The magnanimous jaw of alligator was juxtaposed with an army of acerbic button,
Ready to ferociously strip bountiful flesh from strong bone.
Silver sands of the sea shore were emollient with surplus fillings of mystical buttons,
Which shone brilliantly in the midday Sun; nestled in tranquil under a cameo of stars.
And visual apparatus of my eye was blessed with translucent buttons of vision,
Which envisaged her love in the day; inevitably sighting her on every piece of land,
Sleeping in contentment with her fragrance pilfering my thought flow for the
ruthless night.
If humans on land started to abruptly walk backwards,
with their eyes focused towards empty spaces in the front,
they would inadvertently lose their balance tumbling like a pack of cards,
on the obdurate surface of muddy ground.
If cars powered with speed guns traversed backwards,
monumental elevations of buildings would seem fading in oblivion,
it would be eternity before one reached the place of work,
there would be embarrassing accidents at all quarters,
rendering the traffic in disdainful jeopardy.
If thoroughbred stallions galloped backwards,
execute insane behavior while carrying their possessors,
their masters would whip them black and blue,
for not obeying stringent instructions even after consuming with relish,
fresh tendrils of red radish with spicy leaves of coriander.
If saline waves of the ocean receded backwards with outrageous bursts of wind,
the sand on shores would die in parched starvation,
fishes would find it painstakingly cumbersome to swim,
there would be no ships sailing on the erratic persona of the sky blue sea.
If slender needles of the tower clock ticked backwards,
minutes, hours, days would simply fail to proceed,
the youth would exist in resplendent exuberance for decades to come,
all decayed and old would fail to wither, staying alive for times immemorial,
and there wouldn’t be a fresh soul born for centuries to be confronted.
The car ate gallons of golden gasoline spray,
the pen survived on compressed mass of carbon ink.
the lizard devoured species of small insects,
the light bulb shone to swift currents of white electricity.
the birds lived on suspended wind in atmosphere,
the rock crevices hungrily gulped salty sea waves.
the tree sucked moisture from interior core of soil,
triangular ice cubes fed on incessant supply of frozen air.
the pigments of green derived fodder through bright Sunshine,
red crested parrot nibbled spicy chunks of homemade pickle.
the cigarette sticks relied solely on milligrams of lethal tobacco,
thick skinned elephant swallowed a truck load of healthy leaves.
the placid night was cooled by strong beams of the tranquil moon,
the marine octopus relished a meal of long fish and crab.
the wall clock functioned due to meticulous unwinding of chains,
the bumble bee rested in jars of natural honey.
the computer processed data from a configuration of microchips,
exhaustion was accentuated further by infinite beads of sweat dripping down.
the humans existing lived on a cascade of currency,
whilst I occupied the soil, entirely listening to tunes of my heart.
The darker side of blindness was an unrelenting camouflage of austere black,
while brighter aspect of the same was a sensitive tuning of the hollow ear drum.
The darker side of a wounded bruise was gushing streams of blood flowing,
while brighter aspect of the same; was firm resilience to anguish and pain.
The darker side of the ocean was drowning to death,
while brighter aspect of the same was; a cluster of striped fish swimming.
The darker side of squashed vegetable was clouds of insidious stench emanating,
while brighter aspect of the same was blissful manure for an artillery of dead shrub.
The darker side of a computer was a total entropy of handwriting,
while brighter aspect of the same was crisp outlines of calligraphy ornately printed.
The darker side of the twin horned cow was that it was fat and indolent,
while brighter aspect of the same was that it suckled gallons of fresh milk.
The darker side of the Sun was acrimonious rays cauterizing tender patches of skin,
while brighter aspect of the same was complete fumigation of the water logged environment.
The darker side of a candy chocolate was a plethora of cavities in mouth palette,
while brighter aspect of the same was waves of felicity submerging a person in euphoria.
The darker side of moon was that it diffused feeble beams of opalescent light,
while brighter aspect of the same was that it illuminated gruesome darkness with rays of hope.
The darker side of residing in a jungle was immense fear of savage beasts,
while brighter aspect of the same was bathing in crystal waters of the virgin river.
