head, sense the danger that was imminent. “Very simple. Even you can understand this.” Stuart just heard Michelle mutter. “You shoot this person; we untie the ropes.” Stuart let out a shuddering breath, trying to settle himself. Antony had faith Desmond wouldn’t shoot him. He had to believe the same. “You’ve already proved to him you’re a killer. He knows what you planned to do here tonight. What’s the harm in proving him right, saving his life? This is your job at the end of the day. Blindly take orders that see you taking others’ lives. What’s the difference?”

  The shot going off made Stuart jump. It took him a few moments to realize there was no pain spreading over him, he was still having conscious thoughts. Desmond hadn’t shot him.

  A splash, quickly followed by a second brought Stuart back into the moment. In a smooth motion, he had his hands free, the bag off his head and was on his feet, gun loaded and ready to fire. Aiming first for the guy at the side of the bridge, tending to another injured man, Stuart let his first shot ring out, making contact with the centre of the man’s chest. He ricochet back, smacking against the railing on the bridge, almost in slow motion. Then all hell broke loose.

  “How does he have a gun?” Michelle hollered as Stuart smoothly took out two more Argent agents that were turning their aim on him. Everyone seemed caught unawares, fumbling for their guns, but he knew he was on borrowed time; he couldn’t take them all on his own.

  He made a run at the nearest Argent agent, catching him round the neck and spinning them over so that the shots that were sent in Stuart’s direction hit his new human shield. Taking out the next advancing agent, Stuart pulled the radio from the dead man’s belt and pushed him forwards, using the momentum to propel him to the other side of the bridge. He hopped over the railing, using the concrete edging as cover to move further away from whoever remained on the bridge.

  “Find him!” Michelle yelled in a mixture of Italian and English. Stuart used the ornate design on the side of the bridge to climb lower until he was in the rafters, hiding below the bridge to buy him some time. He took a breath before turning his attention to the radio in his hand. He wasn’t sure how long he had before they decided he had jumped and disappeared down the river, but he knew he had to work quickly.

  Scrolling through the channels, Stuart continuously sent the coded Storming Morse code message along the radio waves. Only Storming agents would know what it was if they heard it, and Stuart held his breath at every send, hoping the pre organized response would come back meaning he had found them.

  “It is a windy afternoon.” Stuart’s heart skipped a beat as Jody’s voice responded to his code. His eyes sprung with tears at the notion. Jody was alive and this was the proof. Antony hadn’t been lying. “Desmond?”

  “Jody…” Stuart gasped into the radio, unable to stop the tears as he clutched the device closer to him.

  “Stuart?” Jody sent back, disbelief clear in his voice. “Holy fuck-”

  “Agent.” Henson chastened. Stuart couldn’t help but smile. “Carnegie, do you copy?”

  “Loud and clear.” Stuart beamed, relief filling his system.

  “Location and report?”

  “Waterloo bridge. Escaped Argent custody. Sharp and Abascal in the river.”

  “We are ten minutes out, copy. Is your location secure?”

  “Stuart!” Stuart turned his head at the yell of his name, his eyes locking on the two figures at the water edge only just underneath the bridge. Only Antony would know he was here, which meant the figure that looked to be unconscious was probably Desmond.

  “Negative. Unsecure and agents in peril.”

  “Desmond?” Jody’s voice asked.

  “Both.” Stuart lied, already starting to make his move towards Antony. “Under the bridge. Argent above.”

  “Try and keep them stable, we’ll be with you as soon as.” Henson reported.

  “Rodger and out.” Stuart confirmed, knowing he would lose radio connection as he launched himself off the bridge, hitting the water. It was regrettable to lose the radio communication but he didn’t think he could get to Antony fast enough in any other way.

  As he resurfaced, he heard shots firing around him. He stuck to swimming under the bridge, hoping he was out of sight enough to not become a target. By time he got to Antony the shooting had stopped and Antony was working on Desmond.

  “What happened?” Stuart shot in a scared tone, his eyes on Desmond. Antony blew three breaths into Desmond’s mouth, opening up his airway.

  “He inhaled… Water.. Was unconscious when I got to him.”

  “You’re shot.” Stuart noticed, looking at Antony’s leg.

  “Missed Michelle. Rest are dead.” Antony confirmed, sitting back as he felt breath coming from Desmond’s mouth. Stuart sat down beside him, the adrenaline of the moment wearing off and fatigue taking over. “Did you make contact.”

  “Ten minutes out.” Stuart nodded. “I spoke to Jody.” He smiled lightly. Antony echoed it.
/>   “Told you was not dead.” Both of their attention turned to Desmond as he started to move. Stuart helped him sit up slowly, holding him up in support.

  “It’s alright Desmond, just take it easy.” Stuart soothed. “You’ve been through a bit and you’ve suffered from some water inhalation. Take some nice deep breaths for me, okay?”

  “Okay…” Desmond said sloppily, slumping heavily in Stuart’s arms. Stuart rubbed his back.

  “Do you know where you are?” Whether he did or not, Stuart would never know, for at that moment Antony smacked him on the head with his gun, knocking him unconscious. “Antony!”

  “Cannot know am okay.” Antony said as if it was the most obvious thing. Stuart caught Desmond, lying him down gently.

  “He was coming around!”

  “Exactly. Tell me how you will explain to him that he dove into the water to save me yet I am the one who is fine and he is not?”

  “With the truth.” Stuart said darkly. Antony caught his collar.

  “You ever tell him. I will kill you.”

  “Yeah, that’ll go down well.” Stuart shot, pushing Antony off him and checking Desmond over.

  “I save your life.” Antony sent, glaring at Stuart.

  “I still can’t forgive you for this.”

  “So are going to turn me in? Are going to make everything I do in vain? I kill Argent for you. I save you. I go against the people I have been working with for years-”

  “Cause you grew a moral conscience and you fell in love with him.” Stuart snipped, shutting Antony up. “Don’t try and pretend this was for me.”

  “Please, Stuart. If you tell him will throw me to the wolves. Argent will already be after me to kill me for what I do.”

  “Then he’s in danger being with you. They want him dead for a reason I’m sure you know. Keep him away from you keeps him away from them. Especially if you’re now their target.”

  “Put yourself in my shoes.”

  “I can’t. Would never betray Jody like this.”

  “Even if you had only met him because of a mission you had been set to kill him?” Stuart looked over at Antony, the pleading in his eyes, the way his hands still wrapped tightly around Desmond’s as if they were about to be dragged apart again. “It’s not the way I wanted to meet him. Is not the way I wanted him to come into my life. But is the hand I was dealt. Have strived for years to keep him safe, to stop Argent killing him. I knew so soon after I met him he was going to be my downfall. Should have walked away then but I couldn’t. Because he was my other half, the person I had unknowingly always been searching for. Could not bear to know they would kill him if I walked away. Cuts me every day to know how much pain and distress I have put him through. Do not deserve him. Do not deserve his kindness of forgiveness. But I crave it. I need him to know that he does not fail me. I fail him and will strive every day to protect him from them, to make sure they never hurt him again.”


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