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Seagrove Secrets

Page 12

by Melissa Chambers

  She held up both hands, backing away. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I didn’t mean to start this with you.” He stood and she shook her head. “No.” She glanced around his house, a blast of reality overwhelming her. What was she doing moving in with unsuspecting Chase? Was she manipulating him, too? She pointed at the slow cooker. “Um, that will be ready in about an hour and a half. I’m just going to run out for a little while, okay?”

  “Shayla,” he said, in a gentle voice.

  She closed her eyes. “No, it’s nothing. It’s fine. I just need some time alone, okay?”

  He didn’t respond, just stared at her with concern that she couldn’t handle. She ran over to the pool house, grabbed her purse, and then headed out the back gate.

  Chase watched for lights in his driveway like he was on patrol. This was ridiculous. She was a grown woman, fully able to take care of herself, but he couldn’t help how worried he was about her. He wasn’t thinking she was going to do anything crazy, but he was worried about her state of mind. She clearly had something she was keeping secret, a thing that was weighing heavy on her mind.

  After she finally pulled in, he gave her a half hour to settle in before he grabbed the glass container of enchiladas he’d set aside for her and headed to the pool house.

  He knocked. “Shayla, it’s me.”

  A moment later the door opened, and Shayla stood before him in a gray, V-neck T-shirt and a pair of black leggings that hugged her hips in a way that made him twitch in places he hoped she wouldn’t notice.

  He proffered the container. “I didn’t know if you’d eaten.”

  She took it from him, not meeting his gaze. “Thanks. Did you eat?” she asked.

  “Yeah, earlier. I didn’t think you wanted me to wait for you.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “It was really good. I ate like half the pot.”

  She smiled, chancing a quick glance at him. “Good.”

  Some music blasted through the television, causing them both to jump. She ran over to the bed, putting the enchiladas down and grabbing the remote.

  “Sorry,” she said, punching at the remote. “I was messing with this earlier. The sound wasn’t working on this DVD player.”

  It was “God Only Knows” by The Beach Boys. He held out his hand and she gave it over to him. He hit the magic button and got the sound down. “It’s this goofy remote. You have to hit this button and then this one.” He handed it back to her. “Is that Big Love?”

  “Yeah, I found the DVD in that cabinet. Is that okay?”

  “I forgot I had that. It was going around the office last fall when Seanna was redoing my kitchen. I was too lazy to hook up cable in here, so I brought it home to watch while I ate, but I forgot I had it.”

  “Well, here. Return it to whoever it belongs to.” She went for the DVD player and he touched her arm.

  “No, don’t. Watch it. I’ll return it when you’re through.”

  She stopped and turned toward him, looking up at him like she wanted to say something that had nothing to do with the HBO series. She exhaled and rubbed her fingers down her cheek. “I’m just too antsy to read tonight for some reason.”

  “Watch your show. Eat your food,” he said, and headed toward the door.

  Just as he was about to close it behind him, she said, “Have you seen it?”

  He inwardly smiled, turning back toward her. “No, I haven’t. I think I watched the first five minutes then got distracted. I used to eat over here when Seanna was redoing my kitchen, when I forgot to eat before I came home.”

  She walked over to the kitchen area and opened the refrigerator. “Do you want to stay and watch it with me?”

  She was so nonchalant about it, he wasn’t sure if she really wanted him to or not. She pulled out two bottles of water and handed him one, meeting his gaze for real for the first time since he walked in there.

  He could get lost in those dark eyes easier than taking his own breaths. “Yeah,” he said, taking the bottle of water. “Thanks.”

  She pulled two forks out of the drawer and walked over to the bed, sitting on the far side. Settling in, she pulled the top off the glass container and stabbed both forks into the food, an invitation to join her.

