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Relentless (Skulls Renegade Book 4)

Page 4

by Elizabeth Knox

  Instead of humoring her by talking about my music, and telling her how this was a complete coincidence, I can’t. There’s part of me that wants to backtrack and run back to the bus, to my home, to safety – but I refuse to do that.

  I came here for one thing, to meet my sister, and while I’ve done that, I haven’t gotten to know her, which at the end of the day is what I truly want. I want the family I never had, the sister that I always wanted. It’s funny, when your family is ripped from your life you come to want it more than anything else in this world, and I do. I want it so terribly. My family is literally staring me straight in the face, and I’m going to do something about it.

  “Elena.” Her face contorts at the mere mention of her name. I can’t say if she had said her name to me or not, for a few minutes I was tuning everything out.

  “Uh, how do you know my name?” Her eyebrows furrow and the giddy woman before me is replaced with something calculating and cautious. There’s no way that I can blame her, if the roles were reversed I would no doubt be doing the same very thing.

  “I’m…well, it’s a bit complicated. Is there somewhere private we can talk?” She looks me up and down, I’m sure she’s wondering why I’d want to speak with her privately, and the more I wait for her answer, the more that nervousness boils in my blood. From the very beginning, I knew that this would never be easy, although, I had no idea how difficult this would actually be.

  “Sure,” she nods, turning on her heel and leading me down along the bar, until we turn the corner and she sits in a secluded booth. I can see that there are patrons a few booths away from us, but no one is close enough to hear what I’m going to say – I’m so thankful for that. This time needs to be private, so both she and I can process everything that’s about to unfold.

  “You asked how I knew your name, and it’s kind of complicated…well, okay…it’s really complicated. Last year, I found out that my father wasn’t the man I thought he was. He wasn’t the man who raised me growing up until he the time he passed away. My biological father was someone else. Someone my mother ran from when she was young.

  “Long story short, I found out that my father’s name was Jimmy and he ran the Vipers MC in Texas. Now, I’ve done a lot of digging and I can’t find anything on the Vipers – I’ve looked.” It’s true. I did look, I looked, and I looked and every single time I came up emptyhanded. It’s as if everything that had to do with the Vipers MC was obliterated.

  “The same day I found out who my biological father was, I found out that I had an older half-sister too, you.” I offer a small smile at the end, hoping it will help, instantly I know that it won’t.

  Elena is silent for a few moments, my heart is pounding deep in my chest and when she speaks I am fearful, for the look on her face and the way she clenches her fist tells me everything that I need to know…that her reaction isn’t going to be a good one. “I don’t know who you think you are, coming here and telling me some fucking fairytale story about me having a little sister that I didn’t know about. I don’t have any siblings, I have me. I am an only child. My father never, ever had another child, not even with a club whore – who I imagine your mother would’ve been. He would have done everything in his power to make sure that he didn’t have another child. So, this tells me that you’re after something and I refuse to listen.”

  She puts her hand on the table in front of us and I grab it, “I don’t know you, and I can admit that. So, I can’t imagine anything that is going through your mind right now. I’m just asking you, to please give me a chance. If you don’t believe me, let’s get a DNA test done.” Like the creep that I am I open my clutch and pull out a small circular tube, “This is my saliva. I knew that there was a good chance you’d think I was a fraud…I probably would too if the roles were reversed. Please, just take it to get tested.”

  Elena doesn’t utter a single word to me, she yanks the vial out of my hand and exits the booth. There is a big part of me that wants to yell and scream at her for thinking the worst of me right off the bat, but I know that I can’t do that. After all, if the roles were reversed – I’d want the DNA test too.


  After Elena’s awful reaction I grabbed Syd and Rocky and told them we needed to go back home. Home, also known as the bus. When we got back Jase was pissed that we took his car. It turns out that he actually needed it. I use the term need loosely, he has a roadie drive it behind the tour bus, so he can focus on writing new songs. That man is a workaholic beast, it shocks me that he even takes a few hours out of the day to sleep. Every time I see him he’s typing lyrics into Notes on his phone or is singing along to a melody that we don’t know. That’s how Jase is though, a very determined man. My point is that if Jase really wanted to go somewhere one of the roadies could drive him. He was huffing and puffing for a good hour after we got back with his car.

