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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 82

by Tia Siren

  “We can forget all about this whole situation,” Arthur said, running his finger down my leg. “We do you a favor, and you do us one.”

  “And what favor would that be?”

  “Sex,” the dean said. “You fuck both of us every week until you graduate, and we will sweep this whole thing under the rug.”

  Immediately, I felt like I was going to throw up. Just having Arthur next to me, the smell of sweat and whiskey coming from his suit made me want to hurl. I couldn’t believe they had suggested that I fuck them to keep myself out of trouble. I tried to keep my composure, knowing there was a much better way to handle this than exploding on them in that moment.

  “I fuck both of you every week, and you don’t expel me? Or fire Grant or Ben?”

  “Sure. Everyone is safe,” the Dean said.

  “Can I have the weekend to think about it?”

  “Sure, sure,” Arthur said, standing up and opening the door for me. “You have until Monday.”

  I walked out of the office and started down the hall, stepping to the side and stopping at the sound of the door closing. I breathed heavily, feeling completely disgusted by what was just offered to me. I didn’t know whether to throw up, shower, or cry after Arthur put his fat, old fingers on my leg. I looked down at my watch for a second and turned back, watching the door to the dean’s office as I knocked quietly on Grant’s. I could hear him inside shuffling some papers and then walking over and opening up. He stared at me for a second before realizing that the look on my face was less than okay.

  “Come in,” he said inviting me in.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting you,” I said, suddenly feeling like crying.

  “No, I was in office hours. What’s going on? Are you okay?”

  I dropped my purse in the chair and immediately started to pace, something I did often when I was feeling anxious. I could feel another panic attack coming on, only the second in my life, and the second since all of this started. The whole situation was getting to me so bad that I couldn’t even think straight anymore. I walked across the room and turned, ready to make another pass through when Grant reached out and stopped me.

  “Hey, calm down,” he said kindly. “Here, sit down and try to control your breathing.”

  I sat down in the chair and put my head in my hands. Grant went over to his mini-fridge and grabbed a bottle of water for me and handed it over. I took a sip and closed my eyes, breathing deeply and concentrating on lowering my heart rate. I just couldn’t believe anything like this was happening. My eyes filled with tears, but this time, I couldn’t hold them back. I just let them spill down my cheeks. Grant looked helpless, but he sat next to me and wrapped me in his arms.

  “Shhh,” he whispered. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. Just take a deep breath and calm yourself down.”

  I shook my head and did what he said, calming myself to the movement of his chest. I had almost forgotten how much Grant and Ben made me feel safe. I was incredibly happy to be back in his arms again. I pulled back and shook my head, watching him stand and lean against his desk.

  “I was called in with the dean and provost this morning. I just left their office,” I said. “They tried to get me to admit to things, and in the end, when I wouldn’t, they threatened to go after Piper, telling me they didn’t need absolute proof. They just needed to feel like the school reputation was in danger to fire you and Ben and expel me. Then they told me, and this is the worst part, they told me if I fucked both of them every week until I graduated, they would drop everything for all of us.”

  “What? What the fuck?”

  “I didn’t want to freak out on them and give up a chance to really nail the sons of bitches, so I asked if I could have until Monday to decide,” I said.

  “Good thinking,” he said, picking up his phone. “I need Ben for a second.”

  He texted Ben to come to his office and then sat down in his chair, pulling his hand to his chin and leaning back. I could see the fury in his eyes, and his hands were shaking. I looked up as Ben walked in, quickly closing the door behind him at the sight of me. His smile faded when he looked at my tear-stained cheeks.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I think you were right about Arthur and Jeffrey. They definitely have something going on,” Grant said angrily. “They just told Kylie that if she fucked them both every week until graduation, they would drop the whole investigation.”

  “Those assholes. I knew it,” Ben said, slamming his fist into his other hand.

  “Wait. You guys thought there was something going on with them?”

  “Yeah,” Grant sighed. “A couple of weeks ago, I showed up for work and there was a girl outside the dean’s office crying. When I asked her what was wrong, she said she didn’t want to go to her weekly meeting. She was dressed very scantily. Before I could get it out of her, she bolted, running from the dean before he could come out of the office and see her.”

