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Silken Inferno

Page 5

by Taige Crenshaw

  She knew she owed him much more of an apology. But Vaughn and she knew each other too well. She never discussed emotions and all that crap. It wasn’t her style. He’d leave her be, then at his own time confront her then they would clear the air. It was their process.

  Vaughn put down his pen and leant back. “Is that what you want?”

  “It is.” She nodded, turning and walking out.

  Vaughn stared after Allure as she left. He’d sensed the moment she had spoken to Christos. It was as if the air had taken a breath. He was glad she was trying to make a relationship with Christos. It would be what Claude would have wanted. Pain for his dead friend filled him. Claude…the one thing that brought them together, yet stood between them.

  “Even from the grave, you’re a manipulative son of a bitch,” Vaughn said.

  He picked up his pen. He would accept Allure’s tentative overture of friendship. For now.

  “Only back two days and already you’re meddling.”

  “Don’t have time for you, Christos. Lots of work to do,” Vaughn said, not looking up.

  “I’m the boss, so make time.”

  “Is this about business?”

  “No,” Christos said.

  “Then it can wait,” Vaughn said.

  “Allure is not the only one who pushed people away, you bastard,” Christos lashed out.

  Vaughn put down his pen. “Fine. What do you want to hear?” He glanced up.

  Christos sat sprawled in the chair before his desk. “You can tell others when they’re wrong, but can’t see when it’s yourself.”

  Vaughn sighed, then stood, before coming around the desk. “Okay. When Claude died, I should have listened to you and filled in Allure on the agency and you. Her finding out the way she did about everything was not the way it should have been done.”

  “Now you need to tell her that.” Christos stood to meet him.

  “I will as soon as she asks the two questions she wants answered.”

  “What questions are those?” Christos watched him intently.

  “It’s between me and her.” Vaughn shook his head.

  “You’re annoying. First you can’t tell me what you found out about her. And now this.” Christos sounded exasperated.

  “Once I tell her, then I’ll fill you in. Now how about a beer for a friend?”

  “Already ahead of you. Ryne and Lennox will meet us at my house. We’re cooking out.” Christos headed for the door.

  Vaughn followed him. Much later, as he ate, laughed and caught up with his buddies, his thoughts kept going back to Allure. He’d have to wait and see if she was truthful about wanting to be partners and friends.

  Is friendship enough? Vaughn took a drag from his beer. At least for now, it would have to be.

  * * * *

  Vaughn put away another file. Glancing back at his desk, he was pleased to see he had worked through the backlog that had piled up.

  “What time did you get in?” Ryne asked, strolling in.

  “Four a.m.—wanted to get a head start on familiarising myself with some of our open cases. And clearing out all the files that had accumulated since I’ve been gone,” Vaughn replied.

  “We’ll keep you off the rotation of investigation until you’re done.”

  “I’m done.” Vaughn smirked.

  “Eight years of work?” Ryne gaped.


  “You were always an overachiever, but damn. How’d you do that? And please show me. The pile on my desk is about to create its own zip code.”

  “It’s called organisation. Look it up,” Vaughn quipped.

  “Funny. Got your inter-message you wanted to see me.” Ryne sprawled in the chair by the round table.

  Vaughn joined him at the table. “It’s time for us to get serious about hiring assistants. We touched on it briefly before, but dismissed it. With the workload we have, we each need one.”

  Ryne said, “I don’t know. With the sensitivity of the case, and with whatever Eve has to tell us, I don’t think it’s the right time.”

  “You’re just stalling. Do you want to be stuck behind the desk, bogged down in paperwork all the time, or have a chance to be out in the field?”

  “In the field. When I was out with Kalina during the search for Eve, I thought the paperwork would be piled up, but it wasn’t. Zola stepped up and took care of it. Maybe I can ask him,” Ryne mused.

  “You should. An assistant can help with some of the things we have to do.”

  “I don’t think he would go for it. When I got back, he almost took my head off, saying he didn’t want to have to see another piece of paper again. Or deal with other whiney units. I can so relate. Hell, the other units have been sending me gifts they’re so glad I’m back.” Ryne chuckled.

