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If I Say Yes (Say Something #1)

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by Brandy Jellum

  “Mr. Harder?” He doesn’t turn around. I clear my throat and take a deep breath. “Mr. Harder, I really appreciate the opportunity you have given me to work for your company, but my particular skills would best serve you and the company outside of the Romance department. Each query letter I read leaves me wanting more, and I fear that we’ve lost a number of potential authors due to my misplaced skills. I believe a transfer to Horror and Thriller would serve the company best, as my talents lay in that area.”

  The words spill out of my mouth in a frantic rant. When I finish, I stand glued to the floor, waiting for what is about to come. Nothing. The room is quiet. My body is shaking, and I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I really just said all of that to Mr. Harder. I probably just secured my name at the top of the next-to-go list. I am finally able to move and turn to leave. I might as well start packing up my office now, what little I do have in there. “What is it about romance that you don’t like?” The voice doesn’t belong to Mr. Harder. The leather chair turns around and reveals that it is definitely not him, but a much younger, more handsome man.

  “I-I-I’m sorry,” I stutter. “I thought you were Mr. Harder.”

  “Of course you did.” The man stands up, walks around the desk, and leans back on it with his arms supporting him. He crosses his legs out in front of him, and he smiles. His is the kind of smile that is utterly alluring, one that melts a girl’s heart and sweeps her off her feet. He’s gorgeous, with his dark brown hair and nearly black eyes, and he knows it. His white button up dress shirt tightens around his chest with his arms extending behind him, showing off the curves of his muscles. His black dress pants aren’t tight in the way that he should be humiliated, but rather in a way that conforms to his legs. I’m sure the view from behind is just as nice as the view from the front. “So… what about romance novels is it that you don’t like?”

  My heart flutters. His voice is smooth and deep, one I could sit and listen to for hours. What is going on with me? No man has this kind of effect on me. Not anymore. “I just don’t,” I say sharply.

  “I see.” His smile falters for a moment before returning to full- wattage once more. “Care to elaborate?”

  For some reason, I feel compelled to do just that. “The plot is the same in every book.” I glance away. My heart is beating rapidly just looking at him, and I can’t let him get under my skin. I’m a girl with a list that has to be followed down to the very last bullet point, and I can’t be bothered by the likes of a man like him. “Boy-meets-girl, girl- meets-boy, one has a dark past that makes them feel they are unworthy of love. The two endure a long challenging road, facing inner demons. Eventually, everything turns out alright, and they find the love that they didn’t even know they were searching for.”

  The words sound cold and bitter.

  “That’s the beauty of it, though, isn’t it? That’s what keeps the readers coming back for more, time and time again.” He sounds so sure of himself.

  “What?” I snap my head back towards him. “For what? A happy ending? One that doesn’t truly exist. One that everyone in this world secretly hopes happens for them. It’s a bunch of crap. It’s just fiction, not the real world.” I stare into his eyes as if to prove to him I mean every word I say. “Life isn’t like any of the romance books. There are no happy endings. Nothing ever turns out the way anyone plans. At least, not in my world.”

  “Ah, I get it,” he murmurs, causing me to pause. To my dismay, he pushes off the desk and crosses the distance between us in four long strides. Stopping just in front of me, he brushes back a strand of my wild, black hair. His touch causes me to jump, but I refuse to pull away. The man is standing too close, close enough to smell the rich scent of his cologne and to notice the stubble on his chin. He leans forward, close to my ear. A chill runs down my spine as his breath caresses my face. “Tell me, who was it that broke your heart?”

  I turn away, walking as fast as I can without glancing back over my shoulder. He’s struck a nerve. I don’t know how he did it. I don’t know how he figured it out so quickly, but he did. I need to get out of here as quickly as I can. With my head hanging low, I can’t see where I am walking and walk right into someone. I look up and find Mr. Harder standing in front of me. “Oh my, I didn’t see you there,” I say quickly. “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s quite alright, my dear,” he says in his deep voice. “I see you met my nephew, Reid, my brother’s son. He’s just come back from overseeing our branch across the Atlantic for the last four years.”

