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Billionaire Mountain Man

Page 38

by Claire Adams

  “Sold!” Anna cried joyously. “To the lady in the black cape.”

  “I wish it were a proper cape. I’m going to need superpowers to survive this month.” I was ready for it, though.

  “You are both going to knock that exam out of the park. Mark my words.” Anna insisted.

  “How do you know? You’ve known us for all of about an hour.” I hated to point out the obvious, but Anna’s complete faith in us astonished me.

  “I know because I know people. Women like you are go-getters. You won’t let anything stand in your way, and you’ll work hard to get what you want.” It was a matter-of-fact statement. There was no doubt in Anna’s voice.

  Heather beamed. “You’re right. We have worked hard. We’re going to own this exam.”

  “Yeah, we are.” I thought we would, anyway, but I wasn’t about to be the doubting downer.

  “These are the only capes that I keep around here, unfortunately. I do have champagne, though. That should give you the self-confidence of a superhero.” Anna smirked and motioned to a girl carrying a tray of champagne flutes.

  Heather and I each accepted a glass and sipped in silence as Anna snipped and sprayed and clipped around us. She moved a bit like a ninja. It was quite something to behold.

  “So, on to other things that you want. You promise you’ll tell the mystery man soon?” Heather asked quietly, her eyes searching mine like she knew something was holding me back.

  “Yeah, I will.” It was a promise that I intended to keep.

  “Good. I want to meet him. When do I get to meet him?” Heather’s eyes lit up. “And does he have any hot, single friends?”

  I laughed. Heather was beautiful, intelligent, and driven. No man had been able to keep up so far. Although, the same might have been said for me until not so long ago. I would ask James about it.

  “I think he does, but I’ll have to ask. You will meet him, though. I don’t know when yet, but I have a feeling that he’s going to be around for a while. So you definitely will.”

  Hope flooded my veins. I wanted James to be around for a long while. I wondered if he wanted the same thing.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I was walking on fucking sunshine when I arrived at Richard’s office that morning. I actually whistled as I headed in. A few friendly faces greeted me, but I didn’t stop to talk. I felt invincible as I walked the hallways, like nothing could stop me now.

  Richard had to postpone his first meeting with me, but he’d called as soon as he’d gotten back to town to reschedule, still sounding entirely confident that I would love the terms of my new contract.

  In under an hour, I was going to have everything that I’d ever wanted and more. My team, my big payday, and my baby’s future secured.

  I also had Gabrielle, for now, anyway. An added bonus that I hadn’t expected but who made the experience so much more rewarding. I couldn’t wait to tell her that I’d accepted her father’s counteroffer. That I would be staying in Miami.

  I couldn’t wait to celebrate my dreams coming true with her that evening and to make her scream my name louder than the fans would when we finally won the fucking Super Bowl.

  The thought spurred me on. I would call her as soon as I got out of this office with the ink drying in place on my shiny new contract.

  Olivia fixed me with a bright smile when I entered Richard’s reception area.

  “Well howdy, stranger.” Olivia twirled her braid through her fingers and actually batted her eyelashes at me. “He’s still in with a couple of the members of the management team. He’ll be done in a couple of minutes.”

  I wasn’t surprised that I had to wait a few minutes. I wasn’t even the least bit disappointed. Richard had warned me that he had meetings planned all day, but he had insisted that I come in anytime anyway.

  “No problem. I can wait. How’re things going over here? Any news?” The day that I’d gotten Gabrielle’s number from Olivia, I hadn’t been lying about the fact that she had her finger on the pulse.

  If there was anything worth knowing going on, she would know about it. It was possible that she would have some information regarding the terms of my new contract. I had to know.

  Olivia smiled coyly and launched into gossip mode, sharing bits and pieces of information flying around the halls about the plans for the team next season. It sounded legit. If they could pull it off, we might just stand a fucking chance. She didn’t mention anything about my contract, however.

  I bounced on the balls on my feet as adrenaline pumped through my veins, feeling like I’d downed five shots of espresso.

  “Speaking of news, any updates on the surprise?” Her voice was low as her eyes darted to the hallway.

  Images swam in my mind of my shot at the Super Bowl and the ring, Harper in the private school I’d been eyeing, and Gabrielle’s eyes dark with lust.

  “What surprise?” I hated being caught off guard. I wasn’t used it and didn’t want to be. I couldn’t pull my mind away from my impending golden future for long enough to focus on whatever she was going on about.

  Olivia’s lips pressed into a thin line, and her eyes narrowed. Never a good sign.

  “What surprise?” Her voice became slightly more shrill. Shit, she was pissed, though I had no idea why. Her eyes popped wide open. Anger flared in them as something seemed to click into place.

  Olivia opened her mouth, presumably to whisper yell at me about whatever had gotten her so riled up when a pack of suits rushed out of Richard’s office.

