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Silken Inferno

Page 3

by Taige Crenshaw

  Niya and Christos did an admirable job of stifling their disbelief. Vaughn covered up a snort. Allure glanced at him. He blanked his face.

  “Do you agree, or will you get wiped, Storm?” Christos asked.

  “Why not Lennox?” Harmony asked quietly.

  A shiver went up Vaughn’s spine at her words. Harmony was a lot like Allure when seriously pissed off. She was dangerous.

  “She can scan me if she chooses,” Lennox offered.

  “That’s not what I meant. I trust you, but why does she?” Harmony asked in the same cold tone.

  Shock flittered briefly over Lennox’s face before he contained it. Most people didn’t trust Shadowers. Vaughn was glad to see Harmony wasn’t letting others’ beliefs influence her.

  “Ahh…child, I’m pleased to see the Shadower paired with such a fierce protector.”

  "Eve," Vaughn warned along their private path.

  She flicked her hand at him. Vaughn subsided.

  “To answer your question, it isn’t about your humanity. It’s about your soul,” Eve said.

  Storm and Harmony looked baffled.

  “Being an empath and a seer makes you two more susceptible. I need to scan you and do some other things to ensure you can’t be influenced.”

  “I’ll need to think about it,” Harmony said.

  “Me too,” Storm added.

  “What is there to think about?” Eve asked.

  “Is this an order, Christos?” Harmony demanded.

  “No, a request. You must decide,” Christos said, then looked at Eve. “You agreed to let them choose. Are you going back on your word?” It was given as a silky threat.

  Eve’s eyes narrowed. “My word is bond. Fine. They decide by tomorrow. Then we will meet the next morning with those who agreed, then we will fill them in.”

  “Fine. You have until tomorrow, Storm and Harmony. We’ll meet here at eleven the following day. Next up on the agenda. At the request of the Amazonian Warriors, they will be given testing in lieu of going through the training programmes. I know it isn’t the normal procedure, but they are convinced they can forgo the training and pass the tests usually given to agents at the end of their training. So we’re going to give them a shot at it. In the next two days, they will be tested in all areas, just like any agent would who went through the whole training programme.”

  “Tempest made the request, didn’t she? I knew she would.” Kalina laughed.

  “She and a few others. I told you not to raid my warriors, Kalina.” Niya sounded peeved.

  “I didn’t. I made an offer, and they accepted. I hope you have someone to replace them,” Kalina replied.

  “You assume they’ll pass,” Allure said.

  “Not all of them. But I know at least Tempest will.” Kalina didn’t seem to have a doubt.

  “They will all pass. I train them for excellence.” Niya raised her chin haughtily.

  “You just said you didn’t want us raiding your warriors, yet you expect them to pass my test, Niya. Make up your mind.” Christos’ tone was clear he didn’t care either way.

  “I know my mind. But it’s an insult that you expect them to fail.” Niya glared.

  “Being an Amazonian Warrior doesn’t mean they can pass the agent test.”

  “You will eat those words, Christos.” Niya stood, then stormed out.

  Christos continued as if nothing had happened. “Since I know other agents not on assignment or tied up with pressing cases will want to see these tests, we’ll be on minimal staff for the next two days while testing. We’ll start with the Assassination Unit tests in fifteen minutes. Kalina, gather your best to test them. That’s all.”

  Christos stood and the rest followed.

  “Storm, meet your new partner.”

  Curious, Vaughn watched as Kalina introduced Storm to Killian. Storm smiled at him playfully. Vaughn stifled a chuckle. He knew that look. Storm was up to trouble.

  “Nice to meet you, ole ball and chain,” Storm said cheerfully.

  Killian didn’t respond. His face was cold and detached.

  Storm glared at Kalina. “He’s not an agent, so he can’t be my partner.”

  “He will be by tomorrow. But he is your partner effective immediately.”

  Storm’s eyes narrowed. “He’s getting the tests too?”

  “Yep. He’s a warrior,” Kalina said cheerfully.

  “This is going to be fun.” Storm whistled as she sauntered out of the door.