  Of course, it has to be his nephew. Though my boss has salt and pepper hair and green eyes, I can see a bit of resemblance between the two of them. My face heats up, and I am sure that it is beet red by now. “I’m a lucky man to have met such a bold and beautiful woman,” Reid chimes in.

  I glance over at him, only to find he is now standing right beside me, grinning wider than before, if that’s even possible. Irritation courses through my body at the sight of his smile. I do my best to grin at Mr. Harder. “Your nephew was quite enchanting.” Irritating is more like it. I still want to know how he figured out so quickly something that I have been working hard to keep hidden. I am not an open book or anything. I don’t mope around, acting like a woman who has had her heart stomped on, even if it was six years ago. Something about the man standing beside me sets my veins on fire.

  “So what can we do for you, Lisa?” Harder Senior asks.

  I groan inwardly. “It’s Liza,” I say softly.

  “What was that, dear?” Mr. Harder raises an eyebrow and stares at me curiously. I can feel the heat of Reid’s eyes on me. My chest tightens, and I struggle to breathe. He is standing so close that when he makes the slightest movement his arm brushes against mine and sends electricity dancing through my veins. I. Need. To. Get. Out. Of. Here. Now.

  “It’s Liza,” I say louder. I clear my throat and take a breath.

  I feel Reid wrap his arm around my shoulder, the touch startling me, and I hear him laugh softly. He drops his arm and I don’t dare look at him. “Liza here came to talk to you about working in Romance,” he says.

  “Oh, really?” My boss raises his eyebrow again. “Now remember, Liza, it’s going to take some time, but I think that you will find it a very good fit for you there.”

  “Yeah, who doesn’t like a good story about love and overcoming your demons?”

  I glare at Reid. Did he really just use my own words against me? I feel the heat rushing to my face again, only this time it’s anger I’m feeling rather than embarrassment.

  “Besides, I’m sure Reid here will be able to make the transition smoother from here on out.” I glance at Mr. Harder. I must have seemed scared, because he laughs loudly. “Don’t fret, darling; you are in capable hands.” Still confused, my eyes dart back and forth between the two men. What is he talking about? “Silly me! I forgot to mention that Reid is filling the open Senior Agent position on your floor.”

  Oh boy, Harder’s nephew is my new boss, which means I will be seeing him every day. This is not good, not good at all. I need to get out of here quickly, by any means necessary.

  “So what do you say, Liza? You up for giving Romance another chance?” Reid flashes his million dollar smile as my heart flutters and my knees feel like jelly.

  “What choice do I have?” I barely manage to say.

  “That’s the spirit.” Mr. Harder says as he claps a hand down on my shoulder. I smile softly, tell them I have to get back to work, and walk as quickly as I can out of his office.


  MY LIFE OFFICIALLY SUCKS. Not only did I not achieve getting out of Romance, but I am now stuck with Harder Junior for who knows how long. Something about him drives me insane, something that irritates the hell out of me. Yet I can’t get him out of my mind.

  I stare at my computer screen, attempting to read another query letter, but I’m too distracted. I cannot stop thinking about Reid’s smile, the kind I always swore I would never fal
l for on a guy. When he smiles, his face lights up, softening his deep, dark eyes. I can’t forget the way I felt when he stood close to me, brushing the strand of hair out of my face, or his breath against my ear. I can still smell his cologne and hear the sound of his sultry voice bouncing around in my head.

  I grab my phone, pushing the button to call Heidi’s desk, and wait for her to answer. She picks up on the first ring. “What can I do for you, Ms. Win— I mean Liza.” I laugh quietly as she catches herself yet again.

  “Let’s grab lunch,” I reply quickly. “My treat.”

