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Silken Inferno

Page 9

by Taige Crenshaw

  Two days and we’re coming to get you. Vaughn got out of the shower, dried off, then went to bed. He slid in next to Allure and pulled her against him. Sleep claimed him quickly.

  A sensation disturbed his sleep. Vaughn blinked blearily. He gasped raggedly as heat enveloped his cock. Glancing down, he moaned, watching Allure suck his cock deep into her mouth. She murmured, lapping at his erection. Allure hollowed her cheeks, sucking on him urgently. She slid off his cock, flicking her tongue over the spongy head of his shaft. Her teeth grazed along his slit. Vaughan arched, shuddering. Allure moaned as she continued sucking him. She swooped down, widening her full lips over his shaft. Allure swallowed, her throat vibrating along his cock.

  Vaughn shuddered then stroked deeper into her mouth. She took each of his thrusts, moaning around him, driving him on. His sac went tight. Roaring, he came. Allure sucked all his cum down greedily. She raised off him, then straddled him. Holding his cock, she rubbed it against the entrance of her pussy. Vaughn went rock hard again. Allure moaned, rubbing herself against his now revived erection.

  She shifted, rising over him, releasing his cock as she took him in with one downward stroke. Allure rocked against him. She gripped her nipples, tugging them as she rode him. Her face was etched with pleasure. She was a fierce warrior conquering him. He was her willing captive. Allure clenched around him in a rhythm that matched each of her movements.

  Vaughn sat up and licked her fingers as she played with her nipples, pushing his tongue along her fingers to the pebbled flesh. Allure cupped the back of his head, holding him to her breast. He worried the bud with his teeth. She whimpered, a wanton sound. He licked across her chest to the other breast, giving that nipple the same treatment. He moved back and forth between them.

  Allure widened her legs, pressing down onto his cock. Her pussy held his cock in a sensual vice. She grunted with each rock of her hips. Vaughn gripped her ass, pulling her against him. Allure stiffened, moaning wildly. Her pussy clamped down on his cock. Vaughn roared as he came. Her wetness coated his cock. He collapsed back on the bed, struggling to catch his breath. She slumped over him, breathing harshly.

  Allure pushed her damp hair from her face, meeting his gaze. “I l—”

  He covered her lips, stilling her words. Allure jerked away.

  “No. Not this time, Vaughn. You’re going to listen to me. Now,” she stated.

  Vaughn’s breath caught at the fierceness on her face.

  “Why won’t you let me tell you how I feel?”

  “Because you don’t mean it. You still love Claude,” Vaughn said.

  Shock filled her face. He pushed her off him, getting out of bed. With a thought, he put on boxers, then went to stand in front of the window. Her silence let him know his assumption was correct.

  “I’m okay with it. I can accept what you can give me.” He said the words despite them being a lie.

  Slow clapping made him turn. Allure was fully dressed, bringing her hands together. She lowered them.

  “Such a fucking martyr. Let me see if I got this right. You think I love Claude.”

  “I know you do. And you blame me for his death.”

  “Did you blow him up?”

  “No, but—”

  “Did you do everything to try to save him?”

  “Yes, I did, b—”

  “So how are you to blame for his death?”

  “I am. I should have done more.”

  “Again with the guilt. It must be a real load to carry around.”

  “Don’t be flippant about this,” Vaughn growled.

  “What? I should blame you and hold another grudge for eight years? You called me on it when you returned. Like you always have. It’s our dynamic. Usually I don’t have to call you on shit like this. But this time, I am. Get over yourself. You’re not to blame for Claude’s death. No more than I am.”

  Vaughn glanced at her, surprised.

  “Yes, I blamed myself for not being there to save him. It’s why I wanted to die. Why, when I didn’t and you turned me, I turned on you. For that, I’m sorry. And I’m sorry I let you distract me with sex instead of confronting this.” Allure waved her hand. “Get over yourself, Vaughn. Claude wouldn’t have wanted you to use your guilt like a shield to push me away.”

  Vaughn stiffened at the similarity of the words he had said months ago.

  “You’re right, you know,” Allure said.

  “About what?”