  Killian stared towards where Storm went, then looked at Kalina. “That’s the woman no one could keep in the building?” His cool expression matched his tone.

  “It’s not that easy, bro,” Kalina said.

  “It is.” Arrogance leaked into Killian’s voice.

  He left the room. Kaitya followed, then Kalina. One by one, the others left the room.

  Allure glanced at Vaughn as she departed.

  “It’s good to see you again, Bhielas,” Eve’s smoky voice came from behind him.

  Vaughn’s heart clenched at the word brother in his language. He turned to face her, studying her. The sorrow in her gaze ate at him. The same look in Allure’s gaze filled his thoughts. Vaughn pushed those memories aside and focused on the woman before him. He opened his arms. Eve bit her full bottom lip, then stepped into his embrace. Vaughn held her close and kissed the top of her forehead.

  “And you, Shielas.”

  Eve shuddered at his words. “Sister. I haven’t heard those words in over seven million years.” Her voice was choked.

  “You shouldn’t have blanked everyone’s knowledge of you,” he chastised.

  “I missed him so much. I couldn’t bear life without him. I had to heal. I didn’t mean to be gone so long. I never thought it would be so many millennia,” Eve defended.

  Vaughn smiled softly. “Adam always said your impetuousness is what made him fall in love with you.”

  Eve raised her head. Her gold, slightly tilted eyes studied him. She raised a shaking hand then traced the slopes of his face. The topaz stone of the Star of Eve bracelet on her wrist winked in the light. Finally, she cupped his cheek.

  “You look so much like your brother, Vaughn,” Eve whispered.

  Vaughn’s mind flashed to Allure and Christos. His breath caught as he realised how much pain dealing with Christos would have caused her. Breathing out, Vaughn cursed himself for not being there.

  “She’s worthy of you. A strong warrior heart for a Silan Guardian,” Eve said.

  “She is, and once we get things worked out, I want you to meet her. Promise me you’ll be nice when you do.” Vaughn hugged her.

  “I can’t make that promise. I’ll try to be nice. That’s all I am willing to give.” Eve laughed.

  “How could you forget the Silan Guardian is of the Blood Oath Hunters?” Vaughn asked.

  “Before I went to sleep, I blocked a lot about Adam and who he was from my mind. It was the only way I could survive. Since my return, I’m facing everything we had. I’m regaining the memories and dealing with it. This time, I won’t let them overwhelm me. The time away helped me heal some. The rest, I must do over time.” Eve lowered her eyelids.

  “Are you staying in your home?” Vaughn asked gently.

  Eve shook her head. “I’ve started new. Have a place in the Bronx.”

  “Where?” he asked suspiciously.

  “The property adjacent to yours. It was empty.” Eve shrugged.

  Vaughn chuckled. He should have known she would find him. When Adam, his older brother, had been alive, they’d lived near to each other. His relationship with Adam had been close, and, by extension, so had his bond with Eve. After losing Adam, then Eve, Vaughn had needed to start new too.

  “We’ll have to catch up soon. Come, let’s go see the warriors get their butts kicked.”

  “Why do you think they will?”

  “It’s as Christos said—being a warrior doesn’t mean you can pass the agent test. They’ll get some humble pie, the
n go through training like they should.” Vaughn shrugged as he escorted her out of the room and to the elevator.

  “Some of them might get their butts kicked, but I doubt it. After all, I helped train some of them who want to join the agency.” Eve smirked.

  Vaughn frowned. “Did you tell Christos that?”

  “Nope. He needs some humble pie,” Eve said cheerfully.

  Vaughn wondered what she had up her sleeve. Eve strolled off the elevator as if she owned the place. Technically, she did. The agents knew that much, but she would have to prove herself to be accepted by them.

  The main training room ran the entire length of the top floor of the forty-storey building. The bleachers were packed with agents. Eve sat next to Niya and Christos who were seated front and centre. She motioned for Vaughn to join her. He did and she snuggled against his side. Vaughn glanced at her in question.

  “We’re going to let people know we’re related, so they better get used to us being familiar with each other. Especially her,” Eve mentally communicated.

