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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 5

by Tia Siren

  I took a long lunch, hoping to miss the happy couple’s return. I happened to run into Tiffany as she was leaving. It took every ounce of self-control I had to keep my mouth shut. I so wanted to tell her I had been with her fiancé a short few weeks ago and it had been my name on his lips.

  I managed to get through the day knowing I was going out for drinks with Courtney that night. I needed to blow off some steam. I had holed up the past couple days trying to come to terms with getting shut down so hard on Saturday night. My ego was seriously bruised.

  I stripped off my business jacket and went with my sleeveless blouse—unbuttoned a couple buttons—let my hair down, and considered it a good enough transformation from work to bar attire.

  “There you are!” Courtney greeted.

  She was sitting at the bar, sipping on a martini. “I got stuck making changes to His Highness’s schedule.”

  “Sorry. I still think you need to look for a different job. He has way too much power over you.”

  “I know. I’m thinking about it. If I have to see that woman come prancing in on her big-ass heels with that big-ass ring on her finger another day this week, I’m going to lose my cool.”

  “Good. Let’s get you a drink,” she said, waving a hand in the air.

  I was delivered an apple martini, which I quickly dug into.

  “I hate them,” I groaned. “She is so wrong for him. She is very materialistic. I don’t know what he sees in her.”

  “You know what he sees,” she said with a sigh.

  “I don’t think I’m prettier than her, but I know I’m smarter. I mean, what kind of conversations can they have? What’s his favorite color? Should she get a boob job?”

  Courtney let me bitch about William and Tiffany for a while before she finally had enough. I knew I was obsessed. It wasn’t healthy. I had to get a life.

  “No more. I don’t want to hear his name or hers. Period. I’m over it. You’re really obsessing. You’re never going to get over him if you don’t stop talking about him.”

  “She’s right,” a male voice to my right said.

  I turned to look at him. I groaned. “Oh God, when did you get here?”

  “I’ve been here long enough to hear you carrying on about my brother enough to make me sick. Why are you so obsessed with him?” Harry asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Try me. I’d like to know what it was he said or did that wrapped you around his little finger.”

  Courtney giggled. I spun my head around and shot her a look before turning back to Harry. “I’m not wrapped around his little finger.”

  “You are. Remember, I was there for the most embarrassing moment of your life—your words. He doesn’t deserve you.”

  “Exactly what I’ve been trying to tell her!” Courtney chimed in.

  “You wouldn’t understand. We were, uh, dating, kind of. It was only a month ago.”

  He smirked. “Dating? Isn’t that called a fling or an affair? And I knew about the two of you.”

  “How? You couldn’t have. No one did.”

  He took a drink of his beer. “You’ve been talking about it the last thirty minutes, and you haven’t been real quiet about it. I now know more about my brother’s sex life than I ever cared to. I feel dirty.”

  “You should. Eavesdropping is rude.”

  “Ha! It isn’t eavesdropping when something is being shouted from the rooftops.”

  Courtney laughed again. “He’s right. You’ve been a little loud. I hope no one in here knows Tiffany.”

  I slapped a hand to my forehead. “You should have told me.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t care if she finds out. You shouldn’t either.”

  “She’d still marry him,” Harry quipped. “She isn’t marrying him because she loves him or cares about who he sleeps with. She cares about the name and the money. She’ll give him plenty of space to sow his wild oats, but it will be with women she approves of. I doubt you’ll be approved of. You’re a threat to her happy marriage. She’ll want women she can control and scare off if she thinks they’re getting too close.”

  “I’m not going to be his mistress.”

  “Good,” Courtney and Harry agreed.

  I rolled my eyes. “Everyone has an opinion. You guys don’t know him like I do.”

  Harry scoffed. “He let you see one side of him. Trust me, William is a chameleon. He can be whoever he needs to be in the moment. My parents have trained him well. He can be anybody he needs to be to close the deal.”

