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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 15

by Tia Siren

  I walked inside, and he shut the door behind me.

  “Did you need something?” I asked nervously.

  “Have lunch with me,” he rushed out.

  “I can’t. I’m not taking lunch today. I’ve got a ton of work to get done,” I said, hoping I didn’t offend him.

  “It can wait. Please, have lunch with me.”

  I hated when he looked at me like that. I wanted to melt at his feet and tell him he could have whatever he wanted.

  “William, I really can’t. I have to leave on time today. I can’t stay late to get everything done, and it does all need to get done,” I explained.

  “Why do you have to leave on time? What’s so important about today? You work late all the time.”

  I shrugged. “Not today. I have a dinner date.”

  He stared at me. “With who?”

  “Harry,” I said and stepped toward the door.

  I could feel him staring at my back, but I didn’t look back. I couldn’t. I knew I would break down and go to lunch with him if I looked into those eyes. I went back to my desk. I looked up and could see William watching me. He didn’t seem angry. He looked sad.

  The rest of the day flew by. I managed to get everything done and walked out the door about five minutes late. I rushed home, quickly changed into a pair of jeans, an open-shouldered blouse, and a pair of heels. I left my hair down and freshened up my makeup. As expected, Harry showed up a few minutes early.

  “I could have taken a cab to your place,” I told him as we walked toward his car.

  He shrugged. “I wanted to take you out, even if it’s to my place. It’s not very romantic if you have to get yourself there.”

  I laughed. “You’re worried about romancing your fake fiancée?”

  He grabbed me around the waist and gave me a quick kiss before opening the passenger door. “I have to keep up appearances. Besides, I like picking you up.”


  He grinned. “Because then you can’t leave until I’m ready to take you home.”

  He shut the door. When he climbed into the driver’s seat, I looked at him. “You do know I can call a cab or an Uber and leave, right?”

  “But you won’t.”

  The man was too cocky for his own good, I thought with a spiral of heat winding up through my belly. When we arrived at his apartment, I was immediately assaulted by a variety of smells.

  “You did not cook that,” I said, looking at the lasagna on the stove.

  He laughed. “No, I didn’t. I would love to take credit for it, but no. I ordered it from one of my favorite Italian restaurants. I happen to know the chef, and he was happy to do this little favor for me. Now we can enjoy great food in the privacy of my house.”

  “Have you been hounded by the gossip tabloids?” I asked.

  He nodded and laughed. “How did you guess? Stupid questions about whether we’re going to have a double wedding with William and Tiffany or if you’re pregnant and that’s why we’re having a quickie wedding.”

  “A quickie wedding? That’s news to me. I’ve been telling everyone we’re having a long engagement.”

  He laughed. “Exactly why I don’t answer any of their stupid questions. I want to lay low and not have my picture taken tonight.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I agreed.

  We dished up our plates and sat at his tiny table in the large dining room. He probably rarely used the table. He was a man who liked to eat out or while sitting on the couch.

  “How was William today?” he casually asked.

  I shrugged a shoulder. “He was fine. Late for work, which never happens, but he seemed to be in a better mood.”

  Harry shook his head. “I’m not surprised. He was pretty drunk last night.”

  “What? William was drunk?”

  He nodded. “Yes. Now no more talk about my brother.”

  “Works for me.”

  We dug into our meals and chatted about little things that normal couples talked about. We didn’t bring up the wedding or William. It was all about us. We took our glasses of wine into the living room and settled in on the couch. Harry put on some music while we unwound and enjoyed each other’s company. I couldn’t help but notice how attractive he was. Every move he made with his hand or the way he crossed his ankles with his long legs stretched out on the coffee table excited me. I could feel the tension heating up between us. I knew he felt it too.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  The tension between us was ramping up. I caught her looking at me a couple different times. She was chewing on her bottom lip, making me absolutely crazy. I wanted to nibble her lips before I gently kissed them.

  “Stay,” I said in a voice hoarse with arousal.

  “I shouldn’t,” she breathed out.

  “But you want to.”

  She looked at me, and I could see the desire in her eyes. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  “I should go,” she whispered but made no move to leave.

  I smiled. “You probably should. Or, you can stay and let me have my way with you. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  I watched her lips part as she gasped in a breath of air.

  “You’ve had your way with me before. I’m not sure I could survive another night with you.”

  I chuckled. “I promise you’ll survive. I want you, Amber.”

  I reached down and cupped my dick that was already hard and wanting. Her eyes were on my hand as I adjusted myself in my pants.

  When she lifted her eyes to meet mine, I knew I had succeeded.

  “Okay,” she breathed out.

  I stood and grabbed her hand, yanking her to me. I dragged her down the hall to my room without giving her a chance to turn back or change her mind.

  My lips slammed into hers as my hands started to undress her with fierce speed. I was desperate to have her skin against mine. Her hands were moving as furiously over my clothes. She tugged at my shirt before giving up and moving to the buttons on my jeans. I gasped when my cock sprang free and she quickly wrapped her soft hands around it.