  Vaughn turned, locking gazes with Allure. She looked at where Eve held his arm, then at his face. Her eyes blazed, then cooled. Allure turned away from them. Vaughn stifled a smile. Allure pissed off would make the testing interesting. The warriors were about to be taught a lesson in humility.

  Ryne strolled in, then sat beside him. “We’re doing the last phase of testing. Going with Jigsaw, Enigma and Maze. Then I’m going ‘ghost’ and you ‘inferno’.”

  Vaughn glanced at him sharply. “Really?”

  Ryne smiled. “Christos made the concession to test them like this, but wanted them to face the most difficult of it. Anyone who didn’t know about us from before, their mind will be wiped once they leave this room.”

  Vaughn nodded. Very few knew that in their unit, besides being composed of various races, each had their own individual special powers they used to enhance their tracking ability. Their nicknames stemmed from their powers. Most in the agency thought the Assassination Unit was the most elite in the agency, but it was actually the Tracker Unit.

  “Begin,” Christos said.

  Vaughn looked back at the expansive centre ring, which contained the chosen agents from the Assassination Unit. Allure stood shoulder to shoulder with a few he recognised, and some he didn’t. Vaughn grinned at Lennox. Lennox winked, then blanked his face.

  The Amazonian Warriors being tested stood facing the crowd. Niya stood straight and tall beside her warriors, then she strode from one end of the line to the other.

  “Ailllellelell Detetetethhh Crulliiie!” Niya’s war cry rent the air.

  Goose bumps raised along Vaughn’s skin at the sound. Her warriors echoed her battle cry, making the walls shake with their power. One by one, they flew straight up, spinning in place to face the Assassination Agents as they levitated off the ground. Their sounds faded as the last one faced the opponent.

  Niya looked at Christos, her face fierce, then walked over and sat next to him before crossing her legs. The arena was silent as they waited for the Assassination Agents to make their move. The sound of wind rose slowly, then howled. Vaughn’s gaze was locked on Kalina as she wove it. In a blink, an indigo cloud formed under the Assassination Agents. It coated them, obscuring them from the crowd. In the next second, it was gone. The agents stood in their hunting clothes.

  Vaughn hungrily took in the body-hugging outfit on Allure. He licked his lips at the way it moulded her breasts. Allure cut her gaze to him then flicked out her weapons, sending them flying through the air at the first Amazonian Warrior. The warrior lashed out with power. Allure caught the vivid red energy on the tip of her sword. She controlled it, moulding it around her blade, then around her body. With a boom, she sucked it in. Her control awed him. She had come a long way in the eight years he had been gone.

  The warrior attacked her. In a flurry of blows, they fought viciously. Vaughn felt each movement in his soul. The choreography of it resonated with him. The next warrior joined the first, then so on and so on until it was Allure against them all. It was the way the test was done. You must defeat or call a draw with the agent to move on to the next. Allure gave no mercy as she battled with some of the fiercest warriors. There was a slight smirk on her lips.

  “She is magnificent,” Eve said.

  She was. And she was his.

  Allure blocked another blow from a warrior, then spun into another, slicing at them. They slid away. Turning, she pushed out with her power, sending one flying. They spun with it, rotating back into her. The way they moved was exhilarating. The motion of it almost made her forget the man watching them.

  Why do he and Eve look so cosy? The image of Eve snuggled up against him filled her. She shouldn’t care. Yet she found that it bothered her. Bringing her attention back to the fight, she caught the tip of Kaitya’s sword between two fingers. She used the momentum to pull her in. Kaitya smiled, a deadly grin. It was so much like Kalina’s.

  Kaitya’s sword changed into a whip, snaking around Allure’s fingers, reeling her in. Allure blew a soft breath to break the whip. She floated in the air. Her back met a firm chest. Turning her head, she met the amber eyes of the man behind her.

  Killian frowned, then said, “A moment.” He shimmered, disappearing.

  Allure frowned, shocked he’d left in the middle of his testing. Before she could register it, he’d returned and was pressed at her back.

  “Let me go!” Storm said in a furious voice.

  Allure glanced beside him and noted he gripped Storm’s arm.

  “Are you going to stay in the building while I deal with this testing?” He sounded like the test was inconsequential.

