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Marrying his Brother: A Fake Fiance Romance

Page 94

by Tia Siren

  “Give it to me,” she growled. “Harder.”

  I smiled and tilted her slightly to the side as I lifted my knee up on the dresser. I adjusted my footing and slammed into her hard. I slowly pulled back out and looked into her eyes.

  “Like that?”

  “Mmhm,” she whined.

  I slid my hands down under her ass and did it again. Only this time, I didn’t slow down. I slammed my dick into her endlessly, my knee hitting the dresser and the mirror rattling on its frame. She reached her hands back and steadied herself, giving me room to push. My hips moved fast and deep, and our skin slapped together loudly. She leaned her head back and shouted wildly, while I drove into her over and over again.

  “Fuck, yes,” she growled.

  I clenched my teeth and drove down into her one more time, leaning my head over and kissing her neck. I looked over at Ben, nodding for him to lie down. I pulled out of her and bent over her still-contorted body.

  “You want two cocks in your pussy?”

  “Yes,” she said excitedly.

  “Go climb on top of Ben,” I ordered, slapping her butt as she pranced over to him.

  I grabbed the lube and lathered up my cock, walking over to them as she lowered herself down on his dick. I pulled myself onto the bed and behind her, watching as I carefully pushed into her pussy right above Ben. She screamed out, nodding as I moved inside of her, pulling my pelvis toward her ass. I leaned over her body and held myself up on my knuckles starting to move at the same slow pace as Ben. She growled out, feeling just how full her pussy really was.

  My cock slipped up and down, the warm and wetness encircling both of our cocks. She lay there moaning in unison with us, her voice beginning to pick up as Ben and I moved just a little faster. She reached up and grabbed the blankets in her fists, letting it all go, wailing loudly until her breath was taken, and she was hit with her climax. She almost scrambled at first, driving her nails through the sheets as the waves of passion flew over her. I groaned, feeling her pussy vibrating around us.

  “I’m gonna come,” I groaned.

  “Me too,” Ben growled.

  We kept moving as she continued to orgasm until all three of us were writhing in passion, barely moving our bodies. My cock blew hard, coming deep inside of her, mixing with Ben’s and filling her up with our warm seed. She gasped at the feeling of us twitching inside of her, our bodies still for several moments. Finally, I slowly pulled out and lay down to the side. Ben helped Kylie roll off him and nestle between us, and we lay there unable to move.

  “Will we all live together when the baby is born?” Kylie’s mind had drifted off as her body began to recover.

  “That was my plan,” Ben said, rolling over on his side. “What do you think, Grant?”

  “I would love that,” I said. “I have a big house here for now. We could all move in here. There’s plenty of room for everyone to have space and for the baby to have a room.”

  “I like that idea,” Kylie said, snuggling up between us.

  “I do too,” I said looking over at her beautiful smile. “You okay? That was a bit rougher than normal.”

  “I loved it,” she said. “In fact, we’ll have to have a special room for just us when we all move in together.”

  “I like that idea,” Ben said with excitement.

  So did I. I pulled my arms up over my head and looked up at the ceiling. Everything had worked out exactly the way we wanted, and life was only getting better every day. I couldn’t wait to have Kylie in our lives forever.


  Nine and a Half Months Later


  “Thank you, doctor.” I smiled down at little Eric as the doctor left the room.

  It was my six-week postpartum check-up, and everything was perfect. Eric was so good and so sweet, and oddly enough, looked like all three of them. There was no real way to tell from looking at him whose child he was genetically, but none of us cared. We all looked at him in the same way. He was the perfect addition to our family. I packed him up and laid a blanket over him, smiling down as we walked through the office and into the autumn air.

  When we arrived back at the house, both the guys, wearing aprons, greeted us warmly. Ben took Eric and pulled him out of his carrier as Grant helped me out of my coat. I looked around at all the food on the dining room table and smiled. It was a random mix of veggies, pasta, and different kinds of bread. I could tell they had cooked together, making whatever they were best at. Ben had learned how to cook just for us, and he was actually pretty good at it. I pulled the pack and play over next to the table and lay baby Eric down in the bottom, smiled down at him again as he cooed peacefully.