  “I still love Claude.”

  Pain lanced through him.

  Allure continued. “I’ll always love him. But once you get your head out of your ass, come and see me, and I’ll fill you in on a few things.”

  Allure turned and walked out. Vaughn trudged to the bed. He sat heavily. He ran his fingers through his hair. Allure’s words—‘I’ll always love him’—ran in his mind. How could he compete against a dead man?

  * * * *

  Allure slammed the door of her house. She stomped up the steps to her bedroom she paused and glanced around. The layer of dust in the room showed how little time she had spent here over the past few weeks.

  “You really were too hard on him. He is, after all, just a man.” Eve appeared before her.

  “How dare you eavesdrop on our conversation?!” Allure glared at Eve.

  “I care about you both. Although, with your prickly attitude, I’m not sure if I should.”

  “Get out, Eve,” Allure gritted out.

  “You should fuck him until he’s too weak to think foolish thoughts, then tell him how you feel. He’ll be too spent and fulfilled to argue with you. That’s what I would do.” Eve shrugged.

  “Why are you here?” Allure asked.

  “Another of those girlfriend things. I’ve been reading up on it. When the man pisses you off, the girlfriends gather and commiserate on his faults. There’s a lot of yummy food involved. And yeah, this too.” Eve waved her hand.

  Allure gaped as her clothing changed to her baggy T-shirt and sweats. She looked back at Eve who was similarly dressed.

  “You know you’re delusional, right?”

  “Just being a girlfriend.” Eve snapped her fingers.

  Allure felt herself fade then she came back to form. “Omph.” Allure grunted as she fell onto her couch.

  “First changing my clothing and then moving me to my living room. Are you on a power trip or something?” She glared at Eve as she sat beside her. Allure righted herself. Her mouth fell open as she spotted the centre table filled with comfort food. There were various types of ice cream and toppings. Chocolate in every flavour, and cookies galore. Light glinted off the wine glasses and bottles of wine. Bottles of beer were beside them.

  “Ahh… Did I forget something?” Eve mused. Allure glanced at her. Eve tapped her finger on her lip. She sat up. “Oh yeah.”

  She waved her hand.

  “What the hell?” Storm asked.

  Allure winced as her aunt came into view sitting on the floor. A second later, Harmony appeared.

  She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. “This had better be good.”

  “Umm…Ryne,” Kalina moaned, her eyes closed, straddling the floor, moving her naked body back and forth.

  She frowned, touching the carpet. Her eyes popped open.

  “What the fuck?” Kalina roared.

  “Language, Kalina,” Niya said, materialising and cocking her hip. “Is there a reason you summoned me here, Eve?”

  “I’d like to know the same thing.” Megara sounded pissed off.

  “It’s a party,” Tempest said as dryly as she appeared.

  “Or a wake, if we kill Eve,” Kaitya added.

  Allure stifled a laugh as the women glared at Eve.

  “Hush. Girlfriend code dictates you be here when your girl”—she gestured to Allure—”needs you. It supersedes everything else. Including sex.” Eve eyed Kalina’s naked form, then continued, “It involves eating, and lots of cursing about men. Lots of fun. My first man-bashing n
ight with my girls.” Eve bounced up and down on the chair.

  “Is she crazy? Maybe sleeping so long addled her brain,” Storm said.

  “I don’t care what the hell it is. I’m going back to Ryne.” Kalina stood. She frowned. “Why can’t I shimmer?”

  “No one is going anywhere. We’re going to be girlfriends for Allure. Now sit down, and shut the hell up and eat!” Eve roared.

  The women just stared at her.

  “Yep. She’s bat shit crazy,” Tempest said.

  “She’s fine. She’s always like this when she gets a bee in her ass.” Cairo materialised.

  “Why’d you take so long to come at my demand?” Eve said.

  “I decided if I wanted to come. Thought this would be too entertaining to miss. Like the time she threw that party for Ra as a surprise. Boy, was he pissed off she’d moved the pyramids to make space,” Cairo said, looking at Niya.

  “Oh God, I forgot about that. He wanted to kill her. Adam had hell convincing him not to.” Niya laughed.

