Single Dad Shifter (Shades of Shifters Book 6)

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Single Dad Shifter (Shades of Shifters Book 6) Page 10

by T. S. Ryder

  But most importantly, Henry's symptoms were almost all gone and Arabella was home. His children were with him, his mate was safe, and his best friend was well on his way to recover from his poisoning. Everything he had been worried about for the past few months – years, even – was being resolved, and it looked like he might have a happy ending after all.

  After lunch, they read stories and played games with the children until it was their nap time. Henry, though recovering, was still wiped out from the day and returned to his camper to rest as well. Arabella tucked the twins into their beds before coming to help Grayson take care of the dirty lunch dishes.

  Arabella cleared her throat as she scraped the leftover food into a container to put into the fridge. "I never thanked you for coming after me."

  "You don't need to."

  "I do. It was a stupid thing to do, for sure, but things would be much different if you hadn't."

  Grayson laughed, wrinkling his nose at her. "Are you calling me stupid?"

  Arabella pinched her thumb and forefinger together. "Just a little. Maybe crazy is a better word."

  "Crazy in love." He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Because I love you."

  She grinned at him, such a happy smile that he hated to take his eyes off of her. "I love you, too."

  "Dada, Bella-Bella, I'm not sleepy," Olivia called from the bedroom. "Story! Story!"

  "She's a demanding one," Arabella laughed. She stuck the container in the fridge. "What do you say? One more story?"

  Grayson smiled and nodded. There would be time to put them back on a strict schedule. Right now, he just wanted them all to be together. Arabella held his hand as they walked to the twins' room. Before they got there, though, Olivia started wailing.

  Grayson's heart jumped to his throat. He dashed inside, visions of mercenaries and blood flashing through his mind. "Olivia!"

  She jumped, falling silent instantly. Her eyes widened. She was on her bed, books spread all around her. Grayson swooped down and picked her up, checking her over.

  "What's wrong?" he asked. "Where's Hudson?"

  "He's here," Arabella said from behind him.

  He turned to find her holding a tiny dragon. Hudson's scales were blue-black like Christine's had been, with her slender snout and wide eyes. Grayson patted Olivia's back as she started crying again.

  "What's wrong?" he asked, his voice gentler.

  "My wings don't grow like Hud's."

  Grayson sighed in relief. There was nothing wrong, it was just Olivia's nature shining through again. His children might not be in any more danger, but that didn't mean that he was going to be less vigilant. He foresaw more of these moments in the future. But that was par for the course.

  "You'll grow them in time," he assured his daughter. "Now, Hudson, you need to go to sleep, okay?"

  Hudson put his head on Arabella's shoulder. He looked so much like Christine that Grayson didn't have the heart to insist that he shift back. Instead, he tucked Olivia back into her bed and took Hudson and put him to bed, wings and scales and all. Arabella kissed both of the twins' heads.

  "What story should we have?"

  "Dis one!" Olivia picked up one of her favorites.

  Grayson reached for it, but Olivia pulled it away.

  "No," his daughter said. "Bella-Bella read it."

  "Why don’t you call me Airy instead?" Arabella suggested as she took the book. "That might be easier for you to say. I don't like being called Bella. It makes me sound like a toad."

  Olivia giggled. She shook her head. "Nope! I's gonna call you Mama now."

  Arabella froze. Her eyes flickered to Grayson. He tensed slightly. Emotions washed through him, going from happy to sad to back again. Tears burned in his eyes. Olivia and Hudson were only toddlers; he knew their memories of their mother would fade. Soon she'd only be the person he told them about.

  But if there was anybody Christine would want to take her place, it was Arabella. Someone who loved the children, and would protect them with every fiber of her being. He settled down next to her and stroked Hudson's scaly head while Oliva pushed her book into Arabella's lap.

  "I think it's a great idea for you to call her Mama," he said quietly.

  "Mama, read the story," Olivia demanded.