  Through the window, I see her smile. She nods her head, and that’s all I need for an answer. I hang up the phone, open the drawer in my desk, and pull my cell phone out. One of the very few things in the office that is mine. My office is plain, barren of any personality, and shows no sign that it belongs to me. In every office, each agent has pictures of their families and clients. Some even have their college degrees plastered on the wall. Others have wall art personalized by their children. Even Heidi has decorated her desk with mementos of her family and her boyfriend. My walls and desk are empty. I don’t have any pictures to hang, at least none that I wanted the world to see. All my photos hold horrible memories of a broken past. Of being hurt, disappointed. That life is behind me now. This life is a new day and age, a new Liza Winter.

  I grab my purse and jacket off the coat rack in the corner of my office before I step out the door and close it softly behind me. Heidi has her coat on and is ready to go. I nod at her. She smiles, and falls into step next to me. We don’t say a word as we weave through the cluster of desks out in the bull pen, where all the assistants’ desks are, and head towards the elevator. In the short time we have spent together, Heidi has become the closest thing to a friend I will allow someone to be. She’s already learned how to tell when I’m in a foul mood, frustrated, or don’t want to talk. Clearly, now is one of those times.

  The air is brisk and cold as we step out of the towering glass building. We turn to the right, walking down the sidewalk to the same little bistro we eat lunch at every day. The walk is short, and we arrive in just a few minutes. The bistro is emptier than usual, probably because there’s still at least another hour until everyone in the business district is fighting to get in here to grab some lunch. Out of the eleven restaurants on the block, everyone wants to eat here. Some days, I send Heidi out a bit earlier to make sure we can get some food and bring it back to the office.

  Today, I am glad we came earlier. I need the peace and quiet, plus the time and space to calm and collect myself. We order the same thing we always do: chicken and raisin salad for Heidi and a cheeseburger with fries for me. Heidi seems to think she can’t indulge in fat, greasy foods for fear of gaining too much weight. From what I have learned of her, she grew up in the south, feasting on large home cooked meals, and isn’t any bigger than a twig. I have insisted that she is absurd for feeling the need to watch her weight, so now she finally joins me in our traditional strawberry milkshakes. Although she orders hers with soy milk.

  The waitress brings our food in a timely fashion, faster than we have ever been served before. I make note to grab lunch early every day from now on. Getting away from the four blank walls that stare at me only a daily basis is nice. I’m halfway through stuffing my face when the bell chimes as the door opens. My back is towards the door; however, I notice the sudden change in Heidi’s demeanor.

  “Oh… my…” she says slowly. I turn to see what has drawn her attention. My heart stops beating and drops to the pit of my stomach. Here, in my very own private sanctuary for the moment, is him. Reid Harder. I groan loudly and turn back to my food, hoping he doesn’t see me sitting here.

  “What is he doing here?” I mutter to myself. Heidi glances up at me and raises an eyebrow.

  “Wait… you know him?” Know him? Hardly. Had the unfortunate mishap of meeting him and making a fool of myself less than an hour ago? I wish the answer isn’t yes. I catch Heidi staring at him as he stands at the register, her mouth gaping, eyes wide open and filled with infatuation.

  “That’s Mr. Harder’s nephew.”

  “You’re telling me that that is Harder’s nephew? That irresistible, mouthwatering, I-wanna-take-him-to-my-room-and-have-my-way-with him, God-like man is the boss’s nephew? No way!” Heidi stares at me in disbelief. I say nothing and nod my head, aware that her attention is turning back to him. Jealousy sparks in me at the way she is gawking towards him. Who am I kidding? It’s not like he belongs to me. I just met the guy. He’s annoying, like the getting under your skin kind of type, fully aware he’s attractive and uses it to his advantage. But man, I can’t get him out of my head. Great, now I can’t even stop peeking at him.

