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Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2)

Page 9

by Anne Rainey

  Deanna reached out a hand. “I’m lonely.”

  Jonas entwined their fingers and crawled across the bed. “You’re overdressed, kitten.”

  “Do something about it, then.” She admired the man’s efficiency because within seconds she was lying against the cool blanket as naked as he was. When he looked her over and let loose a low growl, she knew the time for words was over. Jonas brushed his lips to the pulse in her neck and Deanna moaned.

  “Jonas.” She dug her fingers into his mass of dark hair to hold him firm while he suckled her skin. She ached to feel those lips and that tongue lower. So much lower.

  As if she’d spoken the thought aloud, Jonas inched downward, touching off several little sparks of desire as he went. When his tongue flicked over one erect nipple, Deanna nearly shot off the bed. She forgot her misgivings. Her body craved Jonas’s touch. It’d been so long since she’d derived any real pleasure from a man, because the only one she’d wanted, the only one who could possibly fill her, was the one lying on top of her.

  As if afraid to bruise her, Jonas carefully ran his tongue back and forth over her areola, then sucked her nipple into his warm mouth. She felt the vibration of his hum of satisfaction and the raspy feel of his five-o’clock shadow. The sensations tormented her oversensitive skin and fueled the blaze raging inside her. His hands on either side of her body effectively pinned her to the bed. Deanna reveled in the intoxicating feel of Jonas surrounding her with his lethal strength.

  While he switched to the other breast, Deanna marveled at his patience. He appeared to have nothing but time to play and tease. Like he was a king settling in for a great feast with the way he laved at her skin and toyed with all her erogenous zones.

  Deanna urged him lower with a tug on his hair, and her excitement soared when he obliged, moving his loving torture south. Her body reacted with a flow of moisture to her center. Every inch of her was ready for him to take her.

  “Please, Jonas.”

  A grunt was her only indication that he’d even heard her plea. He sat back on his haunches and stared down at her naked body. “This body deserves to be worshipped. For hours. Days, even.”

  She could barely breathe, let alone speak, but she attempted to answer. “Uh, thanks?”

  “All night you sat at that booth, and all I could think of was fucking you.” He passed a hand over his face and grumbled, “Damn, Deanna.”

  “Such a poet, Jonas.”

  He reached down and cupped her mound. “Such a little smart-ass.”

  She tried to maintain her cool composure, but when his middle finger found its way through her curls and sank all the way to the knuckle inside her heat, she gave up any pretense of control over her own body.

  “Mmm, just look at you. Your slippery little cunt is so ripe. I think I’m going to really enjoy making you scream with pleasure.”

  When a second finger joined the first, her hips began to move, matching his pumping rhythm. After thrusting several times, Jonas brought both fingers all the way out. She wanted to beg him to come back, but her words died on her tongue as she watched him suck her juices off.

  “Tangy,” he whispered. “Rich and warm and so addicting.”

  He spread her wide and dipped his head between her thighs, sweeping his tongue over her swollen clit. She arched upward and he was there, holding her down with an arm over her stomach. She moaned and writhed under his assault. His tongue dipped in and out, laving and sending her into a different realm. She went wild when he sucked her clit between his lips and nibbled it. Once. Twice. Suddenly, Deanna burst apart, shouting his name and flowing into his greedy mouth.


  Jonas stayed in place for several seconds after her orgasm ended, as if relishing the little aftershocks. Then he lifted his head.

  “You are so fucking beautiful when you come,” he murmured.

  Amen, was all Deanna could think as she let her eyes drift closed. Then his weight lifted and Deanna opened them again. She watched him stand beside the bed, staring down at her with some unnamed emotion on his face.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  He crooked his finger and grinned wolfishly at her. “Come over here, kitten.”

  Deanna rolled to her side and sat up. When she stood and went to him, Jonas placed his hand on the small of her back and directed her across the room. He stopped her when she reached the dresser. The mirror. As she stared at her reflection, heat flooded her cheeks. Her gaze shot to his. His guttural words turned her legs to jelly.

