Ruby's Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 1)

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Ruby's Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 1) Page 17

by D. F. Jones

  Sandy tried to stop crying. She inhaled three quick breaths, then said, “Oh, Brent, I’m afraid. Ruby looked so pale. Ruby’s my best friend in the whole wide world. I don’t know what I’ll do if something happens to her.”

  * * *

  Ruby woke again, but this time she was on the top of Campbell Ridge, standing next to her favorite old oak tree. The sky was a vivid blue and light radiated all around her, but there was no sun. She walked through the open pasture full of wildflowers—purple sage, African daisies, snapdragons, and sweet William rustled in the warm gentle breeze. She walked around the oak tree to the edge of the cliff that overlooked a vast river, flowing with the same gentle rhythm of the breeze. Ruby thought it odd because Everglade Farms had a creek, and not a river.

  The landscape across the lazy hills gave her a peace beyond any understanding. She walked toward the river, down the rocky crags, stepping carefully so she wouldn’t slip and fall. The pebbled sandstone crunched under her bare feet, but she felt no pain.

  A big boulder jutted out over the river. She climbed up, looking over the rock to watch the water rush through the riverbed. Ruby sat down on the big rock, letting her legs dangle over the edge. She wore a long white muslin dress with quarter-length sleeves, so soft, it felt like silk over her skin.

  A man walked up and sat down beside her, his radiance so brilliant she should have been shielding her eyes, but didn’t. His light illuminated out from the white robe he wore. “Hi, Ruby.”

  “Hello.” She could feel the positive energy emitting from him. She said, “I know who you are—you’re the messenger I saw in the cave when I was fifteen, the one in my dreams. Holy moly, may I touch you?”

  He grinned and she could feel his energy radiating through her, the rocks and the river. It was if he were the sun. His energy hummed like a whole hive of bumblebees. “My dear, that’s why I love you. You’re so inquisitive.” He reached out his hand toward her and she caught his hand in hers. It was the most indescribable but wonderful feeling. If she could only hold on for a little while longer, she would be able to see and know all life’s secrets. He was bright and beautiful.

  His eyes were full of love, knowledge and compassion. Ruby asked, “Who are you? What are you? Do you have a name? Why did you choose Anna, Sandy and me for the gifts? Why stones? And why am I here?”

  He smiled. “Ruby, you have a choice to make. You may move forward, and I will be happy to answer all your questions. Or you may go back. If you choose to go back, then you will have the answers you seek in time.” He continued holding her hand.

  “That’s not fair. Tell me something? Anything?” she pleaded.

  “My name is Seneca. Now, what is your choice, Ruby?”

  “That’s easy. I want to go back. I’m in love with Reed. We’re getting married.”

  In an instant, the radiant man, the messenger named Seneca, was gone.

  * * *

  The paramedics opened the doors of the ambulance. There were two medical teams waiting, one for Ruby and the other one for Reed ready to take them inside the ER.

  * * *

  Reed woke up in a hospital room. His father, Donald, stood up from his chair and went to stand by his son’s side. Reed’s mom was still recuperating from her emergency surgery. Reed was disoriented as he looked around the hospital room. The light over his bed was turned on, and the blinds were closed. His head was killing him. He bolted upright in the bed and searing pain shot through his rib cage.

  Reed looked at his dad. “How’s Ruby? Is she okay?”

  Donald Jackson held his son’s hand. “Reed, lie back down. You have several broken ribs. Ruby’s still unconscious in the intensive care unit. She has a great medical team working tirelessly, trying to help her. I spoke with her father, Harry, and he promised me when he had news, he would tell us. You need to rest, son.”

  Reed didn’t want to lie down. He wanted to see Ruby. He swung his legs over the side of the bed. “I need to see her. Dad, she died in the ambulance. I saw her die! Help me see her, please.”

  “Reed, I promise she is still alive and breathing. From what I hear from her family, your Ruby is a scrapper. I’ll go and see if someone in the family can help you to get into her room. I’ll be back soon.”

  * * *

  Sandy and Anna walked over to Ruby’s father in the ICU waiting room. Sandy looked up at him and asked, “Mr. Glenn, do you think it’s possible for Anna and me to see Ruby? I mean, uh, alone?”