  It was amazing living in the same house, sharing responsibilities, and being a family. We weren’t the typical American family, but it couldn’t have been more perfect to me. We had moved in together a couple months back right after I graduated. Grant had cleared out a whole lot of stuff, and we’d made his house our new home. It was the perfect size that allowed each of us some privacy when needed but kept us close enough together to feel warm and cozy.

  We sat down at the dinner table and began to eat, discussing Ben’s job that he had been in for months now and Grant’s possible tenure at the school. They were both doing so well, and I had a job waiting for me when I was off maternity leave. Everything had fallen into place, and it was exactly what we all wanted. When I was done eating, I took Eric in and lulled him to sleep, pulling a tiny blanket over him as his eyes fell shut. When I got back downstairs, the guys had finished cleaning up from dinner, and they stood around drinking a beer and looking over at me. I could tell they wanted to ask me something, and I smiled at their hesitance.

  “So, are you all healed?” Ben was the brave one apparently that evening.

  I smiled, laughing to myself, wanting to make them suffer a little bit longer. They had been chomping at the bit, especially the last two weeks, to get the word from the doc that I was all healed and ready to go. We had played around a little, but no one was allowed to touch me anywhere under the pants. It was extraordinarily frustrating to me, and I could only imagine how bad both boys wanted it. I walked across the kitchen, running my fingers along the island, feeling their stares boring into my back. I turned around and smiled.

  “Yep. I am all good to go,” I said. “The doctor said everything has healed very nicely, and I am no longer in pain even during her exam, so I have been cleared for any and all sexual activity with my men.”

  “I’d have to say that is the best news since the baby was born.” Ben sighed, patting Grant on the shoulder.

  “Yeah, I was about to freaking explode,” Grant laughed. “Seriously, I was going to call your doctor and bribe her. The thought really did pass through my mind.”

  “Well, what in the world are we waiting for?”

  “That’s a really good question,” Ben said, walking forward and grabbing me by the wrist.

  I giggled as the two of them pulled me down the hall to our special room, too excited for any kind of playfulness. I stepped inside and looked around at the bed covered in sheets and pillows, the straps hanging from the ceiling, and the barrage of toys on pull-out shelves on the walls. Ben started lighting all the candles and Grant pulled out the same old, red satin ribbons, smiling over at me. It was hot as hell, and immediately, I was in the mood, reaching up and taking my clothes off quickly. They had been dying for a couple of months to fuck me, and I had been dying to have their cocks again.

  Grant took me over to the bed and tied me up, using the ribbons and the hooks they had installed when they’d put the room together. Ben nodded over at him as he finished undressing, holding his cock in his hand. Grant climbed up over me and leaned forward, kissing my lips. He positioned his cock and slowly guided it into me, feeling how wet I already was. He groaned loudly, opening his eyes and looking down at me.

  “God, you feel tighter than before the baby,” he said.

  “She gave me a little extra sti
tch,” I said, winking at him.

  He smiled and began to push into me, leaning back and smoothing his fingers over my clit. I moaned, feeling the heat already building in my stomach. I had waited so long to feel them inside of me again, I could barely hold back. Grant moved gently at first, working my body back into the rhythm. I squeezed my hands tightly as his fingers started to move faster, the feeling of my pleasure trickling over me slowly. I groaned, grinding my hips against him, feeling myself getting lost in his touch. His hips began to move faster, and as his fingers danced over my pussy, I gripped my hands into fists and took a deep breath, my body exploding into ecstasy. I could feel the warmth of my juices roll over his cock while my pussy flinched and tightened around him.

  When I had stopped shaking, he leaned forward and gently kissed my lips, pulling out and smiling as he moved to the chair by the bed. Grant crawled up between my legs and bit his lip, too eager to get inside to even say anything. He pushed his cock through my juices, getting halfway and jolting his hips forward. He studied my face, also fearful that he was going to hurt me. I reached up and ran my fingernails down his body.

