Triple X

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Triple X Page 11

by Amelia June

  Abby ran her hands over Edan's bare chest, then stood him up to remove his jeans. His cock stood out from his body, and Abby pulled him into her arms to feel it up against her body. He responded by gently thrusting his hips, placing his hands at her waist. She kissed him again, this time he allowed her to penetrate him with her tongue, and they played for a few moments. She felt Jordan step behind her and shifted her weight back to let him know she wanted him close as well. He pulled her top off, then her pants but left on the black bra and thong she was wearing. She was warm, surrounded by men. Abby turned to face Jordan and Edan pulled her rear into him, cock resting neatly between her cheeks. He groaned, and spoke in her ear, "Abby, I had no idea how beautiful you were under all those clothes. You look gorgeous and you feel so good against me. Is Jordan as handsome as you are beautiful?"

  "Oh yes, but you don't have to take my word for it." She undressed Jordan quickly. What a sight they must have been, she thought, standing in the living room surrounded by pillows and blankets, naked, save for her undergarments. She looked from one to the other of her men, then they sank into a three way embrace, her in the middle. She rested her head on Jordan's chest and felt Edan's hands encircling her waist. Jordan's hands reached around both of them to cup Edan's firm ass and pull him closer to them.

  Abby felt Edan's cock push into her backside and moaned softly. She laid back and he began tracing his fingers over her body. He ran his hands lightly over every part of her, then reached around and freed her breasts, tossing her bra across the room. Jordan nodded his assent, smiling his sunny smile. Both men kissed her breasts then, and she felt a hand, Jordan's she thought, moving up her inner thigh.

  The boys rose from her and started kissing each other. Jordan's wandering hand made it to her pussy and dove in, found her clit and began stroking her in the rhythm he knew she loved. She kept her eyes wide, enjoying the hand on her but also enjoying the show. Edan sat up slightly and began running his hands down Jordan's back. He moved back and Jordan licked his way down Abby's thighs to bury his face between her legs. He began licking her clit in his legendary way, sucking her in until she was bucking beneath him. Beyond him she could see Edan caressing Jordan's legs and ass, occasionally dipping in to finger his asshole. Jordan moaned into her pussy; vibrations coursed through her and she came to shuddering climax.

  Jordan rocked up on to his hands and knees and Abby tossed Edan a condom and lube--always kept strategically around the apartment. She was amazed at how seamless this was, like a dance. Edan prepared then slid into Jordan. Abby and Jordan smiled at each other as Edan began to fuck Jordan, first with slow deep strokes, then faster as he became excited. Abby moved under Jordan and took his cock in her mouth. She matched Edan's rhythm and they both fucked Jordan hard and fast until he could not hold back another second and came in a rush on Abby's chest. Edan roared approval, but pulled out just short of his own orgasm.

  Stripping off one condom Edan quickly donned another and gently pushed Jordan aside to get to Abby. Abby laid again on her back as Jordan cleaned her up with his shirt; Edan reached down to touch her. He slid a finger, then two in her pussy, then removed them and entered her with his cock. Close to his own orgasm, he pulled her legs up over his back to position her just right. Every move he made was forceful, demanding. Jordan put her head in his lap and twined her hair around his hands the way she liked. Edan looked up at Jordan, then into Abby's eyes. His strokes began to change, become erratic and she moved her hips against him until she could feel his pubic bone hitting her clit with each thrust. Edan made guttural, chesty noises as he came, hard, and Abby came again right after.

  Edan laid down and put his head on Abby's chest. Jordan moved to her other side, and both embraced her. Minutes stretched out until time seemed to suspend. At some point, Abby realized she was exhausted. "Hey, let's go to bed, guys, I'm pretty sure you've fucked the life out of me."

  "Good idea," said Jordan. "Can you stay, Edan?" Their eyes met over Abby's torso, and she could see a newfound affection in both pairs.

  "As long as you want me, I'll be here."

  "Well then get comfortable," said Abby, "because we want you here for a long time."

  Standing up and retrieving their various clothes, they all crawled into bed together and cuddled up, arms and legs draped over each other. Abby drifted off to sleep with a feeling of peace and satisfaction. She had finally found herself a home.

  * * * *

  May 1st, 2008

  "Do you mean to tell me, Michael, that I can have a baby? That all along, I've been able to conceive and you haven't told me?" Nina Jones was furious, storming around her quarters in the White House, tears streaming down her face. They had tried for so long to have a baby, along with most of the country. Six months had passed since her husband's press conference claiming that God would deliver children to a pious country, but no such deliverance had appeared, despite the new policies. All those months of longing and despair, and he had this information all along that could have given me a child.

  "But, Nina, you know you cannot produce a child the way God wants you to. We shall not participate in debauchery to fulfill our earthly desires."

  "Our earthly desires!? Having a child of God is not an earthly desire! How do you know God did not intend for this to happen, that he gave us The Reaper in order to promote a different kind of marriage?"

  "Blasphemy!" Jones roared, his face turning red. He raised his hand as if to backhand his wife, then made a fist and lowered it with effort. Nina stopped pacing, shocked. He had never raised a hand to her before.

