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Pleasure Bound (Hard to Get 2)

Page 18

by Anne Rainey

  Jonas brought the laptop back around and she was once again staring into his face, only this time he was closer and she could see his dreamy blue eyes up close. God, why had she told him he couldn’t come over? Was she a masochist?

  “The big thing is a server,” he said. “The multiple monitors are for work.”

  Deanna frowned. “Why on earth would you need all that?”

  “Hacking into databases isn’t easy,” he explained. “It’s time-consuming work. The multiple workstations allow me to let a program run on one while I work on the other. Saves me hours of waiting around.”

  Hacking? That surprised her. She’d known he was a computer geek, but she hadn’t known he was capable of that. “You break into people’s computers?”

  “Hang on,” he said; then the camera moved off him and bounced up and down a few times before finally settling on him once more. “Sorry, I needed to get back into bed. And to answer your question, yes, sometimes it’s necessary. I don’t do it to get my jollies and it’s not because I get off on invading a person’s privacy.” He rubbed his chin, then said, “Although your brother seems to think I get way too much enjoyment out of it.”

  Deanna laughed. “And do you?”

  He wagged his eyebrows. “I can find my pleasures elsewhere. Take you for instance.”

  “Take me?” she asked, hoping her voice didn’t sound quite as breathless as she suspected. “Where would you take me, Jonas?”

  “To heaven, kitten,” he answered in that deep, gravelly tone that told Deanna he was more than a little aroused.

  She made a valiant attempt to tamp down her mounting desire, but it didn’t work. Jonas was simply too potent.

  “You took me to heaven in Miami,” she admitted.

  Jonas put his arm behind his head and murmured, “How about I take you there again? Right now? Would you like that, Deanna?”

  Deanna bit her lip, unsure. “Could anyone see this? Like a hacker?”

  Jonas shook his head. “No one will see, I promise. It’s just us, kitten.”

  “Because my computer’s been acting a little flaky lately, and I haven’t called to have it fixed.”

  “I’ll fix it,” he said, his voice suddenly hard and unyielding.


  “I don’t want some stranger’s hands on your computer.”

  Deanna’s heart raced. “That’s somehow a turn-on. I’m not sure why, but it is.”

  “You’re mine. No one touches what’s mine, kitten.”

  “Jonas.” His name came out on a sigh.

  “Show me what you’re wearing,” he growled. “Pretty please?”

  “God, I feel so awkward.”

  “Don’t,” he whispered. “It’s just me. Pretend I’m there. Remember in Miami when you sat across the table naked and ate that sandwich?”

  Her face heated. “I’ll never forget. I can’t believe I did that.”

  “I fucking loved it.” He paused, then softly ordered, “Put the laptop on the bed and sit in front of it so I can see you.”

  Deanna obeyed Jonas’s command, knowing full well that whatever he had planned was going to send her head-on into an orgasm. Knowing that sure helped tamp down her nervousness. “There,” she said when she had the computer on the bed. “Can you see me okay?”

  “Hell, yeah. Move those yellow blankets off you. Show me that pretty body, Deanna.”

  Deanna gripped the blankets as if they were a lifeline. “I feel like I’m being naughty. Like I’m going to be caught by my mother at any moment. Silly, huh?”

  He chuckled. “I could just come over there and move the blankets myself if you’d rather.”

  The idea had her pussy dripping with need. But she knew if he came over, she wouldn’t want him to leave. Ever. And she still needed time to think about things. Like the fact that she loved him and he might never return those feelings.

  “I can see those thoughts running through your head, Deanna. I won’t push if it’s making you uncomfortable.”

  “I do want you, Jonas.”

  “Then show me,” he urged as he pointed at the camera. “If I can’t touch you, taste you, at least give me this, kitten.”

  Deanna released her tight grip on the blanket and pushed it down, revealing her body to him a little at a time.

  Jonas cursed and she could see him shifting around on the bed. “You said you were wearing those pj’s,” he growled. “Those cute, pink, satin panties don’t look a thing like your pj shorts.”