  Harry shoved his hand in his coat pocket and gave the girls a half smile. “I don’t see what harm it would do. Come on.”

  Anna intended to use her healing ability to help Ruby. She had discussed it with Sandy. They needed to be alone with her for a few minutes. The healing energy in the past had only taken several minutes.

  Harry buzzed the door to the ICU, and a nurse opened the double doors. “Hi, Mr. Glenn.” She glanced at Anna and Sandy and then back to Harry.

  With a shrug, he said, “They’re sisters.” Harry watched as the nurse ushered the girls down the corridor.

  Inside Ruby’s room, Lee Glenn stood. “Girls, I’m so glad you’re here.” She crossed over and gave a hug to Anna and then one to Sandy.

  Sandy placed a hand on Lee’s shoulder. “Mrs. Glenn, why don’t you go get something to eat or just walk a bit? It’ll do you good. We’ll stay with Ruby.” Lee nodded and told the girls thank you and left the room.

  Sandy looked out Ruby’s door and then closed it behind her. “Okay, Anna, do your stuff.”

  Anna felt the energy surging through her as she placed her hands over Ruby. She looked over to Sandy and said, “Hold her hand, Sandy.” Anna placed her hands over Ruby’s lower abdomen and then moved her hands over Ruby’s heart.

  Anna didn’t stop until her hands rested on the top of Ruby’s head. She tingled from head to toe as the buzzing energy coursed through her hands. Anna closed her eyes and let the energy continued surging through her. She felt as though her fingers were the prongs of an electrical cord stuck into an outlet, and then the hospital experienced a power surge. Anna held onto her friend for a few more minutes as Ruby’s nurse rushed into the room. Anna’s energy left and Ruby opened her eyes.

  The nurse looked from Anna to Ruby and asked in disbelief, “What did you do to her?”

  Anna offered the nurse the easiest explanation. “I healed her. Ruby is awake. You need to go get her doctor.” The nurse opened her mouth to say something, but then closed it. She left the room, shaking her head, and closed the door behind her. From Anna’s healing experience with her mom, she felt sure the nurse would never remember the healing episode.

  Anna walked over to Ruby, placing her hand on Ruby’s battered face, and thankfully, Ruby was wide awake. “How do you feel?”

  Ruby looked over to Sandy and then back to Anna. She blinked a couple of times and then said, “I feel fine. You healed me?” Anna nodded.

  Ruby cleared her voice and said, “I met the messenger in my dreams. His name is Seneca. I died in the ambulance and I went to this unbelievable, mystical place. I recognized him, but not from the carving. I just knew it was him. It was like I was clairvoyant or something. He was radiant and beautiful beyond words. I had a choice to move on to a better place or come back. I chose to come back. I wanted to come back to Reed.”

  Sandy lifted Ruby’s hand and kissed it. “I’m so glad you came back, sister.”

  Ruby’s smile lit up the room. “I’m pretty sure Seneca wanted me to come back. I asked him all sorts of questions, and he said time would reveal all my answers. And then poof, he was gone and I was back here.”

  Anna and Sandy were grinning at Ruby when Harry and Lee rushed in the room. Sandy hugged Harry and said, “She’s okay. Ruby is okay.”

  * * *

  Donald walked out of Reed’s hospital room and down the corridor to the elevators. As he got on the elevator, he thought about Reed. What if Ruby didn’t make it? How in the world would he tell his son?

  Two nurse
s joined him on the elevator. They were chatting about what they were doing after work. Donald stepped out on the first floor and walked toward the ICU waiting room. He looked inside and didn’t recognize anyone, when Harry, Ruby’s dad, walked out the ICU double doors.

  Donald walked over to Harry and asked, “Any news?”

  He slapped Donald on the back and said, “Ruby’s awake and she is okay. The doctor said Ruby’s vitals are stable. Her brain activity is normal, and thankfully no swelling, and no more heart problems. The doctor seemed a little perplexed, though. Ruby shows no signs of the brain injury or heart issues, whatsoever, from the accident, except the cuts and bruises on her face.” He paused and his shoulders slumped. “But she lost her baby.” He glanced back at Donald. “How is Reed?”

