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The Great Shift

Page 63

by James L. Kugel

  control of human life, 75–76, 80, 83, 90, 289, 291, 339

  danger of encountering, 90–91

  fluidity of, 84–88

  kingship of, 376 n26

  pantheons, 158–59, 163

  deities in the ancient Near East. See also Asherah; Ba‘al; gods and goddesses; Marduk

  care and feeding of, 94–95

  fertility goddesses, 76, 360 n5

  multiple dwellings 75, 359 n4

  size, 70, 84, 349 n13, 360 n9

  “whole army of heaven,” 160–61

  Delphi oracle, 370 n10


  as cause of sin, 39–40, 200

  dispatched by Satan, 38–40, 162

  Mesopotamian, 81–82

  Deo volente (“God willing”), 221–24

  Descartes, René, 354 n21


  in Dead Sea Scrolls, 315

  God located in heaven, 365 n10

  individual prominent in, 322, 406 n1

  laws, 183, 185, 395 n47

  name theology, 366 n10

  Dinah, biblical story of, 260–61, 397 n7

  Dinka people, 49–50

  divine council, 408 n16

  divine encounters, 57–150

  angels as intermediaries in, 235–38, 253, 393 n21

  auditory encounters, 13, 14

  blurring of God-angel distinction, 8–9

  danger in, xiv, 9, 10, 15, 91, 136–37, 165, 350 n20, 381 n24

  dreamlike, 12–14

  enabling visions, 124–26

  fog of divine beings, 72–89, 338–39

  frightening and fascinating, 91–92, 136–37, 364 n3

  God’s appearance, 167–68, 168 n

  in Greco-Roman religion, 16–18

  humans in a fog, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 338, 348 n5

  humans surprised, not flabbergasted, 14–16, 107–8, 339

  interpreting angels in, 238–40

  pattern in, 7, 15–16, 17–18, 126

  of prophets, 107–8

  seeing God, 4–5, 164–65, 165 n

  Torah’s laws as, 385 n18

  transformations in, 342–44

  Don Quixote (Cervantes), 222–23

  Drachenloch (site), Switzerland, 67


  angelic interpretation of, 239–40

  Daniel’s interpretation of, 244–45, 254

  divine encounters, similarity to, 12–14

  Jacob’s dream at Bethel, 13–14, 349 n17

  Joseph’s interpretation of, 22, 34, 204, 254, 351 n10

  REM sleep, 349 n15

  dualism, 162–63, 381 n20

  Dusares/Dushara (god), 104

  Dyeus (deity), 159


  E (Pentateuchal strand), 366 n10, 368 nn 42–43, 390 n2

  Ea (god), 85–86

  Ecclesiastes, book of

  authorship, 274–75

  contradictions in, 277–78

  dating of, 203

  dialect, 274

  and the elusive individual, 269–78

  reasoning in, 399 n30

  ruaḥ in, 193 n

  Eden, Garden of. See Adam; Eve; Garden of Eden


  deities, inhabiting other bodies, 84–85

  divine kingship in, 376 n26

  Joseph and his brothers, 22–26, 28–30

  plagues, divine causality of, 20

  pursuit of Israelites, 226–27

  El (god), 84 n, 158–59

  “electrocution” narratives, 96–97

  Elephantine, Egypt, 365 n9, 367 n34

  Eli (priest), 14–15, 144–45

  Eliade, Mircea, 357 n11

  Elijah (prophet)

  ascent into heaven, 290, 291 n, 360 n4

  encounter with God, 167, 221, 290, 291 n

  Jezebel’s death threat against, 167

  miracles, 371 n14

  at Mount Carmel, 155–57, 167

  reproved Ahab, 84, 155–57, 221, 261, 318

  Elisha (prophet)