  “I did have them on, but I took them off. I don’t like to sleep in them very much.”

  “I should spank you for misleading me, don’t you think?”

  Deanna squeezed her eyes shut. “Oh, God, Jonas.”

  “Damn. You look so good on my screen. So pretty. I want this as my desktop background.”

  Deanna’s eyes shot open and she sat straight up. “Don’t you dare!”

  His laugh came through the speakers loud and clear, the sound of it vibrating all over her too-sensitive skin. “No screen capture,” he assured her, “got it.”

  She relaxed back onto the bed. “I mean it, Jonas.”

  He reached down and adjusted himself, and Deanna’s gaze followed the path of his hand. He was fully aroused and her mouth watered. “Someday you’re going to let me take pictures. I want lots of them of you, kitten.”

  Deanna smiled, a little too pleased that he was already thinking of a future with them together. “Jonas?”


  “Take off your boxers.”

  He didn’t even blink. Within seconds Jonas sprawled out on the black comforter completely nude. His hard cock jutted out from his body, all but begging to be sucked. “I have a confession to make.”

  “Uh, okay. I’m all ears.”

  “I love your cock,” she said, as if admitting some deep, dark secret. “I want to taste it so badly right now.”

  “Fuck, Deanna,” he growled as he wrapped a hand around the heavy length. “You need to be here, damn it.”

  “But I’m not. You’ll just have to stroke it for me, won’t you?”

  “I will if you will,” he challenged.

  The promise of seeing Jonas masturbating was more than enough incentive. Deanna took hold of the hem on her tank top and tugged it upward. She tossed it onto the bed next to her, then removed her panties next. Once she was completely naked, she lay back against the pillows and wrapped both hands around her breasts and squeezed.

  “Mmm, that’s my girl. Now, open your legs for me. Show me that hot, little pussy.”

  Deanna slowly spread her legs wide until they were on either side of the laptop. “Better?”

  “Much. I’m so damn hard for you right now.”

  “I can see that, and it makes me very thirsty.”

  Jonas squinted. “Be very careful what you say, kitten,” he cautioned in a rough voice. “I’m staying away from you only because it’s what you want. If I had my way, I’d be there on that bed, right between those silky thighs, lapping you up.”

  Deanna wanted to laugh, to lighten the mood, but she was too aroused, too ready to sail over the cliff into oblivion with Jonas. When his hand moved up and down his cock, she nearly whimpered. “You have a very talented mouth, Jonas. And an absolutely gorgeous cock.”

  “Since I can’t use either of them on you properly, then I think the only thing to do is let you play. Will you touch your pussy for me?”

  Deanna skated one hand down over her belly until she reached her mound. She stopped and cupped herself. She heard Jonas curse. “Well, since we’re both in bed and naked, I think it would be a pity to waste the opportunity.”

  “Exactly,” he murmured as he continued to pump his cock.

  Deanna massaged her hand up and down her pussy. “Like this?”

  “Use your fingers and open your pussy lips. I want to see you, kitten.”

  Deanna’s breathing increased as she used both hands to open her slick, swollen folds.

�Yeah, that’s it. Fucking sweet as honey. Damn, I want that,” he gritted out. “I need to bury my dick in there, sweetness.”

  Deanna bit her lower lip and closed her eyes as she stroked and teased. “What’s your favorite position?”

  “With you, any position is my favorite. But if I had to choose, then I’d want you on top, riding me. I want to watch your tits bounce with each thrust, your head thrown back. All wild like you were when you took me against the door at the beach house.”

  The images flitted through her mind like an erotic film, tossing her into a firestorm of need. She started to slide her finger inside her pussy, when Jonas said, “No, not yet.”

  She opened her eyes and stared at him on the screen. “What? Why?”

  “No finger-fucking yet, kitten.”

  “Please, Jonas,” Deanna begged, beyond caring about pesky things like modesty or feminine pride.

  “Soon,” he promised. “First, I want you to play with that little clit. Pinch it, Deanna.”