  "Your very words spit in the face of our Lord. You are a Godly woman, Nina, never have I heard such sin from you before. Marriage was intended to be between man and woman, not any other combination. Men lying with men are an abomination."

  "But conception, at least as far as I understand this report, only requires a woman to be with two men, not for the men to be with each other. I don't understand how God could bring us this affliction, show us the cure and then forbid us to use that cure to bear children. I have spent two years with you, the last one wanting only to have a child. I have sacrificed my job, buried my family and moved away from home to be with you. I want a child, Michael. You knew this, and yet you kept this information from me. How could you do such a thing?" Nina was brandishing the report, the very piece of information Jones had spent the last few months trying to make disappear. She had discovered it in a drawer in his bedroom bureau, knowing where he kept important papers.

  "First you go on that internet and read outlandish theories in some chat room, then you invade my privacy, and now you dare to raise your voice to me, the husband you promised to obey?"

  Nina held the offending report in both hands, demanding explanation from him. "You promised to love and honor me, and yet you lie to me about the very thing that means the most. I can have a baby right now if I want and yet you keep me barren."

  "I will not listen to more of your profane talk! I will not entertain the notion of allowing you to lie with another as we do so you can have your child. I will not go against God to please you, Nina. You need someone to remind you of the word of God, and the vows you made to serve me as I serve Him." President Jones grabbed his wife by the wrist. She looked into his eyes, and was terrified by the fury she saw there. He tore the report out of her hands and threw it in the fire she had been reading by. The edges curled, then the entire thing burst into flames. Nina let out a sob, knowing she had not gotten all the information she wanted.

  Michael pulled her roughly toward the bed and only then did she realize what he meant to do to her. She began to struggle, trying to pull her wrist away from him, but he held her with an iron grip. His other hand reached for the robe hanging by the side of the bed. He retrieved the belt and efficiently bound her wrists together despite her now frantic struggles to escape. Strangely, she never thought to scream for help; instead began to beg her husband to stop what he was doing.

  "Michael, Michael, please re
tain some sense. I love you, I love God; I want to do God's will. Please, let's pray about this now..." She wanted to say more but he interrupted her in a low, fierce voice.

  * * * *

  "I will not have a whore for a wife. You will learn your place, woman. God will punish you for your impure thoughts through me." Jones realized he was becoming hard as he bound his wife to the bed. I had intended to tie her, to keep her from escaping and then pray with her, but now I see You have better plans. Thank you for showing me the way, I understand. You want me to lay with my wife and show her His will.

  He removed his pants and watched, unmoved, as his wife tried to free herself, to escape the coldness in his eyes. He reached out and shoved her house dress to her waist, exposing her naked flesh. His manhood began to throb. He was rarely sexual, and often they made love only in the pursuit of a baby. He knelt on the bed and rammed himself inside her. Nina screamed once, in pain and fear, then went limp. As he tore into her, he began to pant with excitement. He kept his eyes open and began to recite chapter and verse to her.

  "If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her, And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid: Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel's virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate.... But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you. That's Deuteronomy, Nina, God is talking to you, telling you He loves you and He wants you to stay pure, stay faithful to me. Lying, whoring women deserve to die, Nina."

  "In Hosea, God says he will not have mercy on the children of whoredoms, for their mother hath played the harlot. Nina. Did you know that? If you act on your desires God will not welcome you into his Kingdom. I will not allow you to whore yourself in God's eyes." Jones pumped in and out of her, now feeling slick and wet with what he assumed was desire. When he came he shouted God's name, praying aloud for Nina's redemption as his seed filled her belly.

  He collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily, and she didn't move or speak. He lay atop her for a time, not moving or speaking.

  * * * *

  Tears dried on Nina's cheeks, and her face felt flushed. He probably thinks I'm dreaming of God's love, that raping me delivered God's message of vengeance for my disobedience. He withdrew from her and she felt a gush of fluid follow. Probably blood, she thought, but she did not feel distressed by the idea of it.

  He rose to shower, but not before lovingly removing the belt from her wrists and placing her hands at her sides. He pulled down her dress and covered her with a sheet. He picked up the phone and she heard him order that she not be disturbed until morning.

  Nina did not respond or look at her husband. She was floating. He seemed far away, and the pain of his hands on her wrists, his knees on her thighs and his cock inside her had faded to a mere annoyance. She was lifted up, and she knew this was her chance. She could imagine what her baby son would look like, smell like. She even thought she could hear him crying, calling for her to bring him forth. She smiled, happy and peaceful at the thought of her baby-to-be. Michael was miles away, in a world apart.

  Nina waited until her husband had left her quarters for the evening, then got up. She showered, cleaning the dried blood from her thighs and did the best she could to assess any damage he may have done. She did her hair and makeup carefully. After patching herself up, she got dressed, taking care to wear long sleeves to hide the bruises on her wrists, put the sheets and housedress in the laundry, and opened the door of her suite.

  "Davis, I would like a car. I want to go out."