  “I’m going to make you come again. Only this time, you’ll see what I see.”

  “I’m not sure I can, not like this.”

  “You can,” he whispered; then he dipped his head to the side and kissed her nape. As if he’d pulled a string, Deanna began to climb that same cliff all over again.

  Jonas slid his hands up and down her arms, teasing goose bumps to the surface. Deanna forgot her trepidation and simply sank into the moment. With her eyes open, she watched Jonas move his lips lower, until he was behind her. He was totally out of view now, but she felt his mouth against her shoulder blades. Deanna’s body hummed to life as he kissed and licked. “God, I had no idea.”

  “Mmm, what?”

  “That shoulders could be such a hot spot.”

  “Only with my mouth,” he growled. “No other.”

  Deanna let the possessive statement go for one reason only—because she knew deep down that if any woman chose to put her mouth on any part of Jonas’s body, Deanna would go postal.

  Her body jolted when Jonas’s mouth came into contact with her bottom. She could only assume he was on his knees as he stroked the seam of her buttocks with his tongue. His talented hands massaged and fondled her ass cheeks. Deanna leaned forward and braced her hands on the top of the dresser, then shuddered when he parted her.

  “Spread your legs for me. Nice and wide.”

  Deanna did as he bid, but only barely. She just wasn’t as open, as uninhibited, as he was.

  Thankfully, Jonas seemed to understand her nervousness, because he didn’t press the issue. His tongue caressed her again, moving slowly between her thighs to her swollen labia. He separated her and dipped in, piercing her entrance in fast, stabbing motions. So much sensation; it’d never been this way. He made her feel alive with a few clever touches.

  “Such a pretty ass and pussy. Let me see more, kitten. I won’t hurt you. Please, for me.”

  That’s when Deanna knew the scary truth. That she’d do anything for him. Giving up all sense of modesty, she widened her stance. He hummed his approval and was there again, sucking at her clitoris and taking her over that jagged edge. She happily soared higher and higher as his tongue probed and his lips brushed and tormented. Deanna shouted Jonas’s name as he tugged her nubbin with his teeth. She went up in flames, pushing backward against his face, achingly aware of his hard, calloused hands holding her hips still. As he kissed her pussy and licked her tight, pink anus, her legs nearly buckled.

  In an instant, he was standing again, his body molding to the length of hers as he stared at her in the mirror. “You tear me up, Deanna. Goddamn, I want you.”

  “Then take me, Jonas,” she choked out.

  “Mmm,” he murmured as he leaned over and opened a drawer. She watched him pull out a condom, his body pressing against her, keeping her pinned as if he were afraid she’d vanish if he gave her an inch of space. She wiggled her ass and he cursed. “Hurry, Jonas.”

  His eyes shot to hers in the reflection. “Don’t rush me, girl. I’m already on a hair trigger here.”

  The idea that he was that anxious for her pleased her beyond measure. It made her feel as if she weren’t the only one so affected.

  She watched him move back a few feet, and instantly Deanna missed his heat and scent surrounding her. Although, when she got a good eyeful of his muscled chest, she forgave him for leaving her. Jonas was deliciously male; his pectorals were solid rock, and he had a wide rib cage and
ripped abs that Deanna ached to caress. She thought maybe she might start drooling at any moment. And big didn’t even begin to describe his erection. He was huge. She hadn’t been with a lot of men, but Jonas definitely put them all to shame. When he ripped the condom packet open, Deanna turned around. “Wait.”

  He quirked a brow. “Wait?”

  She stepped closer, then slowly lowered to her knees in front of him. “I’ve wanted to taste you a thousand times. Would you really deny me this chance, Jonas?”

  “Hell no.” He wrapped a fist around his cock and held it out for her. “Come and get it.”

  Deanna leaned in and took the swollen head into her mouth. She tasted his sticky fluid and lapped it up. He groaned and wrapped both hands in her hair and guided her. His hands shook and he was rougher than she expected. When she took the first few inches inside her mouth, his cock seemed to thicken even more. He praised her, and she took another inch, then felt him touch the back of her throat. Deanna gagged.