  He walked over and sat on the bed next to her while she hit rewind on the remote, sending the show back to the beginning. Hitting play, she took a bite of food, her eyes glued to the screen. He watched the show, trying not to look at her, but they were so close. He’d bought a double bed for this place since it was so small, but he was second-guessing that choice now. Being so close to her in those clothes that clung to her body was dangerous.

  Chapter Eleven

  Shayla turned off the alarm on her phone ten minutes before it was set to go off. Lord knew she didn’t need it, not with Chase snoozing beside her all night.

  He’d fallen asleep somewhere around the second half of episode two, and she’d not done anything to wake him up. He slept like the dead. She’d gotten up, put her dish in the sink, and brushed her teeth, and he’d not moved through any of it. She didn’t think he was faking either. She’d watched his chest move up and down with his steady breathing, feeling a little like a stalker.

  He’d settled into the bed at some point, which she was glad about. She couldn’t imagine the crick that would be in his neck if he’d slept sitting up all night. She wouldn’t have let him do that, of course, she didn’t think. But it was nice having him there, and she hadn’t wanted him to leave. Last night was supposed to have been her first night alone without the company of Jake, but Chase’s warm body next to her had been quite the upgrade, she had to admit…no offense to Jake.

  Chase was a considerate sleeper. She’d expected his big body to sprawl out over the bed at some point, his long arms having to go somewhere. But he’d kept them crossed over his stomach all night, sort of like a corpse. She lay beside him on her stomach, head turned toward him so she could study his face, but ready to close her eyes if he showed any signs of waking up.

  He had such smooth skin. Her fingers itched to trail down his cheek to his lips, which were the perfect size for her. She didn’t have a very big mouth or lips, and neither did he, kind of like they were made to work together. She rolled her eyes at herself for that one.

  His eyelids were closed, hiding his eyes. He’d been awarded with the best genes from both of his parents, his mother’s beautiful skin color and cheekbones, his father’s emerald eyes and a little scattering of freckles to give his face even more character than it deserved.

  He gave a sharp inhale, and Shayla closed her eyes quickly. She could feel him moving, the sheets rustling.

  “Shit,” he said under his breath.

  She didn’t want him to feel bad, so she pretended to wake up, blinking and focusing on him. “Hey.”

  He put one foot on the floor. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to crash here all night. I guess I drifted off when we were watching the show.”

  “I guess I did, too,” she lied.

  He pulled the covers back and sat on the side of the bed with his back to her. “Crap.”

  “Everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yep,” he said. “I just need…um…a minute.”

  She grinned, pulling the covers back, and headed to the bathroom. “Happy Friday,” she said before closing the door behind her.

  Shayla floated through Friday like she was dancing on a cloud. Watching Big Love with Chase had been the best thing she’d done in a while. His big body so close to hers…just breathing him in was like inhaling a drug. Watching the show with his quips and commentary had made her smile and laugh out loud more than once. It was like he was prescribed to her by some doctor. This guy will make you feel better. Take one dose per day, but don’t overdo it because you’ll become addicted.

  Tracey appeared at her office door. “When do you think you’ll have the new schedule posted?”

  Shayla hit OK on her screen. “Right this second.”

�Cool. Thanks.” She started to walk away, and then turned back. “I haven’t seen you in this good of a mood since…ever?”

  Shayla shrugged. “Glad it’s Friday.”

  Tracey hit her forehead. “Oh, I’m sorry. I totally spaced. That skinny guy that dresses like a Ralph Lauren model was in here earlier. “Sss…”

  “Sebastian?” Shayla asked.

  Tracey pointed. “That’s him. It was when you ran to the bank. He said he tried to text you.”

  “I changed my number.”

  Tracey reached in her pocket. “He wants you to come to an opening at a wine bar tonight. He invited me, too. Do you think he’s serious?”

  “I know he is. He’s the most inclusive person you’ll ever meet.”

  Tracey laughed. “Like someone like me could mesh with his friends.”

  “I think you’d be surprised. His friends are all over the place. Bo’s one of his close friends if that tells you anything.”