  “Relax,” I whispered. “You aren’t going to hurt me. Now fuck me, please.”

  He smiled and shrugged his shoulders, grabbing onto my waist and pounding himself into me. A rush of pleasure washed over me at the feeling of him, his big cock running in and out of my body. I tilted my head back and opened my mouth, my clit pulsing with blood. The feeling of him inside of me was too much, and I screamed out again in pleasure, gyrating my body against his as he pushed inside. I grabbed the straps and held tightly to them as my body reveled in the pleasure, pushing me over the edge yet again, unable to stop the rolling waves that shocked my body and rode through my veins. I rolled my eyes back and arched my chest up as I came all over him, crying in pleasure as my body began to relax.

  “Rub her pussy,” Grant said. “She’s gonna sleep good tonight.”

  Grant walked around the bed untying the ribbons and watching as Ben pulled out and began to frantically rub my pussy. He walked over and nodded at him, watching as he stood up. Grant climbed up and turned me toward the edge of the bed, and Ben stepped forward with his cock in his hand. I opened my mouth and took Ben into my throat, groaning at the taste of him and me mixed together. Grant lubed himself up quickly and slowly pushed into my ass, reaching under me and rubbing my pussy fast and hard. His hips began to thrust forward, pushing all the way in and then retracting. I had forgotten just how much I liked anal.

  My hands gripped down on the bed as Grant rolled me from orgasm to orgasm, my body continuously shaking while I deep throated Ben’s shaft. I groaned with my mouth full, feeling my body quivering wildly. Grant reached up and grabbed my waist, slapping my ass lightly with his hand. I pulled my head back and moaned with a light giggle, looking up at Ben with a mischievous smile. He chuckled and pulled my head back over his dick, pushing me down to the base and then back up again.

  I bobbed my head forward and back, unable to concentrate on anything but the big pulsing cock in my ass. It felt so good, and I wanted more and more. He thrust forward, picking up his speed as Ben did the same with my mouth. It was hot, and I whimpered and pouted as Ben pulled back, watching Grant lie down on the bed. I turned and crawled toward Grant, straddling him and lowering myself slowly down on his dick. I moaned, rolling my hands back up my body and over my tits. I was shocked at how much I still wanted them, like the lust and horniness from my pregnancy had never stopped.

  Ben came up behind me and kissed my neck before pushing me over and gliding his dick right into my ass. I wailed, feeling completely full again, having missed that feeling for the last couple of months. I lifted myself up slightly and gripped the headboard, steadying myself. Immediately, Grant began to pump his hips up and down, fucking me fast, slamming his body into mine. Ben growled, pushing his dick in and out at the same speed, clutching down onto my waist. I smiled, closing my eyes and soaking in the feeling of their dicks inside of me. I could feel Grant’s body pounding against my clit repeatedly, pushing me further and further to climax.

  “Yes,” I shouted out, clutching tightly to the railing. “I’m gonna come.”

  “Yeah, baby,” Ben growled. “Come for us.”

  Grant moved even faster, shaking my entire body until I couldn’t hold back anymore. I leaned my head up and gasped, feeling the last orgasm blow through me like a hurricane, more intense by the second until it reached its peak, freezing me in place. I let the air out of my lungs and shivered as the pleasure pulsated through my muscles. Grant grabbed my body and pulled it down on his cock, grunting fiercely as he came, his cock pulsing inside of me while he exploded his seed into my body. Ben slammed his dick deep inside and leaned over on my back, reaching up and grabbing my tits tightly as he, too, came, his dick pushing and pulsating in my ass.

  We sat like that for several moments before Ben found the strength to pull out and fall to the side. I laid down between the two of them and took both of their hands, watching the fan on the ceiling go around and around. I smiled and looked back and forth between them.

  “Everything is perfect,” I said with a yawn. “Eric is perfect, we are perfect, and this room is definitely perfect.”