  “Even more of a reason to ask him. He’ll cut down on the crap we get from other units. At least ask him,” Vaughn said.

  “Okay. But with what’s going on with Eve, I don’t think there’s a way to keep someone who’ll be working closely with us out,” Ryne said.

  “I know. I already mentioned it to Christos and Eve. And they agreed to bring our assistants into everything once you choose.”

  “When did you do all that?” Ryne demanded.

  “Unlike some people, I was in at four.”

  “If you want to come in at that time, that’s up to you. I’m not on any pressing cases,” Ryne replied.

  “Not to mention you have Kalina in your bed,” Vaughn said.

  “True enough. So, oh, early achiever, what else have you got up your sleeve?”

  “We have a meeting in an hour with the team to fill them in on the new assistants.”

  “You already picked yours? Wait… I haven’t asked Zola yet,” Ryne protested.

  “Yes, I have. Her name is Megara Crux.”

  “That name isn’t someone in the agency I’m familiar with.”

  “She’s not from the agency,” Vaughn said.

  Ryne sat up. “You’re bringing in an untested agent…a newbie…as your assistant?” he asked in disbelief.

  “It’s a special circumstance. I was going to talk Christos about special testing for her, but wasn’t sure if he would go for it. But with the special testing of the Amazonian Warriors, I mentioned it, and he agreed to give her the same opportunity.”

  “I can’t believe all the Amazonian Warriors testing ended in a draw.” Ryne shook his head.

  “Niya did say we would eat our words. Although she was pissed off Christos called a draw instead of fighting to the death. Hell, she was pissed off she lost fourteen of her warriors. Their orientation is later today and then they will be sent to their respective units,” Vaughn said.

  “Fourteen?” Ryne’s eyes narrowed then he grinned. “Megara was one of them. Why all the secrecy?”

  “At the request of the woman who led me around for eight years. She was already pissed off I had convinced Megara away from her. So I gave her the concession of privacy. Megara won’t be at the meeting, or orientation today. She has to finish up some things at her old job. She’ll start at the agency in a few months. Zola will handle things until then,” Vaughn said.

  “Why won’t you tell me what you found out?” Ryne asked.

  “I can’t. Not yet. She needs to be told first,” Vaughn said.

  “I hope Allure appreciates what you’ve done for her,” Ryne said.

  “It doesn’t matter if she does or not. It’s what I had to do.” Vaughn shrugged. “You have an hour to convince Zola to take the job as your assistant. He’s in your office waiting for you.”

  “He is? God, I’m going to need the whole hour to convince him.” Ryne stood abruptly.

  “You can do it.”

  Ryne flipped him off going out of the door.

  “No need to be rude!” Vaughn called. He chuckled, stood and walked back to his desk.

  After their meeting with their team about the changes in staff, he and Ryne rushed to their meeting with Christos.
r />   “Do you know what I had to do to convince Zola to take the job?” Ryne griped.

  “I don’t want to know,” Vaughn said, striding into the conference room ahead of him.

  “It’s all your fault,” Ryne said.

  Vaughn ignored him and took his seat. He noted that in addition to those in the meeting yesterday, the others who had been advised about Eve were also present.

  “After their agreement, Eve has scanned Storm and Harmony. Now she’ll fill you all in on what she told me yesterday,” Christos said.

  “Kalina,” Eve began, “when you heard the word Armageddon, you automatically placed the human pronunciation on it. You all did. But after walking in Kalina’s thoughts, I realise the people who brought me back weren’t trying to make me rise. They tried to kill me, so they could get the location of A’rm Ageddon.” Eve glanced around. “I was the first Firebird to rise, thereby linking to humanity and the other realms. Seconds later, another rose—A’rm Ageddon. She is the link to the Vilemuin and Xielie.”

  “No. That’s not real. It’s a myth,” Vaughn said.

  “A folktale told to scare other beings,” Ryne interjected.

