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Triple X

Page 4

by Amelia June

  Abby stared at him, then swallowed hard, shoved her nerves away, and replied.

  "I...I love you, too. No man has ever supported me or understood me the way you do. But, Jordan--"

  "No buts. I know what you're thinking, I know what's held us both back. I'm polyamorous, you're not. A big hurdle, yes, but no bigger than any other that two people face when being together. Intimacy is always hard, no couple can agree on everything."

  "Don't you think that the basic issue of whether to sleep with and fall for other people is bigger than which brand of detergent we use? I have fought my feelings for you because I just can't imagine sharing you. Your presence in my life is something I know I'd be possessive of. I've never known any other way to be. I love you, Jordan, I don't want to think about you touching or caring for someone else while I'm at home waiting for you."

  "And I don't want you to limit me because you have a different idea of love than I do. But you can't deny what exists between us."

  "No, I can't. I've tried. And I'm sick of it. I want to be with you." Abby heard a note of desperation in her voice. She hadn't realized just how strong her feelings were.

  "Then I believe we were meant to be. Life is strange. You never know what will happen next. I believe we need to live in each moment and do what feels right. Now, living in this moment, it feels right to do this," Jordan leaned across the small table and kissed her lightly. His lips were warm and soft. She melted into him and felt all the tension of the last months drain from her. He slid his hand into hers and their kiss deepened. She parted her lips slightly, their tongues met. She could taste wine and chocolate on him and she moaned softly. Too soon they parted, and she felt cold at his departure from her. She sat, a bit stunned, holding his hand and smiling.

  "Let's get out of here," Jordan said, and she heard a huskiness in his voice that hadn't been there before.

  * * * *

  When they reached Abby's apartment, Jordan told her to wait in the car a moment. He jumped out and ran to her side, opening her door with a little bow.

  "What a gentleman," she laughed. "I had no idea you were so gallant."

  He winked at her again, and bowed even lower. She was teasing him, because she knew exactly how he treated his dates. He never failed to open a door for her, or to comment on her appearance. And she was just a friend. Well, until now anyway. Abby felt a shiver work up her back. I'm as nervous as a schoolgirl, for heaven's sake. Come on, it's not like I've never done this before. For some reason, with Jordan, everything felt different. She stepped out of the car, careful to keep her skirt from blowing up in the slight breeze. Jordan slipped an arm around her waist and they walked together, her head on his shoulder, to the door of her apartment.

  Once inside, they sat on the couch and shared one more glass of wine. Abby felt flushed and lightheaded, but not drunk. On the contrary, she was hyper-aware of everything from Jordan's hand on her bare knee to the dark flecks in his green eyes. She had always known him to be good looking, but now she experienced a rawness, a sensuality from him that she had not seen before.

  He reached over and tucked a finger under her chin. Lifting her face to his he kissed her again. This time, his kiss was hungrier, and his tongue searched hers. They explored each other's mouths, tasting every breath and sigh. Jordan moved his hand from her chin to her hair and plunged in at the nape of her neck. Taking a handful he pulled gently, tilting her head back further, opening her up more to his exploratory kisses. She felt a rush of heat below the waist and realized she was dampening with excitement.

  Jordan leaned forward, pushing her backward on the couch until she was on her back, with him above her. His hand stayed in her hair and held it firmly. She liked the tension, the added dimension of feeling to their heated kisses. She felt her breath begin to quicken with arousal as Jordan pressed into her. She could feel him against her, his cock hardening against her hip. Surprising herself at her own boldness, she reached both hands under his shirt and ran her palms over his chest. He had just the right amount of chest hair to run her fingers through. Good, she thought, semi-hysterically, I'm so glad he's not a wookie. She started unbuttoning his shirt, realizing his other hand had moved from her knee and was up under her blouse. She arched her back to allow him better access and he stroked her lovingly.

  Jordan began to lay small kisses all over her; her eyelids, her forehead and cheeks. He pressed his mouth to her neck just under her ear, then whispered, "I can feel your heart beating in your throat, the flush on your neck. You're so beautiful, Abby, I want to taste every part of you." He pulled back a bit and looked her in the eye. "I can start now, if you like."

