Silk Sails
Page 27
Miss Rose Blanche, 198
Miss Sheila Marie, 153
Mistletoe, 100
Mitchell, Martha, 88
Mitchell, Sarah Ann, 181
Mollie, 145
Monica Hartery, 110
Monroe, Helen Rosina Amelia, 188
Moore, Ann, 73, 219
Moore, Mary, 73, 219
Moores, Mary Ellen Grace, 191
Moran, Mother-in-law of John, 206
Morgan, Bridget, 210
Morris, Catherine, 84, 86, 97, 111, 118
Morris, Eliza, 86
Morris, Miss Ella, 84
Morris, Mrs. Eloise, 84, 85, 86
Morris, Miss Kate, 84
Morris, Miss Lizzie, 84
Morris, Mary, 86
Morris, Mary Foley, 53, 86, 129
Mortier Bay, 153
Morton, 117
Mugford, Ada, 109
Mugford, Ann, 44, 209
Mugford sisters, 73, 208
Mulcahy, Tabitha, 206
Munn, Elizabeth (Munden), 114, 127, 132
Murphy, Alice (Denief, “Big Allie”), 146, 147, 166
Murphy, Annie, 108, 125, 130
Murphy, Elizabeth, 108, 125
Murphy, Joanna, 177
Murphy, Katherine, 39
Murphy, Mary, 108, 130, 175
Murray, Ellen, 192
Murray, Hilda Chaulk, 11, 45, 158
Murray, Lizzie Agnes (Cummins), 99
Myra Kathleen, 189
Mystery, 139
Mystical Rose, 85
Nadel-Klein, Jane, 25
Nancy, 53, 86, 129
Nancy Lee, 132, 159
Narrowcot, Ann, 73, 208
Narrowcot, Catherine, 73, 208
Nash, Alice Maria, 136, 194
Native, 100
Nelson, 98
Neptune’s Car, 26
Nevada, 175, 176
New Daisy, 86
New Era, 149
Newell, Cornelia (Chancey), 114
Newell, Frances (Mugford), 44
Newman, Blanche Louisa, 183
Newman, Gertrude, 87, 111, 134, 166
Newman, Gladys Irene, 191
Nichols, Martha, 39
Night Train, 139
Nimbus, 140
Nina Beatrice, 193
Nina L. V. Davis, 187
Nina Maria, 153
Noreman, Mrs., 77
Norman, Grace, 212
Norman, Mother-in-law of Grace, 212
Normor, Mary, 134
Norris, Mary Burke, 186
North Bay, 153
Noseworthy, Ann, 215
Noseworthy, Charity, 73, 210
Noseworthy, Mary Olivia, 55
Noseworthy, Priscilla, 102
Noseworthy, Stella Louise, 187
Notre Dame, 88
Nowlan, Johanna, 172
Nugent, Edward (or Edwina), 73, 210
O’Malley, Grace, 18
O’Neal, Julianna, 207
O’Neill, Mary, 172
Oldford, Mary, 195
Orange Lily, 123
Orient, 177
Orr, Meta Boals, 100
Our Lady, 194
Osmond, Jane, 117
Osmond, Kate, 133
Osmond, Nina, 87, 134
Ouldin, Catherine (Boudet), 66
Owen, Louisa (Janes?), 114, 115
Oxley, Annie, 40, 41
P. & W. Davis, 179
Pafford, Eliza (Reid), 90, 165 See also under Eddy Pandora, 108, 123, 133
Paquet, Dame Henriette, 132
Pardy, Eliza Matilda (Sibley), 91
Parmiter, Cindy, 56
Parrott, Mary J., 183
Parsons, Emma, 181
Parsons, Hannah, 182
Parsons, Jane, 172
Parsons, Jemima Emine, 177
Parsons, Maria (Buffett), 116
Parsons, Mary, 83, 95, 109, 154
Parsons, Mary (second), 83, 96
Parsons, Patience, 212, 218
Parsons, Susannah, 124, 164
Parsons, Widow, 75
Patten, Amelia Foote (Dunford), 189
Patten, Elizabeth (Hickman), 103
Patten, Mary, 18, 26, 27
Patten, Sarah, See under Foote Paul, Jane Irene, 139
Paul, Ellen (Mi’kmaq), 167
Paul, Fanny (Mi’kmaq), 167
Paul, Lily (Bragg), 195
Paul, Mary (Mi’kmaq), 167
Pea Jay, 153
Peace, Mrs. M. S., 148
Peckford, Susie Rebekah, 186
Pelley, Mary (child), 69
Pelley, Widow Mary, 69
Pelter, 53, 99, 100, 104, 108
Pendergrast, Ann, 202
Pennock, Elizabeth, 87
Penny, Ann, 207
Penny, Margaret (Lake), 94
Penny, Marie Smart, 13, 30, 94, 135, 146, 166
Penny, Mother of Robert, 218
Petipas, Grace, 88
Petipas, Ursula, 178
Petite, Ada Annie (Hill), 30, 33, 92, 93, 126, 139, 146, 166
Petite, Ada (daughter), 93
Petite, Debbie, 30, 33, 34, 93, 146, 166
Petten, Joan Verna, 152
Petunia, 100
Petursson, Susan Mary, 152
Phillips, Dorcas, 108, 112
Philomena, 85, 179
Philpott, Mrs., 145
