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Ruby's Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 1)

Page 5

by D. F. Jones

  Brent and Steve loaded up into Reed’s car to head back to Murfreesboro. Steve jumped into the back seat while Brent sat up front.

  Brent tossed a glance to Reed. “So, Ruby is hot. This is going to be fun.”

  Reed turned to Brent before starting his car. “I’m not playing the Tap It game anymore. It’s been real, and it’s been fun, but it’s not real fun anymore. Besides, I really like Ruby. I’m going to ask her out, for real.”

  Brent threw his head back and laughed sarcastically. “Too freaking bad, dude. I’m going after her. Besides, you’re dating Tammy.” Brent shook his head and then ran his fingers through his hair. “Ruby has the sweetest, fullest lips I’ve ever seen. I was glad we were in the water when she climbed on my shoulders. She had me hooked, brother.”

  Reed pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway. As they passed over Duck River, he tossed a menacing glance at Brent and then went back to driving. “I’m not dating anyone. Tammy agreed to our set up, no strings attached, period. She got pissed today with me flirting with Ruby. Besides, Ruby is too sweet to fall for you, anyway.”

  Steve threw his hands back behind his head, leaning back against the car seat with a look of love displayed across his face. “I’m in love with the tall brunette, Sandy. Like, that girl is off the hook!”

  Brent lifted an eyebrow. “Dream on, Steve. That chick is way out of your league. I would have gone for Sandy, but when Ruby climbed that big board, it sealed the deal. She is fearless and her ass is hard as a rock.”

  Reed didn’t know why, but it made him extremely mad to hear the way Brent talked about Ruby. “Shut the hell up, Brent.” He slowed his car down as they cruised through the little community of Chapel Hill. Cops were always gunning to catch speeders in their fifteen-miles-an-hour speed zone.

  Brent glared at Reed as he rolled down the window, placing his arm on the edge. “Dude, you’re just jealous. Now, that’s something I don’t see every day. You just want her for yourself. Well, it ain’t gonna happen.” He flipped the radio dial until he found a station that would pick up out here in the sticks.

  Steve interjected, kindly, “Boys, boys, let’s play nice.”

  Reed didn’t say another word on the drive to Murfreesboro. Brent was right—he wanted Ruby. He intended to beat Brent to the punch Monday night if she came to the game.

  * * *

  Ruby eased back gingerly to lie on her bed. Her nose and skin stung from the vinegar bath she had just taken to pull the heat out of her sunburn. She replayed in her mind what had transpired yesterday at the store and today at the pool, with Reed and Brent.

  It couldn’t be a coincidence that both of them were pursuing her at the same time. Ruby smelled a rat, two very hot rats. Something else, some other factor was at play and she intended to get to the bottom of it. It was time for her to start dealing some of her own cards.

  Chapter 3

  Knock It Out Of The Park

  Ruby loved watching George play sports. He had been an outstanding baseball player in high school, but he had decided not to go to college. Instead, he went to a vocational school where he received an electrical contractor’s license, and now he worked with a huge electrical firm in Nashville.

  Georgie still loved to play sports. The guys on the baseball team loved George as a coach because he always gave everyone a fair chance to play. Ruby went to several games last year, but tonight would be the first game for her this year. She would have gone much sooner had she known how interesting his roster had gotten.

  Ruby telephoned Anna to say she would be picking her up in a few minutes for the ballgame. When Ruby pulled into the driveway, Anna ran out the back door.

  Ruby heard Anna yelling to her mother, “Ruby’s here, Mama. I’ll be home after the game. Love you to pieces.”

  Ruby and Anna had similar backgrounds. Both of their parents had managed to stay together while so many of their friends’ parents were getting divorced. They were both the babies of their families.

  Anna Kelly had nearly white blonde hair, which she had cut like Farrah Fawcett’s from Charlie’s Angels. She lit up any room she entered with her infectious laugh and quick wit.

  Anna had been Ruby’s go-to girl on boy advice since they were sophomores in high school. Ruby trusted Anna’s guy-radar implicitly, and tonight’s game would require Ruby to call on Anna’s exceptional fact-finding skills. Ruby wanted to find out what was going on with Reed and Brent, and if given the chance, Anna would drill it out of them.