  “It is truth,” Lennox stated firmly.

  Vaughn looked at him sharply. Lennox had an inscrutable look on his face.

  “Explain it in small words, so those of us who don’t know what you’re talking about understand,” Allure added dryly.

  Eve smiled. “A sharp tongue dealing with this one.” She gestured at Vaughn.

  He gave her a look of warning. Eve winked, then sobered.

  “Xielie is the veil that keeps the nastier side of the Dlrowlleh realm from tainting other dimensions. Vilemuin is the veil that keeps the various realms from this one.”

  “I still don’t get how this A’rm Ageddon affects here,” Allure said.

  “If they bring her back, she will rip down the Xielie, and ultimately that will bring down the Vilemuin.”

  “So if I understand this, some big bad thing will tear shit down, thus bringing Armageddon, and her name is A’rm Ageddon, which sounds just like what she’s bringing. That is funny.” Storm chuckled.

  “This is not amusing,” Killian stated coldly.

  “It sure as hell is. What I’d like to know is how you know so much about it?” Storm drummed her fingers one by one on the table.

  “She’s my twin sister,” Eve said dispassionately.

  “Well, damn. There are two of you,” Storm said, then looked at her suspiciously. “How do we know you aren’t lying and are really the bad one?”

  “Storm!” Allure straightened, glaring at her.

  “What? I’m to take her word? She didn’t mine, so why should I take hers?” Storm gestured to Eve.

  “Fair enough.” Eve smiled not seeming to be offended.

  “See? She gets it.” Storm smirked at Allure.

  “I do,” Eve purred.

  Storm’s eyes went wide and she gasped, stumbling back. Harmony flew out of her chair, quickly followed by Allure. They stood beside Storm, Allure on her left and Harmony her right gripping her hands. They raised their free hands, bringing them together in front of Storm. Storm’s head snapped forward, and her eyes opened, blazing. Then Harmony and Allure’s eyes blazed. Storm released Allure’s and Harmony’s hands, then placed her hands palm out over theirs and pushed. Allure and Harmony mirrored her. A tri-ball of light in white, yellow and red flew from her, hitting Eve in the chest. She skidded back into the wall—hard. It cracked from the force. She stepped forward, rolling her shoulders, then brushed off her clothing.

  Those around the table had been scattered from the force of their combined power. Vaughn stood, fist clenched, staring at Storm, Allure and Harmony. They appeared shocked and baffled. A few others in the room mirrored their looks.

  Vaughn turned furious. “Eve.”

  “They needed to know.” Eve shrugged, a smug smile on her lips.

  “You had no right!” Vaughn protested.

  “I have every right. I know you. You would have waited for her to decide.” She gestured to Allure. “We don’t have the time for that. They needed to know.”

  Vaughn took a step towards her. A melodious voice stopped him.

  “They did, but not with all the drama, Eve.” The speaker was behind Vaughn and he turned and met fathomless silver eyes. The woman shimmered, revealing the rest of her form. He saw her expression and bit back a curse. The newly arrived woman nodded to him, then focused on Storm, Allure and Harmony.

  “I’m Zarya Burke, and we have much to discuss.”

  “Zarya, we agreed I would tell them.” Vaughn took a step closer to them.

  “That has changed with Eve’s interference. This needs to be done now.” Zarya lifted her hand.


  “You can tell Allure. I’ll handle Storm and Harmony. Come with me, ladies.”

  “I’m not going anywhere with you. What the hell is going on?” Harmony demanded.

  “Ahh… I expected resistance from Storm, but not you. No matter. We leave now.” Zarya waved a delicate hand.

  Silver mist covered Harmony and Storm, then the two women were gone.

  “Where did you take my family?” Allure demanded, drawing her swords.

  Zarya looked at her and laughed. “Don’t pull weapons on me until you learn the correct way to use them.”

  “Bring them back, or I’ll show you how I use a sword,” Allure promised.

  “Ask Vaughn.” In a blink, Zarya was gone.

