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Delicate Beauty

Page 7

by Nikki Bolvair

  I watched him curiously as he watched me. It made since. “So, you’re going to let me go after all of this?”

  Triton nodded. “Sure. When it’s safe. But, be prepared for the two of us not to just let you walk out of here without us. Like the doctor said, this connection we have, it’s not going away, Beauty. It will keep getting stronger.”

  My insides squeezed because I knew he was right. I was their mate. It wouldn’t go away. That was why this whole situation was messed up. My stomach growled loudly, much to my annoyance.

  “I guess I’m hungry. Can I have that cocktail now, too?” I grumbled, sliding out of Triton’s arms and sitting back against the headboard. “My head is killing me.”

  Tristan frowned as he set the plastic takeout bag beside us. “You’ll have to eat something first. If you don't, the medication will mess with your stomach.”

  I accepted the plate of Chinese food Tristan held out. It smelled delish. “Thanks.”

  Triton help himself while Tristan slid up next to me on the bed, and we ate. At first, the food sunk to my hollow stomach with ease until my mouth grew dry. “Do you have a drink?”

  “Yeah.” Tristan jumped up and hurried out the bedroom door, then came back with the pain meds and water for all of us.

  After eating and using the restroom, exhaustion crept in. Triton was right; I was weak as a kitten.

  “Movie?” Tristan asked when I came back and crawled in between the two of them.

  “Yeah,” I murmured, and as the movie played, I was sucked into a world of action.


  I woke early in the morning, still tucked in bed between the twins. Slowly, I started to ease my body away from them to use the bathroom while a million thoughts flew through my mind. They can keep me safe from Myter, they weren’t bad to look at, and I have no desire to leave them, ever.

  I stilled at the edge of the bed.

  The knowledge of that rocked my soul and scared me. I’d felt this way before when I was around them, but I just now realized that it was true.

  I knew little about the two of them, but something happened. They were different, and now I was different, too. Something inside of me changed. The sparks no longer crackled between us, but the sense of awareness stayed. How long had it been since I rescued Melissa and this whole thing started? I thought back and was blown away. Had it really only been three days? It had. In less than a week's time, my life changed forever.

  My dad was dead; my poor mother still didn’t know. Meeting the twins had caused the experimental serum the government infected my body with to mutate. It changed me. Changed my blood as if it were a contagious infection, but one only meant for me. I was mated and would only ever want the two men that lay in this bed with me, and the twins would only crave me. It was messed up, but it was, what it was: messed up.

  I glanced over to them. Not that I was against the idea. They were pretty hot. I stood and continued to the bathroom, trying to make sense of everything. I was connected to them. Like the doctor said, they were mine. I knew that now, but it still boggled my mind.

  In the bathroom, I contemplated a shower when one of the twins called out, “Trisha?”

  I bit my lip before calling back, “In here.”

  “When you come out we need to talk.”

  “You think?” I opened the door to find Triton leaning against the frame. When I moved forward, he backed up to give me room to walk out.

  Tristan had pulled on his jeans and was in the process of fastening them. I more than liked the view.

  “Don't button those for my sake,” I told him, biting my lip.

  He chuckled and turned to glance at me, his eyes filled with mirth. “Beauty, I can unbutton them just as fast.”

  While Tristan pulled a chair out from the nook to face the bed, Triton’s hands on my shoulders guided me to sit down in it.

  “No bondage, right?” I asked, trying to break the tension.

  Both of their lips kicked up as they sat on the bed in front of me.

  “Not today.” Triton’s voice broke no argument.

  “But we can't promise tomorrow.” Triton grinned.

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head, then sobered. “I have questions.”

  “We do, too,” Tristan stated.

  My eyes narrowed. “One, I want to see my friend Melissa. Two, how do you know about Myter? And three,” I hardened myself and put an edge to my voice, “Will you help me kill him?”

  Both men stayed silent as they looked at each other and then back at me. Tristan leaned close, motioning me up with his hands.