Phoebe Jane, 174
Phoebe M., 87
Piercey, Lucy Ella, 189
Pike, Charlotte, 217, 220, 221
Pike, Elizabeth, 216
Pike, Elizabeth (second), 216, 217
Pike, Francis, 180
Pike, May B., 183
Pioneer, 105
Pippy, Dinah, 206
Pippy, Elizabeth, 70, 215
Pittman, Sarah, 118, 182
Pitts, Elizabeth, 96, 146
Pitts, Mary, 115
Pladwell, Hannah, 75
Pleasant Time, 177
Pollock, Helen Louise, 152
Pomeroy, Rosa May, 195
Pond, Elizabeth (Wells), 99, 104
Porter, Marion Owen, 184
Porter, Mary, 210, 211, 212
Poseidon, 186
Pottery, Betty, 68
Power, Amelia, 84
Power, Bridget, 190
Power, Mary, 110
Power, Mother-in-law of Michael, 214
Power, Teresa, 177
Powhaten, 25
Pratincole, 177
Pride of the North, 105
Prima Donna, 84
Primer, Mrs. John, 76
Protch, Ann, 219
Purchase, Amelia (Newell), 78, 79
Pynn, Grandmother of Hy., 218
Pynn, Patience 70, 215
Quinn, Eleanor, 55
Quirk, Mary Ann, 88
R. A. Squires, 196
R. J. Devereux, 92, 137
Rabbitts, Mother of John Sr., 211
Radio City, 92, 188
Ralph, Mrs., 145
Ralph & Bob, 191
Ranger, 115
Raybeu, 153
Read, Elsie, 107, 122, 134
Read, Mary, 18
Reddy, Catherine, 178
Redmond, Ann, 66
Redwing Chief, 143, 190
Reed, Mary, 47
Reed, Mrs., 25
Rego, 89
Reliance, 181
Relief, 53, 86, 129
Rex Perry, 93
Rhodes, Charlotte, 40
Richard J., 199
Richards, Sarah, 70
Rideout, Ellen, 108
Rideout, Jane, 108
Ridout, Widow, 75
Rines, Mother-in-law of John, 205
Rita M. Farrell, 121
Roach, Ellen (Cantwell), 99, 104, 133, 166
Rober (or Hober), Ann, 208
Roberts, Ann, 212
Roberts, Diana, 211, 212
Roberts, Dinah, 211
Roberts, Eleanor, 179
Roberts, Elsie T., 91
, Henrietta, 108, 175
Roberts, Lucy, 87, 125
Roberts, Mabel, 134, 152
Roberts, Mary A. T., 87, 125, 126
Roberts, Susanna (Heighington), 70 See also under Heighington Roberts, Widow, 63
Robins, Lilly, 198
Rock, Ann, 69
Rogerson, Isabella (Whiteford), 123, 146
Rose, Mary A. (Stewart, “Mrs. John”), 101, 134
Rose and Blanche, 87, 111, 136
Rose of Torridge, 114
Roy M., 200
Royal Visit, 195
Russel, Grandmother of Edward, 212
Russell, Mary, 22
Rusty Scott, 153
Ryan, Margaret (Murphy), 177
Ryan, Margaret Grace (McCarthy), 194
Ryan, Margaret (daughter of Margaret Grace), 194
S. S. Espanolets, 90
St. Clair, 186
St. Croix, Sarah, 71
St. Elmo, 105, 130
St. Helena, 179
Saint Patrick, 97
Saffron, 194
Salmon, Anastatia, 71
Salvationist, 87
Samson, Emma Frances, 183
Samuel J. Foote, 173
Sandra & Carolann, 153
Saunders, Catherine, 192
Saunders, Irene May, 123, 191
Saval, 200
Savory, Bessie Wilhelmina, 134, 152
Sawyer, Catherine (Cummins), 99
Scammel, Susie (Peckford), 186
Scott, Elizabeth F., 115
Sea Bride, 115
Sea Flower, 144
Seaman’s Pride, 85
Seely, Annie, 54
Senator, 89
Sertall, Widow, 62
Shamrock, 97, 118
Sharpe, Joan Rayleen, 152
Shea, Ellen M., 90
Shea, Mary, 67
Sheaves, Annie, 188
Sheaves, Mary Wilmot (Bishop), 117, 118, 143, 166
Shepherd, Wife of Capt., 147, 148
Sheppard, Mother of James, 219
Sheppard, Mary, 43, 44
Sherry Roxanne, 153
Silver City, 128
Silver Sea, 100
Simmons, Laura, 130, 173, 174
Simms, Miss, 141
Singeon, Jane, 221
Singeon, Mother of Jane, 221
Skinner, Pearl Melita, 106
Skinner, Mrs., 71
Slade, Rosina Annie, 23, 24
Smith, Elizabeth, 214
Smith, Jane, 213
Smith, Johannah, 125
Smith, Lucy P. Vincent, 25
Smith, Martha, 19
Smith, Widow, 75
Smith sisters, 213
Snelgrove, Ann, 203, 204
Snow, Ellen, 178
Snow, Mother of Thos., 209
Snow, Mother of Wm., 213
Snow, Zealah, 181, 182
Spring Bird, 104, 165
Squires, Sarah, 218
Steele, Zipporah, 39