  Oh crap, he’s turning around, and then he sees me. Reid heads towards our table as I turn my attention back to my plate, and I suddenly lose my appetite. I can feel him watching me, but I can’t see to gaze at him. I’m fully aware of his presence and smell his lingering cologne. “Liza…” he says my name, which sounds like music to my ears. Now that he has approached us, I can’t ignore him. I can’t pretend that he isn’t hovering right above me. I turn my head and glance up at him. “Reid,” I say plainly. “Please don’t tell me you followed me here?”

  What the hell? Why did I say that?

  “You’re only wishing I did.” He laughs, which is sweet and light. It’s one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. I can feel the blood rushing to my face, which I’m sure is beet red by now. “That cute little blonde down in reception suggested I come here for lunch.”

  Like uncle, like nephew? Now I’m officially annoyed. “Who is this little beauty you got here?” Reid asks.

  I hear Heidi giggle and see her flushing face. I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Reid, meet my assistant, Heidi. Heidi meet Mr. Harder’s nephew, Reid,” I say rather sharply. What is it about this man that gets my blood boiling so quickly? One minute I’m swooning over him, and the next he opens his mouth and I instantly become irritable.

  “Heidi, such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” He’s flirting with her. He is totally flirting with her right in front of me. I know it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. “How did you get the pleasure of becoming the assistant for the lovely Liza?”

  Lovely Liza? Who the hell does this guy think he is?

  “She’s an intern from LPU,” I answer quickly for her.

  “Ahh, Long Port University, huh?” Reid looks at me and smiles. “Isn’t that where you graduated?”

  How does he know this? “Yes,” is all I can manage to say.

  “Well, good for you,” he says, turning his attention back to Heidi. “I’m sure you’ll do great.”

  “Thank you,” Heidi says softly.

  His charm is working. Her face flushes a deep red again, and she turns her head to the side in attempt to avoid him seeing it. It’s too late. He knows he has her hooked, like a helpless fish drawn to the worm dangling from a fishing line. Reid says something to her, but my heart is pounding in my chest so hard that my ears are ringing, and I don’t catch what he says. The same waitress that brought our food appears with his order in a bag. Thankfully, he is taking it to go. It’s obvious the waitress is totally enraptured by him as well, since she lingers, explaining practically every ingredient in his meal, which is totally unnecessary. The girl finally leaves, blushing, giggling, and stealing glances over her shoulder as she walks away. I watch Reid checking her out from behind. He doesn’t even have the decency to be polite about it. What a pig.

  “See you ladies back at the office.” Reid finally turns his attention back to Heidi and I. “Liza, when you get back, I’d like to meet with you in my office to talk about the direction we need to guide you in.”

  I can hardly breathe, let alone think. Being alone in his office isn’t the smartest idea, but I nod my head regardless. He flashes that million dollar smile of his, and I swear Heidi is going to lose it right here in the bistro. As soon as the door close
s behind him, I let out a long deep sigh. I can finally breathe again.

  “Why does he want to meet with you?” Heidi asks. Her face is placid, showing no emotions, but I can feel the jealousy radiating off of her.

  “That,” I pause momentarily and sigh again, “is my new boss.” Unfortunately. This is my worst nightmare come alive. Well… almost.


  I HAVE HAD A LIST made ever since the summer after my second year of college, detailing almost every aspect of the next ten years of my life. Nowhere on the list does it say to be irrevocably attracted to my new, arrogant, annoying, beautiful boss. In fact, at the bottom of the list, I wrote in big bold letters ‘NO MEN!’ with the exception of my best friend, Elias.

  I cannot deviate from the list. I carry the slip of paper around with me in my purse everywhere I go, scratching off and adding things as I go along. The list was created to keep me on track, to keep my eyes set on one singular goal— being the best damn literary agent this world has ever seen. Though I haven’t made much progress on that just yet.

  I don’t have the time to date or to make many friends. It’s just Elias and I. In school, I was always work and no play. That’s carried over into my career as well. My life is perfect that way. I like having control over my life, and Reid is making me consider losing my self-control.


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