  I groaned. “Are you saying he played me?”

  Courtney cursed. “What an ass.”

  “No. There’s no way that was all a game. He was sincere,” I insisted.

  Harry put one of his hands on my forearm that was resting on the bar. “Trust me, he knows how to work people. How do you think he’s been so successful? He can make anyone feel as if they are special and that he cares. It’s all an act.”

  “Oh God, I’m such an idiot.” I hid my head behind my hand and groaned.

  “Let me buy you a drink. Maybe that’ll help you forget about my big brother.”

  “No, thank you,” I told him.

  He ignored me and ordered another apple martini for me.

  “I have to get going,” Courtney said, sliding off her stool.

  I turned to look at her, begging with my eyes. She couldn’t leave me alone with the brother. She smiled and waved and left me sitting there with a full drink.

  “I guess it’s just the two of us,” Harry said from beside me.

  I turned to look at him, and once again I was taken back by how handsome he was. The family resemblance was strong, but Harry had a touch of bad boy that made him attractive in a different way. I had a feeling he knew he was gorgeous. He had an air of arrogance about him. Usually, that would be a turn-off, but he somehow drew me in.

  “How long have you worked at the company?” he asked.

  “A few years,” I replied.

  “Don’t quit if you don’t want to, but I think you’re too good to be working for him.”

  “Thanks, I think, but I don’t know about that. I need a job. I don’t have a big fat trust fund to support me. You know, reason number one William didn’t want me,” I said with a sigh.

  “You have to let that go. William was always going to marry Tiffany or someone like her. He should have been upfront with you.”

  I shrugged. “I knew he was too good to be true. I let myself get taken in by the fantasy. It was my Cinderella story. It was stupid, and now I have to deal with reality.”

  He nodded his head. I studied his profile and saw his brow was furrowed.

  “What has you in a bar on a Tuesday evening?”

  He grinned. “You don’t want to know.”

  “Does it have something to do with your brother?”

  He looked at me, and I thought I detected a hint of sadness in his eyes. “You could say that.”

  “I’m sorry. Really, I am,” I said with sincerity.

  He was looking at me in a way that made me squirm. Something shifted between us. I could feel an electric current humming and drawing me in. I knew it was dangerous to get too close. I was going to get burned—again.

  “Want to get out of here?” he asked in a husky voice.

  I knew I should say no, but when I opened my mouth, that wasn’t what I said. “Yes.”

  He jumped off the stool and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go.”

  We walked outside, where he quickly hailed a cab. When we climbed into the back seat, he pulled me against him.

  “I’m the better brother in all ways,” he said, the innuendo hanging in the air.

  I took a deep breath. I had no idea what I was doing. I knew it was stupid.

  “We’ll see about that.”

  He grinned and moved his mouth close to my ear. “I will give you more ecstasy than my brother ever could. Trust me, I have far more practice in that department.”

  I should have hated his cockiness. Instead, it was making me hot. I couldn’t wait to let him try. He couldn’t be all that bad. I knew of his reputation. Besides, what better way to get back at William than to sleep with his little brother?

  An orgasm or two would help me get William out of my mind.

  “We’ll see what you can do. I’ll decide who’s the better brother,” I said cheekily.

  He chuckled. “Oh, you’re going to see. I’m not even worried.”

  I looked up at him and straight into the sexiest pair of blue eyes framed by long black eyelashes. The man was dangerous. I had a feeling I had gone from bad to worse.

  Chapter Eight


  I could feel her nerves kicking in. She reminded me of a frightened cat, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice. I grabbed her hand and pulled her inside the front door of my luxurious penthouse apartment. The moment we were through the door, I turned to her and kissed her. I wanted to get right into things and show her how good her night could be if she chose to stick around.

  I pulled away and led her to the couch.

  “Would you like to sit down?” I asked.

  She nodded and dropped to the leather sofa.

