Triple X

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Triple X Page 10

by Amelia June

  "I've got to run up front and get everything started," said Edan. "I'll be right back with you, so don't move, okay?" Abby tried to tell him not to worry about her, she didn't need a babysitter for heaven's sake, but he was already gone. She smiled. If things do work out the way I hope, what will I do with two doting, overprotective boys?

  Watching Edan on stage, delivering another rousing speech, she was once again mesmerized by him. He was wearing a suit and tie, so he must have come from somewhere important, because he rarely dressed up. Tonight he looked fantastic, his hair tied back with a braided leather thong, his tailored black suit showing off every asset. Abby started to imagine him with Jordan, and got weak in the knees. Oh man, if this works out I've won the boy lottery. Taking a deep breath, she scolded herself for putting the cart before the horse. Sure, Edan was supportive and sweet, but that didn't mean he wanted to be more than a good friend. Clearly, a talk was in order for the three of them. She sent a quick text message to Jordan asking if he minded a visit from Edan tomorrow night for dinner, and started trying to figure out what she would say to both of them.

  * * * *

  President Jones watched the protesters at the fence with revulsion. He saw among them women kissing women and men holding hands. He even saw groups of three and four hugging, practically fornicating right there on the lawn. Disgusting! A sea of sinners, defacing my house, the White House, with their depravity. I can't believe I have to let them congregate this way. But I will obey the law until I can change it. I am not a dictator. He prayed a silent prayer of apology, begging forgiveness and strength from God. Someday, these people would be in jail or in mental institutions, where they belonged. He felt warmth fill him as he prayed, lifting him up and he knew God had heard him.

  He had, of late, been blessed to hear the Word of God directly. Every time he fasted, God spoke to him, gave him directions for saving America. Jones believed deeply that God was guiding his every movement, and soon the women would start to produce children again.

  Chief of Staff Van Sant knocked on the door, and Jones summoned him inside. "Mr. President, I have word from the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. The information gathered by Reprotech has been destroyed. Luckily, they had a complete list of people working on the project, and we were able to contact all of them. The information seems to be contained at this time."

  "Excellent work, Samuel. Please let the Secretary know I will push forward the funding package he requested immediately. I am very pleased that this information is under wraps. The nation is secure in God's love tonight. Well, most of the nation," he amended, looking down on the protest again. "Isn't there anything I can do to remove those fornicators from my property, Samuel?"

  "Not legally, sir. They are on public property and pose no threat. They are allowed to demonstrate peacefully. Perhaps we can examine the laws of peaceful protest at our next meeting." Jones had daily meetings with his top officials and trusted confidants. The purpose of each meeting was to do God's Will, to strategize ways to guide the nation toward salvation. Out of those meetings came the restrictions on research, the cover up of the blasphemous 'Triple X' theory as it was being called in some scientific circles, and many more planned changes.

  "You're right. Please put it on the agenda for the morning. I will not stand for these non-believers spitting in the face of God's Word any longer."

  "Yes, Mr. President. Anything else I can do for you this evening?"

  "No, go home to be with Martha. I know she's been down." My own wife hasn't spoken a word in weeks. She seems lost, without purpose, since she is unable to conceive. "Why don't you bring her for dinner some night? Maybe she and Nina can cheer each other up."

  "Thank you, Mr. President. I'll see that we get on your agenda. Good night."

  "Good night, Samuel."

  Jones turned his attention back to the protesters. He could see Edan Jameson leading the charge. That man gets on my last nerve. Jameson had been a thorn in the side of conservative lawmakers for years, long before The Reaper and Jones. Before the government at large changed so drastically Jameson had actually had some success in blocking law defining marriage as one man and one woman. He had won the favor of Congressmen on the fence and even some moderate Republicans had voted against the measures.

  Well, things are different now. You and your blaspheming horde will have no chance now that the nation knows God will grant them life if they reject your kind. Jones drew the curtain, blocking the rally from view, and kneeled once again before the cross. He prayed fervently for guidance and patience enough to deal with these people in the way they deserved.

