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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 30

by Tia Siren

  I smiled as he bent down to kiss me, his tongue exploring my mouth. His fingers played with my nipples, and all the while, he continued to slide in and out of my folds.

  His movements built again, a crescendo that had me trembling and sobbing beneath him. I clung to him, my hands pulling his body towards me as he opened me up. My eyes closed, and I screamed out his name as I came, shuddering through an orgasm like I'd never felt before.

  Michael lowered himself down onto his elbows and thrust his hips a few more times before giving a hoarse cry and spilling waves of hot seed inside of me.

  Chapter Nine


  I tried to focus on Tuesday morning's meeting about recent company gains, but I couldn't seem to get Paige out of my head. It wasn't just the fact that she might be carrying my heir, even now. Hopefully, I had successfully impregnated her the previous night.

  Or maybe that wasn't what I hoped.

  I couldn't help thinking about how good she'd looked in my bed the previous night, spread out underneath me. That black, silken bra and panty set that she'd been wearing was more than I could have imagined, and stripping it off, seeing those acres of tanned skin, was something else. She had the most beautiful, dusky nipples, and through it all, her green eyes had sparkled with passion.

  She was in the top ten, maybe even top five, of the women that I'd slept with. And I couldn't help thinking how maybe if she wasn't already pregnant, we might get to do that again.

  I didn't normally like to sleep with the same girl twice. I didn't want them getting attached to me and expecting something more than I was able to give. But I didn't feel like that would happen with Paige. She was just as aloof as I was, maybe even more.

  I couldn't deny how sexy that was. It felt like I had to try to get her to want me, and that wasn't something that I normally felt. Usually, I could walk into a bar and have any woman that I desired, after a couple brief minutes of flirting. Paige was different.

  She intrigued me. I still didn't want a relationship, but I wouldn't mind spending more time with her. Which I suppose was good, since she was hopefully going to have my child.

  “Mr. Adams, can you tell me what you and the marketing department came up with during your meeting?”

  I shook myself out of my thoughts, hiding a grimace at the mundane question. “Well, it would be better for Keira to tell you all about their course of action,” I said, gesturing towards the woman, who nodded at me and then launched into a summary.

  As for myself, I went right back to thinking about Paige's wonderful pussy. I wanted to explore it. I hadn't had a chance to do so the previous night. I'd intended to go for more than one round. You know, just to make sure that we’d succeeded. But after we'd both come once, Paige had almost immediately gotten up out of bed and started pulling her clothes back on, claiming that she had to be up early this morning for some breakfast meeting that she'd scheduled.

  The truth was, I wanted to taste her, to stuff my tongue up inside of her, nuzzle along her folds. I wanted to have her totally at my mercy, begging for me to enter her. Last night, the fuck that we'd had was intended to take the edge off things. I had planned to go further with the second round and the third round.

  I liked watching her come.

  I blushed a little, thinking about that. If I wasn't careful, I was going to start wondering who was in danger of becoming too attached to whom. I couldn't seem to help it, though. Paige was sexy, and she was everything that I would have wanted in a woman. If I didn't know where the eventual end of the relationship was, I would have been dying to make her mine.

  But I knew what would happen: we would grow apart, and we would get bored with one another. We would run out of things to talk about. Better to keep these memories of her, to remember all the wonderful and interesting things about her.

  That didn't mean that we couldn't go for round two, though, just to make sure she was pregnant. I didn't want to wait a whole month until she was ovulating again.

  I couldn't help considering that maybe it was more than that, but that was ridiculous. She wasn't the first woman that I'd slept with, and I'd never had feelings for anyone before. I steered clear of romance, and I could tell that Paige did as well, if the way that she'd reacted to the admittedly somewhat intimate pasta dinner had been any indication.

  I frowned, just thinking about that. I knew that Rosa, my maid, wanted me to find a woman and settle down. She and I were close; I had practically been raised by the woman. This wasn't the first time that Rosa had hinted that maybe I should look for something more.

  I needed to have a talk with her about what was and wasn't appropriate. Maybe I could just say something about how Paige had been nervous because she'd thought I wanted something more. I only hoped Rosa would stay off my back when she found out Paige was pregnant. She'd probably expect the two of us to get engaged immediately.

  I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help grinning fondly. Of course, I could never tell her that Paige was never meant to be my girlfriend or my wife. She was just a willing surrogate.

  A willing surrogate, with a tight pussy and a great ass, my mind reminded me, and I could feel my dick twitch.

  I called Paige nearly as soon as I walked out of the meeting, the moment I shut the door of my office behind me.

  “What's up?” she asked, sounding groggy, as though I had just woken her up.

  I winced. “Were you asleep?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” she said. “Just getting a couple hours of sleep in before work tonight. Why?”

  I had the sudden thought of what she must look like right then, just waking up. I could picture her there without any clothes, snuggled beneath the sheets. Her hair would be mussed, and her eyes would be tired. She would look unbelievably cute, I imagined, and I was struck by the desire to wake up next to her.

  Just once, though. I wasn't going to make this a thing.

  I cleared my throat, banishing the image and its accompanying thoughts from my mind. “I was going to ask if you wanted to meet up tonight,” I told her. “But if you're working, maybe I could swing by afterwards?”