  at Elijah’s ascent into heaven, 290

  miracles, 371 n14

  musicians, use of, 110

  with “sons of prophets,” 370 n8

  Elizabeth (prophet), 393 n13

  elohim (God/the gods), 6 n

  embodied cognition, 360 n4

  empty-space aniconism, 104, 367 n40

  enabling visions, 124–26

  enchanted world, 69, 80–83

  and semipermeable mind, 51

  spells and enchantments, 48, 81, 111, 355 n33

  encounters with God. See divine encounters

  end of time. See apocalyptic eschatology

  Enlil (god), 85, 86–87, 88, 98–99

  Enoch, 237–38, 242–43, 290–91, 360 n4

  1 Enoch, ix, 205–6, 291, 315, 380 n18

  2 Enoch, 291

  epileptic seizures, and religious feeling, 361 n14

  Er (Judah’s son), 20, 21–22, 36

  Esarhaddon, King (Assyria), 85

  Esau, 279–80, 407 n5

  Essenes, 305, 392 n7

  Esther, book of, 315, 405 n30

  eternal life, 328–30

  eternity in ancient temples, 90–106

  Babel, Tower of, 101–5

  denying the obvious, 97–99

  an elusive presence, 105–6

  feeding the gods, 94–95

  footsteps of the divine, 99–100

  foreign embassy, 100–101

  holiness, 92–94

  ethnobotany, 358 n29

  ethnography/ethnology. See anthropological research

  Evans-Pritchard, E. E., 49, 78, 119


  creation of, 63

  and discovery of agriculture, 59–60, 64–66

  encounter with snake, 60, 61, 64, 348 n4

  life in the Garden, 60, 61, 63–64

  nakedness, 61, 356 n4

  Scripture interpretations concerning, 320

  and undifferentiated Outside, 63–64

  evil eye, 81

  exaptation, 78, 361 n12

  exile. See Babylonian exile

  Exodus, laws of, 184–85


  color vision, 128–30, 150, 379 n44

  movement during REM sleep, 349 n15

  Ezekiel (prophet)

  admirers, 370 n9

  eats scroll, 394 n44

  encounters with God, xv, 110, 165–66, 235–36, 381 n27, 401 n18

  end of classic prophecy, 394–95 n45

  and spread of literacy, 396 n50

  on transgenerational punishment, 278

  vision of valley of dry bones, 408 n13

  Ezekiel, book of, 365 n10, 393 n22, 406 n1

  Ezra (sage), 207–8, 238, 243, 296–98, 311


  fairness, in biblical laws, 137–39

  famine, 22–23

  fertility goddesses, 76, 360 n5

  fire, first human control of, 61, 65, 357 n8, 358 n20

  First Temple period

  prophecy, nature of, 372 n21

  Flanagan, O., 150

  Flavius Josephus. See Josephus

  fog of divine encounters, 4, 6, 7–13, 15–16, 338. See also divine encounters

  footprints, ‘Ain Dara temple, 99–100, 339, 403 n16


  Gabar, King (Ya’diya), 214

  Gabriel (archangel), 31–32, 162, 239, 252, 380 n18

  Gadreel (wicked angel), 38 n

  Gage, Phineas, 377 n33

  Galilee region, human ancestors, 357 n15

  Garden of Eden. See also Adam; Eve

  God in, 61, 63

  life in the Garden, 60, 61, 63–64

  snake in, 60, 64

  undifferentiated Outside, 63–64, 70

  Garrison, William Lloyd, 223

  Geertz, Clifford, 50, 70, 78, 341–42, 411 n8

  Gesher Benot Ya’akov (site), Israel, 357 n8, 358 n20

  Ghana, 372 n29, 374 n47

  voice hearing, 117–18

  Gibeon, 368 n45

bsp; Gideon, 7–8, 84

  meeting with angel, 8–10, 15, 107, 348 n3

  Göbekli Tepe (site), Turkey, 364 n1

  God of Israel. See also monolatry; monotheism; YHWH

  animal sacrifices to, 94–95, 366 n16

  appears at first as “angel,” 8–9, 12, 349 n14

  became remote, 175–76, 204, 209, 228, 289, 306–8, 309–11, 339–40

  body of, 6, 6–7 n, 8, 12, 136, 163–66, 165 n, 169–70, 348 n4, 349 n14, 368 n45

  in Canaan, 181–82, 383 n13

  as cold and impersonal, 140–41

  dangers of encountering, 90–91, 165, 219–20, 381 n24, 391 n9

  divine lawgiver, 177–78, 184–86, 384 n14, 384 n17

  in Garden of Eden, 61, 63

  helpers (angels and spirits), 162–63, 191–93, 237, 306, 339–40

  holiness as His essence, 93, 94

  human affairs, intervention in, 19, 25, 35–36, 188–89, 218, 285

  intermittent presence of, 105–6, 366 n10

  inviolable borders of, 100–101, 137, 376 n18

  kingship of, 141–43, 145, 331–37, 376 nn 25–26, 383 n1, 408 n14, 408 n17, 409 nn 20–23