  Arabella smiled as she opened the book. He smiled back, a feeling of peace sweeping over him. This was something he never thought he'd have: to be with his mate, their children nested between them, full of excitement for the future.

  But he did have it, and he wouldn't trade it for anything.



  Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed reading “Single Dad Shifter” as much as I liked writing it. Please consider leaving an honest review here; it means a lot to me to hear from you.

  T.S. Ryder

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  Specially Selected Bonus Content

  Taken by Two Football Dragons


  A shy, curvy newspaper reporter PLUS two disturbingly sexy athletes PLUS an indecent but sizzlingly hot proposal...

  Rachel Forbes is ready to move up in her career and find a boyfriend. She’s excited when it seems like one of her wishes is coming true. She will get to write a serious piece for her newspaper and finally escape the advice column.

  There’s only one problem. The assignment takes her into the world of sports- something she knows nothing about.

  Up and coming NFL star Michael Pryce is reluctant to do an interview. All he wants to do is play the game he loves and stay out of the spotlight. He fears fame will make it more difficult to hide his secret.

  But then, Rachel walks into his locker room and he’s suddenly into the interview and the sexy journalist. The attraction between them is undeniable.

  Rachel meets Michael’s best friend Sloan Ryder and finds his bad-boy charm alluring. She knows it’s best to do her job and get away from both of them, to keep herself out of trouble, but she finds herself drawn into a passionate love triangle. Should she choose one man or have her fun with both?

  Michael and Sloan share everything, including women. If they both desire Rachel, claiming her together shouldn’t be a problem.

  Chapter One

  A large, serpentine creature was gliding in the night sky. Its powerful wings were spread wide and its scales were iridescent in the moonlight. The creature searched the ground below before swooping downward, landing on four feet. It lifted its head, detecting the slight rustle coming from the bush ahead. It sniffed, gauging whether its company was animal or human. The source of the disturbance in the foliage emerged.

  “Having fun?” the deep male voice drawled.

  The dragon grunted, its shape contorting and shrinking into that of a man. Michael Pryce grinned at his longtime friend, Sloan Ryder. He reached for his clothes, neatly folded and tucked behind the thick root of a tree.

  “I always have fun soaring through the night sky. What the hell are you doing here? I left to give you some privacy with your female friend.”

  Sloan shrugged. “I got hungry. I sent her home to avoid having her for a midnight snack.”

  In the process of buttoning his pants, Michael froze. “You didn’t choose to snack on any campers by any chance?”

  A wicked grin spread across Sloan’s face, and he remained silent.

  “Sloan,” Michael growled.

  Sloan chuckled. “Relax, no humans were harmed. Okay, I’ll admit it, I followed you to make sure no one witnessed your little night flight.”

  “Thanks, but I’m always careful. You’re the reckless one, remember?”

  Sloan’s eyes narrowed. “Screw you, Michael. I’ve managed to keep what we are a secret just as well as you have.” He huffed.
“You’ve had your fun, and I’ve had mine. Let’s go home, shall we? I need some shut eye before practice tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, let’s go,” Michael agreed.

  Both men strolled casually through the Colorado woods, at ease in the night. The area was their usual nightly playground. They could hunt smaller animals with a low risk of discovery.


  “Mr. Carrington, don’t you think it’s time for me to start getting more serious assignments? No, that won’t work.” Clearing her throat, Rachel Forbes tried again. “Mr. Carrington, I have been with this paper for one year. It’s time I started getting more serious assignments. No, I demand that I get more serious assignments.” Rachel stared at herself in the mirror, putting on her fiercest expression.

  She let out a groan. Who was she kidding? There was no way she could walk into her boss’s office and make demands. She didn’t have the balls. Her shoulders sagged in defeat.

  “I’m going to be stuck writing the damn advice column forever,” she grumbled. Scowling at herself in the mirror, she huffed. She didn’t work her ass off for the four years of her journalism degree to write the advice column. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin.