  “It's an inventory night, so I'm not going to be off until almost dawn,” Paige groaned. “Hence trying to get in a couple extra hours of sleep now. Sorry.”

  “That's okay,” I said quickly. “What about tomorrow night?”

  “I have another late night, but if you wanted, you could come by around 2 a.m.”

  “That sounds great,” I said. “I'll be there to take you home.”

  “You'll be there to take me in more ways than one, is that what you mean?” Paige asked slyly.

  I laughed. “That's exactly what I mean,” I told her. “After all, we have to make sure that it worked.”

  “Oh, of course,” Paige said.

  I could hear her grin across the phone, and it prompted me to push it a little. “I didn't mean for you to run out of there so quickly last night,” I told her. “I was planning on giving you what you needed for round two. I could tell how badly you needed another orgasm.”

  Paige was quiet for a moment. “You know, I do sleep with other guys. I was with someone else just last week; I don't think I needed an orgasm that badly.”

  “Right,” I said, feeling jealousy course through me for a second. But that was ridiculous. Of course she slept with other guys. I slept with other women, too. Anyway, I knew that was all going to stop now since she'd be getting pregnant. Hopefully.

  Should I have written something in the contract about that, that she wasn't allowed to sleep around with other guys when she was carrying my child? But that idea sounded weird and possessive even inside my head.

  “I'm super attracted to you,” Paige admitted. I could hear how much she was blushing. “I don't know what it is, but you're right, I needed another orgasm. Need one.” She paused and then lowered her voice. “To be honest, I'm sitting here in bed touching myself because I can't get over how badly I need another orgasm.”

  I grinned, preen
ing a little even though she couldn't see me. If she kept talking like that, though, I was going to have to get myself off as well, and I didn't want to do that in the cold impersonality of my office. “Good,” I said. “Keep touching yourself, you deserve it. And I'll pick you up after work tomorrow night.”

  “No romantic dinner this time, though,” Paige said.

  I laughed. “You got it,” I agreed.

  Chapter Ten


  Erica made another row of checkmarks on her clipboard and smiled over at me. “Thanks again for helping out with this,” she said. “Like I said, I tried to get it all tallied when it came in, but the numbers I came up with didn't match the ones that our suppliers said they had.”

  “No problem,” I said, shifting another few crates. I glanced at my watch: nearly three in the morning. But we were almost finished, so I counted that as a win.

  “Let's take a quick break,” Erica suggested. “I don't know about you, but my arms are starting to get tired from moving around all these crates of beer. We should have had one of the dudes stay behind and help us as well.”

  We both sat down on some stacks of crates, and Erica handed me a water. I popped off the lid and took a long swig from it.

  “When I came in this afternoon, you were asleep already, so I haven't had a chance to ask: how did it go with Mr. Millionaire?” Erica asked curiously.

  I shrugged, picking at the label on my bottle. “About as well as could be expected,” I said carefully, flashing her a quick grin.

  “Which is?” Erica pressed.

  “There's not much to say,” I told her. “We met with his attorney, and we got the contracts all signed. I got him to agree to the changes that we'd discussed. And then we met up again last night and had a quick fuck, nothing more.”

  “Hmm,” Erica said, mulling it over. “Do you think you're going to see him again?”

  “We've already made plans to meet up after work tomorrow,” I told her. “Or today, rather. Well, tomorrow, by the time I'm off work.” I frowned, and Erica laughed. “Working these night shifts gets so confusing sometimes.”

  “Luckily, you won't be working them much longer, will you? Now that you've got yourself a sugar daddy.”

  I laughed and shook my head. “He's not my sugar daddy,” I protested. “It's a business transaction. Like I said, there's a contract and everything.”

  “Sure,” Erica said. “But just remember, a contract isn't going to stop you from loving that baby that you've carried around inside you for nine months.”

  “I know,” I sighed. “But that's why we added a new section to the contract. If I find that I'm too attached to the baby when it's born, I'll keep that one, and we'll try again. He'll keep the second child, and I'll have nothing more to do with it.”

  Erica frowned. “Are you sure that's going to work?” she asked. “Won't you just feel even more attached to the second baby, knowing what's coming? You'll get to see all these firsts with Baby Number One, and then you'll know you're missing out on them with the second child.”

  “Do you even see me as a mother in the first place though?” I protested. “I live off minimum wage. You and I share a ratty apartment in a bad neighborhood because it's all that we, or at least all that I, can afford. I'd make a shitty mother.”

  “I'm sure you'd find a way to make ends meet if you had to,” Erica said softly. “Plenty of mothers do it every day.”

  “I guess,” I said. “But I'm just not interested. I don't think nine months is going to change that.”

  “It might not,” Erica conceded. “But thinking that you don't make enough money and thinking that you wouldn't make a good mother are two very different things, you know. You're a great woman, Paige. Any kid would be lucky to have you as a mother.”

  I snorted. “Thanks for the pep talk,” I told her. “Should we get back to the inventory?”

  “The thing that I'm concerned about is you and Michael,” Erica said suddenly.