  “Then when I was waiting to meet with him, I saw something similar.” Ben sat next to me. “There was a girl leaving the office, crying, telling them she didn’t want to do ‘this’ anymore. She was dressed provocatively as well and went running off down the hall.”

  “Oh my god.” I grabbed Ben’s hand. “We have to do something.”

  “I know,” Ben said, smiling. “And Grant and I have already come up with a plan to expose these douchebags. We were waiting for some more solid evidence, which you just got.”

  “Don’t worry,” Grant said, seeing my face change to fear as he walked over and bent down in front of me. “We won’t let anything happen to you. We will protect you.”

  “Absolutely,” Ben said, rubbing my leg.

  The whole thing was really sweet and, I had to admit, turned me on quite a bit. The idea of two big, strong men waging war against the villains, protecting the damsel in distress. It was like something out of a book, and immediately, I wanted to show them my appreciation. I leaned over and gently kissed Grant on the lips, turning and doing the same with Ben. We all looked at each other for a moment before Grant leaned in and kissed my neck, his hand sliding up my leg and under the edge of my skirt. Ben leaned forward and kissed my lips again, his hand sliding up underneath my shirt and grasping my breast, massaging it gently. I gasped, feeling the heat ignite inside of me, instantly wanting more from both of them. Ben stood up as Grant pushed my legs apart, running his fingers over my wet pussy.

  Ben grabbed onto his hard cock and rubbed it, watching me, our eyes locked, before turning and going to the door. He looked back at both of us, and Grant nodded, standing up and taking his office phone off the hook. I looked back at Ben as he reached up and clicked the lock shut on the door.

  Chapter 19


  This was dangerous, but I had been away from Kylie for too long. She was vulnerable, loving, and her spark of fire to fuck over Arthur and Jeffrey drove me right over the edge. When her lips had pressed against mine, I was done for. I knew fucking her in my office, two doors down from the dean was risky and a terrible idea, but I couldn’t help myself. I scooted over in front of her and spread her legs wide apart, pulling off her shoes and her tights. I ran my fingers over her black silk panties and moved them to the side, leaning forward to kiss her soft, pink pussy. Ben walked back and undid his pants, pulling out his cock and stroking it.

  Kylie leaned back, moaning quietly as I pulled her folds apart and ran my tongue up through her juices and around her clit. She reached over the chair and started stroking Ben’s cock, pushing her hand up and down as I raged forward with my tongue. She tasted familiar, sweet, and she was exactly what I needed to get rid of this pent-up aggression. She leaned her head to the side, pushing her mouth into Ben’s shoulder, her moans now muffled as I slipped two fingers inside of her and rubbed her hard nub with my warm wet tongue. She tilted her hips up and began to move them against my face, her free hand pushing through my hair. I grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, flicking my tongue against her ov
er and over again.

  “I want to feel you guys,” she whispered seductively. “I want to come on you.”

  Ben stood up from the chair and walked forward toward her, putting one knee on the chair and running his cock over her lips. I quickly undid my pants and let them drop to the floor, pulling out my dick and rubbing my hand up and down as I knelt down and pulled her hips toward me. I thrust upward, pushing through her juices and ramming my cock deep inside of her. I sat there for a moment, overcome by the feeling of her tight, wet pussy. I had almost forgotten how good it felt to be inside of her. I pulled her body toward me and then back again, rocking back and forth on my knees as I penetrated her. She moaned deeply with Ben’s cock deep in her throat, her eyes shifting in my direction. To see her with a mouth full of dick was so arousing, and I thrust harder, bringing her to her climax. She grabbed onto Ben’s hips and pushed her head down to the base as her juices exploded over my cock. Her body shook in my hands, and she pulled back off of Ben and leaned her head back, closing her eyes while she continued to grind against me.

  Ben stood up and took his pants off, lifting his shirt up. He walked over to the wall and leaned his back against it, planting his feet firmly on the ground. He looked down at me and nodded.

  “Pick her up like your fucking her against the wall but put her back to me,” he said.

