Single Dad Shifter (Shades of Shifters Book 6)

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Single Dad Shifter (Shades of Shifters Book 6) Page 11

by T. S. Ryder

  He straightened. “What’s the big deal, Mikey? It’s just an interview. You’ll answer a few questions and take a picture. Relax for once in your life, man. Anyway, I have to get going. I have plans with a delectable little brunette.” Sloan’s eyes ran over Michael’s bare torso. “If you hurry home, we can share her,” he drawled. He winked and sauntered out of the room.

  Michael stared at Sloan’s retreating form. His friend’s suggestion caused a stir in his groin. The thought of sharing yet another woman was quite appealing. It was too bad he had to stay put and wait for the damn reporter.

  The sudden commotion in the room pulled him from his thoughts. He could hear a few of his teammates whistling. He leaned forward to peer around a row of lockers. His eyes widened at the sight of the woman stood in the doorway. Sweet mother of God. Who was she? The woman wore a dress that hugged her generous curves like a second skin. She turned to Jake, one of his teammates, and asked him something.

  With his enhanced hearing, Michael heard every word. “Good afternoon. Is Michael Pryce here?” Her tone was soft and melodious, music to his ear. Would her moans be as sweet if he had her pinned beneath him, plunging into her softness? He blinked twice, bringing his thoughts out of the gutter. She was here to see him. Perhaps she was the reporter he was supposed to be expecting. He had assumed that the interviewer would be a stuffy man, but the fact that she was a delicious-looking woman made the prospect of an interview suddenly more appealing.

  The voluptuous woman turned in his direction and sauntered toward him. He assessed her to be about five feet nine inches tall, but he took off about four inches without her ‘come fuck me’ heels. His gaze moved upward, taking in full breasts and the face of an angel. As she drew closer he could see that her mocha skin was flawless, her lips were red and sensuously plump, and her honey brown eyes were almond shaped. Her raven black hair was caught in a high bun, accentuating her long, graceful neck. A Nubian goddess, he thought.

  She made eye contact with him and smiled nervously. “Hi, are you Michael Pryce?”

  I’ll be anyone you want me to be, baby. He stood up. “I am.”


  Rachel shoved her embarrassment at walking through a male locker room filled with sweaty, muscular football players aside as soon as she set eyes on the man in front of her. For any other woman it would be a sex paradise, but not her. She was way too shy. Her dismay had mounted when she asked for Michael Pryce and was shown into the locker room. She’d had to walk past a bunch of half-naked men who whistled and threw sexual comments at her. The comments thrown her way could make a prostitute blush.

  This was Michael Pryce? Her eyes ran over him from head to toe. God, he was beautiful, every hard, toned, bronze inch of him. She gulped, realizing that all he was wearing was a towel slung loosely on his narrow hips. One wrong move and his covering would slip to the floor. She found herself hoping that the towel would fall. She pursed her lips and quickly brought her gaze back to his face. Sea green eyes studied her intently. His chiseled jaw gave him a masculine, alpha male edge and his sexy lips were curved into a knowing grin. He knew she was checking him out. Kill me now.

  She cleared her throat lightly. “I’m Rachel Forbes. I’m here to do your interview. I’m sure you knew I was coming.”

  “Rachel Forbes,” he drawled in a deep, silky voice, making her toes curl in her stilettos. “Yes, I was expecting you.”

  She gave him another once over, her mouth drying. “Perhaps this is a bad time. I can wait outside until you get dressed.”

  Michael’s lips lifted along with his shoulders. “I’m not shy. Are you?”

  “Um, I think it would be better if you were…clothed.” There was no way she could form any straight thoughts with such a magnificent male specimen in front of her.

  He chuckled. “If you think so, Miss Forbes. It is Miss, isn’t it?”


  He gave her another sexy grin, his green eyes sparkling. “I’ll meet you outside.”