  “What?” I asked as I stood, and he took my place. “What are you—” His hands grabbed my hips, pulling me down into his lap. “Oh.”

  He set me sideways on his lap, so my feet dangled off the side of the chair. One arm supported me around my back while the other one lay across my lap, holding onto my hip.

  Tristan buried his face in my neck, and his breath caressed my skin as he spoke. “Beauty, we’ll do whatever it takes to help you grieve. If you want to see your family, we'll do it. If you want to see your friend, we'll go. If you want to seek justice, you'll get it. But, sweetheart,” his words swept like a lover’s caress against my skin before he lifted his head, and his hand left my hip to hold my neck. “If you want blood, you'll just bring yourself down to his level.”

  My heart shattered at his words. They wouldn’t help me avenge my father’s murder. They didn't love me, they just wanted me for sex. I tried to move out of Tristan’s lap, but he held me down.

  Triton came into view, threading his fingers through my hair to hold my head. “Wait, Beauty, it's not what you think.”

  Anger and sorrow vibrated through me. I thought if anyone understood, if anyone would want to help me, it would be them. They were my other half, my soul mates. They knew how I felt.

  “We need a plan, Trisha. Not a revenge mission,” Triton reasoned. “We can't go in half-cocked. We need you to separate your emotions from this and help us by being safe. Let our team bring him down. We need you.”

  He put his forehead on mine as his eyes bore into my soul. His hands caressed the side of my neck reverently. “How about this? When our team has him in our custody, we'll let you rough him up a little bit.”

  I snorted as my lips kicked up. Triton closed the space between us and gave me a sweet kiss. He pulled back. “There's my fierce, but delicate beauty.”

  Tristan with his head still tucked between my shoulder and my neck breathed in my scent. His hand ran up my leg near the juncture of my thighs, and heat started to build as my nipples tightened. At that moment, I realized I only wore one of their shirts and a pair of underwear underneath it. His thumb caressed the inside of my thigh, making my heart race and my center pulse. He was trying to distract me.

  Triton drew away, sitting back on the bed, but he leaned in close.

  I held his gaze and asked in a breathy whisper, “So, do we have a plan?”

  “Yes.” Tristan murmured silkily as his lips moved against my skin. “We're going to spend some time together, go see your friend, and then sit tight while our team goes hunting for a murderer.”

  His thumb put pressure on my thigh to spread my legs open, and then his hand slid toward my needy core, where his thumb swept past the band of my underwear and over my sensitive lips finding me already wet.

  Tristan groaned in my ear, “You’re soaked, Beautiful.”

  His thumb delved into my delicate softness, finding my sensitive clit and stroking it with soft, gentle sweeps that caused me to buck. I whimpered, wanting more than this slow, teasing torture.

  “Shhh, Beauty. We have you,” Triton whispered as he pulled me onto his own lap and maneuvered me around to sit on his thighs so I now faced Tristan. My head lulled back on Triton’s shoulder as he adjusted my feet up onto his knees.

  “Don't move,” Tristan warned as he pulled the shirt off my body, grazing my breasts along t
he way. With the shirt gone, he cupped my breasts, rolling my nipples until they hardened and then tweaked them in diamond peaks. I pressed my legs together as I moaned and closed my eyes. He then curled his fingers around my hips and pulled off the last article of clothing I had on. He sat back down on the bed as he tossed the dainty garment off to the side.

  “Keep your feet where they are,” Tristan ordered as he took a survey of my body.

  I groaned and rubbed my ass against Triton's erection, earning a love bite on my shoulder. His knees opened wide, parting my legs with the movement. Cool air brushed against my moist center as a sweet smell wafted into the air. I was far more exposed than I had ever been. Opened to be examined, explored, touched, and easily tasted. I was open for pleasure.

  “Good girl,” Triton whispered and rewarded me with a kiss on my neck. “Stay still and let my brother look you over. Sample some of that sweetness you're creating.”

  Triton kept one of his hands on my breast while another trailed down to my lower stomach and held me fast. Another set of hands touched my calves and slowly made their way up to my center, building anticipation.

