Triple X

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Triple X Page 9

by Amelia June

  "I don't think it's the entire human race, just those of us exposed to The Reaper, but I have to agree with you, this is weird. Who's going to believe us?"

  "From what I've heard through the grapevine, we're not the only ones coming to this conclusion. Several of the doctors I emailed told me they had similar suspicions but couldn't confirm anything. Thanks to the moratorium on fertility research, we're not able to prove any of what we're seeing in the data easily."

  "What about paternity testing? We should be able to prove that three distinct types of DNA exist in these new babies."

  "I agree, but didn't you hear the news last night? The President just signed a bill stating that no further genetic research is allowed on babies born in the last year and beyond. He actually managed to convince Congress to push the bill through citing 'abusive practices' on the infants. Like drawing blood isn't done on babies routinely. Somehow, he managed to get it passed though. Also, the information and research seems to be disappearing. As I made requests for information, I noticed more and more doctors unwilling to provide it. I think the government is putting pressure on researchers to keep their mouths shut about this."

  "That is horrific. What is happening here? I'm really starting to feel afraid of my government."

  "It's bad, no denying it. But on the positive side, apparently there is a huge countrywide backlash. Jones being so intensely hard core is preventing any married couple from conceiving a child because most of America doesn't know what is going on. Even people who would normally embrace a more religious, conservative government are beginning to get suspicious of Jones. You know, even our sit-in tonight has grown to include people who are usually against gay marriage, but want to show their objections to the government's extremism."

  "Yeah, that's wild. Never thought I'd be rubbing elbows with conservatives at a protest. But, then again, it just goes to show how tyrannical Jones and company have become."

  "Maybe there's hope for us yet." Abby heaved a sigh, then began compiling all her findings into a report for her boss.

  Chapter 7

  Before she hit the 'send' key on the email she paused.

  "Do you think Samantha is cooperating with some government cover up? We haven't seen any of our findings outside this lab, except what I've shared with colleagues privately." Plus, all she cares about is money. Not that I would ever say that out loud!

  "Nah," said Jordan, "I've had my beefs with Samantha before, but I've always seen her as an ethical person. I don't think she'd hide this kind of data from the scientific community."

  "You know, normally she's after me all the time to publish papers, but I haven't heard a word from her since our trip. I haven't even seen her. We've been so busy down here I feel like we're isolated from the rest of the company. And she hasn't asked for any of the research we did. What's up with that?" Abby picked up the phone in a bit of a daze. We've been working so hard on the problem I didn't even realize how long it has been since I've heard from her. That is really strange. Maybe Samantha could explain things a little better.

  Samantha picked up on the first ring, and must have read her caller ID because she said, "Abby, hi, I have been meaning to call you but I have been swamped with meetings. The Department of Health and Human Services has been really interested in Reprotech as a local support, which between you and me is a good thing, or else we might be in some financial hot water."

  "I can imagine, considering we're not able to get people pregnant. But that's what I'm calling about; I think we may have a solution. I was just about to post the data to the website." A little white lie, to see how her boss felt about research on infertility becoming public.

  "Hey, Abby, hold off on that, would ya? In fact, why don't you just send a copy to me first so I can review it? I, uh, hadn't realized you were so far along in your analysis."

  "It's not like my information was that hard to ascertain," said Abby. "All it took was some cooperation from other doctors and researchers and we developed a theory quite quickly. Obviously I can't test the theory in a lab, but..."

  "Well, then that's all it is. A theory. You can't really get more data right now anyway, so I'm thinking you should just hold off on this project for a while." Samantha was hemming and hawing. Holy crap. I think someone's gotten to her. Samantha is the last person on earth who would hold back data, especially data that would help Reprotech.

  "Oh, all right, Samantha. We will hold off on posting the data on the internet. I've got a copy all ready to go for you. Listen, what do you want me to work on, if this project is being suspended?"