  "Let's move to the bedroom," she said, "and do this thing right."

  He rose, taking his hands out from behind her. He held one out to her and she took it and stood to join him. Clothes askew, they both moved into Abby's bedroom and sank down on one of her few indulgences--her queen sized pillow top mattress. Jordan pulled off his shirt and then reached over to Abby and lifted hers over her head. This was always the tough part for her, being a bigger girl. She was not personally uncomfortable with her looks--life was way too short for that. Still, she had a little voice of doubt in the back of her head each time she was nude in front of a lover. Jordan backed up a bit and looked at her, really looked at her bare chest.

  She started to squirm under his scrutiny when he said, "Yes. Beautiful. I knew it. Your skin is so warm and soft, and good God, your breasts are magnificent." Abby smiled, embarrassed that he could please her so but pleased nonetheless. "I need more of you."

  He reached his long arms around her and effortlessly unhooked her bra. Her breasts sprang free and Jordan leaned down to kiss each one gently. When she sighed her encouragement, he cupped them in his hands and licked and sucked at her nipples until they became hard and sensitive to touch. Abby enjoyed his ministrations, the sensations growing in her belly. She felt as though a fire was slowly burning there, sending tendrils of flame up her spine and down into her pussy. Her panties were more than damp now, and she could feel her clit throbbing gently with anticipation.

  Jordan came up for air, buried his face in her neck, inhaling deeply. "You smell so good, like vanilla and oranges and sex."

  Abby reached down and pulled his face back to hers for another kiss. Laying him down next to her, she propped her head on one elbow. Her fingers lightly traced his chest, running over his nipples which hardened in response.

  "Tit for tat," she murmured, then bent her head and gently sucked each nipple into her mouth. He drew breath sharply, then let it out in a low groan of pleasure. She moved to straddle him, then kissed down his chest to the waistband of his slacks.

  "I've been wanting to see the rest of you for some time now." Abby opened his pants, barely containing her impatience. His erection stood out clearly despite being contained by his black boxer briefs. She wriggled his pants off of him and soon his underwear followed.

  "I had no idea you were so aggressive in bed," said Jordan, now naked. It was his turn to sit still while Abby took him in. He was as perfect from the waist down as she had imagined, and his cock was pleasantly plump without being intimidating. Quite lovely to look at, but Abby was greedy for more.

  "Wait until you see what else I've been keeping a secret," she said, then went back to kissing him, starting at his waist and moving down toward his cock. He twitched eagerly, but she teased him. She kissed the inside of his thighs and around the base of his cock, breathing in his scent. He smelled like spice and musk and all things male.

  After a few moments, he twisted his hand in her hair once more. "You teasing girl, you're making me crazy."

  At that she licked the very tip of his cock, then blew cold air over it. He tensed every muscle, and nearly bucked her off his thighs where she was settled. A sly smile grew on her face. She loved the power she had over him. Finally, after what probably seemed like a lifetime to Jordan, she lowered her head over his cock and pulled the full length of him into her mouth. Hips
rose to meet her as she descended. Abby worked slowly, moving her mouth up and down his shaft, lubricating him as well as stimulating each nerve he had. She plunged down to the root of him --his cock was just small enough for that-- and then back up to the tip. She moved her tongue around the underside of his shaft, the most sensitive part of any man, and he responded by squeezing her hair. He was not shoving her onto him like some porno, but he had her head firmly in his grasp and she liked it there. Abby licked and sucked until Jordan couldn't take anymore and begged her to stop. In one graceful move he flipped her on her back and stopped a moment to catch his breath.

  "But my darling, you still have clothes on. That will not do." He unzipped and deftly pulled her skirt off revealing her now thoroughly soaked panties. He pulled them over her heavy hips and tossed them into the pile of clothing on the floor.