  “How about a drink? Whiskey, wine, water?”

  “I’ll have a glass of wine if you have it,” she said in a strained voice.

  I flipped on a light in the kitchen and quickly poured her a glass of white wine and myself a finger of bourbon. I didn’t want to be drunk, and I certainly didn’t want her wasted either.

  I turned off the light and carried the drinks into the living room. I used the huge remote to turn on the flames to the fireplace and a little mood music. She was smiling when I turned back to face her.

  “You don’t have to try to seduce me,” she said in that same strained voice. “I’m here.”

  I smiled and nodded, scooting closer to her on the couch. “I like it. It’s for me.”

  She took a drink of her wine. I could see she was anxious. I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable. I leaned back, resting my head on the couch, my thigh close enough to hers that I could feel the heat coming off her. We drank in silence, listening to the sultry jazz music streaming through my surround-sound speakers.

  I had a good buzz going and knew she had to be feeling good too.

  “Finished?” I asked her.

  “Yes.” She gave me her empty glass.

  I put both glasses down before turning back to her and running my hand up her leg. I watched her mouth drop open a fraction and leaned forward. The first kiss had been too chaste for my liking. I wanted to taste her, consume her.

  I pressed my lips against hers and swept my tongue inside, moaning at the taste of wine mixed with apple martini.

  Her mouth opened wider, and her tongue began to duel with mine. My hand moved to her waist before running up the side of her ribcage, my thumb brushing over one pert breast. I could feel the fire burning inside me. Her own passion seemed to match mine. I knew it was going to be an explosive night. She was hot and soft in all the right places and responding to me in a way that made my blood boil.

  I stopped kissing her and pulled away. The couch was not going to work. I needed better access to her body. I stood up, reaching a hand down to her to help her up. She quickly took it and got to her own feet. She kicked off her heels, dropping her a couple inches. I could smell her perfume and had to taste her again.

  My mouth slammed against hers with much more force than I intended. It didn’t scare her off. It flipped a switch somewhere inside her and turned her into a wildcat. Her hands roamed over my chest, rubbing up and then down and then back up to squeeze my pectoral muscles. I mimicked the action, cupping her breasts and squeezing her nipples through the thin silk fabric of her blouse.

  “I need you naked, now,” I said, a growl in my throat.

  She nodded her head, giving me permission to strip her. I made quick work of the buttons down the front of her shirt. Her fingers fumbled with my buttons. I slapped her hands away and ripped my shirt off. She was taking too damn long. I yanked her open shirt down her arms and stared at her breasts pushed up high in a pretty purple bra.

  My hands worked her skirt zipper. She tugged it down, stepping out of it. I took a moment to look at her standing there in her matching bra and panties.

  “Holy fuck, you’re hot,” I said, somewhat surprised by how gorgeous she was.

  I grabbed her hand and led her to my bedroom. The light coming from the bedside table was perfect. I could still see all her gorgeous curves. Her hair was falling around her shoulders. Her lips were red and puffy from my aggressive kisses.

  I pulled off my pants and kissed her again, walking her backward toward my bed.

  “Get up there,” I ordered.

  She sat down and scooted her ass back a few inches, sitting on the bed and looking at me. I let her look. I was proud of my hard body. I stepped closer to her. She reached out and ran a hand over my chest and smiled.

  It was all the encouragement I needed. I leaned down and kissed her, my hands on either side of her, supporting my weight. Her hands roamed over my chest and then into my hair. I loved how she wanted to touch me. The kiss intensified. I reached up and pushed her to her back, following her down with my mouth against hers.

  I rolled to my side, my hands trailing over her body, finding my way between her legs. I palmed her pussy through the purple fabric of her panties and could feel the fiery heat and moisture.

  “Are you wet, Amber? Do you want me?” I whispered against her neck.

  She didn’t answer me. I pushed the heel of my palm hard against her. She groaned and pushed her hips against my palm.