  I nodded and pulled out, taking my pants off and picking her up. I pushed her back against Ben and hooked her legs over my arms, pushing them against the wall. She reached down between her legs, looking me in the eyes and pushed my dick inside of her. Ben grabbed his cock and bent his knees slightly, sliding it up into her ass. I leaned forward and quickly pressed my mouth against hers, muffling the moan of pleasure that came from her. I pushed against her, thrusting in and out of her, holding her up with my arms. Ben grabbed her ass and helped support her weight, bending and straightening his legs as he pushed inside of her ass. She leaned her head back against his shoulder, biting her bottom lip and closing her eyes.

  As I pushed inside at the same time as Ben, she smirked at the feeling of us filling her completely. She pushed her head from side to side trying not to make any noise. Her breathing was labored, and it turned me on. In fact, the whole thing turned me on. Fucking in my office was one of the most taboo things I could possibly have done. That was even without considering we were fucking a student of ours after meeting with the dean about that exact thing. After finding out about their disgusting sexual assault ring, though, I didn’t feel guilty at all about what we were doing. Staying away from Kylie was impossible, and I knew that now.

  The whole situation was so hot, from her muffled moans to my pants around my ankles. Someone could knock on the door at any minute, someone could walk by and hear the thumping of our bodies, and anyone could guess what we were doing by the smell of sex and cologne in the office. We were trying to be as quiet as we possibly could, but the feeling of her wet pussy wrapped around my cock was impossible to take silently. I ground my teeth together trying not to make a sound, putting my hand over Kylie’s mouth anytime I saw a loud moan approaching. She was enjoying it as much as I was, and so was Ben. The time apart had been miserable, but we were making up for it right then, all over the office. I hoped the dean paid me a visit later and could sit down where I fucked Kylie just hours before.

  I pulled my cock out at the same time as Ben and walked backward, lying down on my desk with her still in my arms. Ben helped her sit down, straddling me, as she lowered herself back down on my cock. He pushed her body forward, her mouth connecting with mine as he spit on his dick and then slid it back inside of her ass. She howled into my mouth, clutching down on the edge of the desk. She started rocking her body back and forth, grinding her pussy against me and pushing and pulling against Ben. She lifted her head and closed her eyes as she fucked me deeply, keeping me inside of her. I reached up and covered her mouth with my hand as she moaned and whimpered.

  Ben leaned forward and kissed her neck, telling her quietly in her ear that he wanted to fuck her pussy. She smiled and bounced up and down on my cock, her body shaking wildly over me. I grabbed her chin and pulled her face down toward mine.

  “And I want your ass,” I whispered.

  “God, yes,” she whimpered.

  Ben pulled out of her ass, and she got up, waiting impatiently as Ben and I switched places. She climbed on top of Ben and slammed down hard with his cock inside of her. He groaned quietly as I walked forward and slowly pushed my already wet cock into her ass. She giggled, and Ben pulled her face close to his. She started to move her hips again, pushing and pulling my cock in and out of her ass with her movements. Her clit ground hard against Ben’s body as she looked him in the face.

  “You gonna come for me?” he whispered. “You gonna cover my cock in your juices? Huh?”

  “Mmhm.” She nodded and began to move faster.

  “Come on, come for me, baby. Come on my dick,” he taunted her.

  “Yeah,” she said as he covered her mouth.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he whispered. “Fuck these dicks until you come.”

  “Oh god,” she said into his hand, her hips now grinding wildly as I fucked her ass.

  She lifted up and covered her own mouth, her body shaking wildly as I grabbed her hips and slammed into her. She came hard and long, my body ramming into her over and over again. Her tits bounced up and down, and her whole body contracted around us. When her body relaxed, she turned around backward cowgirl style and watched me jack my cock while Ben grabbed her waist and gyrated up and down as fast as he could. Her tits bounced up and down, and she kept her eyes glued to mine, putting her fingers in her mouth and sucking them. She pulled them down to her clit and rubbed circles around, smiling at me flirtatiously. Ben groaned, grabbing tightly to her waist as he plowed into her repeatedly.