  “Sure,” Storm said sweetly.

  “I don’t believe you.” Killian made a gesture.

  Pale yellow light encircled Storm. She cursed furiously.

  Killian looked back at Allure. “Now where were we? Ah, yes.” He shot lightening out of his fingertips at her.

  Allure spun down and away from the lightening before it could hit. A whisper of a sound reached her. She flipped in the air. Fire blazed past her as she spun. She rolled into another warrior matching her hand to hand. The other warriors joined in and they pushed her down to the centre ring. When her feet touched the ground they closed in forming a circle around her. Their energy pressed against her, pinging from one to the other, caging her in-between them.

  Allure made her sword disappear. Sliding into the splits, she rolled her hands, moulding their energy, sucking it in, then pushed out. They flew back away from her, flipping in the air and landing on their feet. Leaning over onto her stomach, she pressed her hands on the floor and infused it with power. It undulated, bucking under the Amazonian Warriors only. No one else was affected. The warriors slid along the ridges and hills as they came towards her. Turning her head, she glanced at Vaughn.

  The hunger in his gaze made her breath catch. Dragging her attention away from him, she watched as the warriors came nearer. Once they were close enough, she slid her legs together and used her power to push herself back from those in front of her, ignoring for the moment the rest of them circling her. She formed her whip and lashed out at them, wrapping around each of them one at a time until all fifteen were in the grip of her weapon. Standing with a fluid motion, she held them in her whip. The rise of their power flared as they tried to turn the energy she was using on them back on her. Allure held firm the whip and the power she imbued it with as they battled for supremacy.

  “Draw!” Christos cut in.

  Allure released them immediately. She straightened, shoulders back, hands placed over each other, palm out behind her back.

  “Draw. They can keep going. My Amazonian Warriors can go for years battling,” Niya said.

  “This isn’t about battle. It’s testing to see if they can stand up to what an agent has to. And this one is a draw.” Christos was firm.

  The Amazonian Warriors bowed to Allure. She returned the sign of respect. She went back and joined
the other Assassination Agents taking part in testing. Glancing up, she saw Storm floating above them. Storm flew across the area, then came to rest next to her.

  “Hold this for me.” Killian’s arrogant tone sounded in Allure’s thoughts.

  “I’m not a ‘this’. My name is Storm, you fucker. And you’ll do well to remember it,” Storm yelled.

  Allure stifled a smile. Killian didn’t know what he was in for, pissing her aunt off. Allure glanced back at the centre ring. Lennox strode out. He stood straight and tall. He looked like an immovable object. There were murmurs in the stands behind her. She knew the agents were curious to see how the Amazonian Warriors would battle a Shadower. Killian walked up to Lennox, then put his hand on his shoulder, and Lennox matched him. In one blink to the next, they were there then light and dark mixed as they became illuminated. Awed, Allure stared.

  The dark, she assumed, was Lennox, and the light, Killian. Suddenly, the light shot out, touching each Amazonian Warrior. Their skin seemed to shed, and they became pure light. The murmurs of the crowd increased.

  The dark rose, cutting through the light, and they danced in a display of colours too dizzying to follow.

  “Draw!” Christos called.

  “Hmm. Seems as if my warriors are matching your agents. Is that the best you’ve got?” Niya goaded.

  “You haven’t seen the best yet. It’s still early, Niya,” Christos replied lazily.

  Lennox reformed, then Killian. They slid their hands down each other’s arm, then gripped the elbow before returning to their respective lines. The next tester stepped up.

  Allure absently watched as they tested the warriors. She felt Vaughn’s gaze on her like a physical touch. His scrutiny didn’t waver as the day went on and the testing continued, each ending in a draw.

  “That’s it for the day. We’ll begin tomorrow at six,” Christos said.

  The crowd dispersed. Killian strode over to Storm and Allure.

  “Until tomorrow, Davis,” Killian said, addressing Storm. He released her.

  Then he turned on his heel and went to join his fellow warriors as they departed.

  “That insufferable man,” Storm said.

  “He’s your partner, and you’ll have to deal with him,” Allure said as they walked out together.


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