  Fast forward to now and it’s just passed one in the morning. I’m wide awake in my bed. I roll over, grabbing my phone, almost as if I magically expect it to be seven or eight. Nope. It’s only been ten minutes.

  There’s only one way that I’m going to start feeling better. It’s a long shot, but I can’t keep tossing and turning all through the night. I have to say my peace. Sure, Elena’s reaction didn’t really bug me at first. Now that it’s been festering for hours the only thing that it’s been doing has been bugging me.

  Screw this.

  Yeah, she might be upset. I mean, I kind of did catch her off guard, but she doesn’t get to act like Miss. Perfect and judge me, or my mom. She should’ve kept her big mouth shut and just went along to get the test processed.

  For the next twenty minutes, I silently curse to myself, especially when I decide to change clothes and steal Jase’s car keys. Oops.

  Destination: A bar named Bubba’s.

  Honestly, I’m not surprised when I arrive at Bubba’s and see that there are still a few bikes in the parking lot. Sure, it may be almost two am, but outlaw bikers are known for partying, right? I was never much into the party scene, so I wouldn’t know. I think I am about to learn a lot, though.

  Quickly I pull the keys from the ignition and slide them into the pocket in my jacket. When I step out of the car I immediately regret wearing a dress. It’s not frigid, quite yet, but it is cold.

  “My, my. If that isn’t the sweetest lil’ thing that’s caught my eye.” I hear his words before I see him. Out here it’s like his voice is coming from every direction. A wolf glaring down at his prey perhaps.

  “Butch” I grumble, annoyed as I search the parking with my eyes lot for the man.

  “Sugar,” he hisses from behind me and I jump, startled out of my own mind.

  “It’s not nice to sneak up on people!” I huff at him, turning around and smacking his chest. His eyes are illuminated by the lights lining the parking lot, it’s not overly bright but enough to where I can make out his features. His beard still points out to me like a beacon. I wonder why he even has it, he’s bound to be even hotter under all that hair. Call it a weird sense of deja vu, I just know.

  “I wasn’t sneaking up on you. I’ve been right here this entire time, it’s not my fault if you aren’t paying attention to your surroundings.” I blink a couple times, processing what he just said to me. Before I can say anything, he’s already speaking again. “What are you doing out here all alone anyway? Where are your two friends?” His eyes leave my own and search the parking lot, no doubt looking for Syd and Rocky.

  “They aren’t here. I came alone.”

  “This isn’t the kind of place where a girl like you shows up alone. You’re lucky it was me that found you and not someone else, do you understand?”

  “Oh, like it’s so dangerous in this bar?” I grumble, annoyed at the man standing before me. He doesn’t know me, but he somehow believes that he knows what’s best for me.

  “You have no idea how dangerous it is in this bar, Sugar. Not everyone that comes here is a friend. Why are you here?” His eyes come bac
k to meet my own, Butch isn’t a tall man, only a few inches taller than me. His personality seems to be the most dominating part about him, he may only be a few inches taller and has the body like a swimmer, but he somehow makes me feel like I’m surrounded.

  “Did you come back to see me?” he asks.

  “No,” I lie. Fudge! CRAP.

  “You did,” he smiles, bringing his thumb up to my jaw, running it slowly along my skin.

  “No. I didn’t,” I lie again. I came here to see Elena, or that’s what I thought, but I didn’t. I came here for one thing.

  I came here for a hot and heavy one-night stand with this biker that I can’t get out of my mind. I’ve tried and tried not to think about him. yet here I am, heart beating ridiculously fast in my chest, wearing a very short dress, staring into his eyes that could burn right through me.