  "I would suggest you go back to your polycystic ovarian syndrome work. Focus on helping women have working parts for when we've figured out the whole infertility business."

  "But, boss, I'm telling you, I'm pretty sure we have figured it out. Let me explain it really quickly to you--"

  "No need, no need. Just send me the data in an email and leave it for now. I'm not going to place all my eggs in your theoretical basket. We'll need some hard evidence first."

  "Well, okay. Thanks, Samantha." Abby hung up, uneasy. She relayed the conversation to Jordan, and together they backed up all the data gathered and the conclusive reports on Jordan's jump drive. That way they had a record of it outside of Reprotech. Technically, she was not allowed to do that as all work she did was property of her employer. I've just got this feeling I need to protect all the work we've done. When the backup was complete, she sent everything on to her boss and hoped for the best. Maybe I'm imagining things, and Samantha will get that information circulated right away. We'll be able to get a great paper out of all this!

  * * * *

  Abby made her way to her boss's office. She had been summoned not an hour after sending her conclusions up. She wondered just what Samantha had made of the notion that humanity now propagated itself in a heretofore unseen way.

  "Abby, come on in. I've been waiting for you." Samantha was perched on the edge of her chair, looking tired.

  "Are you okay?" asked Abby. "You seem really drawn." The circles under her eyes aren't comforting.

  "I'm fine, fine, just a bit worn out from running numbers, trying to keep us afloat. But, I've got nothing a little vino and sleep won't cure tonight. Enough about me though, how are you? I hear you and Jordan Prince are practically official! I thought I'd never see that cad settle down."

  "I guess we just finally figured things out." Like I'd discuss my personal life with you. "What's up, boss? Why the urgent meeting?"

  Samantha sighed heavily. "I guess there's no easy way to say this, Abby, so I'm just going to say it. Reprotech is going to have to let you go. You've been a valuable employee and researcher, but at this time we just don't need your services."

  "What? Wait, wait, you're firing me? How is that possible? I just cracked the biggest mystery in the country and you're firing me?!?" What the fuck? Hang on--"Samantha, what about my research? Are we going to the press with the information? When are you going to post it online?"

  "That's the thing, Abby. You have to understand I've got a company to run here. I've got hundreds of employees, not just you and your project. I simply can't protect you at the cost of the rest of us."

  "Protect me? Protect me from what, Samantha? It's research, not a bomb. I'm not a terrorist for heaven's sake. What are you talking about?"

  "Look, this comes from way higher up than me. I have no say in this. I'm the last one who would conceal legitimate information from our patients. But my hands are tied if I want to keep Reprotech open at all. I've been threatened with total shutdown."

  "I don't understand. Who would want to keep my theories secret? I don't even know for sure they're true, and if they are correct, why on earth would we hide them from the people we're trying to help?"

  "I can't discuss any of this with you. I will not risk this company any further. I'm really sorry but I have nothing else I can tell you. Just know that there are forces beyond my control who believe this information is best kept, well, out
of the public eye. I need you to leave the premises immediately. I'm going to have to send a security officer to make sure you leave what you should here, if you know what I mean. And, Abby, this applies to Jordan too. I want to tell him myself, but I just don't have time. You two will be mailed your final paychecks and benefit pay outs."

  "You're firing Jordan and he's not even here to defend himself? What the hell is going on here, Samantha? This is crap."

  "Just go to the lab, get your stuff and leave the premises. I don't want to call security up here. I was hoping to do this peacefully."

  Without another word, Abby fled from the office.

  'Leave what you should here.' Yeah right. What she means is the months of research we've done is her property, not ours. God, I hate her. And now I have to tell Jordan he's fired too. She's lost her mind. I feel like I've stepped into a George Orwell novel, doublespeak and all. Wiping her eyes, she stormed into the office, collapsed into Jordan's arms and cried.