  “Yeah, I always thought it was weird when he would pop in here to take Bo to lunch. I started wondering if Bo might be gay for a minute, you know, when he hadn’t dated anyone in a while.”

  “Please tell that story at the Christmas party,” Shayla said.

  Tracey smiled. “Okay, I’m taking off.”

  “Go ahead and flip the sign. I’m outta here in just a sec.” Shayla rummaged through her purse for her old phone to find Sebastian’s number. She had thirteen missed calls. She was not superstitious, but even she didn’t like that number.

  Tracey appeared at her door again. “Speak of the devil. Sebastian is coming to the front door right now.”

  Shayla exhaled, smiling. “Thanks.” She followed Tracey to the front where Sebastian stood like a fish out of water in their pool supply store with his tailored clothes and high-dollar shoes.

  When he saw her, he beamed. “How have you been here two months and I’m just now seeing you?” He wrapped his skinny body around hers in a hug. “I’ve missed you, sister Shayla. Did Tracey tell you I was here earlier?”

  Shayla noted that he’d remembered Tracey’s name and made a mental note to try to do better about that herself. “Yes. I’m sorry I haven’t texted you yet. I was just getting ready to do that.”

  “I’m not stalking you. Well, maybe a little. After I stopped by earlier, I hit Pier Park for a movie with a friend, and so I was on my way home and thought I’d try you one more time. You haven’t been responding to my texts, which isn’t like you.”

  “I changed phones. I’m trying to get my contacts switched.”

  “Ah. Well, here.” He typed into his phone, and then handed it to her. “Input your number and I’ll text you hello.” She did, and he did. “Perfect. Now, for what I was texting you about. I was hoping you could come to an opening tonight. It’s on 30A, so it’s close to your new home.”

  “You know about my new home?” she asked.

  “Sweetie, don’t insult me.”

  She rolled her eyes, but lovingly.

  “Anyway, it’s a happy hour wine bar opening next door to Marigold’s shop. We’re super excited about it because it means more foot traffic for Mari’s place. Tonight we’re just trying to get butts in seats, and our group has lots of cute butts, so can I count on yours?” he asked.

  She thought about it a second. It was time for her to get back out into the world, and this seemed like a decent next step.

  “I’ve already talked to Chase, and he’s coming, so there’s that,” he said.

  “Oh,” she said, and then she remembered that Chase and Marigold were close, according to Bo. They had never dated, but Bo always swore that one day they’d surprise them all by showing up to something as a couple.

  “That’s, cool.”

  “So you roomies can ride, yes?” But before she could answer, he said. “Come on, I’ll make sure you get to your car okay. There was a weirdo across the street a minute ago.”

  She froze. “What did the weirdo look like?”

  “Nappy, blond dreads, super skinny, board shorts. Come to think of it, he was probably just headed to the beach. But I’ll walk you to your car nonetheless.”

  She relaxed.

  He dropped her at her car. “I’ll see you there in a bit. I assume you’re going home to change first?”

  “What’s wrong with this?” she asked, trying to hide a smile.

  “Sweetie, usually I’d say it was unacceptable, but you’re so gorgeous you can make a polo shirt stamped with a store logo and khakis look hot.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You ought to go to work in a women’s boutique. You’d outsell everyone.”

  “Backup plan if the consulting business ever lies dormant.”

  She slipped in the back gate when she got home, glancing into the house as she made her way to the pool house. Chase wasn’t downstairs.

  She let herself in and got showered and dressed…in an actual dress. She did own a few. This was one with small flowers, a little flowy, so she hardened it up with a faux leather jacket she loved but hadn’t worn in months. Brian had loved her in that jacket until she put it on one night for an evening out with friends, and one of the guys they were with commented that he liked it on her. Brian had sulked the whole way home and wanted to know why he felt open enough to say that to her right in front of him. She didn’t fucking know. The next time she pulled it out to put it on, he glared at it like he wanted to fight it, so she tucked it back in her closet and that was the close of the subject. She was more than happy to don it tonight. Fuck him.

