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Beautiful Bounty (The Bounty Hunters: The Marino Bros. Book 1)

Page 24

by Nightingale, MJ

  “The thought of you getting in trouble for helping me, kills me,” she lied. “I am innocent, but I can’t prove it, and I’d rather go down alone then bring you with me and tarnish your name. Your family’s name.”

  Ugh, she wanted to puke. But she used all the words Andreas told her to use. ‘Put him at ease. Let him know the most important thing to you is him, and his safety.’ He had to feel at ease before he would even consider meeting her again. When he didn’t respond, appeared to be thinking, she jumped right back in. Don’t give him too much time to think, Andreas cautioned her.

  “I love you Gary. I know we have had some rough times, but baby you’re all I’ve got. I’m no good for you, I know.” She cried harder. “But, to keep you safe, I’ll leave the country, and you’ll never have to worry about me again. I just hope you can be happy. Just, please, please, get me to my bike. I can’t risk going to your cabin in day light.”

  The thought of her walking to his place got his attention. The Brimeyers opened up the bar around eleven. He didn’t want her walking right past them. “No, don’t do that. Buddy’s you, say?” he added even though he knew that’s exactly where she was.

  “Yes, please, please come,” she begged.

  “Fuck Ronnie,” he murmured. He needed time. To think. He had to get this girl out of his hair. He fucking owed her that at least. His fucking drugs after all. “Give me . . . oh fuck! Give me about thirty minutes.”

  “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you,” she cried, “I love you so much. I promise, after this I’ll leave you alone. Oh, baby.” She was sobbing now with what she hoped sounded like relief.

  “All right, Ronnie,” he breathed heavily into the phone. “If I am going to get there, you’d better let me go.”

  “Okay, baby. Please hurry,” she whispered as he clicked off. The sooner the better, she thought. And the sooner this nightmare would be over.

  “He said . . .,” she started.

  “We got everything.” It was Andreas’ voice now. “You were holding the phone close to the barrette,” he answered her unasked question.

  “I’m going to ask for silence from everyone now though,” he added. “In case hockey schmuck comes early. But, we are all in position. Blaze and I are in the little stand of trees. Hidden well. Once puck face gets here, and we’re assured he is alone, we will get closer. Relax everyone, and sit tight.”

  “Okay,” Ronnie whispered in the darkness to no one in particular. She felt suddenly very tired. Her fatigue motivated her to lie down, and curl up on the sofa to wait it out. The silence surrounded her, enveloped her like a glove. Even though she knew Nikko was watching, she’d never felt so alone in her life.


  Nikko watched her through the infrared glasses he wore. His heart ached to touch her, to hold her. This would be the longest thirty minutes of his life. He felt his brother’s hand squeeze his shoulder. They squatted on the cat walk, getting comfortable. Waiting. Soon, he told himself. Soon, it would be all over. Then, they could begin . . . To live.


  Gary watched the old decrepit building and sipped on his coffee begrudgingly. He needed the caffeine, or what was left of it. No one approached the building. And no one left.

  He had to make a decision. He felt like just stepping on the gas and getting the hell out of Spragueville, and was very tempted to do just that.

  Thirty minutes later, he was nursing the last of his lukewarm coffee still trying to figure out what to do. He didn’t have many options. He could go get her and bring her to her bike. Give her a bit of cash. But what if she got caught? What if he got caught helping her? Could he risk that? Fuck, fuck his life.

  He slammed the steering wheel of the servant’s Toyota, and then finished the last of the coffee in one swallow. He really didn’t have much choice. He needed to finish this. He’d made up his mind. Opening the glove box, he took out the small derringer. His mother’s. He’d taken it when he went into hiding just in case the Brimeyers showed up. He grabbed it at the last moment before leaving the cabin. He didn’t know what possessed him, but he was glad to have it. Just in case.

  Yes, he’d try to help her one last time, but that was it. He’d take her to her bike, and then she needed to split. But, he’d bring the gun just in case.