  Only a few minutes passed, Jordan stroking her hair gently and murmuring encouragements though he wasn't clear what happened, when the security guard showed up. He poked his head in the door, clearly uncomfortable with his charge, then arranged a stern look on his face and stood sentry in the doorway.

  "Um, Abby, why is security here?" Jordan asked uneasily.

  "I'm so sorry, Jordan, but we've both been fired. No explanation other than 'to protect the company'. We have to clean out our desks right now."

  "Oh....Okay," said Jordan, "but what do we need a security guard for?"

  "To make sure we don't abscond with any Reprotech property. Specifically any research we may have done in Reprotech's name. Especially the most recent research we've done."

  "I see," said Jordan, and a brief but meaningful look passed between them. Jordan jumped on the computer immediately, and Abby knew he was covering up evidence of their file copying earlier.

  "I just have to shut down the computer, make sure everything is saved where Samantha can find it," he said. The guard moved to look over his shoulder, but did not appear to really understand anything Jordan was doing. Abby sighed a tiny sigh of relief. At least we'll be able to get the information out of the building. Together, the two of them collected years of accumulated junk from Abby's office and the lab in silence. Neither of them felt comfortable speaking openly in front of the guard. Abby was glad for Jordan's presence, and they shared an unspoken support for each other, even as they were escorted from the building under guard.

  "Come on, girl, I'll buy you a piece of pie." Jordan slung an arm around her shoulders as they dropped their office junk at the front door.

  "Okay", sniffed Abby. "I can't think of anything else I want to do right now."

  * * * *

  After some talking and fiddling around, Jordan and Abby decided they were probably in the clear financially for a while. Abby's mother's townhome had finally sold in Tucson, and Jordan had an inheritance from his parents' deaths he had never touched--an old college fund he had saved for a rainy day. Both of them were well educated and experienced, though in the current climate they weren't sure where they could get jobs as geneticists.

  Abby thought maybe her work on The Reaper could land her work somewhere with viruses, not in her chosen field but at least it was income. I'll put out some feelers with colleagues. Something is bound to turn up. Jordan was considering a career shift. He was good with computers, and thought maybe he could find some work lobbying or within the movement for change somewhere. Everyone needed a good techie.

  I think we're going to be okay. Abby breathed a little easier.

  "It's time to head to the sit-in," said Abby, "are you ready?" Jordan had been messing around on-line, trying to move money around and reworking his resume.

  "You know, I don't think I'm up for it tonight," he said. "I'd really like to work on this more. Would you mind terribly going along without me?"

  "No, I'll be fine. I'd love for you to come but I understand." Both of them were stressed, not wanting to snap at each other for silly things. I love the simplicity of a healthy relationship at times like these. He's doing what's best for us both by keeping to himself. I have to respect that, even if I want him close.

  Alone, she plugged in her iPod and hopped the Metro to downtown. The sit- in was as close to the White House possible, organized right along the fence that cordoned off the lawn. She zoned out, watching the street go by as Violet Blue read sexy stories on her latest podcast. I wonder how long it will be before they shut these erotic stories down…She was totally unprepared when Edan sat down next to her and put a hand on her knee. She jumped about a foot in the air, then scolded him.

  "Holy crap, Edan, you scared the living shit out of me." She let her anger at her situation sound in her voice unintentionally. She gave him a miserable look and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. That sounded really nasty, but I'm just in a bad spot." She pulled off her earphones and turned toward him.

  "Whoa, Abby, are you okay?" Edan asked.

  "Yes. No. Oh I don't know," she said, and tears began flowing freely from her eyes again. Edan watched for a second, then pulled her into his arms. She stiffened, then relaxed against him. She usually had pride in her self reliance, but today was a day for falling apart. As she sat half in Edan's arms, she breathed in his scent. He smelled deeper than Jordan, more rich but equally good. She took a deep breath, inhaling him, then realized what she was doing and sat up quickly, blushing.