  Each member of the management team slapped my palm and tapped my shoulder as they passed. Each alligator grin was wider than the next. I indulged them and smiled wide as I answered quick questions.

  I was in a great mood; I wasn’t going to let the execs get me down. Not that day. The whole exchange took no more than a minute. One of the guys even gave me low thumbs up just before turning to leave.

  That had to be a good sign, a great one even. The man wasn’t known for outward displays of excitement of any kind.

  “Send him in, Olivia.” Richard’s voice crackled over the intercom before Olivia could say another word to me, effectively putting an end to whatever whispered berating comment she had been about to deliver before the management team had appeared.

  I silently thanked God. If there was one thing that I wasn’t in the mood for, it was Olivia’s drama. I did not have time for that shit. I also didn’t know what made her think that she had the kind of authority to yell at us, but it had never stopped her.

  “Jamie boy! How are you? Thanks for coming in so soon, I’m sorry that I had to postpone before.” He gave me a quick one-armed hug and slapped my back so hard that I had to keep from coughing up a lung. Not an easy task. The man was definitely excited about something.

  “I’m great. Hoping to be better when I see your counteroffer.” Shit, I was actually nervous. I hadn’t been that nervous in long fucking time.

  “Well then, I think you’re in luck. Have a seat, son. Wouldn’t want your knees buckling when you hear the news.” He slung his jacket across the back of his monstrous chair. My insides did that same strange thing they’d done the other day when he called me son. Now, however, was not the time to figure it out.

  Richard ran a finger through his graying hair and smirked like a man who knew that he had the keys to the kingdom.

  I slid into his client chair and positioned one leg over the other, leaning forward on my elbows. “Thanks for your concern, Richard, but I’m dying to see the offer.”

  “Of course. Let’s get down to it, then. I know you’re a busy man. Wouldn’t want to keep you from that beautiful daughter of yours.” Guilt took hold in my stomach. Harper was at school.

  The only daughter I’d be seeing for hopefully hours after this meeting would be his.

  I slammed the lid shut on the feeling. I wasn’t going to go there. Not that day. All of my fucking dreams were about to come true. That was all that mattered.

p; Richard reached into a drawer and pulled out a blue folder before sliding it over to me with precision. His desk was so polished that the folder slid easily across it, coming to rest right at the tips of my fingers. I nearly ripped the damn folder in my haste to get to its contents.

  “You’ll want to have your people look over it, too, but I wanted to get you in here in person to discuss it.” His eyes glinted with satisfaction as he watched me pore over the contract.

  All the moisture that should’ve been in my mouth was missing when I was done scanning the contract.

  Gabrielle was right. The man hadn’t called without being absolutely sure that he had me dead to rights. He had beat every single one of my other offers. And then some.

  “Like I said, I spoke to the bean counters, and I think that we’ll be able to make this happen. We believe that we’ll be able to pull the funds together if we make a few of the planned changes. I’m sure you would have noticed that the other terms are also far more favorable than most of the other contracts.”

  My heart hammered in my chest. Sure, I’d have my people look it over, but I was pretty damn sure that it was going to come out on top of the pile of offers I had waiting on my agent’s desk.

  Richard insisted on going over every term of the contract with me, pointing out various clauses that the team deemed non-negotiable and others that were pretty standard. He was right about it being more favorable than the others to me all around.

  “Of course, we’ve already had it sent over to your people. We need an answer from you within the next few days.” He got up, indicating that our meeting had come to an end.

  “Sure, I’ll do you one better and have your answer for you by tomorrow.” I meant it. Before I went over to Gabrielle’s, I was calling a meeting with my team. This decision was being made today, even if it took the rest of the day and all night.

  I already knew what I wanted to do, and unless they could give me a damn compelling reason not to take it, it was a done deal as far as I was concerned. My team worked for me, after all.

  So ultimately, the decision rested with me. I didn’t believe that there was anything hidden or untoward about the offer, but I’d have them check it like the good boy that I wasn’t, and then send them to hell in a handbasket if they tried to stand in my way.

  “Glad to hear it. You’re an asset to this team, James. We would hate to lose you. I hope that you make the right decision.” He knew me well enough to know that my mind was 100 percent made up, barring something seriously fucked up being hidden in the jargon.

  Richard grinned as we shook hands. “Thanks, Rich, I think that I will.”

  I got ready to leave and was already headed for the door when we were interrupted by a curt knock. Olivia didn’t wait for an answer before throwing open the door, a seriously pissed-off looking Gabrielle in tow.

  What in the actual fuck? What’s going on here?

  Gabrielle’s expression changed as soon as she spotted me standing in the office with Richard. She looked just as confused as I was. Her eyes flitted between me, Richard, and Olivia. Her features tightened with apprehension.