  “Kiss me,” Triton demanded, and I turned my face toward his, letting his lips capture mine.

  When Tristan’s hands reached the juncture of my thighs, his thumbs caressed my nether lips, pulling them apart softly and petting with reverence as if in awe.

  “You're a pretty shade of pink here,” Tristan finally spoke, his voice rough with passion. “Like petals of a flower. Different shades. Beautiful rose. Delicate pink and every other shade in between.”

  He ran a single finger across my sensitive flesh, collecting my arousal then rimming my pussy in an erotic massage before entering into my slick channel. I felt his hot breath before his tongue ran up my slit to my clit.

  I kissed Triton hard as his fingers tightened on my stomach, heightening my arousal. My hands grabbed Tristan's head in pleasurable shock when he nipped my clit, then sucked it hard while he stroked my core. My body tightened as pleasure built, and I started to tremble. My clit twitched with need. The soft, delicate strokes of Tristan's tongue along my straining nub, and the teasing kiss from Triton’s heated mouth set me on fire.

  Tristan again grazed my clit, pulling the hood back to lick and suck the extra sensitive flesh he exposed.

  “That's it, Beauty,” Triton whispered. “Don't hold back. Give him what he wants. Let it happen.”

  I couldn't handle it. Fingers rubbed my g-spot, while another hand pinched my nipple, sending a direct line of pleasure downward.

  “Oh, hell.” The orgasm I teetered on erupted with shocks and tingles that emerged from my body as my womanhood clamped down on the steady strokes of Tristan’s attentions, and my clit throbbed to the beat of its own drum. My lips broke from the kiss as I cried out, straining against the sensations. Deep breaths escaped me. I whimpered as the orgasm slowly receded, and I came down from the high.

  When I was back with the living, I found myself across the bed and the shirt I’d worn earlier now tied around my wrists.

  “I thought we agreed you weren't going to tie me up again,” I mused, relaxing.

  Tristan chuckled as he finished his knot. “Plans change all the time, Beautiful.”

  “Plus,” Triton whispered as he stroked a hand up my bare thigh and across my stomach toward a pebbled nipple, “that shirt really doesn't count as tying you up.” He pinched and rolled my nipple, causing me to whimper. “With your skills, you know you could get out of that anytime you wanted.”

  I choked out a laugh, and my eyes flashed toward him. “Which you both can find out first hand.”

  I felt a sting on my thigh in retribution at my comment. “Not unless you want to be punished for that.”

  Mouths replaced fingers as Triton’s lips captured my nipple in his hot mouth and his brother's captured my mouth.

  Hands held my hips in place, and the rough texture of jeans rubbed against my mound in an erotic rhythm. I opened my legs wider, and the material ran against my already sensitive clit. I lifted my hips for better traction.

  Tristan leaned away, nipping at my now swollen lips as another set of hands moved downward toward my stomach.

  It felt so good. I was burning up inside once again. I gave my bound arms a little tug, but the knot held.

  “Open your eyes, Beauty.” I opened them to pale blue ones, wondering when I’d closed them. “Are you on any birth control?”


  “Thank fuck.” Triton bent down and kissed me once more. “We want to feel you without any barriers. We want to feel you sweet, slick against us. Feel you.”

  My thighs parted once more, and a thick, warm, cock pressed against me. My heart jumped at the pressure. He wasn’t lacking in that department. As Triton pushed in a little bit, I tensed as my walls stretched to accommodate him. I whimpered, worried if we were going to fit.

  “That's it, Beauty. Just let me ease it in.” He slowly slid it all the way in and started with shallow pumps before he grew bolder, deeper. Pressure at my lips prompted me to open and let Tristan’s cock into my mouth, sucking him sweetly. While Tristan held my face in his hands, Triton gripped my hips, gliding in and out of me. Triton went deep, then stopped as his hands tightened. He pressed further and groaned his release.

  Tristan drew out of my mouth to take his brother's place and slid right in. He pulled my knees to his hips and gripped my shoulders as he looked me in the eyes. “This is going to be quick,” he told me, “so just hang on, Beautiful.”