  Her body slid out from under mine where I had her pinned against the wall. She dropped to her knees in front of me and began to worship my dick with her hot mouth. I dropped my head back, one hand pressed against the wall to hold me steady.

  “Suck me,” I said, groaning.

  She did as I asked, sucking hard on the head of my cock before sliding her mouth over my length.

  One hand went into her mass of hair. I applied gentle pressure, encouraging her to take me deeper into her mouth. I wanted to tickle her tonsils with the head of my cock. I hadn’t realized I was gripping her head tightly in the palm of my hand until I felt her teeth graze across my sensitive flesh as she pulled me slowly out of her mouth.

  “Holy fuck,” I said through gritted teeth. The sensation of pain and pleasure drove me insane. I was going to come in her mouth if I didn’t stop her right then.

  I yanked her head off my dick and pulled her up my body. I was more desperate than ever to fuck her. I had to be inside her tight pussy. I violently ripped and tugged her clothes off her body, stepping out of my jeans in one quick move.

  She stood there, naked and staring at me.

  “Look how hard you make me,” I told her, gripping my hard cock in my hand.

  She nodded her head. “I felt it,” she said before reaching a finger up to her lips. “I tasted it.”

  I groaned and nearly blew my wad right there. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and by far the sexiest.

  “I want to fuck you until you can’t stand up.”

  “Okay,” she said, her eyes on my dick.

  “Turn around,” I ordered.

  She did as I asked. I walked close to stand behind her, my arms wrapping around her body, one hand on her breast and the other on her flat belly. I slowly walked her forward to the chair positioned in front of the fireplace in my bedroom.

  I ran my
hand up her arm before running it down to her hand and placing it on the back of the chair. I repeated the motion with her other arm. She held on to the chair, my body still pressed against hers. I loved the feeling of her soft skin against mine. I inhaled the scent of her hair and detected a faint hint of strawberry. I would never look at another strawberry again without thinking about her.

  My hand ran between her legs and gently pushed her thighs open wider. I ran my hand over her core and felt the heat and dampness. She was wet. I knew I could slide into her right then and she would be ready. I carefully spread her pussy lips wide and probed at her with one finger. Her breathing was making her back move up and down.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I whispered into her ear. “You make me crazy with need. I get so horny every time I see you.”

  She turned her head to the side to look at me. The soft glow from a bedside lamp highlighted her features. I felt my cock jump, demanding entrance to her body. She spread her legs wider, silently asking for fulfillment.

  I shook my head. “Not yet. There’s something I need to do first.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “What?”

  I stepped away from her, running my hand down her back, then over her curvy ass before I gave it a good squeeze. I dropped to the ground behind her, turned, and slid between her legs. She looked down at me in complete shock.

  “I have to taste you again. I crave you all day long.”

  I reached up between her legs and thanked my lucky stars for my height. I scooted forward and used one hand to caress her sweet pussy before I dove in face-first.

  “Oh fuck,” she said, groaning above me.

  I ran my tongue over her clit, my hands reaching up to hold her hips steady over my face. I could taste her arousal and wanted more. I licked and sucked until her legs shook around me.

  “You ready?” I asked, my mouth hovering over her pussy.

  Her response was a long groan. I pushed a finger inside and sucked on her tiny nub until she was shouting my name and coming.

  “There you go. Let it all go, baby. Let it go,” I said, fingering her until her body stopped jerking.

  I moved behind her and quickly lined my dick up with her entrance before I pushed in.

  “Oh, Harry,” she cried out.

  I pumped deeper inside her. Her pussy was still spasming from the climax.

  “Fuck, you’re tight.” I groaned, doing my best to maintain my self-control.

  She bent over, pushing back against me and taking my dick higher inside her slick passage.

  “Don’t move,” I hissed, gritting my teeth, fighting back the orgasm that threatened to erupt inside her.

  I wasn’t ready yet. I wanted to make her come again and again. I wanted her to know I could dominate her body in every way. Her body was mine to do with as I pleased. I could make her come or leave her begging for me to give her the release I knew she wanted.

  “Deeper,” she breathed out.

  “Not yet.”

  Her head dropped between her arms. I gripped her hips with my hands and rotated my hips, rubbing against the walls of her pussy.

  Her head popped up and her back arched. “Oh, fuck, please. Again. Do it again.”

  I smiled and made a much larger circle with my hips before stopping and rotating in the opposite direction. She was moaning and swaying her head back and forth.

  “Ready?” I asked, my fingers digging into her flesh.

  “Yes,” she panted. “Yes, fuck me, Harry. Fuck me!”

  I pushed in hard and fast, then pulled all the way out and slammed into her with such force the chair scooted forward. I fucked her like that several more times until the chair was nearly pushed against the wall. She was moaning and thrashing her head. I knew she was close. I wanted her begging for it.

  “Tell me again,” I ordered, holding perfectly still inside her.

  She bounced her hips. “Fuck me, please. I’m so ready. Please, Harry.” She groaned deep in her throat.

  “Do you want me to make you come?” I asked, holding her still when she tried to grind her hips against me.


