Ruby's Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 1)

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Ruby's Choice (Ditch Lane Diaries Book 1) Page 18

by D. F. Jones

  Ruby sat in her dad’s chair, looking out the front window for Reed to pull up in her driveway. Reed’s dad had helped him buy a new El Camino truck to replace his totaled car from the accident. Ruby jumped up when she saw him drive up and started to run for the door, when she heard her mom yell, “Ruby Jane, don’t run in the house.” Ruby chuckled and bolted out the door.

  She jogged down the steps and along the sidewalk to the back of the house. Max came running up beside her.

  Reed got out of his car and opened his arms wide. “I have missed you warming my bed, woman. Let’s go get this over with so I can take you home with me.”

  “I’m so ready to go. My mom, bless her heart, is driving me crazy.”

  Ruby and Reed entered the kitchen. Ruby looked over to her parents and then said, “Dad and Mom, we would like to talk to you.”

  Ruby’s dad’s head shot up, but then he looked back down, longingly, at his sandwich. “Now, or do I have time to eat?” Her mom walked over and playfully smacked him on the head with the newspaper.

  “Honey, you and Reed sit down and talk to us. Dad can eat and listen at the same time.” Lee sat down at the table and Harry joined her, his sandwich in hand.

  Reed sat down with Ruby, and then he stood up again. “Mr. and Mrs. Glenn, Ruby and I want to get married.”

  Harry chuckled and took a bite of his sandwich. Lee frowned at him and turned to Reed. “We thought, with the engagement ring, y’all had already decided that.”

  Reed was nervous. He sat back down again and grabbed Ruby’s hand. “Yes, we have, but we want to get married next week.”

  Harry choked on his sandwich and Lee smacked him on the back and handed him his glass of tea. Harry said, “Next week? We were thinking maybe y’all would wait until you graduate, Reed.”

  Reed rested his forearms on the table. “Well, sir, I don’t want to wait another second. After the accident, I agonized over nearly losing Ruby and we did lose our child. I tried to get Ruby to elope with me, but she wants her family and friends there.”

  Ruby’s grandfather had walked into the kitchen while they were talking to her parents. He looked at Reed and said, “I don’t blame you, Reed. Seize the day. I wish you both a life of much joy and happiness.”

  Ruby stood up and walked over to kiss her grandfather on the cheek. “Thank you, Granddaddy.”

  Lee poured everyone a glass of sweet tea and topped off Harry’s and then sat at the table. “I see the love you two have for each other, there’s no denying it. I’m so happy for you both. It’s okay with me, if it’s okay with Harry.”

  Harry took the last bite of his sandwich and wiped his mouth with a napkin. He took a drink of tea and set down his glass. “I have a compromise, if you two will hear me out. I realize you are both adults now. Your mother and I can’t stop you. But if you will wait until the semester is over, then we will help you both, until Ruby can graduate.” He walked over to the calendar, pulled it off the kitchen wall, and placed it on the table.

  Harry flipped the calendar to the month of December. “Here, Saturday, December tenth. Sounds like a good day to get married to me. The house will be decorated for Christmas. That’s a little less than two months for y’all to set up house. There’s a lot more to being married than smooches, Cricket.”

  Ruby’s face turned bright red. She walked over to Reed and sat down beside him. “Reed, will December tenth be okay?” Ruby looked up into Reed’s eyes and he nodded yes. “I’m going to still live in the Bell Street house until Reed and I find a house.”

  Harry chuckled. “Baby girl, we’ll help you any way we can. Okay, Mama?” Lee nodded okay, and Harry said, “Well, Reed, what do you say?”

  Reed circled his arm around Ruby’s shoulder. “That sounds like a plan to me.”

  Ruby thought about getting married in the family room in front of the fireplace with the Christmas tree and all the trimmings. She kissed Reed and then turned to her parents. “December tenth sounds like a fine day for a wedding. I want to get married here. We don’t want a big wedding. It will be so much more fun with just the Glenns and Jacksons and our close friends.”

  Lee eyes were shining with enthusiasm. “Sounds great to me! We’ll have so much fun getting ready for the big day. Since you’re out of school the next couple of days, how about us girls taking a road trip to Nashville for dresses?”