The darker side of being a dog was being treated with loads of contempt and
while brighter aspect of the same was ferociously growling canine teeth at strangers.
The darker side of death was traumatic pain and tumultuous sorrow,
while brighter aspect of the same was to give someone a chance to live.
The darker side of love was infinite perils lurking in the society,
while the brighter aspect of the same was relishing the feeling of being cared.
I blended a considerate proportion of wild sand and water,
smearing the paste with a sweet curry of white fish chowder,
neatly aligning the assembly of bricks to form a wall,
with acrid light beams of the sun fortifying the construction,
I then left destiny handle my twin storied house.
I slogged like a tribal bull all sweltering day,
burnt midnight oil to its unprecedented capacity,
flipping diligently through minuscule literature printed on decaying parchment
of books,
mustered enough tenacity to appear in the examinations,
leaving destiny to decide the outcome of my Herculean effort.
I drove my automobile at languid speeds,
caressing the gears with meticulous precision,
maneuvering the vehicle with coherent strokes imparted to the steering wheel,
applying stringent pressure on the horn before overtaking,
leaving destiny to implement whether i should relinquish breath in a car crash; or live.
I onerously molded my fingers to sketch,
feeding bare bonds of paper with ornate lines of the moist mountain,
vigorously shading fluorescent rays of the sun with my lead tipped pencil,
filling enchanting spots of the lake with crimson color,
left it entirely on destiny to be appreciated by true connoisseurs of art.
I viciously perspired beneath the flaming Sun,
performing routine tasks; catering to activities of monotonous life,
ploughing virgin chunks of clay; sandwiched amidst towering bull,
milking the cow for rich complexioned frothy cream,
left it to mother destiny to chalk plans of action in my life.
Never ask a man perpetually blind; to desiccate an infinitesimal needle from the unfath
omably colossal haystack,
Never ask a bird withering horrendously on the ground; to flap its brutally severed wings and fly,
Never ask a panther growling full throttle; to emanate a melody that would transit human into a blissful slumber,
Never ask an insatiably parasitic leech; to magnificently heal your profusely
bleeding wounds,
Never ask an abysmally sweltering desert; to quench the agonizing flames overwhelmingly engulfing your scorched throat,
Never ask an insurmountably barbaric butcher; to pacify the intransigent wails of
a freshly born infant,
Never ask a horrendously broken pencil; to sketch the most fabulously intricate corners of the Universe,
Never ask a satanically ruthless assassin; to churn unsurpassable lines or mystically romantic poetry,
Never ask a diabolically thorny cactus; to become your voluptuously mesmerizing mattress for the heart of the night,
Never ask a gigantic avalanche of ice; to compassionately ignite your pathetically dwindling and frozen senses,
Never ask a flirtatiously capricious wink; to resolve higher than the summit of the unconquerable cosmos,
Never ask an incomprehensibly squalid pig; to perpetuate the dolorous
atmosphere with enchanting scent,
Never ask the clock ticking at swashbuckling speeds; to transit back into the realms of nascent childhood,
Never ask the stalk of frigidly diminishing grass; to stand like an invincible fortress against the most tumultuous of storm,
Never ask the vivaciously thundering streaks of lightening; to squeak like a kitten; camouflage in the corridors of dormant solitude,
Never ask dungeons inundated with glittering gold; to beg like impoverished urchins on the treacherously deserted street,
Never ask the irrevocably dead stone; to fulminate into rhapsodic spurts of animated laughter,
Never ask a enigmatically heartfelt poet; to function like monotonous clockwork in the periphery of manipulative office,
Never ask a bewitching sorceress; to philanthropically bless humanity with the essence of uninhibited sharing,
Never ask a newly embellished bride; to discard her soul mate like cakes of snobbishly neglected charcoal,
And never ask the lecherously blood sucking devil; to love; taint its immortal essence with the seed of malice proliferating hideously in his heart.
The sting of the mosquito; renders just an inconspicuous spurt of pain on
naked flesh,
Whereas the sting of greed; profoundly decimates blissful civilizations into horrendous bits of pulverized ash.