  We both came in a climactic rush and Tristan fell to the bed to lay beside me while pleasure pumped through our veins. Triton, who had left the bed earlier to take a shower, now walked out of the bathroom. I was still a puddle of mush with embers of satisfaction running through my blood. Those two hunks were hot and so good.

  I had no desire to move until I remembered my father and Melissa. I wiggled out from Tristan, who lazily held onto me, and headed to the bathroom. A buzzing noise sounded, and the twins started to softly talk to each other.

  I turned on the shower and waited until it warmed up to get in. Not long after, Tristan joined me.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked as he took the soap from my hands and turned me around to wash my back.

  “You trust us, right, Beautiful?” He ran the soap between my shoulder blades and worked the muscles. A groan escaped my lips as his firm hands preceded to go lower.

  “I guess so,” I answered before turning around, wanting to look him into the eyes.

  His hands didn't stop their attention as his fingertips sloped down my shoulders to the tips of my breasts. His eyes took in the suds sensually running down my skin. When I lifted my hand from his waist to his jaw to try and bring his gaze back to me, Tristan’s hand caught mine. His eyes lifted as a grin appeared. My heart flipped. He laced our fingers together and guided our hands above my head to hold them against the shower wall behind me.

  I frowned when he pressed my body back against it. Hot water sprayed around us and heat rose as Tristan’s eyes glinted with purpose. He caught my other hand to bring it to the same positions above my head and held them as his muscled chest brushed against my tender breasts.

  I tugged both hands, but they stayed pinned with his as his dangerous eyes held mine. “Don't. Move.”

  I swallowed and gave a short nod. His hands lifted, and I did as I was told as he trailed down my raised arms to my neck. He kept one hand there while the other trailed down my body to my ass. He tugged me to his straining cock as his fingers dove into the seam of my ass and ran a sole finger across the bud of my dark entrance. His mouth touched my neck, nipping at the sensitive juncture as his other hand left my neck to join the other one.

  “You trust me?” he growled as he lifted me up against the wall, my legs coming up around his waist.

  His lips met mine as his hard member rested at my entrance. One of his fingers slid to my back entrance and brush
ed against my rosette once again. I pulled away just as he eased home inside of my pussy. A whimper escaped my lips. I was caught and stuck. My hands came down around his shoulders, and I felt a sting of a bite on my breast.

  “Hands.” He grunted.

  I ignored him and arched my hips to his rhythm. He again touched that forbidden place, putting pressure there.

  “Tristan,” I warned.

  He chuckled and played with my back entrance. “Your fine, Beautiful. Just relax. Feel it. Enjoy it.” His thrusts became more demanding, and I clung to him harder. When I was about to orgasm, he slid one of his digits inside my ass, making me fly hard. I panted as my core clenched around him as he released. He held me there for a moment longer before he eased out of me and let my feet touch the ground.

  As we both washed up, his voice filled with satisfaction when he spoke, “I'd say that you trust me.”

  I smacked his arm.

  When we stepped out of our shower and walked back into the room, Triton looked over to us. “Time to go.”


  Back in the truck, I kept a close watch on the cars around us while seated in the middle once again.

  “Where are we going?” I demanded as butterflies curled in my stomach.

  “Back to the base,” Triton explained. “We're not happy about it, but we need to be debriefed by the general.”

  I nodded. “Good. It’s time to get some answers.”

  We arrived at the base, walked through two metal detectors, and down a gray hallway toward the back of the building. Soon, I found myself in an interrogation room and reminded myself I put my trust in the twins, as well as my heart. I hoped they didn't betray me.

  I could feel them. Both of them were still around. The connection we shared insured me of that. The little tingles of electricity that caressed my skin assured me of that as well. It wasn't long before a man decked out in a general's uniform—not my brother-in-law—entered the interrogation room along with someone else I knew. Kellan. The mind-reading-torturing-bastard. He gave me a hard look as one of his brows rose.


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