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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 41

by Tia Siren

  I dragged my hands down against his firm chest, feeling the heat radiating off him. My fingers found their way to the button on his slacks, and I popped it open. I kissed him harder as the intensity increased. Slowly, I dragged down his zipper, and then I tugged down both his slacks and his boxers.

  Then, I dropped to my knees in front of him.

  Michael made a quiet sound, and when I looked up at him through my lashes, I could see naked desire, clear on his face. I wrapped my hand around his thick cock and watched as his eyes slid shut for a moment before opening, darker than I'd ever seen them before.

  The tile should have hurt my knees, but I could barely feel it. I leaned my head forward and swiped my tongue along the very tip of his penis. There was already precum beading there, and its salty flavor spread through my senses even as I took him deeper into my mouth. I used my hand to continue to stimulate the parts that I couldn't reach, marveling not for the first time at how large he was.

  Michael's hand came down to caress my hair, not pressuring me but just resting there, a gentle weight. “Touch yourself,” he breathed out.

  I moaned around his length, and it was my turn to have my eyes slide closed, as my senses overwhelmed me. Touching myself in front of him, when I was already on my knees in the middle of his kitchen, felt naughty, and I liked it. I pushed my hand down into my jeans, lightly touching my clit through the thin fabric of my panties, shivering with how good it felt. I was wet already, my panties slick against my fingertips in a way that made me blush.

  “That's it,” Michael breathed. “Oh fuck, Paige. Just like that.”

  I didn't know what it was about him that had me so ready to go every single time. It wasn't as though the guys I'd been with in the past had been unattractive. But I supposed that when it came to Michael, it was more than just the attraction I felt to his body. He was also genuinely caring, plus sexy, intelligent, and witty.

  It was no wonder I was starting to worry about developing feelings for him. But I didn't want to think about that right now.

  I swirled my tongue around his tip and then pushed back down onto him, sucking as hard as I could, hollowing my cheeks. I was rewarded with Michael's groan and the way his fingers clenched in my hair for a moment. I could tell he must be getting close, from the way his body was tensing. As much as I was enjoying this, loving the feeling of having power over his orgasm for a change, I had to admit I didn't want him to come like this. I had gotten spoiled by the feeling of him coming inside me, feeling every throb of his member, every spurt of his seed.

  As though reading my mind, Michael suddenly nudged my shoulder, pushing me back. Before I had a chance to react, he pulled me to my feet and shoved my jeans and panties down. Then, he lifted me into his arms and set me down on the edge of the counter. Then, in one fluid motion, he pushed into me.

  I groaned and dropped my head down to rest against his shoulder, the air punched out of my lungs. I grabbed hold of the countertop, clinging to it as Michael rocked into me with wild abandon, his movements sharp and deep.

  There was something animalistic about the way he was thrusting into me, as though he couldn't be too rough with me. But there was a gentleness to the way he held on to my thighs, in the way he gently kissed my neck and jaw.

  I cried out as I came, my body trembling and my pussy desperately clenching around him.

  But he continued to work my body, until I was a whimpering mess of sensation, my hole slick around him. I had thought he was close when I was blowing him there on the kitchen floor, but now, he must be using every trick in the book to hold off for just a moment more. He pounded into me, sending me spiraling higher and higher, until I wasn't sure if I was still coming, or coming again, or just caught up in desperate passion.

  I gasped for air, but I didn't want him to stop; I wanted this to go on forever, consuming me in this fiery feeling of pleasure. I maintained a white-knuckled grip on the cool marble, feeling as though if I let go, I would shatter into a million pieces.

  It wasn't just the feeling of fullness inside of me, though. Michael's hands were as hot as branding irons against my thighs, and his mouth, where it touched my skin, ignited bursts of volcanic heat. I didn't know how much longer this could go on, but I needed this, somewhere deep in my core.

  It was pleasure like I had never known before, and I screamed out his name in ecstasy.