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “Me and Michael?” I echoed. “What about us?”

  Erica paused, looking as though she didn't quite know how to say whatever it was she was thinking. She sighed and shook her head. “I just hope you're careful, that's all,” she said.

  I frowned at her. “I think the whole point of this is to not be careful,” I reminded her. “You know, since we're actively trying to get me pregnant.”

  “I don't mean, be careful about your contraceptives,” Erica said, rolling her eyes. But I detected a hint of a grin. “Be careful that you're not getting in over your head. I would hate to see you getting attached to this guy, only to have him hurt you in the end.”

  I laughed. “I'm not going to get attached to him,” I said. “I appreciate your concern, but I think I've demonstrated how not attached I can get when it comes to relationships with dudes.”

  “Have you ever slept with the same person more than once, though?” my friend and manager mused. “It's different, once you've slept with them more than once. It starts to get more intimate. And if you know you're going to keep seeing this guy for the whole time you're pregnant, it could get intense. Nine months is a long time.”

  “We're not going to be in a relationship or anything, though,” I told her. “Sure, he might go with me to doctor appointments and things like that, but that's it. Once I'm pregnant, I doubt we'll even go to dinner.”

  “Okay,” Erica said, but I could tell that wasn't the end of it. I waited patiently, trying not to get upset. Erica was my best friend, and I knew she was just looking out for me, but her worries were only magnifying my own.

  “Do you like him?” Erica asked.

  I shrugged. “To be honest, I don't even know him,” I told her. I laughed, trying to clear the tension in the room. “He can't be that great of a guy if he feels like he has to pay someone to want to have a baby with him.”

  Erica stared at me for a long moment. Then, she grinned. “So how was the sex, anyway? Worth it?”

  “The 2.5 million dollars is worth it,” I said. But I couldn't keep the self-satisfied grin off my face. “Yeah, it was worth it,” I admitted. “And what's more, he said on the phone he didn't plan for me to leave as quickly as I did, and he wanted to do it again.”

  “Ooh, a giver,” Erica said. “It's always nice when a guy appreciates the fact that a woman can have multiple orgasms.”

  “Isn't it?” I sighed. I shook my head. “He seems like a nice guy. I don't know why he feels like this is the only way that he can have a kid. He must be a terrible snorer or something.”

  Erica laughed, but her expression of mirth didn't quite reach her eyes, and I could tell that she was still worried for me. “I just want to make sure you're careful,” she said again.

  “I know,” I said. I tried to figure out how to assuage her fears, but I was having a surprisingly hard time with it. Finally, I just shrugged. “For all we know, I'm not even ovulating,” I pointed out. “Or who knows, I've been taking birth control for so long I may not even be fertile anymore.” I ducked my head. “Michael wanted me to get a physical before we started this, and that might have been a good idea. I can't help but feel like we've jumped the gun a little, but he's just so anxious to have a kid already, and with our rent going up, I could use the first half of the money sooner, rather than later.”

  Erica grimaced. “Please tell me that you're not doing this because you need extra money to make rent for the month,” she said. “You know I could cover you if that's an issue.”

  “It's not just that,” I said defensively. “Although it will be nice to finally not be living hand to mouth.”

  “You're probably going to buy some of the stupidest shit, aren't you?” Erica asked, grinning at me.

  I laughed. “Oh no,” I said. “I know the value of all of that money. I've never even dreamed of having a million dollars.” I paused. “Of course, we will have to go on at least one stupid shopping spree and treat ourselves. Or maybe a vacation. To Hawaii?”

  Erica laughed. “But we'll have to wait until you've popped out the baby and got your beach bod back,” she said.

  “It's still so hard to imagine, me pregnant,” I mused. At the look on Erica's face, I hurriedly continued. “It's not a bad thing,” I told her. “I'm not upset about it, and I'm not having regrets. It's just hard to picture. I'm going to have to buy maternity clothes. And there's still that question of how I'm going to tell my parents about all of this.”

  “That is going to be tough since you go over there every week,” Erica said. “It's not like you can hide it from them, but you probably don't want to tell them, hey, they're going to be grandparents only they're never going to get to see their grandchild.”

  “I guess I'll have to tell them that I'm putting it up for adoption,” I said. “And I'll have to pretend like I don't know Michael, or that he was just another one-night stand.”

  “Are you sure that you want to go through with all of this?” Erica asked. She held up both hands to forestall my protests. “I know it's your body and your decision, but lying to your parents doesn't seem like something you would normally do.”

  “It's not,” I said, running a hand through my hair. It seemed like every time I thought about it, there were more reasons that this was a crazy idea. But I still couldn't seem to say no.

  “How are you going to explain to them where you got all this money from, that's the other thing,” Erica said. She winced. “Sorry, I don't mean to be such a downer. I am happy for you if this is what you want to do. I just want to make sure this really is what you want to do.”

  “I know,” I said. “And I appreciate that. I do need someone to talk to about all of this. But for all we know, it's already done. I could already be pregnant.”

  I thought back to the previous night. I had come so hard, my vision whiting out. Feeling Michael spill inside me, knowing exactly what we were trying to do, that had been an intimate feeling like nothing else.


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