  “Say it.”

  Her head rolled to the side, and her eyes looked up at me. I slid my hand up to her flat belly before running my fingers under the fabric and directly to the bare folds it shielded.

  “Do you want me?” I asked again, running my fingers over her pussy lips but not opening the folds.

  She smiled. “I’m here.”

  I shook my head. “That’s not good enough.”

  I ran one finger down her slit, pressing hard enough to open her under the pressure. My gaze held hers the entire time. Up and down I caressed, feeling the heat pooling. She bit her bottom lip and her eyes drooped.

  “Do you want me?” I asked in a gruff voice.

  She nodded her head.

  “Not good enough. I want to hear it. Say my name.”

  I pushed my finger inside her and felt how hot and tight she was. It took all my control not to climb on top of her and fuck the shit out of her. I could feel my cock weeping.

  “Yes.” She groaned, her teeth working her bottom lip.

  I moved my finger deeper inside, worked it around and then back out, circling her pussy and running over her clit.

  “You’re wet and ready. Say my name, Amber, and I’ll give you what you need.”

  I moved over her, pulling her panties down her legs, needing unfettered access to that beautiful pussy. I nudged her legs open before running a hand up her thigh and moving two fingers inside her. She arched off the bed at the unexpected penetration.

  “Who do you want to fuck you?” I growled, pushing the two fingers higher. I was standing over her, giving me a beautiful view of her body sprawled across my bed, my fingers buried inside her.

  “You!” she cried out, her head rolling back and forth on the mattress.

  I worked my fingers in her, stretching her while making her nice and wet. I pulled my fingers out and worked the hard nub I knew would bring her to her first orgasm. Her legs jerked up, bending at the knees and opening her wider. I stood over her, staring down at her open pussy, and used one hand to squeeze my dick. Watching her writhe on the bed was bringing me very close to my own orgasm. The woman was fucking amazing.

  Her hands were at her sides, fisting the comforter.

  “I won’t let you come until I hear you say my name,” I demanded. I wanted to hear her
say it. I had to. It was a domination thing. I wanted my name on her lips as she reached her peak. I didn’t want her thinking about my brother while I fucked her.

  “Say it,” I shouted, shoving two fingers back inside her.

  “Harry,” she said, moaning.

  I gave her what she needed, tweaking her clit and letting her come on my fingers. I watched as she quivered with the aftershocks of the orgasm before rolling her to her stomach.

  “Get on your knees,” I demanded. I stripped off my briefs and crawled on the bed behind her, quickly unfastening her bra and letting it drop.

  She did as I asked. I didn’t wait for an invitation. I grabbed my hard dick in one hand and guided it to her hole before thrusting in. Her body jerked forward.

  “Oh, damn,” she cried out.

  “Oh, Harry,” I corrected, reaching forward to grab one breast with my dick seated high inside her.

  She pushed back against me.

  “Fuck,” I said through gritted teeth. I hadn’t been expecting it. She nearly made me explode too soon.

  I jerked my hips forward, thrusting deeper inside. I couldn’t seem to control my body and found myself driving into her with a speed I hadn’t known was possible. I felt possessed, hungry and needing more of her.

  “Harry!” she cried out.

  I felt her tightening around my dick and knew she was going to come again. I kept driving into her, helpless to stop my body. Her face hit the mattress, her body sliding upward with ever-violent thrusts. I heard her scream and seconds later my dick was soaked. I stopped moving, holding her hips with my hands and rotating them, rubbing her pussy over my dick as her tight sheath contracted around me.

  I stayed still, letting my heart rate slow before I pulled out and rolled her onto her back. She looked up at me, her eyes heavy-lidded. Her skin had a fine sheen of perspiration that made her look sexier than ever.

  I lowered myself between her legs. She opened them wide of her own volition, her arms reaching up to my chest as I slowly pushed inside her. I watched as her eyes closed, her body welcoming mine once again.


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