  “Shut up. This time, this is a good thing to be appreciated,” Eve insisted.

  “No, it’s not,” Allure said.

  “It is. This is what girlfriends do.”

  “Oy. Have you been researching again, Eve?” Cairo asked.

  “There’s this fascinating thing called the Internet. Has all this useful information.” Eve bounced on the chair.

  “Has she already been in the sugar? She’s making me tired.” Storm sprawled back on the floor.

  “I haven’t yet. First we must listen to Allure as she bashes Vaughn. Then we eat,” Eve advised.

  “Says who? We can eat and listen.” Cairo picked up some ice cream and handed it out. She paused at Kalina. “You have a stunning body, sweetie, but no one here appreciates it like Ryne would. So some clothes, please.”

  Kalina clothed herself in a tank and boy shorts.

  “That’s not the right clothing,” Eve said.

  “She can wear whatever she wants. There’s no uniform,” Niya said, crossing her legs and sitting on the floor. She snagged a tub of ice cream. The rest of the women sat around the room.

  “See? That’s how you do it,” Eve praised.

  “Don’t push your luck,” Kalina said.

  “What is this all about, anyway?” Harmony came and sat next to Allure.

  Allure pursed her lips.

  “Vaughn is being an ass,” Eve said.

  “I thought I was the one to do the bashing,” Allure said dryly.

  Eve looked contrite. “Sorry. I got caught up in it. Go ahead.”

  “Why don’t you take this girlfriend thing to Vaughn?” Allure asked.

  “That won’t work. He’s a man. There’s a manly ritual he has to do. I sent Christos, Ryne and the others to him for that ritual.” Eve made a grand gesture.

  “Boy, would I love to see Christos’ face right now,” Niya said gleefully.

  “And Ryne’s,” Kalina said.

  “Vaughn must be wondering what the hell is going on,” Harmony said.

  “They’d have to hit him over the head with a brick for him to get a clue,” Allure said bitterly.

  “Yeah. That ass. Have some ice cream.” Eve handed her a tub.

  Allure took it. “This doesn’t mean I want to talk about it.”

  “Of course not. We can eat and not talk about him.” Eve patted her hand, then winked at the others.

  “She really is strange, but Eve might have a point. Why is Vaughn an ass?” Storm asked.

  Allure said, “He won’t listen to me.”

  “Really. And you listen to folks?” Storm mocked.

  “Shut up.” Allure picked up a cookie and pitched it at her.

  Storm caught it, then took a big bite.

  “Men are pigs,” Megara said.

  Allure gaped at her. Megara emptied the wine glass she held. She picked up a wine bottle, then lowered it and looked at Allure.

  “What? They are. No matter how many millennia, they have the same issues. Hard-headed and think they know everything.”

  “Amen,” echoed around the room.

  Allure slid off the couch to the floor. She listened as the women discussed their experiences with men.

  I hope Vaughn comes to his senses. She looked across the way at his lit house.

  * * * *

  “Save us from meddling women,” Christos said.

  “Here, here,” echoed around the room.

  Vaughn looked around at the men whom he had worked closely with the last few months. When he had popped from his room into the living room, he had felt Eve’s energy. When Christos had collapsed next to him on the couch, Vaughn had sighed. He’d known it meant Eve was on one of her grand scheme things. He’d grabbed a beer from the table laden with snacks she had provided. He’d drunk as each man had appeared. When they all were there, he’d advised them that, until whatever Eve thought should happen did, they were stuck.

  She was a controlling little pest. The men hadn’t been pleased, but once they’d accepted they weren’t going anywhere, the drinking had started then the commiseration about manipulative women. Vaughn leaned his head back on the chair. He just wanted to be left in peace.

  “You all are having a party and didn’t invite me?” Lennox’s voice sounded tired.

  He detached from the shadows. Vaughn sat up, startled. Lennox waved him back down, then sat heavily in a chair. They silently watched him.

  “The Shadow World is in disarray. Blagden has turned a lot of them,” Lennox said rawly.

  “What can we do?”