  Ruby pulled into the parking lot while the teams were completing their warm-up. As Ruby and Anna walked past the visiting team’s side, the players whistled at them. Anna smiled at the guys, but Ruby never made eye contact.

  Tonight, dust from the field, cigarettes and cigar smoke filled the air, bringing back memories of past trips to George’s ballgames. Ruby could smell fresh popcorn and cotton candy. Children ran behind the bleachers playing freeze tag. The warm Tennessee air hung thick with humidity, with an occasional breeze giving only a modicum of relief from the heat.

  The first inning was gearing up to start. Ruby could hear chatter of “batter, batter, batter” drifting in from the players in the outfield while the opposing team’s first player was getting ready to bat. The towering lights above the field began to pop on as dusk gave way to night.

  George’s team was on the home side of the field, as Ruby and Anna climbed their way up the bleachers to sit beside Lizzie. Ruby said to her sister-in-law, “Hey, you have great seats!”

  Lizzie kissed Ruby’s cheek. “I sure do. Y’all just made it in time. Anna, I love those sandals.”

  Lizzie and Anna began talking about the latest and greatest sales at the local Castner Knott department store. Anna slipped off her sandal so Lizzie could try it on. Their conversation became background noise as Ruby scanned the field for Reed.

  Ruby finally spotted Reed on third base. She also noticed Brent was playing first base. Brent fielded the ball and fired it to Reed on third as they primed themselves for the start of the game. God, those two guys looked damn good in those uniforms. That alone was worth the drive to the ballpark.

  George and the catcher were laughing hard about something, when the umpire came out of the dugout and screamed, “Let’s play ball!”

  After watching only a couple of innings, this was proving to be one of the most intense games Ruby had ever seen, and she had been watching George play for years. George’s team, the Rockies, was in the outfield. The Brentwood Braves had one player already on first base when their shortstop, number thirty-seven, came up to bat and knocked the ball out to center field. The player on first base started running while the ball was still in flight, and he rounded second. As the runner headed toward Reed, the center fielder threw the ball to Reed, who jumped up to catch it and then tagged the runner out.

  The third base umpire yelled, “You’re OUT!”

  The runner started getting into the ump’s face, Reed got in the runner’s face, and then the gloves were off, and dozens of players from both sides were running onto the field to get into the action or pull their teammates apart.

  Ruby dashed to the concession stand for a small bag of ice and paper towels and to check to see if they had a first aid kit. By the time she ran to the dugout, the action was over.

  * * *

  Reed walked into the dugout to find Ruby holding ice and a first aid kit in her hand. As Ruby’s gaze reached him, his stomach did a funny flip. “I’m all right, Ruby.” Her cheeks turned pink, which made her more attractive and so adorable. Ruby was very pretty and the fact she didn’t get it, by acting insecure around him, made her more appealing.

  His bottom lip had been split, and Ruby took ice out of a bag and wrapped it with a paper towel. “Here, now place this on your lip for fifteen minutes so it will help to keep the swelling down and to stop the bleeding.” Ruby seemed flustered to Reed as she stumbled over her words. She reached behind her, pulling on her ponytail and twirling it around her finger.<
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  Reed winced when he placed the ice on his lip. “Thanks, Ruby, for the ice.”

  The way Ruby looked at him, her eyes the color of dark amber with sparks of golden fire, had his breath backing up in his lungs. Standing in the dugout, Reed watched her look straight at his mouth and she seemed to forget what to say next.

  George walked into the dugout, threw down his glove, and inspected Reed’s lip. “Are you okay, buddy? Well, I don’t think you need stitches.”

  Reed raised his eyebrows, turned his hands up and shrugged. “Nah, I’ll be fine. Ruby brought me some ice.”

  George laughed and looked over to his baby sister. “Hey, little sister, a guy on the other team has a bloody nose and may need a little TLC, too. You think you could help him out?”

  Ruby’s eyes narrowed and she frowned at George. “Tough titty!” She spun around and walked swiftly out of the dugout.