  * * * *

  December 16th, 2007

  Abby opened her eyes with the sun to see Jordan propped up on one elbow, looking at her.

  "Hey," she murmured, "what's up?"

  "So," he replied, "tell me what is going on with you. I know there's something besides jobs and infertility on your mind. You barely spoke to me when you got home last night, you seemed so lost in thought. And what's up with Edan coming for dinner?"

  Abby blinked the last of her night's sleep out of her eyes, and stretched her arms out to encircle Jordan's neck.

  "Baby, I think you know what's up with Edan coming for dinner. But before we talk to him about anything, I want to talk to you. I just don't know how to do this. I feel like I'm cheating on you just thinking about him like that."

  Jordan pulled her arms away and sat up, pulling her with him. They were both cross legged on the bed, facing each other. Abby's heart was suddenly full of emotion.

  "I'm so in love with you, I want to spend every moment in your arms. But I can't deny the pull I feel toward Edan, any more than I could deny the pull I felt to you. If this was any other relationship, I would just bury my feelings. But with us being us, part of me thinks maybe I don't have to. But I'm filled with 'what-ifs."

  "Yes I know. What if bringing another into our lives causes irrevocable damage between us. What if we lose each other?"

  "If nothing else, the safe place we have created will change forever. I guess I feel a little sad about that, too, even if what comes from it is better."

  "Abby, I know what you're feeling. I've felt it. I've experienced the rush of confused emotions you get when trying to negotiate a relationship, any relationship. Think about it--did you feel scared and confused when we first decided to be a couple, move from our good friendship to something more?"

  "Sure I did, but those are normal feelings to have when a new relationship starts..." she trailed off. Shoot. Put my foot in it.

  "See, here's the real problem. You're still thinking that polyamory is unnatural, immoral. You feel guilty for wanting what your heart desires because you have always believed it was wrong to want such a thing."

  "You're right," she said. "I have a really hard time accepting that we can make this work; that everything will be okay and no one will get hurt in all this."

  "Oh, someone will get hurt, we probably all will. That's also normal in relationships, right?"

  "So, what you're telling me is that poly is like any other relationship. I know that's not true."

  "What I'm saying is that the challenges of any relationship exist in poly, only between three or more. I'm not saying some extra issues don't pop up, but we can deal with them just as we do issues between us. We are adults, and more than that we love each other very much. If Edan joins us, we will make it work because we all love each other and we are worth the work."

  Abby took a deep breath and said, "Then, do you feel the same way I do about him? Do you want to include him in our relationship in an intimate way?"

  "I do. I think he's a great fit for us. You are clearly smitten, and I've always liked him and found him sexy. I admire his work, too. He's a great guy for us."

  "Are you jealous of my feelings for him?"

  "Actually, no. I'm surprised at that. I've been jealous in the past of lovers and relationships, but with you and Edan, it just seems to make se
nse. I love you so much; I don't want to limit you. I've never really felt this way before. But then, I knew you were special."

  Abby felt a great weight lift off her listening to Jordan. How did I get so freaking lucky?

  "Thank you, Jordan. I can't believe we're going to do this, but I think we should. I am so blessed to have such an understanding and loving partner in my life. If Edan is as fantastic as you I won't know what to do with myself."

  "Oh, we'll help you think of something," said Jordan, winking lasciviously. "Everything is far too serious here. I demand tickling." And with that, he threw her on the bed and tickled her. She squirmed out of his reach only to be pulled back again, and soon after they were making raucous love, grinning like idiots the whole time.

  Chapter 8

  December 16th, 2007

  Abby opened the door for Edan and lost her breath for a moment. Edan was even more handsome than usual in tight fitting dark jeans, a shirt that picked up the green of his eyes, and a pair of Sketchers. His dark hair was braided and secured with a beaded tie. He smelled of soap and some kind of aftershave Abby couldn't place. Jordan appeared at Abby's side in the doorway and they squeezed hands briefly, both thinking the same lewd thoughts.