  “You’re making me crazy, Jonas.”

  “So make me even crazier. Tease me into a drooling, begging stupor.”

  “Just remember, you asked for it,” she warned; then she took her clit between her fingers and squeezed.


  Jonas was a breath away from exploding. Christ Almighty, the woman was as hot as TNT. With her body all spread open and on display for him, it was all he could do to keep from tearing out after her. She had him so turned on he’d probably kill himself trying to get to her.

  He watched as she toyed with her little button, her eyes closed and her bottom lip clamped between her teeth. A single capture and he’d be able to immortalize her, but he’d promised no pictures. Shit.

  “Open your eyes for me, kitten.”

  Deanna’s eyes drifted open, and she looked down her body at the monitor.

  “That’s it, there’re those sexy brown eyes. Keep them on me, Deanna. No closing them.”

  She didn’t speak, only shook her head. She was as close to coming as he, but Jonas wasn’t through with her, not by a long shot.

  “I want you to slip your finger into your mouth. Get it good and wet.”


  “No questions. Just feel.”

  Deanna hesitated. She had a thing about control, he’d discovered. It wasn’t easy for her to surrender, which made it all the sweeter when she did. When her index finger disappeared between her lips, Jonas groaned, wishing like hell it was his cock she sucked instead. She pulled it out, and Jonas issued another demand. “Now, slide it down your slit, and don’t stop until you reach that tight, pink pucker.”

  “You want ... But, Jonas, I’m not sure about that.”

  “You can close your eyes, pretend it’s my finger if you want. Remember how good that felt?”

  “Yes,” she cried out as she placed her finger between her puffy pussy lips. She moved it up and down, wetting it with her juices; then she glided it down farther. When she pressed it against her anus, Jonas pumped his cock faster.

  “Push it in, kitten.” Her moans turned to cries of passion as her finger entered her ass a bare inch. “Son of a bitch, you’re beautiful. Fill it, Deanna.”

  She wiggled and her finger went in a little deeper, and she threw her head back and cried out.

  “Pump it,” he said. She started out slow, in and out, fucking her own asshole with her slim, delicate finger. Then her movements turned more frantic, her cries louder. Jonas tightened his fist around his cock and pumped it up and down. Suddenly Deanna’s gaze came back to the monitor, and he could see the intensity of her desire. She was so damn close. Her words only confirmed it.

  “I need to come, Jonas. Please,” she pleaded.

  “Now, Deanna,” he ordered. “Fuck that pussy while I watch.” When her finger slipped out of her ass, Jonas reached down and cupped his balls. “Do you know what I want to do with you, Deanna?”

  “What?” she asked in a low, husky voice, turning Jonas on further.

  “I want my dick where your fingers are right now,” he admitted as he watched her push her ring and middle fingers inside her tight cunt. “Quick and hard and deep.” Shit, he was too close. He pulled his hand off his cock and watched as Deanna’s eyes opened and locked onto his through the screen. “I want you, kitten. Only you. I want to pound my dick into you over and over again.”

  “God, yes. I want that so badly,” she moaned. “You’re driving me crazy.”

  Jonas watched and waited, giving her a minute to catch up. “Do you like when I talk to you, Deanna? Do you like hearing my voice as you touch yourself?”

  She didn’t speak, making only soft whimpers of sound as she continued to tease and play with her pussy.

  “You’ll have to tell me, kitten. Tell me what you want.”

  “Yes, I like it.”

  “You like it, huh?” Jonas wrapped a fist around his cock again and stroked. Deanna obviously didn’t want him to stop, but he wanted more from her. Jonas wanted her to let down her guard and give him everything. “If I were there, would you want me to make love to you? So that it lasted all night? Would you like that, sweetness?”

  “Oh, yes,” she breathed out. “I want you deep, Jonas. So deep that you fill me up.”

  Jonas pumped harder. “Look at my cock, Deanna.” Once her chocolate gaze was on him, he asked, “Do you like what you see?” He ran his thumb back and forth over the tip.