  Rachel nodded and took a step back. “Great.” She turned, biting her lip hard, and took off towards the door. She gritted her teeth as the whistling and shouts of ‘hey sexy, you want to do a piece on me?’ commenced. Ugh, oversexed athletes. She let out a breath and leaned against the wall. Michael Pryce had gotten her hot and bothered. It had to be because she was seriously sex deprived. She needed to get laid, preferably with Michael. No, no no. I can’t think about having sex with my subject. Besides, it wasn’t like he was interested in her, or ever would be. He probably had tall, slim, leggy women gracing his arm and bed every night.

  Minutes later, Michael walked through the door. He let out an aggravated sigh and shoved his phone into his pocket. He would have to postpone his interview with Miss Forbes. Sloan had called moments ago, telling him that someone had broken into their house but nothing had been taken. It was no random break in. He knew who was behind it.

  Michael spotted Rachel leaning against a wall. He couldn’t help giving her another once over. “Miss Forbes.”

  She turned to him and smiled. “Please, just Rachel.”

  His lips curved. “Rachel. I have some bad news. I can’t do the interview right now. I just got an urgent call.”

  She frowned. “Oh. I hope everything is alright.”

  “It will be. How about you come to my place, later?” He didn’t know why he blurted that out. He should have told her to come back tomorrow. Inviting Rachel to his place was asking for trouble.

  Rachel blinked. His place? As in alone in his house? That didn’t sound like a good idea. But she had to get the interview and write the article. The rest of her career depended on it. “Alright, just give me your address and the time.”

  He rattled off his address and told her to drop by around 7:00. He would have things settled by then. “See you later, Rachel.”

  “Okay. Hey, wait. Here’s my phone number just in case.” She slipped him a piece of paper and watched him walk away. What a fine human specimen.

  Chapter Three

  Sloan paced the kitchen of the huge two story house. His fists clenched and unclenched several times as anger radiated through him. He should have gone with Michael to confront the house guest they received earlier, but Michael had insisted on going alone. Apparently, Sloan was too much of a hot head and would most likely aggravate the situation.

  Damn right he would. All he wanted to do was rip someone’s head off, or better yet shift into his dragon form and make toast out of someone with his fire breathing ability. And the person who he wanted to hurt so badly was one of their own. Ronan. Damn the bastard. The dragon shifter was unhinged and that made him dangerous. He wanted to create a dragon shifter uprising because he had some deranged vision of a world run by dragon shifters. All shifters were wary of Ronan. He was a threat to them all.

  Ronan has been following Michael and Sloan for decades, trying to convince the two shifters to join forces with him. They were among the few oldest and most pure-blooded dragon shifters and would be generals in Ronan’s army. They, of course, wanted nothing to do with the man. Both men wished to live peaceful, semi-normal lives among humans. They thought Ronan had given up since they hadn’t heard from him in three years, but it seemed the evil scoundrel was back.

  Sloan let out a frustrated growl and moved to the counter to uncap the bottle of vodka resting there. So much for playing ball and bedding women, he thought. Worrying about Ronan certainly put a damper on the fun. Taking a long swig from the liquor bottle, he sat down on a stool. He might as well get drunk until Michael returned with news.

  He heard footsteps approaching the front door before the bell rang. He sniffed. It was a woman. Hmm, I love female visitors. He sauntered out of the kitchen to the front of the house. When he opened the door his heart skipped a beat. His eyes swept over the woman before him.

  “Hello,” he drawled.

  Rachel frowned. Do I have the wrong house? “Hi. I’m looking for Michael Pryce.”

  Sloan’s brow
s shot up. It was too bad she belonged to Michael. Although they had no problem sharing, he hadn’t gotten his friend’s permission yet. “He’s not here.”

  Rachel’s shoulders dropped. “He told me to come here at this time. I’m supposed to interview him.”

  “You’re the reporter?” Yes. She didn’t belong to Michael, after all. He could have his fun.

  “I am.” She extended a hand. “Rachel Forbes.”

  “Sloan Ryder,” he introduced, taking her hand in his. “Michael’s team mate and housemate.

  Rachel’s cheeks warmed as deep-set gray eyes roved over her body. Michael’s friend was just as gorgeous as he was, except he was a head shorter. He was just as muscular, though. He seemed darker than Michael both in looks and personality. Where Michael had low cut sandy blond hair, Sloan had black hair that was a bit too long. His entire demeanor was darker.