Stella Hynes, 183
Stone, Mrs. Margaret, 88, 105, 106, 118, 123, 136, 188
Stone, Mary Ann, 109, 111
Stone, Rachel, 109
Stone, Theresa, 89, 136
Stoneman, Catherine, 98, 99, 111
Story, Ruth, 135, 152
Stretch, Ann, 210, 218, 220
Strickland, Ethel Maud (Dolomount), 198
Strickland, Theresa (Clarke), 199
Strong, Eliza, 174
Stuckless, Hazel Marie, 135, 152
Success, 82, 177
Sullivan, Selina S., 40
Sultana, 113
Sunset Glow, 115
Susan, 53, 81
Sweet, Mrs. Mary, 68
Swift Current, 140
Swile, 183
Switcher, 88
Syabilla M., 193
Sybil, 100, 119
Sylvia Joyce, 121, 142
Symes, Catherine Jane, 188
Symes, Widow Mary, 75
T. F. Oakes, 25
Tasman, 87
Tasso, 192
Taverner, Margaret, 62, 63
Taylor, Ann, 108, 136
Taylor, Effie, 167
Taylor, Elizabeth, 96, 111, 116
Taylor, Jane, 41
Taylor, Mary (single), 108, 136
Taylor, Mary (widow), 96, 111
Taylor, Susannah, 215
Tedcap, 191
Tempest, 92
Teresa G., 122, 166
Terry, Elizabeth, 207
Terry Maurice, 131, 153
Tessie Aubery, 185
Tessier, Ann Catherine Weston, 100, 146
Tessier, Anne C. M., 100, 146
Tessier, Bertha Mary, 100, 146
Tessier, Julia, 100, 118, 146
Theresa M. Gray, 184
Theresa S., 89, 136
Thirts, Mrs. Thomas, 219
Thistle, Amy, 219, 220, 221
Thistle, Catherine, 69, 221
Thistle, Frances, 216
Thistle, Mother of Michael, 206
Thomas, Alice, 70, 71
Thomas J. Hodder, 199
Thomes, Widow Susannah, 75
Thornhill, Emily, 121, 125
Tibbo, Eleanor, 42, 109, 124, 165
Tibbo, Grace, 103
Tibbo, Hilda Mary, 189
Tiger, 109
Ting (or Ling), Rose, 135, 152
Tite, Elizabeth, 138
Tobin, Eliza Anne, 173
Tobin, Elizabeth M., 40, 41
Tobin, Mary A., 40, 41
Tobin, Mrs. Patrick, 46
Topsail Girl Second, 142
Toque, Ann (Howell), 73, 97, 111, 116, 118, 129, 217 See also under Howell Tree, Widow, 71
Treworgie, Mrs. John, 61
Trinity North, 191
Trio, 174
Triton, 87, 129
Tuck, Ann Jane, 104, 133, 166
Tuck, Maria, 176
Tucker, Frances, 216
Twin Brothers, 96
Two Brothers, 82
Tyro, 113
Ulelia, 24
Uncle Bob, 93
United Brothers, 87
Vallis, Mary, 92, 137
Vallis, Selina Frances, 191
Vardy, Lillian, 128, 185
Venus, 95, 109
Verron, Mary J., 40
Victoria, 119, 149, 160
Victoria (Queen), 43, 48
Vigilant, 181
Vigus, Sarah, 127, 128, 142
Vinsen, Joanna, 202
Voisy, Mary Ann, 39
Voy, Wife of George, 209
W. J. Phillips, 91
Wabby, 117
Wade, Catherine, 179
Wagaymack, 32, 122, 159
Wakeham, Elizabeth Vallance, 114, 116, 146
Walker, Grace, 212
Wall, Mother-in-law of John, 208
Wall, Mary, 207
Walsh, Catherine, 84, 144, 204
Walsh, Margaret, 137
Walsh, Mrs. Mary, 88, 136
Wamboldt, Capt. Ivy, 57
Ware, Widow, 75
Wareham, Eva, 152
Warr, Lillian, 187
Waterman, Mrs. Mary, 68, 138
Webber, Elizabeth & Sons, 74, 201, 219, 220
Webister, Wife of Charles, 204
Wedgeport Lad, 135
Weir, Mamie, 152
Wells, Alice, 106
Wells, Ann, 73, 215
Wells, Sarah, 72, 203
Wells, Mother of Jas. and Wm., 209
Wesley, Susannah, 162
West, Mary Maria, 116
Wetmore, Wife of Justus, 166
Whealon, Mary, 208
Wheaton, Mary, 73
Wheeler, Emma, 104, 165
Whiffen, Evelyn, 191, 192
Whirlwind, 26
White, Marion Emerson, 134, 190
White Gull, 184
Whiteford, Isabella See under Rogerson
Whiteley, Louisa A., 116, 146, 176
Whiteway, Mother-in-law of William, 204
Wilcox, Emmie, 10
8, 175
Wilehema, 126, 184, 199
William Stairs, 84, 144
Williams, Eliza Azelia, 23
Williams, Mary, 216
Williams, Thomazene (“Tamzen”), 25
Willie, 84
Willie & Ross, 190
Willis C., 176
Winnie F. Tuck, 105
Winsor, Amelia Jane, 131
Winsor, Caroline, 53, 99, 104, 108
Winsor, Frances, 142