  “Nothing about him. Try to catch those we can. Plan and wait for what he’ll do.” Lennox breathed out. “Fyodor has been named king in his father’s stead.”

  “By the Shadower code, any of his line should not be on the throne. If his father turned, why did they name him in his place?” Christos demanded.

  “He was the one who figured out Blagden’s duplicity. Went up against him and ousted him from the Shadow World,” Lennox stated.

  Vaughn sat back, shocked. To do such a thing had to have cost Fyodor much.

  “Fyodor asked me to be his second.”

  “Wouldn’t you have to be in the Shadow World for that?” Vaughn said.

  “No. They’re coming here. They have asked the inter-council for amnesty.”

  “They what?” Ryne stood abruptly.

  “They have to come here. Blagden ripped the veil between the Shadow World and the Xielie.”

  “What do you mean he ripped the veil between the Shadow World and the Xielie? I thought the Shadow World was in the Xielie, and it was the Shadowers’ job to guard that realm to keep order,” Vaughn said.

  “That’s what we let everyone believe. We keep order in the Xielie, but we are in between it and the other realm. We stop the Xielie from seeping into the other dimensions. With the chaos, it’s no longer possible for those Shadowers left to stay there. In order to patch the rift, the Shadowers are giving up their world, thus making it the new Xielie.”

  “So this request for amnesty is temporary until we can stop Blagden,” Ryne said.

  Vaughn already knew what he would say before he did. There was hopelessness to Lennox.

  “No. With the chaos, there will never be a physical Shadow World again,” Lennox said softly.

  “I’m sorry, Lennox,” Vaughn said quietly.

  “I am too,” Lennox said.

  They all were silent.

  “I need to be scanned by Eve,” Lennox said suddenly.

  “Why? We trust you,” Christos replied.

  “I know you do, old friend. But with all that chaos I felt while there… I don’t trust myself.”

  Vaughn stood, then went over to Lennox. He put his hand on his shoulder. “You said ‘physical world’, Lennox. Where will the Shadow World be?”

  “Each Shadower will carry a part of it. If they turn Xiruis, the rest left will observe it,” Lennox said.

  “When are the Shadowers coming?”
/>   “They’re staying until the last possible moment. They’ll be reinforcing the Shadow World, so when the Xielie crashes, it can hold it from the other dimension.”

  “Maybe that can stop Blagden,” Ryne said.

  “It won’t. Fyodor said he is obsessed with unleashing A’rm Ageddon.”

  “We’ll just have to prepare. Find those in on this with him,” Vaughn said.

  He squeezed Lennox’s shoulder and went back to his seat. They discussed strategies on what they could do. Much later, he left the others in the kitchen, heading back to the living room. Vaughn stood looking out of the window at Allure’s brightly lit house.

  “You’re lucky to have Allure by your side,” Lennox said as he came to join him.

  “That’s not important in the big scheme of things,” Vaughn said.

  “What the hell kind of statement is that?” Lennox tugged him around to face him.

  “There are more important things to worry about,” Vaughn said.

  “She’s your mate. There’s nothing more important than that,” Lennox growled.

  “Maybe she isn’t. I manipulated her,” Vaughn said.

  “You really are an idiot,” Lennox said.

  “Look, this d—”

  “Get your head out of your ass. Mates are for life. They are born to be with you. It’s not something you can manipulate. None of us can change that.”

  “Claude was her mate too. She still loves him,” Vaughn said bitterly.

  “When she was human, he was her mate. If she had turned, her soul would have recognised yours,” Lennox said.

  Vaughn stilled as he registered what Lennox had said. “Son of a bitch. Claude knew that. That’s why he…” He trailed off.

  “Yes, he did. And made you promise him to take care of her. He loved you both, and saw his death. And her rebirth.” Lennox inclined his head.

  He walked away. Vaughn blinked, then shook his head

  “That manipulative son of a bitch.”

  “My mother would fry your ass for that remark,” Christos said.

  “You knew.”

  “We shared everything except that. He didn’t tell me until after he had passed. Lennox brought his soul to see me and he filled me in. He had no idea both your and Allure’s stubbornness would make it take so long.” Christos smiled gently.


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