  "Edan, you look fantastic," said Jordan, and moved to allow passage into the apartment. "Come in, come in."

  "Thanks," said Edan, handing Jordan a bottle of red wine, a good Cabernet Sauvignon.

  "Oo, that should go great with the steaks," said Abby.

  "The food smells great. I always eat better than when I'm with you guys. You should be careful or one of these days I'll never leave." They all looked at each other for a moment, then Abby said, "Um, let's go eat before it gets cold."

  They ate in the living room on the floor in front of the fireplace. Abby and Jordan spread blankets and cushions to sit on, then placed the dishes in the center. Plates for each of them held steak gorgonzola, spinach salad and garlic mashed potatoes, a Jordan specialty. They ate companionably, sharing bites of food around. Talk and wine flowed freely.

  Edan regaled them with stories of his student protest years, when he once spent days chained to the university administration building to protest the segregation of gay students in a separate dorm. Not to be outdone, Jordan shared his college stories of making out with his roommate, a Christian Fundamentalist boy exploring his wild side. Abby laughed until she cried when both of them did a rendition of their first boy kisses, nervous and halting with the added taboo of being same sex, bodies awkwardly bent to avoid 'rubbing'. At some point the dinner dishes were tossed in the sink and Jordan presented dessert with a flourish. His famous chocolate cheesecake, complete with his hand whipped cream. He sliced one huge piece and laid it on a plate with three spoons and they all shared, sighing in unison with pleasure.

  "Ugh, I think I'm going to explode," said Edan, lying down on his back in front of the fire, hands under his head. "You guys are too generous. I can't think of a nicer evening I've spent, and here you are in a crisis cooking for me."

  "You know, we're doing okay," said Jordan, "especially knowing I've got a job come Monday thanks to you."

  "Oh, come on, Jordan, that had very little to do with me and everything to do with your legendary tongue. Do you know how many of the Human Rights Campaign workers told me about you? You're practically a deity over there." Jordan blushed, and Abby laughed merrily.

  "I can't believe I've finally seen you embarrassed. I thought there was nothing left that could embarrass you. After all, I know about the tongue too."

  "Yeah," said Edan, "in fact, I'm beginning to think I'm the only one left in DC who hasn't had the Jordan Prince experience." Edan's face was shadowed in the firelight, but Abby thought she could see a hint of flirt behind the comment. I hope that isn't wishful thinking.

  "Hey," said Jordan, "why are you picking on me? It's not like the other half of the Human Rights Campaign hasn't spent time under your special attention."

  "True," said Edan. "You know, why haven't we ever hooked up? Seems a weird coincidence given how many common partners we've had."

  "Timing," Jordan replied. "Every time you were free, I wasn't. Believe me, I looked Edan. Shoot, everyone looks at you. Just ask my girl here."

  Abby blinked in surprise, and realized he just gave her the perfect opening to share her feelings. What the hell, she thought. I might as well just say it or I'll probably never find the courage. Edan was looking at her with a mix of surprise and encouragement on his face.

  "Is that so, Miss Abigail? Have you been lusting after me too?"

  "All right, here's the thing. I asked you over tonight with an ulterior motive. I wanted to tell you...well...I wanted to say that--" Abby faltered, unsure and nervous. This went much better in my head.

  "Wait," said Edan, "I want to say something first before you do. I have had the best time with you two the last month or so. I've always liked you, Jordan, always thought of you as a fellow activist and supporter. I've been having real trouble lately because I've developed this...this problem and I don't know how to handle it. I've been wanting to bring it up with you two, but I didn't want to risk our friendship. Now it seems like you might have figured me out, so I want to be honest. The truth is, I've fallen for you. For both of you. I know you've settled down, committed to each other, and I feel awful but I can't simply run from these feelings. Knowing how close you are, and how good you are to me, this has been tearing me up inside. I thought if I just stuck it out I could stay friends with you, but now I'm worried you are offended by me. I thought I was covering up pretty well, but..."