  Harry grunted. “Oh lord, I hear my wallet wailing now.”

  Reed walked over to shake Mr. Glenn’s hand and Ruby’s daddy gave him a bear hug.

  “You’re part of the family, son. Get used to hugs and kisses; we Glenns are in limitless supply.”

  The family laughed at Harry’s comment. Ruby hugged her parents. “I have a few things upstairs in my room I want to take into town.” She grabbed Reed’s hand. “Would you help me?”

  Reed stood up. “Yes, ma’am.”

  As they walked off, Harry said, “Boy, it’s just starting. You’ll be peppered with “honey do’s” the rest of your life.”

  Chapter 14

  Dancing In The Moonlight

  Ruby looked at her reflection in the mirror. She had found an elegant but simple wedding dress. Ruby’s wedding dress was a winter white with a shirred, strapless bodice, a sweetheart neckline and a floor-length skirt. The silky dress fit her like a glove.

  Anna and Sandy had come over early to help her get ready. Anna smoothed Ruby’s hair after she had secured the veil in place. “Any dreams last night?”

  Ruby gave her friends a smile and then replied, “Nope, Seneca has been pretty quiet since the accident. Maybe he’s giving me a break. What about you guys?”

  Anna stepped back and placed her hands on her hips. “Nothing since the wreck.”

  Sandy shrugged. “Me, neither. We’ll get together when you get back from your honeymoon and go over any new entries to our Ditch Lane Diaries. Right now, Ms. Glenn, you focus on your wedding day and your wedding night.” Sandy’s brows wriggled up and down. Anna and Ruby both laughed.

  Anna looped her arm in Sandy’s and said, “Ruby, you’re divine in that pretty spectacular dress. Reed’s gonna pass out when he sees you.”

  Sandy held onto Anna’s arm and gave Ruby a once-over. “You’ll do, and let’s pray Reed doesn’t pass out. See ya downstairs, girlfriend.” Sandy laughed and dropped her arm away from Anna and reached over to give Ruby an air kiss to the cheek. Anna followed suit and they left Ruby’s bedroom.

  Ruby walked over to the window, looked out at their Tennessee farm, and reminisced. She had crammed in a lifetime of experiences and memories over the last six months. There was a knock at her bedroom door.

  Ruby opened the door and her dad said, “Cricket, are you ready?” He had big tears in his eyes. “My precious baby girl, you look so beautiful today.”

  Ruby reached up and kissed her dad on the cheek. “Thank you, Dad, for everything.”

  He took a deep breath and smiled as he hugged her. “Well then, I believe they’re playing your song. May I?”

  Harry took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. Ruby grabbed her flowers and they made their way down the stairs. At the entry to the great room, everyone stood and turned to face them. George’s friends played a beautiful rendition of “The Wedding March” on acoustic guitars. The room was lit by the warm glow of candles, twinkling Christmas lights, and the fireplace.

  The only way Ruby could describe the feeling in the room was it was similar to the first day she met Reed: electric. And Reed, well, he was simply the handsomest groom she had ever seen. Reed wore a dark navy blue suit with a white dress shirt and a pink tie. She giggled. Ruby had bought him the pink silk tie. He had laughed at the color but had told her he loved it anyway. He stood so proudly, waiting for her, with love in his eyes. Reed took her breath away.

  * * *

  Reed watched as Ruby entered the great room. She was the love of his life. Her red-gold hair fell over her shoulders under a veil of antique white lace. Her dress flowed around her. She
had a dreamy, soft look in her eyes as he met her gaze. Reed could barely contain his emotions from the love he felt for Ruby.

  Reed was sure when he looked back, years from now, at this precious moment, he would remember her beautiful face, her sweet smile, and the tears that trailed down her cheeks when he held her hands.

  * * *

  Pastor Logan began the ceremony. “Who gives this bride to this groom in marriage?”

  Harry said, “Her mother and I do.”

  Ruby’s dad took her right hand and placed it in Reed’s left hand, and then Harry walked over and sat beside Ruby’s mother.

  The pastor continued, “Reed and Ruby come today desiring to be united in Holy Matrimony.”

  Pastor Logan offered a simple prayer to bless the couple, now, and in the years to come. He opened his eyes and smiled first at Reed and then to Ruby. “I ask you each now to repeat the marriage vows.”