  “Vaughn. Take me to them. Now.” Allure turned on him, furiously brandishing her weapons before her.

  “Leave us,” Vaughn said.

  He waited in silence while everyone left the room. He was thankful no one said anything. He knew there would be questions later, especially from Christos. Vaughn walked over to Allure. The look in her eyes clearly said she wanted to cut him up. He ignored the swords, closing the space between them. At the last moment, she made them disappear. Vaughn jerked her up against him.

  “Ask me the question you want answered.”

  “Where are Harmony and Storm?” she flexed her hand.

  “No. Not that one. The one you left on my voicemail eight years ago,” Vaughn said.

  Allure stiffened. “You got it.”

  “I did. Ask me.”

  “Now is not the time for that. I need to find Harmony and Storm.”

  “This is the time. Ask me,” Vaughn insisted.

  “Why did you leave me?”

  Chapter Four

  Her question ripped through him like it had the first time he’d heard it, eight years ago, right after he’d turned her and had left. It had taken everything in him then to not turn back and go to her.

  “I went to keep the promise I made to you and Claude, to find out about your powers. How you could do what you did.”

  Allure pushed him away. “After you turned me, it didn’t matter. Not anymore.”

  “It did. I took the one thing you valued most—your humanity, and by extension, your family.”

  “That’s guilt. Your guilt. Running from me instead of facing me and what you did.”

  Vaughn released her, turning from her, pushing his hand through his hair. “I didn’t feel guilty about saving you. I would do it again. You wanted to die, but I couldn’t let you. And no matter what you say, it mattered for you to know who you were. Who your people were. I know it bugged you. And when you and Claude asked for my help, I gladly said I would find out. I looked into it when he was killed and then all my focus was on you. Making sure you survived, at least the length of your human life. I didn’t expect to change you. When I did, I left to fulfil the promise I’d made.”

  “None of this is relevant to finding Harmony and Storm.”

  “You don’t have to worry about them. They’re safe.”

  “Who is this Zarya Burke, and why did she take them?”

  Vaughn took a breath, turning to her. “I found your family.”

’re the last of our family.” Allure shook her head.

  “Not blood family. Your kind.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The reason Storm and Harmony are both empaths and seers, and can do certain magical things. The reason even before your conversion to vampire, you can be in one room and see into other rooms without being there. Or wield power over things.”

  “I don’t care. I just want to go to my sister and aunt!” Allure cried.

  “Allure, you will care once Zarya explains it to you. You are a Zuri Maji, one of the most ancient, very powerful and respected warriors. They are from Isis herself. They pre-date almost all other beings. Even Eve. This is why you can do all you do.” Vaughn paced before her then stopped. “Zarya is the one of the high council of your race. Most defer to her leadership in things concerning anything that affects your people. She and many of the Zuri Maji work at a place called Rar—”

  “I do not care. I want to go to my sister and aunt. Now.”

  Vaughn saw that it didn’t matter. All his searching to get her answers about who she was, none of it mattered.

  “Fine. I’ll send you to them,” Vaughn said.

  “Good,” she said.

  Vaughn gestured with his hand and sent her on her way. As she disappeared, he stood wondering why she didn’t seem to care.

  “Explain how you convinced a Zuri Maji to become an agent.” Christos only sounded mildly curious.

  Vaughn turned. He winced at the sight of Christos, Ryne, Niya, Lennox, Eve and Kalina. He took a seat.

  “Technically, Allure, Storm and Harmony are Zuri Maji too.”

  “I let you mix Megara in with my warriors. And you didn’t even tell me the truth.” Niya sounded furious.

  “It was for a good cause,” Christos said.

  “You’re just pleased to get a Zuri Maji on staff,” Niya huffed

  “So then you’re not pissed off, Christos?” Vaughn asked cautiously.

  “Oh, I am, but getting a Zuri Maji from Zarya makes me a little less angry. How’d you do it?”

  “She tried to recruit me for Rarities Incorporated. I just did the same there, and recruited for here. Megara showed interest. I made an offer, and she accepted.”


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