  He started the car, and drove slowly away from the curb and around the empty building. He made a quick tour around the lot to make sure no one else was there. Seeing no cars, he swung around one more time. He saw the door on the back side by the wooded lot, and pulled up to it. Taking one last look around, and again seeing nobody, he got out, slipped the gun in the back of his waistband, and stepped inside.

  “We’ve got company. Gary is here, and he’s alone. No talking. Let Ronnie do her thing.” Andreas murmured to all those wearing the small earpiece.

  The sound startled Ronnie out of her reverie and she was instantly alert.

  “Love you,” Nikko whispered one last time defying his brother’s order. It was game time.


  Andreas shook his head at Blaze, and said nothing. Fucking love, he thought, all it did was stab you in the back. Or in the heart. Then it usually walked right out the door.

  Gary was inside. She heard him as soon as the door opened. A crack of light illuminated the floor also making his presence known. The yellow slash of light yawned across the massive concrete floor reaching the office.

  “Ronnie,” he called softly, taking a step into the massive warehouse.

  “I’m here,” she called out and got up from the sofa quickly. She opened the door, and he saw her standing there looking like she just lost her best friend. He looked around the darkness, and like Andreas told her, she gave him no time to think. She rushed him.

  “Oh darling,” she said as she ran to him. She thought she saw a look of panic cross his face. But, she paid it no mind. He was planted in front of the door, and she ran the last few yards throwing herself into his arms. “You do love me. You still care,” she breathed and planted her lips on his.

  Gary was shocked by her suddenly affectionate attack. Ronnie had never been that type before, but he supposed her situation and fear was causing her to act out of the norm. It took him a moment to respond.

  Her arms were wrapped around him, her body pressed tight. He was a man and his body reacted to her ample breasts pressed up against him. What the hell, he thought. One last time for good measure. He leaned down to take more from her. He found the side of her face and then her lips. He urged them open and stuck his tongue inside, tangling it with hers. She was grasping at his back, and he thought of the gun he tucked inside of his waistband and realized this wasn’t such a good idea. Not yet, anyhow. He broke the kiss and forced her a step back out of the light.

  Ronnie grabbed his arms for support or she would have toppled over. “Gary,” she questioned, wondering why he’d pushed her away.

  “I just wanted to get out of sight,” he murmured, trying to nuzzle her again. But he held her arms at her sides this time to keep her straying hands away from his concealed weapon.

  “Mmm,” she groaned as he tilted her head back and nipped her cheek and then trailed his tongue down the side of her face. “I’ve missed you,” she mumbled, faking her desire for him.

  “Ronnie,” he whispered, “Is there someplace back there we can . . .” he indicated with his chin behind her.

  “A small sofa,” she broke away and took his hand to lead him there. Just before reaching the door, she called back over her shoulder, “But can we talk first. I need to get out of town, and I don’t know if the bounty hunter who was chasing me left or not. I tried to make him think I would hide out in Bangor next. Graduation and all. I’m so scared.” Ronnie was just rambling trying to distract him from wanting to take things further than she was prepared to go. She knew Nikko was watching and hated having to do even that much with Gary.

  “I don’t think he will be looking here. Good spot, actually,” he murmured. “I looked around and didn’t
see anything suspicious before I came in.”

  “Oh, that is good. Thanks Gary. I feel safer knowing you’re here and you’re going to help me. I love you, Gary. You don’t know how much this means to me,” she said, turning to face him once inside the small office. Not giving him a chance to try to change his mind, she just continued on like Andreas told her. “I just need to know you’ll bring me to my bike. I was thinking you could look over the maps of the trails with me. Remember last summer, when we went camping, and we went riding. We got through to Canada into that little town. What was it, St. Leonard? I was thinking I could go there. Then once there, I could maybe find a place to hide out for a week or two, rent a cabin from some old timer in the woods, or just squat in some abandoned place. I’ve got some money, but . . .”