  Reed started: “I, Reed Harley Jackson, take you, Ruby Jane Glenn, for my wedded wife. To love and cherish, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death us do part.”

  Ruby was nervous and began to giggle, which made Reed chuckle silently. She could hear Max barking wildly outside the window.

  “I, Ruby Jane Glenn, take you, Reed Harley Jackson, for my wedded husband. To love and cherish, for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, until death us do part.”

  The pastor then asked for the rings and said, “Bless, O Lord, the giving of these rings, that they who wear them may live in your peace and your favor all the days of their lives. Through Jesus, our Lord. Amen.”

  Reed placed the ring on Ruby’s finger and said, “This ring is my sacred gift to you, a symbol of my love, a sign that from this day forward, my love will surround you. With this ring, I thee wed.”

  Ruby placed the ring on Reed’s finger and repeated the same words to him.

  Then the pastor announced, “For as much as Reed and Ruby have consented together in holy matrimony, I now, by the authority committed unto me as a minister, declare Reed and Ruby are husband and wife, according to the ordinance of God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Those whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder.”

  The pastor grinned broadly and said, “Now, Reed, you may kiss your bride.”

  Reed dipped Ruby backward and kissed her so passionately she momentarily forgot people were watching—until she heard Georgie whistle loudly.

  They turned to face their family and friends and the pastor declared, “Allow me to present, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Jackson.”

  Everyone started yelling and clapping and Ruby’s mom was crying. Jerry was in the back of the room and popped the cork of a champagne bottle. The Jacksons had brought buckets of the bubbly. Anna and Sandy began handing out glasses of champagne to everyone.

  There was a flurry of excitement as everyone congratulated the newly married couple. George’s friends continued playing music. The wedding party moved into the dining room, which had been decorated with silver and white Christmas décor. The dinner was marvelously romantic, and by the time everyone had his or her chance to say a toast, their bellies were full and Ruby was more than slightly intoxicated.

  Reed kept kissing her and stroking her cheek or pressing his leg into hers. When it was time to cut the wedding cake they moved the party back to the great room where the photographer captured the moment when Reed and Ruby joined hands and cut the first piece on a table which had been set up next to the bar.

  Jerry and George moved the chairs from the wedding out of the way to allow for a makeshift dance floor. They staged the stereo, and once the cake festivities ended, the dance music began to play. Reed escorted Ruby to the floor for their first dance as husband and wife.

  As they danced Reed whispered in her ear, “Your silky wedding gown reveals every sweet inch of your all-too-enticing body, honey.”

  A blush lit her cheeks as heat washed over her. “You’re a bad boy, Reed Jackson, but God, I love you!” He let out a low growl, sending a shiver up her spine, and she pulled him to her and kissed him passionately. She heard whistles and catcalls behind them.

  Neighbors and friends stopped by to congratulate the happy couple and joined in the party. The party was so much fun and the house was full of people. It would be one of the most precious memories of Ruby’s life.

  The time passed by so quickly. Her wedding day, her vows, and the celebration seemed to flash by her in an instant, and then Reed was there, scooping her up in his arms.

  Reed said, “It’s time, princess. Are you ready?”

  Ruby held his hand and their fingers linked. “Always.”

  Reed and Ruby had already changed clothes upstairs and now joined their parents at the door to the front porch. Ruby and Reed’s embrace fell away so they could give hugs and kisses to their parents. Then they ran for his truck, while their family and friends threw birdseed mix, instead of rice. Ruby hoped there weren’t any bats that got funny ideas. The guys had decorated Reed’s truck and the girls had made a “Just Married” sign and placed it in the back windshield. Ruby rolled down the window and waved as they drove down the driveway and onward to the Nashville Airport.


  Simple Twist of Fate

  Ruby had life or death dreams. Her life dreams foretold the birth of a child and her death dreams saw the passing of a loved one, and occasionally her dreams gave her glimpses into the future. Ruby had had those dreams since she had entered the cave and found the hidden room, the totem and the stones. Today, she worked behind the counter at Everglade General Store. There had been a steady stream of customers all day.