  George snorted, which made Reed cackle and then wince again with pain. “Please stop; you’re killing me, George. Thank you, Ruby!”

  Reed watched Ruby climb the bleachers to sit by Lizzie and her friend. He could imagine her trim, athletic body, with those long shapely legs wrapped around him, leaving him with a surprising knot of heat in his groin. He’d bet his life she had been aroused before her crazy brother walked into the dugout. His thoughts turned to seducing her, and he couldn’t wait until he could ask her out.

  Reed’s mind drifted back to the pool when he had placed his hand on her calf, her skin so smooth and soft, but so strong. He could feel a connection to her and knew she felt it, too. Then Brent had stuck his damn nose into the equation. It was just a game to Brent. But Reed had felt something toward Ruby he couldn’t quite explain or even admit to himself, honestly—he was falling for the brown-eyed honey.

  * * *

  George’s team won the game. The players began to gather up their helmets, bats and gloves, then left the field to join families and friends behind the bleachers. Ruby walked with Lizzie and Anna to meet George. He was talking to the Braves’ coach, arranging a scrimmage for next Sunday afternoon. George loosely dropped his arm around Lizzie’s waist, pulling her close and giving her a peck on the cheek.

  The roar of a souped-up Chevy made Ruby and Anna jump. The guy behind the wheel smiled and threw them a peace sign. Anna leaned over to Ruby and said, “I’m going to run to the restroom. You want anything from the concession before it closes?”

  “Nah, I want a milkshake. We’ll stop somewhere when we leave here.” Ruby shoved her hands in her blue jean cutoffs’ pockets.

  Brent walked up beside Ruby, brushing next to her shoulder. “That was real sweet what you did for Reed.” He acted mad at her for some reason.

  Ruby was alarmed at his tone. “Thank you, Brent. My mama normally does that kind of stuff, but she’s not here tonight. That’s why I helped out.”

  Her answer seemed to satisfy Brent, when all of a sudden Reed came up behind her, picked her up, and twirled her around, saying, “Where have you been all my life, Ruby Jane?”

  She knew he was joking with her, but it still made her heart squeeze tight. “Reed, put me down, you fool!”

  Frowning, Brent crossed his arms so his muscles flexed. “Yeah, Reed, why don’t you put her down?”

  Ruby got the distinct impression Brent was mad again, but this time at Reed. The look they exchanged between them reinforced her suspicions they were up to something—and it had something to do with her.

  Reed slowly and reluctantly put her down, with his hands moving over her. “Thank you, Ruby, my lip is much better. The swelling is down, and the ice stopped the bleeding.”

  She said politely, “You are very welcome.”

  Reed began to ask, “Ruby, I was wondering if you would like to go—” Then out of the blue, Tammy came running up behind Reed, placing her arms around his neck and interrupting him.

  Ruby thought Reed was on the verge of asking her out before Ms. Priss joined the group. Ruby could only imagine the other girls who were in love with him. She really had to watch her step.

  “Reed, I just got here. Were you in a fight?” Tammy reached up and gently touched the corner of Reed’s mouth.

  Reed pulled Tammy’s arms off him and looked back into Ruby’s eyes. “Thanks again, and I hope to see you soon, Ruby.” Their eyes connected, and electricity charged the air between them. Tammy placed her hand on her hip with a smug look that Ruby wanted to smack off her face. They turned around and walked away.

  Brent circled his arm around her shoulder. “So, what are you and Anna getting into tonight?”

  Hmmm, oooo-kay, I could dig this too.

  Ruby shifted gears since Reed obviously had other plans. “We’re going to Sonic for a shake, wanna come?”

  All the traces of Brent’s anger had simply vanished. “Sure. Would you mind giving me a lift back to my car in Everglade?”

  Anna walked up as Ruby replied, “I would be happy to. Where’s your car in Everglade?”

  Anna looked back and forth between Ruby and Brent, listening as they worked out the details.

  Brent shifted his glove from his hip to under his arm. “It’s at the high school. You can drop me off at the school after you take Anna home. I just have to tell your brother I’m riding with you.”