  “I can give you a bit more,” he leaned against the desk. He needed to get the gun out of his pants. He definitely was interested in a little more of what Ronnie had to offer. He’d talk to her for a while then try to stash it out of sight after distracting her. They could have a little fun, and then after eleven when the Brimeyers were safely ensconced in the bar, risk getting her out and driving her up to his cabin. He’d drop her off a ways back and then get her bike. Drive it to her, then foot it home. It seemed like a good plan to him.

  “Oh, you’d do that for me,” she leaned against him, and he was forced to hold her, but he kept his hands on her forearms just in case. “You still care,” she murmured and laid her head against his chest.

  “Babe, I feel bad, I do,” he admitted. “I don’t know what the fuck to do. But, I’ll help you as much as I can. It’s the least I can do,” he nuzzled her hair inhaling the fresh scent. Hmm, he thought, he hadn’t expected that. It smelled like aloe. He pulled back and looked at her curiously. “You slept in this dump all night?”

  He was looking at her strangely. “Yes,” she saw his eyes narrowing and he was looking at her hair. His nostrils were flared, inhaling. She smelled the air, and noticed the scent of the hotel shampoo. “But it was really late by the time I got away,” she added quickly. The bounty hunter, Nikko, was pissed that the flight was booked, and then he made me go with him to get something to eat at midnight. All the while, I was trying to think of a way to get away.”

  Some of the truth, she thought making this up on the fly as she went. He looked so wary of her, but she hoped he would buy the story. She continued to weave her tale giving him no time to think and see the holes in it.

  “He then hand cuffed me to the bed when we got back, but I asked to use the bathroom and take a shower. I just couldn’t fathom being chained up like that all night. After bitching about it for an hour while he tried to sleep on the floor, he finally relented. He let me into the bathroom. I was trying to scramble for an idea. There was nothing in the bathroom that would work, so to delay I took a shower, and then when I got out an idea came to me. I got dressed back in these clothes, but let the shower keep running. I yelped and yelled out trying to make him think I slipped. I was standing on the counter with the top of the toilet tank in my hand, and when he came bursting in, I smashed it on his head.” God, it was ludicrous, but she thought it could have happened.

  “What the hell, did you . . .?” His look was one of shock, and he instinctively reached up to rub his head as if she smashed it on him.

  Gary seemed to buying it so she continued to weave her tail.

  “No, he was still breathing. There wasn’t even any blood, just a big old goose egg where I got him. I checked to be sure he was breathing and then I split. I didn’t even stop to grab my bag, just my cell and my wallet which he left on top of his suitcase. What a moron. Must be a lousy bounty hunter.”

  She hoped Nikko wouldn’t be too upset with this part of the story. But felt it was necessary to make her escape sound more plausible.

  “He’d locked up the rest of my things in his car. But with my cell, thank goodness, I was able to call you. It’s one of those throwaways too, so I don’t think it can be traced. But like I said, I didn’t want to call you until I knew the coast was clear. I did venture out this morning and I didn’t see his car, and then I came back here. Again, baby, I don’t want to bring you down with me. I love you too much. I can’t do that to the man I love. I know I can’t ask you to flee with me and that breaks my heart. Maybe someday. But I just can’t go to jail,” she was crying again. She was getting loud too.

  “Okay, babe. Fuck, though, I can’t believe the dude didn’t call the police out on this though.” Her story sounded crazy. He was still unsure although her timeline fit with what he had seen. She’d definitely taken a big risk looking about this morning, but if what she said was true, that she risked getting caught again to not put him in jeopardy, she must really love him. He thought she was getting bored with him this past semester, but maybe he’d been wrong. He did have a lot to offer to a girl like her. And although he hadn’t seen much of the bounty hunter, he doubted the guy would not call for back up after getting smashed over the head. “I’m sure he has to have woken up from his little nap now,” he added. “Why hasn’t he called in the police?” he wondered aloud.

  She had an explanation ready. Andreas thought he might ask this and prepped her for it.

  “He is a bounty hunter. His brothers own a bail bonds business in Tampa, I think. They posted my bond. If he goes to the cops, they lose the bond.”

  “Shit,” he thought “I hadn’t thought of that.” He was scratching his head.