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Ryder.”

  He smiled slightly. “Just Sloan. Why don’t you come in and wait for Michael? He shouldn’t be too much longer.” He stepped aside and indicated for her to enter.

  Rachel hesitated. Sloan looked like bad news. But what harm would it be to wait for a little while? “Thank you,” she said, stepping inside. Sexual awareness spread through her when she brushed past him. What is my deal? She had been just about ready to jump Michael at the stadium and now she was getting heated in his friend’s presence. Yup, I definitely need to get laid soon.

  “Have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?” Sloan asked.

  She swallowed. “Water, please.” When Sloan disappeared, Rachel assessed the living room, taking in the expensive furniture.

  “Here you are.” She turned to Sloan, who handed her a glass.

  “Thank you.” Rachel drank deeply, letting the cool liquid moisten her too-dry throat.

  Sloan watched her with interest. He wondered why he felt such a deep attraction to Rachel. Sure, he was involved with many beautiful women, but there was something about the one sitting in his living room that made his heart flutter. Maybe it was because he hadn’t taken her to bed yet.

  Rachel shifted uneasily in her seat. She could feel Sloan’s eyes on her. Giving him a fleeting glance, she asked, “So, Sloan. How is it playing for the Broncos?”

  He shrugged. “It’s okay.”

  “Just okay? I get the impression you don’t enjoy your career.”

  “I got into it because of Michael.” When she gave him a questioning look, he added, “He and I go way back. We do just about everything together.”

  Rachel nodded. Why did his last statement sound so suggestive? “I see.” She glanced at her watch. “I suppose I can meet up with Michael tomorrow. I don’t want to take up your time, Sloan.”

  “I don’t mind your company.” His eyes were smoldering as he stared at her.

  Rachel put her glass down on the center table and stood up. She had to get away from him before she combusted under his heated gaze. Before she realized that he had even moved, he was on his feet in front of her. Such proximity to him was disconcerting. “Um, it’s fine. I have no problem waiting another day.”

  Sloan’s gray eyes seem to penetrate her. “I don’t want you to leave just yet,” he murmured. His gaze dropped to her lips. Such lovely lips. She must taste like heaven, he thought. His head lowered and inched close to her.

  Rachel watched him wide-eyed. Should she let him kiss her? He seemed like a playboy. But his allure was so powerful.I’ll let him kiss me, just for a few seconds. She was curious to know what he tasted like. His lips touched hers and she instantly melted. His mouth on hers felt natural. Sloan stepped closer, wrapping his hands around her waist. Rachel moaned as her body was pressed against his and she felt his hardening erection pressing into her stomach.

  Her hands were splayed against his broad chest. She couldn’t help running her palms over his hard muscles. He feels so good. Rachel parted her lips, giving him permission to deepen their kiss. His tongue swept inside her mouth to explore.

  Sloan could feel himself losing control. If he didn’t stop their kiss, he would take her right there in the living room. But he couldn’t bring himself to stop. Backing towards the couch, he took Rachel with him. Sitting down, he pulled her on top so that she straddled him. Her dress rode up, revealing smooth thighs.

  He slipped his hands under her dress to cup her ass and pull her closer. Rachel shifted against his cock, causing him to let out a groan. His fingers slid into her panty to trail against her mound before slipping into her softness. The contact pulled Rachel from her sexual haze. Gasping, she tore her mouth from his and jumped to her feet, stumbling on her high heels. She stared down at him, eyes wide with horror. Panting and still heated from their passionate kiss, she said, “Oh my God. What am I doing? I don’t even know you.”

  Sloan stood up slowly, disappointment mixed with confusion swirling in his mind. He would have loved to claim the lovely Rachel, who he knew absolutely nothing about. That had never stopped him before. What he couldn’t put his finger on was why his need to touch her, to be inside of her, was so strong. “I’m sorry. I got carried away.”

  Rachel reached for her handbag, which had dropped to the floor. She straightened her dress. “I-I’m going to leave. I’ll come back tomorrow. No, I’ll see Mr. Pryce at the stadium.”