  "I'm sorry," she stammered, "I didn't mean to...well...I've just had the worst day and I must be losing my mind a little." Geeze. That was a nice save. Wonder if he knew I was smelling him. Ack!

  "Don't apologize." There was an awkward silence, then he went on. "What happened to you today? You seem really wrecked."

  "I got fired, Jordan got fired, and my findings on infertility have been censored for reasons unexplained."

  "Oh, is that all? My God, Abby, how horrible. I think you win the bad day award." He hugged her tighter, and her heart skipped a beat.

  "I'm so pissed. I didn't even have time to be pissed, earlier. I know this is about the government. How can this happen in America? Since when is the pursuit of knowledge against the law? And what happened to freedom of expression?" Abby's rant trailed off and she just sat in the circle of Edan's arms. He felt so good up close like this. I know him so well now, and all I feel is more attraction. I was kind of hoping the crush was a visual thing. But his vitality and passion for his causes only made it worse, not to mention his intelligence and wit. I've only gotten more smitten as we've worked together. Now here I am, crying on his shoulder like some love struck puppy.

  "Is there anything I can do to help? I'm not sure how, but I'd love to be there to support you guys right now." Edan's eyes sparkled green, and she saw genuine concern and care for her there. She wondered how he felt about her, then shook the thought away.

  "Actually, there is one thing you can do. Jordan is tired of using his medical degree; it just isn't the field for him. He is really much happier around computers, and he's looking for a position doing tech support or something. Would you know anyone in the community who could use some help?"

  "I just heard The Human Rights Campaign is looking for someone to design and maintain their website, among other things technical. Lately they've received such a surplus in donations they are able to hire someone. Jordan has the job no problem if he wants it. Seems a little beneath him, being a doctor. Why is he getting out of medicine?"

  "I think he wants to make a difference, and right now our work is being so severely restricted it is practically impossible to make any advancements. We are both boxed in by the governmental crack downs. Jordan wants to change things, not operate within restrictions."

  "Heh, I understand that better than anyone. I've given up much more lucrative job offers in the past to work on issues close to my heart. Here, I'll call over there right now and make sure they know he's interested. Shouldn't be any trouble getting him hired on. Maybe I can help your bad
day brighten up a little."

  "But, Edan, you've got a rally starting in twenty minutes. Don't fret about us right now. You can always call later." What a sweetheart.

  "Quiet, young lady, I'm already dialing." Edan smiled at her. He held on to her with one arm as he dialed the phone and spoke with someone at Human Rights Campaign's local headquarters. Abby tried not to eavesdrop despite her anxiety. He hung up the phone and handed it to her.

  "Call your man. He's got a job if he wants it."

  "Wow, I can't believe you have that much clout over there."

  "I don't. Jordan is skilled and dedicated. Half the people there have slept with him, anyway. Everyone is very fond of him and would love to have him on board. The only thing I did was make sure they held the position for him."

  "Thank you, Edan. You've really made life a lot easier, as long as Jordan is okay with things." She dialed up and gave Jordan the run down of what happened. As she was talking, the train pulled up to their exit and Edan held her hand as they walked up stairs. After hanging up, she realized how natural it felt being hand in hand with Edan like this. She could no longer deny the feelings she was having. This was no high school crush. She had deepening levels of respect, admiration and yes, lust, for this man.

  She thought about poly, and realized that if she had waited for a man to be her 'one and only', she would never be able to acknowledge the truth of her feelings for Edan and Jordan, which were very real and powerful. But, can I really have a committed relationship with more than one person? What about jealousy? Jordan and Edan will be together also--will I feel slighted by them? The more she pondered, however, she surprised herself with hope, not skepticism. Having Edan join their life seemed to be a wonderful idea, if a scary one. How ironic that I was the monogamist, and now I want to bring someone else into the relationship. Of course, I know full well Jordan has his own feelings about Edan. By the time they reached the White House fence, the sick feeling in the pit of her stomach gave way to a cautious excitement.


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