  "Tit for tat." Eyes sparkling, Jordan dove down between her legs while she giggled. He kissed her belly and thighs, and moved his hands over every part of her body. Then he put one hand on each knee and bent her legs to allow him access. He ran one hand lightly over her mound, just brushing his fingers through her hair. Her clit throbbed in response. He parted her lips and licked her once, gently from stem to stern, then blew air over her. She gasped and he returned her sly smile. He went to work on her, licking and suckling her, listening to her body and adjusting until he found a pressure and pace that drove her closer to orgasm. He slid one, then two fingers easily inside her and stroked her g-spot. She lifted her body slightly to meet his thrusts as he fucked her gently.

  "Harder," she whispered, her chest and face red with arousal. He picked up the pace at her request, moving his fingers in and out of her and licking her clit in the perfect way. She could feel her orgasm building inside of her, heat pooled in her belly and she came with gusto, eyes squeezed shut in rapture.

  He pulled his fingers out of her slowly, leaving her empty and weak. He rose and kissed her face and neck lovingly, then said, "That was amazing. You taste so good."

  Her eyes were still half closed with lust and she was limp. He pressed his erection into her hip and she brought a knee up between his legs. "Abby, I want to make love to you; I want to be inside you." She nodded her assent and he sat up to slip on a condom. She sat up with him, kissing the back of his neck and his broad back. He leaned back into her, and she savored the feel of his body against hers. She pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him again. He raised his eyebrows but sat back, letting her lead. She lowered herself on his waiting cock, sliding down a half inch at a time, teasing him again. "You are an awful tease, Abigail. I will have to teach you some manners one of these days." Abby just laughed and leaned over, pinning his arms above his head with her hands. She rode him, moving her hips in a way that pleased them both. She felt his cock harden even more inside her and she fucked him hard, enjoying the feel of her clit on his pubic bone as well as his cock inside her.

  "Oh, God, don't stop, please, Abby, don't stop fucking me, I want to cum inside you, I can't, I'm going to..." Jordan's words became incomprehensible as his orgasm overwhelmed him. She continued, milking every drop out of him until he was screaming with the sensory overload, and just as she thought she would have to stop to spare him, she came, yelling loudly, for the second time. She collapsed, exhausted, atop his prone form

  They must have fallen asleep for a bit, because Abby woke on top of Jordan, a mixture of their juices cooling underneath her. She climbed off and he murmured, reaching for her to come back. She lay down next to him, with her head on his shoulder. She had never felt so safe, so loved in her life. Satisfied and truly happy, she fell back to sleep.

  Chapter 4

  September 10th, 2007

  Another six months passed quickly.

  I cannot believe the changes that have happened in my life. In the space of a year she had lost her mother, found true love and drastically changed her career path. Prior to The Reaper, Abby worked with women diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome. Few people had heard of her or read her research. Now she was an acclaimed scientist, thanks to her work on The Reaper vaccine. A lucky stroke or two led her to a way to produce a vaccine that required one inoculation and was easily reproduced. That simple improvement had led to hundreds of thousands of saved lives all over the country.

  Strange how things work out. Thanks to our work in the lab, Reprotech is famous. The President himself had come to Reprotech when he and his wife discovered they were having problems conceiving a child. In fact, Reprotech had never been busier. New patients entered the clinic every day looking for help with fertility problems.

  Now that I think about it, I've never seen so many people through here. I wonder if there's more to it than simple publicity. Picking up the phone, Abby dialed her boss.

  "Hey, Samantha, I've got a random question for you. Do you think our upswing in business is related to our good press?"

  "Sure, Abby, why not? We're hot stuff, especially with the First Lady as a client."

  "I don't know. It seems weird to me, and I was thinking The Reaper may have impacted some women's ability to reproduce. Do you mind if I look into some data from other facilities?"

  "Not at all--you're my star employee after all. Thanks to you, we are netting twice the profit we did before The Reaper."

  "Oh, well, thanks, Samantha." Abby grimaced as she hung up the phone. I hate how much she cares about the bottom line, but at least I'm doing good work here.