  “Stop lying sweetheart. We both know you want me. It’s okay, I’ve wanted to get a taste of you too.” He grabs onto my neck forcefully, pulling me towards him. Part of me thinks that I shouldn’t enjoy this, that it doesn’t need to be this rough, but I like it rough. No. Scratch that. I love it rough. I expect his kiss to be as rough as his action, and I was wrong to expect that. His lips are soft, like velvet, slowly running over my own.

  I give in, unleashing my complete sexual being. I’m not a girl who has one-night stands, it’s just not what I do. Tonight, was different though, I needed to feel something other than the hurt that has been flooding through my mind since I left this place a few hours prior. When I came out here, to this very bar in hopes to finally talk to my sister, I didn’t think about every situation that could have unfolded. Now, I find myself over-analyzing everything that she said to me and wanting to prove her wrong, or maybe I just want to prove her right.

  The only way I can shut my mind off is by distracting it with something else, or maybe…someone else entirely.

  I run my hands up his chest, feeling his tight muscles through his shirt. Butch hisses at me, biting harshly down on my bottom lip which causes me to yelp. The moment I pull back from him, his hands slide up my thighs and set firmly on my ass as he pulls me up into the air. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his hips, gripping his leather vest as tightly as I can. His tongue flutters over my bottom lip where he just bit, the sting giving me a tingling sensation from my head all the way down to my toes.

  I hear the crunching underneath us as he takes step after step towards the edge of the parking lot to the woods. It turns me on knowing that someone could come up and see at us at any given second, it’s the risk of someone catching us – that’s what is turning my ember into a flame right now.

  “I’ve wanted to slide my cock into you since the moment you walked through those doors,” Butch sneers, shoving my back up against a tree. I can feel the bark digging into my back. He turns my face towards Bubba’s, I can see people dancing inside through the windows, oblivious to what is about to happen.

  “No one was stopping you then, and I’m sure as heck not going to stop you now,” I tell him, and he lifts my legs higher, grounding his hips against my heat. With each grind, he’s rubbing against my clit, setting me off higher and higher. Tightly, I grab onto his shoulders and dig my nails into him, with each move he makes my nails go deeper into his flesh. He growls, and I hiss, cursing inside my mind.

  “You’re melting underneath my touch, just like I knew that you would,” Butch chuckles, dipping his mouth down to my neck and biting. As he sucks on my skin and rubs more and more I’m a goner, not to mention when he slides my lace thong to the right and plunges his fingers inside of me.

  I’m soaked, dripping wet for him. There’s a river pooling around his hand moving back and forth, rubbing against every pleasurable nerve in my body. His tongue on my neck, his hand in my pussy and that strong thumb toying with my clit.

  I buck, and I fight, feeling the orgasm coming. His free hand comes down on my throat, holding me in place. “You are going to come; do you hear me? Nothing you do will keep you from unravelling over my hand. This isn’t your orgasm, this is mine, and I earned it.”

  I’ve only had sex with one other person – Zac, and while he talked dirty to me – he never talked to me like this. He never made me want to give him anything, but Butch, he makes me want to give him everything that I have. And I do.

  Chapter 6

  I know my future because I’m creating it. -Anonymous


  Two days. It’s been two days since I had that beautiful vixen coming undone in the palm of my hands – literally. She’s the only thing I’ve been able to think about. The way her eyes roll back just when she’s at her breaking point, how she bites her lip and that soft, sinful moan passing through those delicate lips. No matter what I do, I can’t seem to get her out of my fucking head.

  “Butch!” I hear Reed’s fist slam against the table, and just like that my attention is brought back to where it needs to be. “Good God. Pay the fuck attention! I can’t keep repeating this shit over and over again. Don’t make me come over there and rip that patch off you!” Reed huffs, glancing around the room, meeting the eyes of every brother. “That goes for every person in here. You’d damn well better pay attention to what the fuck I’m saying.”

  Every brother in the room goes quiet, all of us staring at our Prez. “We failed. Do you hear me? We failed her when we shouldn’t have. Which is exactly why we have to do better.” He states, rising from his seat at the head of the table, pacing along the front of the room.