  Michael came as well, his whole body shaking against mine as he hoarsely cried out my name. As with me, he seemed to hang suspended in the sensation of bliss for a long moment. Even afterward, he just stood there, panting harshly. Then, he pulled away from me, his eyes dark and serious.

  He didn't say a single word, though. Instead, he merely caught my hand, bringing it up to his mouth and lightly tracing his lips over my rapidly-fluttering pulse point. I was sure my heart was beating loudly enough that he could hear it, as it shouted all the things I was too afraid to say out loud.

  It was at that moment that I realized how difficult it would be to give this up.

  I turned my face away from his searching eyes, feeling tears prick the corners of my eyes. The sudden thought struck me that this was like one of those fairy tales. The girl has everything right in her life, but eventually, it all comes crashing down. There wouldn't be a happily ever after to this story.

  Michael tugged me gently, helping me down from the countertop and pulling me into his arms, as though he understood exactly what I was thinking. Somewhere behind me, the kettle whistled, signaling that the water was ready for tea. But I knew now that no amount of tea could comfort the ache inside me; no amount of tea could warm me in the way his arms did.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  Paige and I still hadn't talked, and I was kicking myself for it. I needed to know why she had been acting so strangely toward me. At least I had been upfront with her about my desire to continue hooking up; that was a start. I grinned, thinking back to last night's kitchen antics. Man, what a good start.

  At least, until I'd caught sight of her face afterward. I could tell something was upsetting her, and I knew we needed to talk about it. But right after sex, when we were both blissed out and tired and altogether not thinking clearly, I didn't think it was the best time. Instead, I had led Paige into the bedroom, and we had finished stripping off our clothes. Then, we had wordlessly climbed into bed, and I had pulled her into my arms.

  I couldn't stop thinking about what it could be. Was she upset about the pregnancy? Or was she, like me, having second thoughts about this whole contractual relationship? I wanted something more, and I wondered if she did as well.

  We should have talked, the night before. But I wasn't going to stop her when she got down on her knees in front of me.

  I rolled over and stared at Paige for a moment. She was sleeping peacefully, her face more relaxed than I'd seen it in a while. That was good at least. I knew she had come hard the previous night, and I had hoped that would take enough out of her that she would be able to sleep away some of her exhaustion. It seemed to have worked, and I was proud of myself.

  Unfortunately, it meant that we still wouldn't be able to talk about what was wrong, because I had to get to work soon, but I didn't want to wake her up when she so clearly needed the rest.

  I sighed and lightly kissed her shoulder, noting that she didn't stir even in the slightest. She was out, then.

  I thought back to the guy at the bar the previous night, and I suddenly had to wonder if he had anything to do with the way she had been acting. Maybe she had lied about him. Maybe he was an old boyfriend of hers or someone she had had some sort of a relationship with, anyway.

  I frowned. If an old flame had come into town, her pregnancy had to complicate matters. But then again, if he was some old flame, would she have agreed so quickly to continue hooking up with me?

  Unless she thought she had to, in order to get you to pay her the rest of the money. It was an ugly thought and one I didn't want to consider. What if Paige thought
I considered hooking up to be part of our contract? There was nothing that specified we couldn't keep seeing one another, but there also had been nothing that stated we didn't have to continue seeing one another. Maybe Paige thought this was the relationship I intended when I drew up the contract, and she thought I would refuse to pay her if she didn't go along with what I wanted.

  I swallowed hard, suddenly feeling uncomfortable being there in bed with her. We needed to talk.

  Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen just then.

  I rolled out of bed and went to get ready. I wasn't overly noisy as I dressed and washed up, but I didn't make any extra effort to be quiet, either. I didn't know what I wanted, for her to wake up so we could talk or for her to continue sleeping.

  Whatever I wanted, she continued to sleep, and finally, I couldn't linger any longer. I scrawled a quick note for her, telling her that I hoped she had a good day but we really needed to talk. I left it next to the bed, on the bedside table where I had left the first note for her, and then I went to work.