  I jerked my cock forward and heard her grunt.

  “More,” she begged.

  I reached around her waist, my hands finding the place where we were joined.

  “Don’t move. If you move, I’ll stop,” I warned her.

  “Okay, okay. I won’t move. Please, please, I’m dying,” she whispered.

  Her pussy throbbed around my dick. She was on the verge. It would only take the right touch. I knew where she needed my touch. I ran my hand up the inside of her thigh. She jerked backward at the contact.

  “I said not to move.”

  She nodded her head and let me finish caressing her inner thigh before moving to the other one. Her pussy clamped down on my dick. She was close. Her breathing was fast and shallow, hitching every time I moved my hand to a new spot.

  I ran up the side of her rib cage and pulled on one dangling breast before moving to the next.

  “Harry.” She moaned while saying my name. “Please.”

  “Shh,” I ordered. “If you move, I won’t let you come.”

  “Oh god. I’m so close. I’m going to die. Please,” she begged, her body stiff as a board.

  I reached between her legs, found the exact spot, and rubbed it with the tip of my finger.

  She screamed as the climax broke over her.

  “That’s it. That’s my girl. Give me every last drop, baby.”

  Her body was bucking wildly against mine. I didn’t think she was aware of the soft screams mingled with my name crossing her lips. The moment I felt her coming back down from the high, I stepped back, picked her up, and carried her to my bed, where I dropped her on her back.

  “My turn,” I said with a fierceness that surprised me.

  Her eyes were glazed as I jerked her legs wide and hovered over the top of her.

  “Hold on, baby. I’m going to give you the wildest ride of your life.”

  I thrust inside, using one hand to grip her thigh and hold it spread wide. I fucked her with such intensity, I thought I would pass out from the exertion. She was moaning and panting beneath me. Her hand reached out and slapped hard against my ass, driving me faster.

  I found a rhythm that had me pummeling into her in time to the beat of my heart pounding in my chest. I felt the spiral of my own orgasm building and was helpless to stop moving against her. My body felt possessed as I rocked in and out of her.

  I heard her shout from somewhere far away. I was lost in a haze of pure, unadulterated lust that had me coming so hard, my toes were curling to the point of being painful.

  “Fuck!” I heard myself shout before I collapsed beside her.

  I couldn’t move and was struggling to catch my breath. I feared I would pass out from the lack of blood to my brain.

  “Good god,” she moaned. “I feel like I just ran the most grueling marathon before riding the biggest bull in the world.”

  I smiled. “Good. I hope you were satisfied.”

  She burst into laughter.

  “Don’t tell me I need to start over. I will,” I threatened.

  “I don’t think you can. I know I can’t.”

  “You can, and I most definitely can—in ten minutes,” I added.

  She laughed again. “You’re lying.”

  I wasn’t lying, and I was going to prove it to her once I could see straight again. For now, I was content to lie beside her, naked and panting in my bed.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I was sore in all the right places. My legs feel like I had put them through one hell of an intense yoga workout. Harry had bent me in ways I didn’t know I could move. Every position made it all so much better. I loved that he was daring and creative and so dominating in the bedroom. Thinking about the way the man could make my body hum with a single stroke or even a look was making me wet. His boasting about being very good at what he did was not witho
ut merit. He had proved time and again he was very skilled in the sex department.

  I had to pull myself together. I didn’t want William to catch me in the midst of a fantasy about his brother. That would be weird. I could feel the heat in my cheeks. It wasn’t the only place that was feeling a little warm.

  “Hey,” Misty, the head of HR said, sitting on the corner of my desk.

  “Hi,” I said, feeling guilty for where my thoughts had been. “What are you doing up here?”

  She shrugged. “I thought I would stop by. How are you?” she asked.

  I smiled. “Fine. Why? You don’t normally stop by and ask me how I am. What’s up?”

  “I wanted to make sure everything was okay up here,” she said, her eyes moving around the floor and stopping on William’s closed door.

  I looked around. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  “Your boss isn’t being especially cranky?”

  I shook my head. “I haven’t seen him today. He had a meeting out of the office this morning.”

  She nodded her head. “Okay, well, do me a favor. If anyone is having trouble, please tell them to come see me. I want to head off any issues before they can become a problem.”

  “What are you talking about? Has someone been complaining about him?” I asked, suddenly defensive. “He’s been stressed and maybe he isn’t as friendly as usual, but they can’t expect him to be nice all the time.”

  She shook her head. “No. No one’s complained. I mean, I have heard he’s been difficult lately, but nothing serious. However, that was before everything happened.”

  “Before what happened?”

  I felt like I had missed the beginning of the movie. I was lost.

  “The wedding,” she said, dragging out the word.

  I waved a hand. “He’s fine, just a little stress.” I looked around before lowering my voice to a whisper. “You’ve met his fiancée. A saint would be stressed.”

  She looked at me, her eyes wide. “You haven’t heard.”

  “Heard what?” I asked, quickly growing frustrated with the conversation.

  I could tell she had a juicy bit of gossip she was dying to share with me.


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