  She picked up her new phone and saw that she didn’t have any texts, which she was a little bummed about. Had Chase already left? Should she text him?

  This was exactly the sort of thing she was trying to avoid. They were supposed to be living separate lives in this house. And this was Marigold’s thing. Shayla had met her a time or two and was happy to support her, but what if Chase was really looking forward to seeing Marigold? What if this was the night they wound up together? Shayla’s stomach rolled at the idea, but she knew what she needed to do.

  She slid her phone into her small purse and locked the door behind her. She glanced into the kitchen where she found Chase talking on the phone. He looked good. His black hair was wet and almost shiny, his jeans fit him just right, with an untucked, black button-up with the sleeves rolled up his arms. He saw her and waved. She returned the wave but kept walking toward the gate, wanting him to call her back. She walked slower than usual, silly girl she was, but made it all the way to the gate without hearing that door open. She settled into the disappointment as she pulled the gate tight and headed toward her car.

  She opened the car door, and her heart soared as a door opened and Chase called her name. “Shayla, wait up.” She exhaled, feeling every bit the silly girl she was. Chase opened the gate. “You going to the opening?”

  “Yeah, Sebastian asked me to.” How stupid. Now she just sounded desperate.

  “I’ll drive us. Let me grab my wallet and keys.” She nodded and waited there on the driveway, glancing around. Because when she was out in the open, that’s what she did nowadays. He opened the side door to his garage and let her in his Jeep. “You want me to put the top up?” he asked.

  She looked at him like he was crazy. “No.”

  “All right, just asking,” he said with a little grin. She’d never been around someone who was so damn happy all the time.

  “So, sounds like this is a wine bar opening next to Marigold’s shop,” she said.

  “Mmm hmm. Sounds cool. Good for her business.”

  “I wonder if she’ll start staying open at night,” she said.

  “I think she will, at least when she doesn’t have plans with the group.”

  Shayla couldn’t help herself. “I hear you and her are pretty tight.”

  “Me and Marigold?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” she said.

  He smiled. “We flirt, but we’ve never taken it further than that.”

  “Why not? She’s a re
ally pretty girl.”

  “I don’t know. Too much alike, probably. I love her to pieces. I’d do anything for her.”

  Shayla believed that. She wondered how there were guys out there like Brian when there were ones like Chase. And how did girls end up with one or the other?

  He glanced over at her. “Cool jacket.”

  She smiled, looking away from him. “Thanks.”

  They arrived at Marigold’s shop, which Shayla had admittedly never been to. She’d meant to stop by, but hadn’t made it, of course. She’d been holed up over in PCB. That was part of the reason she wanted a place on 30A. It was a drive to get to work every day, but she was tired of her hometown, even having been away from it for four years in Nashville. She needed her distance from her family and the people she would inevitably run into from high school, who were every damn where she went. Being single at thirty-six was tough enough to deal with on her own. She didn’t need the pitying looks from her classmates, and in many cases, the self-satisfied expressions of joy when they saw Shayla Harrison’s life didn’t end up picture perfect after all.

  As they walked up to the wine bar, Shayla had to blink as she glanced into what must have been Marigold’s shop.

  “That’s Marigold’s place?” she asked Chase.

  “Yeah. Have you not seen it?”

  “No.” It wasn’t anything like what she was expecting. Bright colors filled the space with funky art, jewelry, pillows, wall hangings, chairs painted like animals, and Hollywood lights draped across the ceiling. “That looks really cool.”

  “She’ll open it for you and show you around, I’m sure.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Chase opened the door to the wine bar and stood there looking so damn handsome as Shayla walked past him. She exhaled a breath, looking around the sleek, cool room with rich leather couches in pockets and a bar that spanned the entire left side.


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