  The day dragged on, and I waited for Paige to call. Or at least to text me. Maybe I shouldn't have left a note for her, I thought. Then, I could have called her instead. As it was, it felt like I had put the ball back in her court, and now I had to wait for her to initiate the conversation. Given the way she had been avoiding me, I wasn't sure she would.

  I frowned, wondering if I was going to have to go to The Shift for the third night in a row. Then I frowned even deeper, wondering if the guy from last night would be there again. Maybe I should go, either way, just to make sure Paige was okay.

  I shook my head. I was starting to sound almost obsessed with Paige. Surely, I could wait until she contacted me. Besides, I had to leave the note for her that morning. I could only imagine how she would feel if she woke up to an empty bed and no note from me. She would probably start thinking that I regretted what we had done last night. That maybe I didn't really want to keep hooking up with her.

  I had no regrets, and I wanted to keep hooking up with her. I only hoped that she continued to feel the same way.

  It was nearly time for me to go home for the day, and I realized I still hadn't heard from Paige. I deliberated for a moment and then decided to call her. If nothing else, we could schedule a time to talk. I couldn't look too desperate if I just wanted to stay organized.

  Paige's phone rang three times before she answered it. “Hello?” she asked, sounding groggy.

  “Hey,” I said. “Are you still asleep?”

  “Yeah,” Paige said. She sounded totally disoriented, and I suddenly realized she was probably still in my bed asleep. I mentally congratulated myself on helping her sleep so well, even though I was also worried about how exhausted she must have been feeling.

  Again, I wished I could convince her to quit working at The Shift, sooner rather than later.

  But for now, I just smiled. “Are you planning on blowing off work tonight?” I asked her.

  “What time is it?” Paige asked.

  “Nearly 5:30,” I told her. “I was just getting ready to head home.”

  “Oh wow,” Paige said, sounding a bit more alert. “Shit, I didn't realize it was that late.”

  “Yeah, you must have been totally out of it,” I told her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Good,” she said. “Really good, actually.” I heard rustling, and I assumed she was stretching. I could feel my dick twitch in interest as I thought of her spread out on my sheets, covered by only a thin blanket, but I sternly reminded myself now wasn't the time. Paige and I needed to talk about us before we engaged in any more sexual activities.

  “What time are you supposed to work tonight?” I asked her.

  “Not until 7,” Paige said. “But I need a shower, and I need to go home and get some fresh clothes. Erica's probably worried about where I am, too; I didn't tell her I was going home with you last night.”

  “I'm sure she knew where to find you if she was worried,” I pointed out. Unless she's been sleeping with someone else.

  Again, I had to push those negative thoughts out of my mind.

  “True,” Paige said, but she still sounded embarrassed.

  “How about this,” I suggested, “you give Erica a call and let her know where you are and that you'll still be coming to work tonight. Take a shower. Borrow one of my shirts to wear with your jeans. I'll stop for takeout on the way home, and then we can eat a quick dinner, and I'll drive you over to work.”

  “You're a lifesaver,” Paige said warmly.

  I grinned. “All right, I'll see you soon,” I told her.

  As we quickly downed the food I had brought home, I kept watching her. She looked so lovely like this, fresh out of a shower, her hair curling around the edges. She didn't have any makeup on, but even in her natural state, she looked gorgeous. It was those bewitching eyes of hers, I thought.

  “What's up?” Paige asked, giving me an inquisitive look.

  For a moment, I wanted to have that talk with her. I knew that she must have found my note because it hadn't been on the bedside table anymore when I'd gone in there to change out of my work clothes. But she hadn't mentioned the note or the need to talk, and when I really thought about it, I wasn't sure right before she went to work was the best time for it. I didn't want to upset her, after all. And it wasn't like we had unlimited time, either.

  I sighed internally, resolving to wait for another time. Again.