  Hmmm, after she takes Anna home. This sounded more promising by the minute. Brent seemed to be into her, but something felt off, something just didn’t feel right. He was drop dead gorgeous, so she should just let it go and enjoy the tingling feeling that radiated through her when she was around him.

  Anna looked at her with an “Okay, I know what you’re up to” look. “Well, alrighty then, let’s go!”

  While Ruby drove, Anna fiddled with the radio dials to find a good station and gave Brent the third degree. Does he go to college? Where does he work? Where does he live? Who are his parents? And last, but not least, does he have a girlfriend? The girl had serious skills.

  Brent was going into his senior year at MTSU and lived in Murfreesboro. He grew up in Franklin, where his family still lived, and was majoring in engineering because his dad had a small engineering firm in Franklin, where he was supposed to start working after graduation.

  Anna had relayed to him their plans for the upcoming semester. But this whole process of Anna’s had been to find out if Brent had a girlfriend.

  Brent looked over at Ruby and winked. “Are you applying for the position?”

  Anna thought he had been talking to her. “Of course, I am.”

  The look he gave Ruby implored “Help me, please.”

  Ruby nodded at him. “Anna, I do believe our boy Brent here is joking, aren’t you, Brent?”

  He swiped his hand across the top of his forehead. “Why, yes, I am, Ms. Ruby,” he replied in a thick Southern drawl.

  At Sonic, they decided to sit at one of the picnic tables instead of eating in Ruby’s car. Sonic had music blaring from their speakers, and all of the waitresses tonight wore roller skates. The tables were nearly full when they found one in the back. Ruby and Anna ordered milk shakes while Brent ordered a Coke, cheeseburger, and fries.

  Brent sat between the girls and turned to Ruby. “I have some questions of my own since Anna has been giving me the third degree.”

  Ruby straightened up in her seat and placed her hands over top of each other. “Okay, fire away, Brent.”

  He cleared his throat. “How old are you?”

  Ruby replied with a frown, “Brent Brown, I know your mother raised you better than to ask a lady how old she is. However, since you have been so forthcoming, Anna is twenty and I turn twenty in a few days.”

  Brent turned to Anna and then back to Ruby. “So, do either of you lovely ladies have boyfriends?” A group of teenage girls sat at the table next to them. They kept looking over at Brent, giggling. He noticed them and gave them a nod of his head. Brent obviously knew he looked good and seemed to enjoy the attention.

  Ruby gazed straight into his eyes. “Non, monsieur, merci
beaucoup,” she said in her best French accent. The waitress brought their orders and Brent paid for it. Ruby took a sip of her shake.

  Anna started laughing so hard she choked and coughed. “Good one, Ruby. We went house hunting a couple of weeks ago and found the cutest little place just one street over from campus on Bell Street. For the last two years, Ruby, Sandy and I have been separated in the dorms. We wanted our last two years in undergraduate school to be together. We move to Murfreesboro in mid-August. So where do you and your friends live in Murfreesboro?”

  Brent’s smile warmed a couple of degrees. “My parents just bought a new duplex off Greenland Drive. I’m moving as soon as the place closes. Steve and Reed have been letting me crash on their couch, so I wouldn’t have to sign another lease. They live in the Colony House apartments off Tennessee Boulevard. Brad is another one of our buddies, and he lives in the dorm. He is taking summer classes.”

  During the banter between Anna and Brent, Ruby remained silent. She watched him closely, and he kept looking back over at her. There was a silent awareness between them, a burgeoning chemistry developing that made Ruby feel warm inside.

  Ruby drove Brent back to his car after dropping Anna off at her house. Ruby had one hand on her steering wheel and her other arm resting on the console of her car. She glanced over to Brent and casually asked, “What gives, Brent?”

  His expression turned serious, and he threw her a pickup line that sounded like it had come from a bad movie. “You have grown into quite the beauty, Ruby. I saw you a couple of years ago with George.”

  With a chuckle, she shook her head. “Does that line really work for you? Or are the girls you normally pick up dingbats?”

  His laugh was low and masculine. “What do you mean?”


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