Winsor, Jane, 99, 104, 108
Winsor, Lillian Frances, 121
Winsor, Mary, 39, 167
Winsor, Olivia Emma, 192
Winter, Adelaide, 193
Wiscombe, Gladys Marion, 191
Wood, Widow, 63
Woodley, Elizabeth, 82
Woodley, Mary, 82
Woodrow Wilson, 178
Wright, Vivian, 135, 152
Yarn, Margaret, 133
Yarn, Mary (Boone), 31, 32, 33 122, 134, 159, 165
Yarn, Stella, 32
Yetman, Minnie, 109, 123, 133
Yetman, Susannah, 109, 123, 133
Youden, Una May, 134
Young, Emily, 184
Young, Lena, 175, 176
Young Hood, 183
Zephyr, 96
Zipper, 188
My thanks are due to many people and several institutions. I am grateful to McGill University for awarding me a full-year sabbatical leave to undertake the research for this book and to the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at Memorial University of Newfoundland for awarding me a research grant to visit about 20 communities in Newfoundland.
I am grateful to Heather Wareham, Archivist at the Maritime History Archive at Memorial University, and to all her staff for their invaluable assistance, and to Heather, in particular, for arranging for me to give a lecture to Maritime historians and other interested parties in 1994. Thanks go as well to: Professors Valerie Burton and Daniel Vickers of the Maritime Studies Research Unit and the Department of History at Memorial University for their support and encouragement; staff at the Centre for Newfoundland Studies and their archives at Memorial University; staff in the Reference Department at the Newfoundland Public Libraries at the St. John’s Arts & Culture Centre; staff at the Newfoundland Provincial Archives; staff at the McGill University Libraries; staff at the National Archives of Canada in Ottawa; curators and other staff at various museums in Newfoundland; Betty Williams at the Registrar of Shipping in St. John’s; Trudi Johnson, who was in 1994 a Ph.D. student at Memorial University and who provided much valuable information on property ownership by women.
Additionally, I would like to thank: Professor Gordon Handcock, Professor Chris English, and Professor Lewis R. Fischer at Memorial University for valuable advice and encouragement; Professor Carmen Miller at McGill University for inviting me to lecture on this subject to his history class; McGill University Libraries for sponsoring a public lecture on the topic in 1995; Clifford Evans, Curator of the Mary March Museum at Grand Falls-Windsor, for arranging a public lecture in the museum in 1994; retired Professor Otto Tucker of Memorial University for inviting me to lecture at the Wessex Society in St. John’s in February 2005; and finally, staff at the public libraries in Botwood, Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor for facilitating access to research and archival information for this project.
I am especially grateful to the many people who welcomed me unannounced into their homes on the south-west coast, the south coast, the Burin Peninsula, Glovertown and the east coast of Newfoundland. I suppose there is no other place in all the world where one can be so readily accepted and warmly received and never made to feel that one is intruding. My wife accompanied me on most of the visits, and on those occasions when she waited in the car, reading a book, she was routinely invited into a nearby house for a chat and a cup of tea. I was looking only for information but I came away feeling that total strangers had become friends.