  “I’m going to do it,” she declared. Luckily, no one else was in the ladies room to witness her talking to herself. She straightened her jacket and flipped her shoulder length black hair. Turning, she marched to the door and yanked it open.

  Rachel walked at a brisk pace down the corridor to her boss’s office. The closer she got to Mr. Carrington’s office, the more her courage seeped away. By the time she reached his door, self-doubt had presented itself completely.

  “Damn it,” she hissed, walking past the door. She headed to her office, cursing herself for being a coward. Rachel plopped down in her chair to stare at her computer. “Well, I guess the advice column isn’t too bad.”

  “You need to get out of the habit of talking to yourself, Ray.”

  Rachel glanced up with a smile at the sound of the familiar voice. “Hey, Oliver. Now that you’re here I don’t need to talk to myself. Sit, talk to me, save me from myself.”

  Oliver James took a seat in front of her desk and crossed his legs. He flicked back the lock of burgundy hair that had fallen over his eye. “What are you bummed about this time?”

  “My entire life,” Rachel replied dismally.

  “Oh, don’t be so melodramatic.”

  Rachel sighed. “I’m serious, Oliver. My life isn’t where I thought it would be.”

  Oliver gave her a sympathetic look. He leaned forward. “Tell Aunty Oliver about it, honey.”

  Rachel’s brows shot up in amusement. He always told her he was born the wrong gender. She sighed and commenced the whining. “I want to be free of this damn cubicle and the advice column. I didn’t get my degree to give sex advice to desperate housewives, for goodness sake. I can’t even get my own love life together. I don’t have a boyfriend, yet I’m giving relationship advice.” She sat back in her chair and huffed.

  Oliver shook his head. “Well, complaining about work and your love life isn’t going to help. It’s up to you to take action. Get your cute ass up, march into that old fart’s office and request a change. As for the boyfriend part, you need to put yourself out there.” He paused. “If I didn’t swing the other way, I would totally do you, sweet thing. That chocolate skin of yours and those big brown eyes are everything.”

  Rachel snickered. “You always manage to cheer me up, Oliver. You’re awesome. What would I do without you?”

  “Crash and burn,” he drawled, studying his well-manicured nails.

  “You’re probably right,” she murmured. “You’re also right about me going to Mr. Carrington. Even if I get turned down flat, at least I tried. Right?”

  Oliver nodded solemnly. “Right you are, sister.”

  Rachel hesitated for a few seconds, nibbling her lower lip. Carpe diem. She pushed her chair back and got up. “I’m doing it this time.”

  “That’s my girl. Go,” Oliver cheered on.

  Rachel found herself in front of her boss’s door for the second time that morning. She knocked quickly, before she could chicken out again.

  “Who is it?” The gruff, raspy voice called.

  “Er, Rachel.”

  “Come in.” She pushed the door open and stepped in with a gulp. Henry Carrington looked up. “Ah, Forbes. Just the person I wanted to see. Have a seat.” He pointed to the chair in front of his desk.

  Rachel’s brows elevated. “Um, o-okay. Thanks.” Had she done something wrong? Oh no, I’m going to get fired. She tried to calm her nerves and keep her composure.

  Mr. Carrington pinned her with shrewd blue eyes. “It’s time for you to move on from the advice column, Forbes. You would like to write more serious pieces, wouldn’t you?”

  Her eyes widened a fraction. She nearly looked upward with a smile. It seemed the big guy upstairs was doing her a favor. “Um, yes.”

  “Good. I’ve got something for you.”

  Well, that was easy. Okay, maybe my life doesn’t suck that much, after all. If her luck held up for the rest of the day, maybe she would find a man by tonight. “Fantastic. Is it an interview with a public figure? Will I be covering the opening of the new school?” She couldn’t wait to hear what it was.

  Mr. Carrington smiled slightly. “None of the above. You’ll be doing an article on Michael Pryce.”