  “Shit. I can’t believe we’re all huddled in here because no one planned a baby shower for Daisy. Shouldn’t Elena have done that? Why is it our responsibility?” Slasher growls, rolling his fist into a ball.

  I chuckle instantly. Slasher has been hanging around our club the last few months. He says that he’s a Nomad and he swears by that single lie that he tells himself every day. I call it how I see it and seeing how he hasn’t left the past few weeks I’d be saying he’s practically a member of the club. I’m not chuckling because of that though, I’m sitting here in my seat snickering because the idiot doesn’t know what he just did. Daisy is the heart and soul of our club. She is the Peanut Butter to our Jelly sandwich. No one fucks with Daisy, and seeing as how she’s been through the ringer, Reed is damn sure to give this girl the baby shower she’s dreamed of. Even if Ryder has already made his grand entrance.

  “What the fuck did you just say?” Seamus snaps, rising from his seat so quickly that his chair screeches against the wooden floor.

  “I said. Why. The,” Slasher can’t finish his sentence before Kyle whips his fist around and slams it into Slash’s face. Half of us laugh, and the other half glare at Slash like we could kill him on the spot. I’m one of the fuckers who’s laughing, enjoying the show that’s being played out right in front of my very own eyes.

  “Enough!” Reed roars, slamming his fist down on the table. “We’re planning a fucking baby shower, and we’re gonna do it right. You understand me?”

  The door comes flying open and in comes, Elena with a look like she might put the fear of God into every single one of us. “I am all for planning this surprise baby shower for Dais’ but if you keep opening your big damn mouth then it’s not gonna be a surprise,” she whisper-yells at her husband.

  “Shit. I’m sorry, Siren.”

  “You damn well better be because I’m fucking pissed. Seriously?” Elena turns to look at the rest of us who line the room. “You couldn’t keep his big mouth shut. You of all people?!” She snaps at Seamus. “You big idiots wanted to make it up to Dais by throwing her a surprise baby shower and not asking me, Jenna, Michelle or Mar’ for help, and I let you because that’s exactly what I did. I allowed you do something that should’ve been mine to plan but here you are, yelling so loud that she could hear you all the way from Bubba’s about her SURPRISE BABY SHOWER.”

  “We got this Elena, don’t you worry. It’s gonna go great. Daisy won’t know what hit her, she’ll be thrilled with all the s
hit we’re planning,” I tell her, offering a confident smile that I hope will calm her down a bit, and luckily it does.

  “Fine. She’s fucking raving about you being there for her when all of us weren’t anyway. I can’t fucking believe we missed it!” I can’t believe they all missed it either. It would’ve been nice having some damn help talking sense into the woman. Thankfully, we got to the hospital just in time.

  “I can’t believe any of the shit that’s going on lately, to be honest,” Reed comments, getting back into his seat. Elena walks over and sits on his lap, looking out to the rest of us. “Do we have any updates?” He asks, eyes immediately drifting over to Dmitri and Seamus.

  “It’s confirmed that the Cartel is active again, but we knew that already. What we don’t know is why, and more specifically – why now?” Seamus says,

  “We may know why they’re back,” Dmitri grumbles.

  Everyone’s focus suddenly turns to Dmitri. Obviously, he knows something that the rest of us don’t. “Rafael wants the girl. He’s made it obvious time and time again, what if he’s come back to claim his bride.”

  “What girl?” Chaos hisses, truthfully, I forgot the fucker was in here. Chaos is an interesting creature, he’s the blood brother to Pain – our longest reigning Prospect.

  “Maria,” Dmitri answers.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Chaos snaps, glaring at Dmitri and then Reed. “What haven’t you told the rest of us?”

  Hah. Bingo.

  I fucking knew Chaos had a thing for her, could see it plain as day! What I don’t think Chaos realizes is that his brother also has the hots for Maria.

  “You said he’s made it obvious. How has he made it obvious?” Pain interjects. He’s always been the more level-headed brother. Even though he’s made a mountain of mistakes, in most cases he thinks about the consequences before he acts.


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