  “It's nothing,” I told her, in answer to her question. “I was just thinking about how pretty you look. And how much I like seeing you in my shirts.”

  Paige grinned over at me and plucked at the collar of the green checkered flannel that she had grabbed out of the back of my closet. It was a shirt that I rarely wore anymore since it wasn't nice enough to be worn to the office. Now, I almost wanted to tell her that she could keep it, except that I liked the idea of having it here at my place in the future, and of her wearing it around my apartment with nothing underneath.

  She must have seen something in my look, because she quickly turned her eyes back to her food, focusing intently on it. “I'm never going to get to work on time if you fuck me right now,” she told me, her tone bland.

  I laughed outright. “That's a fair point,” I said. “But a guy can dream.”

  “Well, keep dreaming,” Paige said. “But I hear delayed gratification is worth it.”

  I grinned, appreciating her dirty words. But I chose not to comment, knowing if I allowed myself to think too much about how badly I wanted her, I was either going to end up hard and desperately wanting, or else she wasn't going to make it to work after all.

  And we would end up having sex again, rather than talking.

  I smiled and let it rest for the time being. After we finished eating, I escorted her down to the limo.

  “You don't have to come with me,” Paige protested as I climbed in afterwards. “I appreciate dinner and the ride, but surely you could just tell your driver to drop me off.”

  I shrugged. “It's not like I have anything better to do,” I told her, wondering why she didn't want me there.

  When we got to the bar, I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew why. Was it a coincidence that the guy from the previous night arrived there at The Shift just before we did? I frowned. “You know, why don't I hang around for a little while?” I suggested. “Have a drink or two. I'm sure I know somebody in there, and I haven't really been keeping in touch since you and I have started sleeping together.”

  Paige frowned at me, but I didn't think that she had seen the other guy go in. She had no idea what my true motives were. Something about this whole situation didn't sit right with me, though, and I wanted to get to the bottom of it. What better way to do that than to keep both of them in my sight. Maybe I could ask Paige about it again tonight. Confront her, ask her why she had lied to me.

  I really hoped that she hadn't lied to me, but again, this just seemed like too much of a coincidence to be ignored. And given the wa
y that she had been looking at him the previous night, well.

  I got out of the car and followed her inside.

  Chapter Thirty


  Despite Michael picking up food for us and driving me to work, I was still about ten minutes late when I walked into The Shift. I grimaced, feeling guilty about it. Erica had already been so good to me that week, giving me a couple extra tasks to make up for the time I'd missed going off with Michael. Even though I didn't need the money anymore to make rent, she was helping me out and helping my life feel a little more normal. I appreciated that, and this was no way to show it.

  “Hey Erica, sorry I'm a little late,” I told her as soon as I saw her, right after clocking in for the evening. “I just woke up about an hour ago.”

  Erica frowned at me. “Really?” she asked. “Are you feeling okay?”

  “Yeah, I think so,” I said. “I just haven't been sleeping well lately, I guess.”

  “Because of the pregnancy?” she asked sympathetically, keeping her voice low so that no one would overhear her.

  “Probably,” I admitted. “I'm still not sure how I feel about all of this.”

  Erica's eyes flicked over towards Michael, who had seated himself at the far end of the bar and was currently being served by one of our coworkers, Jessica. “You guys had a good talk about it last night, though?” Erica asked.

  I blushed and ducked my head. “We didn't do much in the way of talking,” I admitted. “At least we agreed that we're both cool with continuing to hook up, though. I'm not sure how much longer that will last, because I know he sleeps with the hottest chicks and I'm sure my pregnant body is not going to be interesting to him, but we'll see.”

  Erica looked unimpressed. “If the two of you don't sit down and have a long talk soon, I swear I'm going to have to beat some sense into both of you,” she said.

  I laughed, even though I knew she wasn't joking. “I know,” I told her. “We need to talk. But I'm just not sure what I want to say. I don't think he is, either.”


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