  Ruby was keeping an eye on the customers in the back of the store when the front door bell chimed and she looked up to see two of her regulars walk in. She organized the items next to the cash register and sprayed the top of the counter, wiping it down before the next customers came up to check out.

  The two customers in the back of the store walked up to the check-out register. While she rang up their sales, she listened to the banter back and forth between the two. Ruby looked up to see Mr. Burns in his office, rising to walk out into the store.

  Ruby placed her hands on the counter and leaned toward the two customers. A playful smile lit her face, as she looked from one, to the other. “Y’all need to stop this right now and grow the freak up. I’m not going to play your little dating game.” She looked at Reed, whose mouth hung open, and said, “I will meet you at Ditch Lane in exactly one hour. Do not go anywhere, okay?”

  Reed looked back at her rather perplexed and nodded okay. Then she turned to Brent, pointing her finger at him. “And you, I will never go out with you.” Ruby heard Reed laugh loudly, as she continued, “But I do have someone in mind for you who would be just perfect.”

  Reed looking rather stupefied asked her, “Uh, ah—how did you know?”

  Ruby grinned and said, “I can see the future.” Reed lifted his brow and gave her his sexy sideways grin and her stomach flipped.

  Reed looked over to Brent, who opened his mouth to say something and then closed it again. Reed slung his arm over Brent’s shoulder, grabbed their drinks, turned and walked out the store doors. Before stepping outside, Reed glanced back at her and grinned, then left the store.

  Ruby’s regular customers were in line to check out. Ruby smiled at little Tommy’s mother. She looked down at Tommy and placed her hands on her hips. “So, Tommy, I see Mr. Burns has finally given you the toy fan.”

  * * *

  Ruby pulled into Ditch Lane with the single-minded purpose of finding Reed. As she passed her friends, they tried to talk to her, but she didn’t stop—she continued toward Reed without breaking her stride. She spotted Reed talking to her brother, George. Reed’s head shot up when he saw her walking swiftly toward him. Reed moved a step away from George. His eyes locked with Ruby’s gaze. The energy building between the two of them rapidly increased, sending embers from the
bonfire flames flying upward to the sky.

  Ruby’s circle of friends stood near the bonfire: Anna, Sandy, George, Lizzie, Jerry and Brent. Ruby tossed a quick glance to Sandy and Anna who had turned to watch her, but she ignored their stares as she increased the speed of her step. She came only a few feet away from Reed, as recognition lit his eyes and a sideways grin curved his lips. Ruby ran and jumped up on Reed, locking her legs around his waist, cradling his face with her hands and covering his mouth with hers in a mind-bending, soul-binding kiss. Reed turned them slowly around in a circle as their kiss deepened and lengthened, and he held on to her even tighter. She loved him and never wanted to let him go.

  George chuckled. “Ruby Jane, I didn’t know you even knew Reed.”

  Anna and Sandy laughed and clinked their beers in a toast. Anna bit back her laughter and shouted to the sky, “Dy-no-mite!” Anna turned Jerry to catch his hand, but he had turned and walked away from the crowd, so Anna dashed after him.

  Brent leaned over to Sandy and asked, “So, do you have a boyfriend?”

  Sandy’s eyes met George’s and held for an instant and he turned away to Lizzie. “I don’t do the boyfriend thing. But I do date…”

  Ruby’s mind was spinning from her dream’s revelation that Reed Jackson was her lifelong love and her only choice. From the time Ruby had entered the cave’s hidden room, she had had dreams about her relationship with Reed and she knew him the moment he entered the store.

  Ruby had met the mystical messenger, whose image had been carved into the cave wall, in her dreams. His name was Seneca. What Ruby mistook as astronaut’s headgear the day she had seen his image in the cave was Seneca’s radiance, all about him. The ancients had merely tried to capture Seneca’s aura in their drawings.

  Seneca had given Ruby, Anna, and Sandy gifts. Ruby—the dreamer, Anna—the healer, and Sandy—the soul reader. Ruby’s dreams would take her to meet Seneca and they would enter a room filled with pure gold, as clear and as transparent as glass, and she would walk to a floor to ceiling crimson curtain. Seneca would allow her to enter behind the curtain and Ruby would see the future, the dreams had played in her mind like vivid feature length films. He gave her the choice to intervene on behalf of the friend or loved one.


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