  long-range planner, 23–27, 30–33, 35

  of Old, 12–14, 25, 27

  omnipotence, 169–75

  omnipresence, 12, 169–76, 317, 364 n43, 382 nn 36–37, 382 n39, 386 n4

  omniscience, no doctrine of, 170, 171, 173, 377 n29, 382 n35

  and polytheistic pantheon, 158–65

  pronouns for, xiv n

  spontaneous actions of, 25, 35–36

  as Supreme Being, 158–65, 191–93, 237, 306, 339–40

  in temple, 93, 104–5, 106, 365 n10, 367–68 nn 41–43

  undifferentiated Outside, likened to, 146–47

  weather, control of, 19–20

  in wisdom writings, 23–26, 350 n3

  “God spot,” 78, 361 n14

  “God willing,” 221–24

  God, search for, 257–337

  the elusive individual, 259–84

  heavenly travelers, 289–93

  humans in search, 285–301

  outside the temple, 302–21

  personal religion, 322–37

  placeless, occasionless psalms, 286–89

  in Song of Songs, 298–301

  the temple in the sky, 293–95

  a world of mystery, 295–98

  gods and goddesses (in general), 75–76, 80, 83, 90, 289, 291, 339, 359 n4. See also deities

  Gomorrah, 143 n

  good Samaritan, parable of, 326

  gorillas, cranial capacity, 68

  grave goods, 62–63

  graven images. See iconic worship

  Great Revolt (66–70 CE), 334

  Greco-Roman religion

  chthonic gods, 359 n4

  deities, 84, 359 n4

  divine encounters, 16–18, 349 n20

  influence on Jewish religious thought, 172, 201–3, 382 n37, 390 n34

  katadesma (“binding spells”), 48, 355 n33

  mysterium, 364 n3, 401 n17

  semipermeable mind, 52

  soul, 200–205, 328, 387 n9, 389 n30, 389 n32

  spells and enchantments, 48, 355 n33

  syncretism, 75


  conquest of Judea, 332

  oracle at Delphi, 370 n10

  Sesklo culture, 360 n5

  Greek ferries, dream about, 26–27

  Greek language, 38 n

  Greek Psalter, 133 n, 375 n5

  Gula (goddess), 87


  H (Pentateuchal strand), 368 n43

  Habakkuk (prophet), 113, 240, 319

  Hadad. See Ba‘al

  HADD. See hyperactive agent detection device

  Hagar, 3, 4–5

  Haggai (prophet), 249

  Hallo, William, 99–100, 101

  hallucinations, 18, 116, 350 n21, 372 n30

  Halutzah, Israel, 104 n

  Haman, 266

  Hamlet (Shakespeare), 223

  Hammurabi, King (Babylon), 178

  Hannah, 20, 144–45, 224–25

  Hanunóo people, 358 n29

  Hasmonean priests, 400 n11

  hatred in the heart (concealed hatred), 351 n3

  Hattuša (Hittite capital), 178–79

  hearing voices. See voice hearing

  Hearing Voices Movement, 116–17


  in biblical Hebrew, 376 n28

  God’s penetration of, 145–46, 376 n28


  divine throne room, 309

  kingdom of (See God of Israel, kingship of)