  Sloan watched her back toward the door. He didn’t bother to stop her because he would probably jump her again if she stayed. The door closed and he still stood rooted to the spot. What in the world had just happened? Plopping down on the plush couch, he was lost in wonder and didn’t hear the door open.

  Michael stepped through the door. “It was as we suspected. Ronan is in town.”

  Sloan looked up, his brows furrowed. “Hmmm?”

  Michael’s brows shot up. He closed the door behind him and studied his friend with concern. “Are you alright? You look a little lost.”

  Sloan scratched his head. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.”

  Michael froze. “She was here.” He could smell Rachel’s scent permeating the air. He had ingrained her scent in his nostrils when he had first met her. As he got closer to Sloan, his scowl deepened. “Her scent is all over you,” he bit out.

  Sloan arched a brow. “A woman’s scent is always all over me.”

  “This one, the reporter, she’s mine.”

  Sloan jumped up. “You’ve never had a problem sharing before.”

  Michael took several breaths in an attempt to dampen the rage mounting in him. “There’s something about Rachel. I’m not entirely sure what, but there is this magnetism between us. But you wouldn’t have known that. I’m sorry.”

  Sloan’s eyes widened and he sucked in a breath. Maybe his feelings about Rachel weren’t real. Perhaps he had tapped into Michael’s emotions. Their kind could pick up on each other’s feelings and they had been together for so long, their bond was strong even though they didn’t share the same blood line.

  Michael’s jaw clenched. “You didn’t-”

  “No. We kissed and that was all. She practically ran through the door,” Sloan murmured.

  Michael stared at him for a long while, an emotion that Sloan couldn’t identify flickering in his eyes. Then he abruptly wheeled around and headed back through the door, leaving Sloan feeling more perplexed than before.

  Chapter Four

  Rachel lounged on the sofa, flipping mindlessly through the channels. Her mind was still stuck on Sloan Ryder and the way he tasted. Like whiskey and sex. And then there was Michael, another disturbingly sexy athlete. She let out an aggravated sound. Get it together, Rachel. She had been fantasizing about the two men since she got home. She thought a cold shower would help to turn down her arousal, but here she was after a long cold shower, still thinking about sex with men she didn’t know.

  “I should take Oliver up on his offer,” she grumbled. Her friend was always inviting her out. It was his mission to find her a man so she could get laid and loosen up a bit. Those were his words. She let out a sigh
and continued to channel surf.

  A loud knock on her door made her jump. Who could that be? She wasn’t expecting anyone. She got up, and wrapped her robe more tightly around her waist before walking to the door. “Who is it?”

  “Michael Pryce.” His smooth baritone carried through the wooden door.

  Rachel froze. What the hell was he doing at her apartment? It was nearly 10:00pm. She opened the door slightly to peer around it. “Hi. Um, what are you doing here?”

  His smoldering green eyes seemed to bore into her. “I came to see you.

  She let out a small laugh. “You’re kidding, right? Do you know what time it is?”

  “I do. I feel bad for not calling. I wasn’t expecting business to take so long.”

  “Mhmm. I see. Well, we can do the interview tomorrow.” She tried not to let her eyes roam over his body. Goodness, he looked amazing. His brows were creased, and he looked stressed. Rachel sighed and opened the door wider. “Is everything alright?”

  He stepped inside. “Of course. Like I said, I felt bad for not calling to let you know I wouldn’t make it home in time for our meeting.”

  “There is a nifty little invention called the phone.”

  Michael smiled. “I really wanted to see you.” His voice had dropped an octave.

  Rachel gaped at him. Oh, boy. His smile was way too charming, making her heart melt. Her cheeks flamed and she looked down at the floor like a timid child.

  “Oh,” was all she could manage to squeak. She was suddenly all too aware that she was only wearing a thin robe that stopped mid-thigh, and nothing else. Of course, she wasn’t expecting visitors, especially not a big, muscular man who seemed to take up all the space in her small living room. “Have a seat. I’ll grab my notepad.” She might as well get the interview over and done with since Michael was there, all six feet three inches of him.


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