  Donald stumbled back a couple of steps and said, “What? Ruby was pregnant? We didn’t know…”

  Harry’s eyes began to water and he shook his head. “I’m so sorry. I thought you knew.”

  Donald walked over to the large window overlooking the hospital’s garden and held onto the ledge for support. “I’m so sorry, for all of us.”

  Harry placed his hand on Donald’s shoulder. “Do you think Reed knows?” They heard voices and glanced back to see two people walking down the hall.

  Donald shoved his hands in his pockets. “I don’t think Reed knows about the baby. He would have told us. He’s up and he wants to see her. Do you think you could help us out?”

  Harry replied, “They’re moving her to Reed’s floor. As soon as she is settled, I’ll come to Reed’s room. Did you know they’re engaged?”

  Donald removed his hands from his pockets and his eyes met Harry’s. “Yes, the ring was my mother’s. Reed asked for it a couple of days ago. I suppose you hadn’t heard about the engagement before the accident.”

  Harry shook his head no. “We didn’t know. Ruby’s crazy about your son. Let’s go back upstairs and tell Reed she’s being moved.” They walked over to the elevators and the doors opened. Harry and Donald stepped inside and Harry pushed the button to the fourth floor.

  * * *

  Reed was sitting on his bed when his father and Mr. Glenn came into his room. Reed could tell by the sad looks on their faces something had happened and his spine tightened and it felt as though a shard of glass pierced his side.

  “She’s dead?” Reed held his breath for a reply. He searched their faces for answers.

  Donald said, “No, Reed, she is fine. They’re moving Ruby up here to your floor.”

  Reed wiped tears from his eyes as he sighed with relief. He asked anxiously, “When do I get to see her?”

  Mr. Glenn reached in his pocket and handed Reed the engagement ring. “The nurse gave this to me. You may want to place it back on her finger when you see her.” He placed his hand on Reed’s shoulder and gave him a pat.

  Reed held the ring in his hand and lifted his head to meet Mr. Glenn’s eyes. “We were going to tell you. I love your daughter. I love her so much.”

  Mr. Glenn gave him a nod and said, “Let me go see if she has a room. I’ll be back soon.” Mr. Glenn walked to Reed’s door. He glanced back at Reed and then closed the door behind him.

  * * *

  Reed put on his sweatpants and a MTSU sweatshirt and then slipped on his tennis shoes. He sat nervously on his bed, waiting for Mr. Glenn’s return, thoughts racing through his mind. Reed had planned an entirely different life for himself. He had intended to find a job with a marketing firm in Nashville, stay a few years, and then move to New York or Los Angeles to a larger agency. Travel the world, working with advertisers from Japan, China and Europe. He wanted vacations in the south of France or the countryside towns of Italy.

  Then he met Ruby, and everything changed. He loved Ruby’s laugh. When something was really funny and made her laugh, she would throw her head back and hold onto her sides. He knew the taste of her mouth and the feel of her skin next to his. He saw beyond her beauty to her inner self, which few others knew. Nothing in his life would ever be the same because he had her in his life. Without her, he would be lost.

  Donald smiled and sat on the bed beside him. “I remember having the same look about your mother when I knew she was the one I wanted to spend my life with. Parents want their children to know true love and happiness. It doesn’t mean life will all be peaches and cream, son. On the contrary, loving someone so much and then finding out they’re suffering makes you acutely tuned into their pain, their suffering. More often, you feel helpless. But true love is worth it. True love is what makes life worth living. You and Ruby will move past the accident.”

  Reed’s shoulders slumped as he turned to face his father and said, “I was mad at Ruby for being at Brent’s cabin. I was jealous. I had asked her to marry me, but I was still so mad at her. That’s why I was driving so fast. The wreck happened because of me.” Donald circled his arm around Reed’s waist. He dropped his head to his father’s shoulder.

  Donald took a deep breath and leaned his head next to his son’s. “Well, son, sometimes love makes us do stupid things. Believe me when I say—this will not be the only time you get jealous or mad. Next time, try and think through your feelings before you act on them.”