The growl of the panther; transiently paralyzes boisterous traces of palpable life,
Whereas the growl of violence; metamorphoses brilliantly blazing light of the day into a cloud of perpetual darkness.
The sword of piquant iron; renders you ethereally unconscious with its flurry of inevitable wounds,
Whereas the sword of lies; buries you infinite feet beneath your grave; massacring your conscience into sleazy pulp towards the fathomless sky.
The blanket of thorns; foments you to squeal a trifle everytime you tried to tread upon your spellbinding feet,
Whereas the blanket of slavery; makes you a criminal for centuries unprecedented in the court of celestial existence.
The whirlpool of sand; obscured your vision for infinitesimal instants; ephemerally sequestering you from the reality of life,
Whereas the whirlpool of manipulation; irrevocably cursed each organism alive with the most tyrannical of deaths.
The bars of the prison; made irascible inroads into normally unveiling lifestyles,
Whereas the bars of pompousness; made irrefutably sure you kept hovering between heaven and hell even before veritable death.
The tunnel of darkness; temporarily dislocated you; propelling you to stumble towards the ground as you frantically tried to gauge your gloomy surroundings,
Whereas the tunnel of crime stretched beyond realms of infinite infinity; with the only end being your hedonistically distorted corpse.
The clouds of thunder clashed viciously in the sky; dumbfounding you for fraction seconds of time,
Whereas the clouds of discrimination; invincibly ensured that there would not be the tiniest trace of light; even in the most Omnipotent of Sunshine.
And the heart of stress; fluttered nervously every now and again; but still survived on potent panaceas of holistic medicine,
But the heart of betrayal; remained perpetually frozen for infinite births of it to unveil; even though it harbored the most tumultuous of beats.
I can’t believe that there were eyes more beautiful than yours in this entire Universe; the poignant empathy they bestowed on every soul they glimpsed,
And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
I can’t believe that there were hair more ravishing than yours in this entire Universe; the voluptuously satin caress they radiated; as they vivaciously swished,
And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
I can’t believe that there were lips more enchanting than yours in this entire Universe; the amicable smile that incarcerated the most remotest of alien in their
compassionate swirl,
And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
I can’t believe that there were palms more mystical than yours in this entire Universe; the labyrinth of irrefutably determined lines that entirely enveloped your flawless skin,
And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
I can’t believe that there were footprints more perpetual than yours in this entire Universe; the embodiments of priceless solidarity they left on every path they resolutely tread,
And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
I can’t believe that there were expressions more effusive than yours in this entire Universe; the boisterous ardor they embedded in one and all; imparting life at the very tenterhooks of extinction,
And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
I can’t believe that there were breaths more passionate than yours in this entire Universe; the immortal virtue with which they metamorphosed lifeless souls beneath the corpse to blissfully alive,
And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
I can’t believe that there were beats more romantic than yours in this entire Universe; the unrelenting tenacity with which your heart palpitated; solely for the person
it loved,
And if there were indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
And I can’t believe that there was a life more fulfilling than yours in this entire Universe; devoting each of its unfurling seconds to the philanthropically uninhibited service of dwindling mankind,
And if there was indeed; then I was prepared to die before death actually occurred; this very moment today.
A lifetime of sharing; unveiling the most intricate secrets; overtopping the barriers of the disdainfully acrid society,
A lifetime of poignant emotions; with the inner most recesses of the heart effusively portraying their ultimate even in the heart of chilly night,
A lifetime of caring; compounded with the uninhibited spirit of selfless sacrifice,
A lifetime of frolicking in the aisles of untamed desire; with the winds of doom m
iserably dwindling to curb the flame of perpetual romance,
A lifetime of belief; with the devil of sinister misconception vanishing completely into wisps of obsolete oblivion,
A lifetime of overwhelmingly exuberant adventure; marching intrepidly; with invincible solidarity to achieve our goals,
A lifetime of mesmerizing fantasy; perennially wound in each others arms in a mystical entrenchment of our own,
A lifetime of respecting our revered ancestors; worshipping the path of impeccably righteous ideals which they so diligently persevered till the time they died,
Life = Death - volume 8 - Poems on Life , Death Page 4