  layers of, 292–93, 294, 309

  temple in, 293–95, 309–10

  heavenly travelers

  Abraham, 293–94

  angels accompanied, 292–94

  Baruch, 294–95

  discovered world of mystery, 295–98

  Levi, 291–93, 307, 400 n11

  Moses, 401 n15

  sacrifices in heaven, 307, 404 n19

  in Second Temple period, 289–92, 337, 340

  temple in the sky, 293–95, 309–10

  Hebrew Bible. See Bible; Scripture; Torah

  Hebrews, Egyptian enslavement, 20

  Hekate, 367 n40

  Helen (in Iliad), 16–17, 350 n20

  Hellenization of biblical narratives, 283–84, 399 n40

  Heraclitus (philosopher), 389 n32

  Hezekiah, King, 227

  Hilkiah (high priest), 183–84

  Hinduism, 372 n29, 376 n23

  Hittites, 54, 178–81, 383 n7


  as contagious, 93, 94

  God’s defining characteristic, 92–93

  Holy of Holies

  divine presence in, 169, 189, 368 n42, 381 n30

  in heavenly temple, 292, 309

  in Jerusalem temple, 93, 104, 169, 367 n41, 381 n30, 401 n13

  Holy Spirit, as poetic muse, 369 n4


  and Abraham, 52–56

  Achilles’s surprise in, 107

  heroes’ actions as shaped by gods, 52, 54–55

  his dependence on Muse, 52–53, 108, 355 n45

  Iliad, 16–17, 52–53, 55, 349 n20, 410 n7

  thymos/noos/psyche (inner life), 201–2, 389 n30, 389 n32

  hominins, 61–62, 61 n, 64–65, 356–57 nn 6–9

  Homo erectus/Homo ergaster, 61, 65, 68, 356–57 nn 7–8, 358 n20

  Homo habilis, 61, 65, 68, 356 n6, 357 n18

  Homo heidelbergensis, 62, 65, 357 nn 8–9

  Homo neandertalis. See Neandertals

  Homo orans (praying human), 150

  Homo religiosus (ideal type), 62, 64, 357 n11, 362 n17

  Homo sapiens, 62, 65, 68, 357 n12

  Horeb, 212

  Hosea (prophet)

  versus Ba‘al, 72–75, 83–84, 88, 136, 359 n2

  marriage and children, 127 n, 268

  monolatry, 74–75, 380 n8

  one of the “writing prophets,” 113

  Höyük, Anatolia. See Ҫatal Höyük (site), Turkey

  Huldah (prophetess), 184

  human brain. See brain

  humans. See also individual; Israel, people of

  begin to contemplate, 68–70

  compose placeless, occasionless psalms, 286–89

  and the elusive individual, 259–84

  and emergence of personal religion, 322–37

  in search of God, 285–301

  seek outside the temple, 302–21

  the temple in the sky, 293–95

  trapped in their humanity, 149–50

  a world of mystery, 295–98

  humans, early

  African origins, 65, 357 n19

  agriculture, discovery of, 64–65, 357 n15

  causality, development of the idea of, 69–70, 75–76

  contemplation, emergence of, 68–70

  cranial capacity, 68

  evolution, 61–62, 61 n, 356–57 nn 6–9

p; fire, control of, 61, 65, 357 n8, 358 n20

  origins, 357 n19

  science of the concrete, 69, 358 n29

  tool-making, 65–66, 356 n6, 357 n12, 357 n18, 358 n21, 358 n23

  and the undifferentiated Outside, 65, 68–69

  hyperactive (hypersensitive) agent detection device (HADD), 77–78, 80, 359 n31, 361 nn 10–13, 362 n17


  “I.” See sense of self

  iconic worship, 154, 367 n40, 379 n1

  identity, social construction of, 387 n14, 398 n20

  Iliad (Homer), 16–17, 52–53, 55, 349 n20, 410 n7

  ilu (Akkadian for “god”), 85–87, 97, 338–39, 403 n16

  immanence, divine, 382 n41

  immortality, of heavenly travelers, 289

  incantations. See enchanted world


  different sense of self, 372 n29

  voice hearing in, 117–18

  individual, 259–84. See also personal religion

  collective punishment, 259–66

  determining own destiny, 278–84

  emergence of, 259, 319

  individual punishment, 263–65

  Job and Ecclesiastes, 269–78

  responsibility for own sin, 297–98

  self-reflection, 267–69

  infants, understanding of causality in, 359 n30

  insh’allah (if God wishes), 221–22. See also Deo volente

  intentional stance, 77, 361 n11

  inward gaze, 200–201

  Ion (Plato), 109, 370 n7, 370 n11

  Iron Age religions, 363 n27


  Abraham’s near-sacrifice of, 35, 279–81, 320

  angel interprets his dream, 239–40

  and Rebekah, 229, 278–79

  Scripture interpretations concerning, 320

  and sons, 407 n5

  three men foretell his birth, 6, 348 n5

  Isaiah (prophet), xv, 230, 310

  advised King Ahaz, 318

  heavenly throne, 400 n9

  literacy, 396 n50

  one of the “writing prophets,” 113

  as poetic prophet, 396 n51

  prophecies, xv, 125–26, 165, 193, 253, 307, 368 n45

  Isaiah, book of

  authorship, 249, 396 n51

  Jeremiah’s influence on, 269, 398 n22


  name etiology, 3–4

  Ishtar (goddess), 85, 86, 87, 97, 377 n30


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