  She stared at him blankly. “Er, okay. I’m not familiar with him.” Was it someone she was supposed to know? She felt daft all of a sudden.

  “He is an up and coming NFL star, Forbes. Don’t you keep up with sports? He plays for the Broncos.”

  Rachel’s heart dropped. Sports? What the hell did she know about the field? The only sport she took part in was walking to her kitchen to get snacks. “B-but I- are you sure I’m the right person for the job? Maybe something in politics would suit me better.”

  Mr. Carrington huffed. “Look, Forbes, I don’t have time for the debate. The usual sports writer is on vacation, and I have no one else to do it. You’re my last resort. Either you take it or get back to your office to give some ladies advice.”

  The last resort? Well, don’t you know how to make a girl feel special? Jerk. Mr. Carrington continued, “What will it be, Forbes? You know, filling in for the sports column could mean a better post for you here in the future. Prove your versatility and the advice column will be a thing of the past. That is what you want, isn’t it?”

  Of course it was what she wanted. There was no way she could refuse now, not with the promise of a promotion. She forced out a smile. “Yes, I’ll write the best darn piece about Michael-er- the football guy. Sports is great. I just love the MFL.”


  “That’s what I meant.”

  “Good, you can head down to the stadium tomorrow. Mr. Pryce will be expecting you.”

  Rachel smiled, got up and backed out of the office. “Alright. Thank you, sir.” Once on the other side of the door, her smile dropped along with her spirit. “The freaking sports column?” She strolled back to her office, no cubicle. Could she pull off a sports piece? She had no idea. But she had to make it fantastic so her skills could finally be recognized. If doing one measly article on a sports star was what it took to rise to the top, she sure as hell was going to pull it off.

  Chapter Two

  Michael stepped out of the shower and slung a towel around his hips. As he rounded the corner he nearly ran into his coach. “Pryce! Good job today.”

  “Thanks, coach.”

  “I’ve been watching you, kid. You play like a man possessed, the best damn quarterback I’ve seen in a while. The fans are watching you too. Your name is on everyone’s tongue. Have you noticed?”

  “Uh, I guess.” No, he hadn’t.

  “We’re going to take advantage now and make you the face of the team, kid, starting with getting you in the paper. Everyone wants to know who Michael Pryce is.”

  Michael eyed
Coach Reynolds with masked annoyance. He didn’t want to be recognized. All he wanted was to blow off steam playing a game he loved. If people knew the real him, he would no doubt be chained up in a lab to be prodded and studied. “I’m not interested in the notoriety, coach. There are plenty of other men on the team who deserve such recognition.”

  Coach Reynolds scowled. “No doubt there are, but a reporter from the Denver Post is already on the way to interview you. Embrace the recognition, kid. Many would kill to be in your position.” He nodded and walked off before Michael could protest any further.

  Michael let out a sigh. Great. He was going to be saddled with some annoying, inquisitive reporter. Maybe Sloan was right. Maybe they should pack up and move to another town. They had been in Denver long enough, much longer than they usually spent in one place. But he’d had the brilliant idea of getting into sports, and two years later they were still in Colorado and playing in the NFL no less! Maybe joining a team and interacting with people wasn’t such a great idea, after all.

  He walked into the locker room and plopped down on a bench. It was hard for him and Sloan to just disappear this time around. They were a part of something that had gained them recognition.

  “Why so glum, superstar?” Sloan asked. He was leaning casually against a set of lockers as his friend walked in. As usual, Michael was sulking about something. Sloan shook his head. After centuries running around the world with his best friend, he couldn’t get the man to lighten up.

  Michael glanced around the locker room. He lowered his voice in case any of their teammates were in hearing distance. “Coach just told me that a reporter is coming to interview me.”

  Sloan’s lips spread into a wicked grin. “Awesome, invite him over to our place. We can make a meal out of him tonight.” Michael’s brows furrowed and he shot Sloan a disapproving look. Sloan chuckled. He loved pissing Michael off. “Kidding.”


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