  “Easy, kitten,” he crooned as he pushed her head off him to give her a breath, then pulled her forward again. This time Deanna prepared herself for his size by relaxing her throat. She took him deep, and suddenly Jonas was fucking her mouth, his movements alternating between fast and out of control, and slow and gentle. When she reached down and cupped his balls in her palm, Jonas pulled her head off him, then praised her with a kiss.

  “Too much of that and you’ll get a mouthful of cream.”

  “I wouldn’t mind,” she admitted as she imagined drinking his cum.

  “Later,” he said, his voice rough and low. “First I want this pussy. Are you going to give it to me?”

  She smiled and stood, then moved back into her position in front of the mirror. Jonas grinned as he rolled the condom on. As he stepped forward, bringing their bodies into contact again, Deanna’s breath caught in her throat. His heavy erection slipped between her buttocks, and Deanna wiggled her hips, hoping to move him along faster. Jonas positioned his cock at her entrance, aligning their bodies but not penetrating. She sighed in contentment and closed her eyes to better savor the moment. All that power and sleek grace snuggled against her. She could die happy now; Deanna was sure of it.

  “Give me your hands,” Jonas softly demanded.

  Yeah, okay, that had her eyes popping open. “Huh?”

  He ran the bulbous head up and down her pussy lips, and Deanna’s mind went blank. He was so close to where she needed him to be and yet so very far away.

  “Put your hands behind your back.”

  She did and when he took hold of both wrists in one of his large hands, Deanna’s nervous jitters returned. “Uh, Jonas, I think it’s probably fair to warn you that I’ve never done anything all that wild during sex.”

  “Let me show you a few things, kitten. Nothing crazy, I swear.”

  “What sort of things?”

  “Shhh, don’t get all wide-eyed. I would never hurt you.”

  Very carefully, as if afraid of her bolting at any second, Jonas squeezed her wrists slightly. “I want you bound, but until then, this will have to do.”

  Deanna watched him in the mirror; his eyes were on her throat. She could see how arousing it was for him to have her at his mercy. She tested her hands by tugging a little. Nope, she wasn’t budging. This was all so new to her. “I know you wouldn’t deliberately hurt me,” she hedged.

  With his free hand, he stroked her cheek. “Never, kitten. I take care of what’s mine.”

  There it was again, possessiveness. “Mine?” she asked as their gazes met in the mirror.

  He cupped her chin and ground out, “You have a problem with that, Deanna?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll think about it later.” Then passion took over. She widened her stance and pushed her buttocks into his groin in a silent, feminine request. He obliged and slipped inside an inch. He’d only just barely entered her, but it was enough to stretch her beyond what she’d ever experienced. As she stared at him in the mirror, it was like seeing a predator ready to devour his meal yet content to take his time and enjoy the tasty morsel.

  He pushed a little more, and Deanna squirmed at the fullness of him. “Jonas.”

  “Shhh, it’s going to be okay.”

  “I’m not so sure. I don’t think I’m made to handle you.”

  His gorgeous blue eyes roamed tenderly over her reflection. “Of course you are. It’ll just be a little slower than I’d anticipated.”

  His free hand went to her torso, and he lightly brushed her nipple with the backs of his fingers. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “You have beautiful tits,” he praised as his hold on her wrists tightened. When he inched inside her tight channel a little more, Deanna’s inner muscles stretched to accommodate him. Jonas’s fingers moved down her belly to her mound, and he cupped her gently as he slid his cock in a little more. He took her clit between his index finger and thumb and squeezed. She moaned and circled her hips, intent on feeling his warm hands against her slick flesh.

  “Oh, hell yeah,” Jonas whispered against the shell of her ear. He pumped at the swollen bit of flesh. “Play, little kitty,” he urged.

  Deanna watched him in the mirror as he began to slide his fingers up and down until soon he was massaging her clit in slow circles. So many sensations bombarded her at once, and Deanna didn’t know if she was coming or going. When he slipped his cock all the way out, then pushed inward, nearly balls-deep, she shouted his name.