  “I love your cock. I want my tongue there, licking and teasing that little slit in the tip.”

  “Hell yeah,” he said as the image she described filled his mind. “Keep playing with that lovely clit, Deanna,” he demanded. “Don’t stop.”

  “I’m so close. Oh, Jonas,” she moaned.

  Goddamn, he wanted her so badly it hurt. “Use your other hand and massage your tits.” When her hand lifted and covered one creamy swell, Jonas growled, “Mmm, such pretty titties. I want that nipple in my mouth.”

  He stroked faster as he imagined the tight fist of her pussy sucking his cock deep. Her creamy heat would surround him and take him straight to paradise. As Jonas watched, Deanna used her delicate fingers to knead and stroke. Her dark mauve nipples puckered and stiffened to hard points that he wanted to nibble on for hours.

  “Can you feel my mouth on your nipples? I can almost taste you, Deanna.” He saw her chest rise and fall, growing more rapid as her passion mounted. Jonas continued the erotic words, making love to her the only way he could in that moment. “If I were there, I’d suck your nipples first, and then bite them. Gentle love bites, enough to make you grab at my hair the way you do when you get all wild.”


  His voice turned hoarse with his own need. “Cum for me, kitten. Cum all over your fingers while I watch.”

  “No,” she said, surprising him. “Not without you.”

  “Look at me, kitten.” When her gaze locked onto his, he murmured, “That’s it.” Jonas pumped himself harder, until suddenly he felt his release coming on. “Now,” he growled.

  Deanna cried out his name and arched her back. The image of her on his screen sent him careening over the edge. He came on a shout, shooting his cum all over his hand.

  Jonas collapsed against the headboard and closed his eyes. “Fuck.”

  “Yeah,” she said. Even through the computer speakers, Jonas could hear her out-of-control breathing.

  He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed several tissues. After he cleaned himself off, he said, “I’ll be right back.”

  “ ’Kay,” she mumbled.

  Jonas got up and stretched his legs, then went to the bathroom to get rid of the tissues. He quickly washed up, then went back out to the bed. As he sat, his gaze went straight to the laptop screen. He smiled as he saw Deanna, limp on the bed, her legs spread open and her fingers still imbedded inside her pussy. Her eyes were closed, and he wondered if maybe she’d drifted off that way. “Deanna?”

  “Shhh,” she muttered. “I’m busy enj
oying the afterglow.”

  He chuckled. “And here I thought you’d fallen asleep.”

  She lifted her eyelids and looked at the camera. “I can honestly say that I’ve never had an orgasm via video chat before.”

  His gaze was riveted as she slid her fingers out of her pussy and closed her thighs. “Does that mean I popped your video cherry?”

  She grinned. “Something like that.” He saw her reach for something; then she came back with a tissue.

  As she went about cleaning off her fingers, Jonas was compelled to say, “There wouldn’t be anything to wipe off if I were there.”


  He shook his head and picked up his laptop, then lay back against his pillow. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”

  “I’m going to be working up an estimate for that new client. You?”

  “I have a few things I need to take care of too. Want to go out to dinner afterward?”

  Deanna looked down at the bed for a second before answering. “Yes,” she said as her gaze came back to his. “I’d like that.”

  Jonas raked a hand through his hair and yawned. “I haven’t taken you on a proper date yet. I think it’s about time, don’t you?”

  She laughed. “We went out on a date in Miami, Jonas.”



  “I want to hold you in my arms right now,” he murmured. “My bed is going to be damn cold tonight.”

  “Mine too. Maybe tomorrow night we can make up for that.”

  He stilled. “Are you inviting me to spend the night?”

  She smiled. “Yes, I think I am.”

  He let out a breath and groaned, “Thought you’d never ask.”

  She was quiet a moment. He wondered what she was thinking because her gaze turned serious. She seemed almost sad. Jonas didn’t like it, not after what they’d just shared. “What are you thinking, kitten?”


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