  "Whoa, whoa, slow down," said Abby. "Are you saying you like us? As in, more than friendship?"

  "Well, yes. I assume you were trying to put the brakes on me since you two are so committed to each other. I feel awful."

  "No, no, stop for a second. This is, this is just--" Abby started to laugh, and Jordan joined her. They both giggled, letting out the tension of the moment while Edan looked on cautiously.

  "Um, guys, what's the joke here? I'm really serious about this," Edan was looking pained but Abby could only wipe her eyes and try to breathe normally for a few moments.

  "I'm sorry," she said, after getting herself under control. "It's just that I've been worrying about this and turning it over and over in my mind and now it turns out you have a crush on us. How silly I've been!" Abby sighed, then surprised herself by taking Edan's hand, then Jordan's.

  "The thing is, Edan, we feel the same way about you. I've been fond of you for quite a while now, and when you came to my rescue last night I couldn't stop thinking about you and I together. I felt horrible, like I was cheating on Jordan. But when I talked it over with him, he confessed his own feelings that we might make a good triad. Now, I'm new to poly so I am probably going to make a big mess out of all this, but--we'd really like to give us, all three of us, a shot at a relationship. We brought you here hoping you might try us on for size."

  Jordan turned his gaze from Abby to Edan, and took his hand, closing the circle between them. "I agree. I think we are great together. Abby hasn't really stopped thinking about you since the moment she met you at her first rally months ago, and I've always thought the two of us could be, well, an interesting combination. We love your passion and your wit, we love your intelligence and we are both madly hot for you. We'd really like you to consider joining us."

  Edan squeezed both their hands, and Abby noticed he had begun to cry a little. "What's wrong, did we say something bad?"

  "No," he said, "I'm just so surprised. I really thought you two were a committed partnership."

  "We are," said Abby. "We just want you to be our partner too. We both agreed at the outset that we would only welcome another on board if we both thought they were perfect, and we think you're pretty damn close."

  "Then I have to say, I'd love to join you. I feel close to the two of you, almost pulled in sometimes by your love for each other and the joy you have together. I would really like to be a part of that."

  Jordan and Abby both let out sighs of relief. They all looked at each other, hands joined together in the shadow of the fire. After a moment, Abby again surprised herself by moving in and kissing Edan lightly on the lips. Not letting go of Jordan's hand, Edan leaned in to kiss her harder, and licked the corner of her mouth gently as the kiss ended. She felt goose bumps rise on her arms and legs and she breathed in sharply.

  Jordan smiled. "You know her already. She is a girl that begs to be tasted." He leaned over and kissed her then, sliding his tongue into her mouth where it mingled with hers. She could taste wine and cheesecake on him as he ran his hand up her arm with a light touch, grazing the hairs and making her shiver. Edan reached his hand around the back of her neck; still he and Jordan had not let go of each other. She tipped her head back and Jordan leaned in to bite her neck roughly, the way she liked. Edan kissed her mouth again, more boldly this time. His kiss was different from Jordan's, more sensual and yet more insistent. He took his time exploring her lips with his, gently sucking her lower lip into his mouth and licking the sensitive outside of her mouth until she was panting slightly. Her panties were already damp, thanks to the attention of her two sexy lovers.

  Abby felt the attention shift slightly, and opened her eyes to see Jordan loosening Edan's hair until it flowed down his shoulders. She watched as he caressed Edan's neck and Edan, leaving his hand behind Abby's head, leaned over to kiss Jordan. This was no awkward virgin kiss, and they both leaned into it with eagerness. Abby saw both men hard beneath their jeans and managed to squeak out, "Shall we remove some clothing, boys? You look a little uncomfortable."

  She reached over to Edan and lifted his shirt off over his head. Jordan and Abby both stared for a moment at the chiseled body before them, then Jordan let out a low whistle. "Only you two could look even better without clothes. I am almost embarrassed to be so lucky right now."


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