  He sat up on his elbows and pulled her back, as I walked forward and lifted her legs in the air. As he pushed his cock inside of her slowly, I licked her sweet pussy, rounding my tongue around her nub. She giggled with pleasure as I slapped her clit, watching her face go from amused to pure pleasure. She pulled herself up and grabbed my face, kissing me deeply as she bounced up and down on Ben’s dick. He groaned and tapped her, pulling her up off him and rubbing his cock.

  “I’m gonna come soon,” he whispered in her ear. “I want it down your throat.”

  “Mmmm,” she said, smiling and prancing over to the office chair. “I like that idea. How about you sit here, Professor Grant.”

  I smiled and ran my hand up and down my cock as I walked over and sat down in my chair. She bit her lip as she swung her legs over my lap and sat down slowly, pulling my cock inside of her. She opened her hips and wiggled her ass, pushing down even deeper, pulling a low groan from my throat. I wrapped my arms around her waist and buried my face in her tits. Ben walked over to our side, and she opened her mouth, taking it deep in her throat. He pulled her head to him and held it there for a few seconds before releasing and watching her pull back slowly, sucking hard.

  I pulled my head back and rested it against the chair, watching her suck dick while I bounced her up and down on top of me. I clicked the locks on the wheels with my feet to keep us from rolling and grabbed her waist, watching her suck on Ben’s cock. She reached up and wrapped her hands around his shaft, rubbing his dick over her lips. I growled and slammed her down hard, watching as he pulled her onto him again, muffling her moans. I picked my ass up slightly and began to thrust short and fast. She shook her head and moaned with his dick in her mouth, and I smiled, continuing to fuck her as I sat in my leather chair.

  She pulled her head back, breathing hard and then went back to it, her body bouncing up and down like a doll. She clenched her other hand into my shoulder as I pushed up and down, her juices covering my cock. As I slammed into her one more time, she pulled her head back and moaned, her body convulsing. I could feel her pussy tighten around my cock, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. I slammed her down and pushed upward, cl
osing my eyes and letting the explosion happen. She pushed her mouth back over Ben’s dick as he grabbed hard to her head and came in her mouth.

  When he was done, she pulled her mouth away, swallowing and wiping her lips. She smiled up at Ben and then over at me, not moving from the chair. She let go of Ben and leaned back, lifting her feet in the air and giggling.

  “I really miss this,” she said.

  “I second that motion,” Ben said, grabbing his pants and putting them on.

  “You don’t have to twist my arm.” I laughed.

  Chapter 20


  It was Saturday morning, and I was at my normal morning shift with Piper. The crowd had just come and gone, and we were cleaning up the mess left behind. I seriously couldn’t wait until I didn’t have to work in customer service anymore. I glanced over at the girl who had been sitting alone for a couple of hours and noticed there were tears streaming down her face. When she turned, I realized I knew who she was. Not only was she in one of my classes with Ben, but she was the girl he described who had come out of the dean’s office when he had been waiting for his meeting. He had pointed her out to me before I left campus on Friday.

  On my break, I decided I needed to get to the bottom of this. If we were going to attack the dean and the provost of a major Ivy League school, we needed to do it as a mob and not as a few stragglers with a proven past. I took off my apron and slowly approached her, sitting down next her and rubbing her shoulder. She sniffled and looked up at me, surprised.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to frighten you,” I said, handing her a box of tissues I had grabbed from the back. “I wanted to know if I could talk to you?”

  “Thanks,” she said, taking the box of tissues and pulling one out.

  I sat back and waited for her to finish wiping the makeup from her cheeks and blowing her nose. She glanced up at me nervously and then looked down again, knowing I had seen her there all morning. Not that I looked amazing working an early Saturday morning at a coffee shop, but she looked terrible. Her eyes were puffy and red from crying, her hair was in a messy bun on the top of her head, and she looked like she hadn’t changed from her sweatpants in days. She was depressed, and the look in her eyes was all too familiar to me. It was exactly how I’d looked when I’d been torn away from Ben and Grant, forced to face the dean on my own. I was terrified at what I had to face, and if Ben and Grant hadn’t been there after my conversation with them, I would have been her, crying alone in the corner of some coffee shop, trying to make sense of the world around me. My heart immediately went out to her, and anger bubbled in my stomach thinking about what they probably had done to her.


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