  “Fuck, you’re so damn hot. I’m going to make you come, Deanna. All over my dick.”


  His fingers plucked and tugged at her clitoris. Jonas appeared to lose control, thrusting hard and deep. Suddenly he stopped and she could feel him so solid and full inside her hot pussy, filling her to the core.

  “Christ, you’re tight.”

  She couldn’t speak. A few more massaging circles knocked Deanna right off her axis.

  “That’s it,” he breathed against her neck, “bathe my cock, kitten.”

  And as if he had so much command over her, she did. This time he pulled his cock all the way out, then slammed into her. Deanna shuddered and screamed as her orgasm rushed over her. She tried to move her hands, but she couldn’t. He had her quite effectively bound. Once she settled, he released her wrists.

  “Hold on to the dresser,” he demanded.

  She clutched the edges in a tight grip; then Jonas drove into her, hard and fast. “Son of a bitch,” he muttered as his hips flexed. The palm of his hand pushed against her upper back, forcing her down against the cool, wood top as he pounded into her from behind. Deeper and harder with each stroke, until his balls slapped against her clit and elicited another series of moans from her.

  Jonas leaned over her, covering her body with his as he pushed forward one more time. “Mine,” he ground out as he came, filling the condom with hot liquid.

  He was sweating and breathing as if he’d run a marathon, their bodies sticking together with the heat of their passion. If it weren’t for the dresser digging into her hips, Deanna could have happily stayed that way forever.

  She wiggled a little and Jonas let out a sigh. He stood up and pulled his cock free. Deanna desperately wanted him back. He helped her stand upright and turned her around to face him. Her legs were a little wobbly, she realized. He stared down at her, and the expression on his face was so intense it sent a rush of warmth through her. It hadn’t just been sex for him; she was sure of it.

  “You’re amazing.”

  Heat crept into her face. “Well, you’re not bad either.”

  Jonas laughed. “You’re a mouthy little thing.”

  She bit her lip and looked away. “One of my charms.”

  He flicked her nose. “I’ll treasure the sight of you like this, you know.”

  Curious, her gaze came back to his. “Like what?”

  “Drowsy eyes, breasts a little red from my mouth.” His gaze traveled over her. “You look well loved, Deanna, and it’s the se
xiest sight I’ve ever seen.”

  Not willing to let things get too weird between them, Deanna brought the conversation away from sex and onto cleanliness. “Um, thank you, but I think I’m in need of a shower.”

  He nodded and grabbed her hand, then started to walk to the far side of the room. She saw him open a door and flip on a light. This room, like the bedroom and living area, was also all manly and modern. “You and Wade need a decorator.”

  He snorted. “Don’t like the décor?”

  “It’s nice, but there’s too much black and steel.”

  When he went to the shower, turned the knobs, and tested the water, she began to get a little antsy. He moved to dispose of the condom—which she hadn’t even remembered him putting on—then stepped into the tub and held out a hand to her.

  Deanna let him entwine their fingers and stepped under the hot spray. As she closed her eyes and savored the feel of the hot water and big, hard man, Deanna felt fingers against her ass, cupping and stroking. She opened her eyes and glanced over her shoulder. “You can’t possibly be ready to go again.”

  “Your ass is a thing of beauty. I’m thinking of building a shrine for it.”

  She laughed. “You like my butt that much, huh?”

  “I’ve stared at it about a million times. Still, I have to admit, I like it a hell of a lot better without anything obstructing my view.”

  The praise, since it came from Jonas, went straight to her heart. “Going around naked could get me into trouble, though, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, because then other men would see it and I’d have to kill them. That’d suck.”

  “It’d put a real crimp in my plans for you.”


  “Oh, I have plans.”

  He wrapped his arms around her middle and pulled her back against him. The hot, steamy water cascading over their bodies sent Deanna into another, more carefree plane of existence with Jonas.

  “Mmm, wicked plans?” he asked against the wet skin of her neck.

  “Definitely wicked.”


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