  “I agree,” Grant said, laughing.

  “God, I can’t believe Eric is six weeks old already.” Ben shook his head.

  “I can’t believe we’ve been together for almost a year already,” I said.

  “What a year,” Grant replied.

  “I love you guys,” I said, squeezing their hands.

  “And we love you,” Ben said, nodding at Grant.

  Everything had turned out perfect, a happily ever after that I never thought I would have. They were madly in love with me, and I was madly in love with them. My family was better than I had ever hoped for.



  Sneak Peak: Fake It Baby

  We both want to adopt the same baby.

  A fake marriage is our only hope.

  But I want so much more.

  This time, I'm not letting her go...

  Avery was the girl I left behind.

  My little sister's best friend.

  I could never forget how she rocked my world that night.

  And ever since I came back to town, her curves and sassy mouth are making me wild.

  She's in this fake-relationship for the baby she wants to adopt.

  I need a wife to prove I'm the perfect family guy.

  But once I get her into our newly-wed bed,

  I'll show her why we're meant to be together... forever.

  A family.

  Even though our vows are fake, I promise our happily-ever-after will be very real.


  Chapter One


  I tossed my jacket on the twin-size bed in my rented room and flopped down on top of it. I had to find a job. I could not be one of those statistics. I had put in my time, paid my dues, and had a shiny new bachelor’s degree and no job. Go to college, they said. You’ll make lots of money, they said.

  “Ha! You have to get a job first!”

  “What, dear?” Sally said, stopping at my open door.

  I sat up, ran a hand through my short pixie cut, and sighed. “Nothing. Another job interview and another no. They said I didn’t have enough experience. How could I have experience? I’ve been in college for five years.”

  She gave me a soft smile and came to sit beside me on the bed. “It will happen, dear. Give it time. You’ve only been looking for a month.”

  “It shouldn’t be so hard. I went into accounting and business because that’s something people will always need. Money makes the world go around,” I said.

  Sally put a hand on my knee. “There’s no rush for you to move out. You just graduated. Give yourself a break.”

  I rubbed my hands over my face. “This is not what I had planned for myself. I envisioned graduating on Saturday and startin
g a new job on Monday, making lots of money and being unbelievably successful.”

  “You’re still young. You have plenty of time to find a job.”

  I ignored her, too caught up in my self-pity. “I’m twenty-five. Nobody is going to hire someone who took seven years to get a bachelor’s degree.”

  Sally chuckled. “It didn’t take seven years. You took some time off. You enjoyed life. That’s what young people do.”

  “I wished I would have gone straight to school and stayed there. It didn’t help that I changed majors. I probably look flighty. They don’t want to trust their books to a woman who couldn’t figure out if she wanted to be a scientist, an artist, or an accountant.”

  “You’re a spirited woman. That isn’t a bad thing. Give it time. You young people are always in such a hurry these days,” she scolded.

  I laughed. It was something Sally, my old—literally old—friend and landlady, said to me all the time. I had been renting a room in her house for the past year. She charged me next to nothing, claiming she should pay me to stay there since I kept her company.

  “I don’t want to keep taking advantage of your hospitality, Sally.”

  She smiled. “You pay me. That isn’t taking advantage.”

  I laughed. “I pay you next to nothing, and you take care of me.”

  “I enjoy it, sweetie. I really do.”

  “Well, I hope to have my own place someday. I will miss you like crazy, but I will visit every minute I can,” I promised her.

  She sighed. “I hope you do. There is no rush for you to go. I do understand, though. It’s exciting to have your own place and to get to walk around your house naked.”


  She giggled like a woman a third her age. “I’m not so old. I used to be a hot little number back when I was your age. Strut it while you got it.”

  I laughed at her mention of her wild side. It was hard to imagine the prim and proper Sally ever doing anything scandalous.

  My phone rang. I looked at the screen and didn’t recognize the number. I almost didn’t answer it. Something told me I should.


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