  “Yeah, so I think I’ll be okay if I can just get to my bike before he thinks of that.”

  Chills went up Gary’s spine. “Fuck, Ronnie! What if he is staking out my place again?”

  “Oh shit!” She acted surprised, but it was exactly what Andreas wanted him to say. She pushed back and with the sofa at her calves she took a seat.

  “Well,” she started. “I didn’t think of that, but maybe I could just walk,” she murmured softly.

  “It’s like sixty miles to the border. Longer if you are taking the trails. It’ll take you three or four days, maybe longer.” He pushed the hair out of his face. He did feel bad, real bad about her dilemma. Taking her back to his cabin to get her bike was out of the question though now. He wasn’t going to be caught with her again. No one, absolutely no one, could see them together.

  Ronnie pounced. “It’s not your fault baby. I’ve been on hikes almost that long before. I know how to survive in the woods. I’ll be okay.”

  Damn it. The guilt was ripping him up. He fucked up this girl’s life. He even loved her once. Thought he had. After their first break up, he treated her less affectionately. He liked his variety too, and had no plans to settle down with her. His parents would have never stood for it anyhow. She wasn’t blue blood enough for them.

  “I guess that’s the only way,” he said softly, trying to think of something he could do to make this a bit easier on her, but nothing was coming to him. “Okay, well, I’ll run out and get you some supplies. But, I’ll have to use cash so nothing suspicious can be traced back to me,” he murmured callously and shifted on the desk. He felt the gun press up against his spine.

  She felt confidant she had Gary on her side. But, she needed to go for the kill now. It was time to press for more. “Gary, I can’t believe you are doing this all for me. I just wish . . .” she trailed off and sniffled into her shoulder.

  Crap, Gary thought, she was going to start crying again. “Wish what?” he asked slowly reaching for the gun behind him. He needed to hide it out sight if he was going to have a little fun with Ronnie before he ran out to get her some things for her trek. He definitely wanted one more piece of her. It was the least she could do for all his help.

  “I just wish this all never happened, the drugs. My life is fucked and we can never be together. But,” she looked up at him and smiled.

  “What?” he asked distractedly, still trying to figure out a way to dump the gun without her seeing. He’d almost pulled it out to place behind him, but stopped at her expression.
  Go for the kill, Ronnie thought. “Maybe in a year or so, I can call, we can be together somehow,” she put on her most hopeful face. “You’ll never be happy working for your father anyway.”

  As she suspected, his face turned sour. He was looking at her like she was nuts. Maybe she had gone nuts, he thought. And he had driven her to it.

  “No baby, that ain’t gonna happen. After today . . .” He got up from the desk and stood before her, legs spread out. How was he going to say this? Today had to be the end. He didn’t need her bugging him for years. Best to be blunt. “I care for you and all, but this was never going to be permanent. I think you knew that. I can’t have you ruining my life.”

  “But Gary,” she stood and faced him feigning shock and anger. “Don’t you love me?”

  “Sweetheart, we had fun, and yes, I thought I did at one time, but now with this shit, there’s no fucking way. My parents weren’t ever going to support this thing we had. Even if it was fun while it lasted.” He tried to reach for her to soften the blow.

  Her face turned bitter in the blink of an eye, just like Andreas told her. ‘Act like the woman betrayed which you are,’ Andreas had said. ‘Attack.’

  “You fucking bastard!” She hit his chest with her fists, and he grabbed her wrists forcefully preventing her from doing too much damage. “I thought you loved me. I gave you my heart. I know those drugs were yours, you bastard. I was willing to not tell anyone, I was willing to hide for you. I was even willing to let you believe I didn’t realize they were yours.” She kept trying to hit him, but her hands were clasped at the wrists and he held them firmly, painfully. Ronnie let out the fury she’d been holding back for these last two weeks. But she also watched his reaction to her words. First there was shock, then anger, and then his eyes narrowed into menacing slits. He looked like a caged animal. It’s exactly the effect Andreas had wanted her to achieve so he would slip up.


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