  Grinning, Jordan peeked around the door of her office with his hand held behind his back. "Hey, sugar," he said. "I thought you might want to take a little break." With a flourish, he produced a sack from her favorite sandwich place.

  "Oooh, is that the tomato and mozzarella pannini I love?"

  "Of course it is, and a roast beef for me. You know, it's four in the afternoon yet somehow I knew you hadn't eaten yet. You need to take better care of my girl." Jordan was clearly enjoying being in a relationship again. He treated Abby like a queen, always holding doors for her, leaving her little love notes on her computer screen, or bringing her lunch. They spent all their time together, both at work and off duty. I cannot believe how much time I wasted worrying about polyamory. After all, love is love. She thought back to the conversation they had not long after becoming intimate:

  'Abby, I want to commit to you,' he told her, hand over hers.

  'But Jordan, what about your feelings for monogamy? I know I can't be everything you want.'

  'On the contrary. You are everything I want in a partner, and my best friend to boot. What more could I ask for?'

  'Still, Jordan, we can't pretend you believe in 'happily ever after'.'

  'And I know you don't expect me to change any more than I expect you to change. Right now, and for the future, I want us to be exclusive. I can't promise the future is forever, but I can promise you this. If something changes, anything at all, you will be the first to know. I want all the cards on the table between us, all the time.'

  'So, if you fall for someone else, you'll tell me first? I just don't know about this.'

  'Abby, if I fall for someone else, that person would have to be as perfect for me as you are. If lightening strikes us twice, who are we to argue?'

  'But if it does happen...'

  'If it does happen, we'll know. We'll be prepared for it. We'll handle it when it happens, Abby. I love you, I would never betray your trust.'

  And that's when my resistance crumbled. After all, what do we have if not honesty and trust? Back in the present, Abby smiled, watching Jordan unpack his impromptu treat on the workspace in front of her. Gads, that conversation was terrifying. Okay, so he's not perfect. But he's perfect for me, and God knows I'm not perfect either. I love this man, and that is all I need to know.

  "All right, babe? You seem a little distant."

  "Oh, I'm fine. Just thinking about how great you are." Abby grabbed the front of his shirt and planted a kiss on his lips.

  "I am great, aren't I? Now can we eat, befor
e you waste away to a mere shadow?"

  Switching on the radio news, Jordan and Abby tucked in to their late lunch.

  "This is Carla Morales at the top of the hour. In a press conference from the White House, the White House Chief of Staff presented the FBI's final report on the deaths of President Whitaker and Vice President McAllister, along with the severe illness of most of the cabinet and part of Congress. We go now to a recorded portion of that conference…

  "Mr. Franklin, are you saying that there was some sort of attack on the line of succession?"

  "The FBI has evidence to support an intentional, deliberate infection of the people in question. The President was speaking at an emergency joint session of Congress three days before symptoms of the mutated virus began to appear, and the cabinet members were also in attendance. The only cabinet member not present was now President Jones, who was busy at another emergency meeting with the director of the Centers for Disease Control. This explains why President Jones was unaffected by this mutated strain of flu."

  The background noise escalated as reporters jockeyed to be called upon.

  "Yes, Mr. Rusher?"

  "How does the FBI explain their belief that the infection was intentional? Couldn't it have spread in that meeting by someone infected?"

  "The case for intent rests with the flu virus itself. The DNA of the virus appears to have been manipulated by someone in order to render the vaccination against The Reaper useless. No, the FBI is positive that someone released the virus that killed the president in that meeting somehow."

  "Why didn't everyone at that meeting get sick?"

  "We believe that the antiviral medication saved some but not others. As with the natural form of the virus, the antivirals worked in many but not all cases. The important thing to know is that our best intelligence suggests someone assassinated the President and Vice President. The FBI's number one priority is locating this person. The profilers believe we are looking for a white male, around the age of thirty-five, educated and likely working in a laboratory setting of some kind. He probably holds radical views about politics, and may belong to some fringe group. They are also looking for an accomplice that was present at the Capitol on the day in question, perhaps an aide, staff member or visitor."


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