  "Mrs. Jones, I was informed that you were sleeping and not to be disturbed."

  "Well, Davis, things change. I'm awake and I need a car. Please have one prepared for me immediately."

  "Yes, ma'am." Her night shift security officer, Davis, was not one to question, thankfully. That was one blessing in all this ugliness. She withdrew back in to her room and made a quick phone call to her closest friend, Sarah. Before long she was on her way for a visit. No one would be suspicious of the First Lady visiting her friend; she had done so several times since taking office. Sarah was also trying to conceive with her husband, and with the information Nina had, they could both conceive children, Nina tonight as long as everyone was willing. I will have my baby boy, no matter what the cost.

  Chapter 9

  May 5th, 2008

  Edan called to Abby from the office, but she couldn't hear him thanks to the iPod in her pocket. She had been doing some sprucing up in the third bedroom, still unused but filled to the rafters with junk since Edan had moved in with her and Jordan in February.

  What a blast, she mused, I get to neaten up and relieve the last few months of our love affair. Random detritus was piled everywhere. Grabbing a pile of papers, Abby found receipts for their Christmas trip to the jewelers. Edan and Jordan found gorgeous knotted wedding bands that matched Abby's. Each of them wore their rings on the third finger of the left hand, and considered themselves married.

  Ah, here are the Valentine cards I've been looking for. Abby tucked away the handmade cards for their scrapbook. Valentine's was a big night on the town, complete with a meal at the Quilted Giraffe and handmade cards from each of them to the two others. And right after Valentine's we moved Edan here, and bought the giant bed...what a busy few months we've had! Abby marveled at her own comfort in a three-way relationship. She did not enjoy the sidelong glances, the awkward questions from friends who did not understand. Overall, though, I've never been happier in my life. And why would I trade that just to 'fit in'?

  They were planning to buy a house later in the year, as the apartment was proving small for their combined needs. In fact, she was working on the third bedroom, trying to create a little sanctuary for whichever of them needed some time away. One of the side effects of the two fantastic men in her life was a decided lack of alone time, something she had always enjoyed before.

  "Babe!" Edan shouted again, and this time she heard him over Polyamory Weekly, her favorite podcast. She pulled her headphones off and crossed the hall into the office.

  "What's up?" She slipped her arms around Edan's neck and looked at the computer screen where he was working. Jordan was off networking the Human Rights Campaign's new offices.

  "Did you see they've taken to calling your theory 'Triple X' on line? What does that mean?" Edan was perusing various websites trying to gather information regarding infertility for a media project he was working on.

  "Well, it's hardly my theory," said Abby, "but yes, I've seen that. That is in reference to the XXX chromosome combination required to create a girl child now. The other two combinations produce boys. Therefore, the population is destined to shift to a two to one male to female ratio."

  "Heh, I guess we're ahead of the curve," said Edan, placing his hand over hers. She smiled and kissed his cheek. Abby didn't like to talk much about the 'Triple X' theory since she lost her job. She had gotten work as a virus researcher in a small lab, but infertility had always been her passion. Thank goodness my personal life is so fulfilling now, because I can't say I enjoy my work like I once did.

  "You know, I see lots of people speculating about this outside the medical community--rumors abound on-line in chat rooms and on message boards, especially between those trying to conceive. And you know what's going on at our meetings, everyone's getting pregnant. The more I research, the more I see people figuring out what you and Jordan did ages ago. I have even come across monogamous people on-line trying it, trying deliberately to get pregnant by having sex with more than one guy."

  "Where there's a will there's a way, I guess," said Abby. "I'm glad that people aren
't just giving up or buying into the bullshit they're being fed by the media. It is nice to hear about people solving the problem in their own quiet way."

  "Which reminds me," said Edan, and Abby sighed. She knew what he was going to say, in that way that lovers know each other. Besides, the talk was inevitable. She had just been avoiding it. He turned to face her and she looked down at him, frowning slightly.

  "I know, I know. I have yet to come to any decision about us and a baby. What are you guys up to now? Divide and conquer?" Jordan had sat her down this morning to discuss trying to conceive again. Abby had shut down the first discussion between all three of them. I just don't know what to say to them.

  "I suppose so," said Edan. "Look, we just want to know what's up with you. We know you want children, we want children, and we think now would be an excellent time for us all to start trying. We're so happy together, and we could really make a statement about poly to the world."

  "There. There it is. Look, I want nothing more then for us to have a baby together. I would love to quit working even, stay home with the little one, or even two, for a while. I think we could raise a beautiful family. But you guys seem more bent on making a baby as a political statement. 'See? See world? Poly people are loving and generous, and God doesn't hate us because we can have kids.' I'm not really up for being the Virgin Mary of polyamory, Edan." Abby let her breath out in a whoosh. Wow. I didn't realize how strongly I felt until just now.

  Edan got up and wrapped his arms around her. He held her tight and she buried her face in his chest, breathing deeply to keep from crying. She wanted so badly to be a mother, to have a child with the men she loved more than anything on earth, but she couldn't do it like this. She was torn between her beliefs, her heart and her convictions.


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