  There was a quiet knock on the door and Harry walked back into the room. Reed noticed that Harry’s demeanor had improved considerably in the last thirty minutes. He offered Reed a warm grin and said, “Ruby is in room 423, only four doors down, Reed, and she is chomping at the bit to see you, too. Do you need any help?”

  Reed drew in a deep breath and stood. His ribs were sore, but he could walk on his own two feet. “No, sir, I think I can manage. I have a girl to go see, if you guys will excuse me.” Reed made it slowly out the door and walked down the hall corridor until he saw Ruby’s room number. He entered without knocking and glanced nervously around her room.

  Ruby’s face was black and blue with bruises, but she no longer had any IVs or monitors hooked up to her. She sat up in her bed and her eyes were bright with excitement when she saw Reed. She threw off her covers and got out of the bed. “Reed, oh, Reed, I’m so glad you’re here.” She hugged him and he winced in pain and Ruby quickly dropped her arms. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  He bent over and kissed her. Reed let out a sigh. “Now, I’m all better. I’ve been so worried about you. Tell me what the doctor said. I see the bruises, but are you hurt anywhere else?”

  Lee stood up. “I think I’ll take a walk, stretch my legs a bit, and give y’all some privacy. I’ll put the no visitors sign on the door. I’ll be back in a little while.” Lee walked over to Reed and kissed him on the cheek. “You need anything?”

  Reed looked down at Lee and said, “No, ma’am.” He watched her leave the room, closing the door behind her.

  Ruby sat on the bed and motioned him to sit down beside her. “I’m going to give you a rundown, but I need you to listen with an open mind, okay?”

  Reed sat on the bed and held her hand. His eyes never lost contact with hers as Ruby relayed the whole story from the discovery in the cave, her dreams, Anna’s healing powers and Sandy’s abilities to read thoughts. She told him that Anna had healed her in the ICU. Ruby paused for a minute and then told him about losing Alisa and the time she had spent with their child during her stay at the in-between. Ruby told Reed about meeting Seneca in her dreams—and the choice she had made to return to him.

  Reed stared at her in shock and bewilderment. He reached his hand out and placed it on Ruby’s abdomen. They had lost their child. He would have slain thousands of dragons to save Alisa, but now, he just sat there helpless, not knowing what to say or how to react to Ruby’s news. His thumb brushed over her knuckles, and he felt her tremble. “Will you be able to have more children?”

  Her lip quivered a little before she replied, “The doctor said he didn’t see any reason why I couldn’t have more children.”

  She shifted in the bed to sit cross-legged and then grabbed his hands. “Anna healed me, Reed. Do you believe me?
Do you believe what I just told you? I had to tell you about Seneca, me and the girls, if we are to have a life together. These abilities we were given have a purpose. We’re just not sure what kind of purpose yet. But I believe our gifts are to help others. I didn’t even know I would be able to tell you about it. There have been times in the past when I’ve tried to talk to my mom, and the words just vanished. The only people who know about Seneca are the girls and you.”

  Reed was trying to wrap his head around everything she had told him. He had the insane urge to laugh or scream. The memory of seeing her die in the ambulance still chilled his blood. She had died. His princess had died. He shook his head. This wasn’t a movie, damn it, this was his life. Ruby was telling him about a mystical messenger named Seneca, and that he was real. He wanted to believe, and he had to place faith in her, to have a life with her. “Ruby, the one thing I know for certain is I love you. I have faith in you. I believe in you.”

  Reed lifted her hand and slipped the engagement ring back on her finger. He reached over and kissed her on the lips. “Let’s get married now. I don’t want to waste another minute of my life without you by my side. I will stand by you and give you what is within my power to support you. What do you think?”

  Ruby gazed into his eyes and he gave her a sideways grin. She said, “I think, I have to get out of here and get a wedding dress.”

  Chapter 13

  Show Me The Way

  The den at Everglade Farms was cozy, with its fireplace and cedar bookshelves lined with books from the family’s collection. The dark red leather couch had been in the den most of Ruby’s life. The leather had softened over the years. Her dad’s big cherry desk sat in the corner, so he could look out the window when he worked on his bills. Harry sat in his recliner every night reading the paper. The den was her father’s domain.


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