  Richard, on the other hand, looked furious. “Olivia, interrupting a meeting is unacceptable. Gabrielle, I’m wrapping up here. Whatever is going on, it can wait five more seconds. You cannot show up and demand to see me immediately. We’ve had this talk, and I don’t recall seeing an appointment with you on my calendar for today.”

  The vein in his temple throbbed, and heat rose from under his collar.

  Olivia looked flustered. Then she met Richard’s eyes, her jaw set in a determined line and her shoulders squared. She straightened her pencil skirt, took a deep breath, and stammered into her explanation.

  “I do apologize, sir. I know that I’m not to interrupt meetings. I didn’t let Gabrielle convince me to let her in immediately. I called her and asked her to come in. I simply thought that it was best to apprise you of this situation immediately while they were both here.”

  “What is the meaning of this?” Richard’s voice was dangerously calm, his eyes shooting fire at Olivia while darting curiously between myself and Gabrielle.

  “I think there’s something that you should know, sir. I am quite sure that that there is something going on between James and Gabrielle. I know you have rules against that kind of fraternization.”

  Richard took a step back as if some invisible force had shoved him backward. He fell into his chair, locking narrowed eyes on Gabrielle. His eyes swept over her like he surveyed her for damage.

  Icy fingers gripped my heart, and rage clouded my vision. Richard knew me better than that. He knew that I would never hurt a woman. It was more than that.

  In that instant, I knew that I wanted him to be okay with it. To give us, me, his blessing. I knew that he respected me, liked me, even.

  One look at his face and I knew that that wasn’t going to happen. The icy fingers tightened their grip.

  Richard turned to look at me, his face a mask of rage, betrayal, and disbelief combined. His eyes bored into mine, searching for answers. I gave him none.

  My stomach dropped. My palms went clammy for the first fucking time that I could remember.


  “Is this true?” Richard asked me, his eyes not leaving mine for a split second. His voice was low and demanding. My world narrowed.

  Goodbye best of both worlds...

  In my mind’s eye, I could practically see that ship sailing away from me with the way that Richard looked at me. I had to catch that ship. I didn’t have any fucking choice in the matter.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  My heart pounded in my chest. My father and James both stood frozen, locked in some battle of the wills as they stared each other down.

  I couldn’t believe that Olivia had tricked me into coming here. I seethed with rage and tried to keep my entire body from shaking. I wanted to wring Olivia’s scrawny neck, but I pushed that to the back of my mind.

  The only thing I could focus on at that moment was James. His answer seemed to be taking an eternity, but it was probably no more than a few seconds.

  His expression was unreadable; it was as if he could only see my father. I could only see James.

  It wasn’t the ideal way for my father to have found out about us, but somewhere along the line, it had become inevitable that he would. I wanted to be with James. For as long as he wanted to be with me, too, there was nothing I wouldn’t be willing to do to make that happen.

  I would have faced a horde of murderous Vikings if that was what it took. James only had to face my father. Sure, he was pissed as all hell, but he would get over it. Eventually. I was sure of it.

  My heart felt like it was made of glass, sitting in James’s hands. Was he going to let it drop and shatter, or protect it and keep it safe in his strong grip?

  James’s expression changed almost imperceptibly. If I didn’t know him as well as I’d come to know him, I would never have noticed it.

  He’d made his decision. My heart kicked into a higher gear and sputtered to a stop at the same time. I trembled visibly. I didn’t care. I needed to hear his answer. It was the moment of truth.

  “No.” His voice was firm. Decisive. Steady. “Gabrielle and I barely know each other. There has never been anything going on between us.”

  My stomach dropped. Blackness rimmed the edges of my vision. I was pretty sure I swayed on my feet as his words washed over me.

  It felt like a battering ram with ten Navy SEALs behind it had slammed into my chest. The man that I loved hadn’t simply dropped my glass heart. He had taken that magical throwing arm of his and launched my heart into a fucking oncoming freight train with all of his considerable strength.

  I forgot how to breathe. I was aware of angry voices around me and Olivia scurrying out of the office, slamming the door behind her. I had no idea what they were saying.

  My ears buzzed. James’s denial repeated so loudly in my mind that I wasn’t
sure if I’d ever be able to hear anything else.

  How can he stand there, completely unaffected, and deny our relationship after everything that we’ve been through together? After everything that we’ve shared with each other?

  My survival instinct kicked in. Whatever happened, there was no way in hell that I could allow either of those two men see me falling apart.

  Get out of here! The scream came from the back recesses of my mind.

  My fingers dug into the back of the seat responsible for keeping me standing somehow. My knuckles were white.

  “Gabrielle?” My father’s voice only barely registered. “Are you okay? You look ill.”

  It was only then I realized that both men stared at me, wearing expressions of expectation and annoyance. “I asked you a question, Gabrielle.”

  Shit. He didn’t mean the “Are you okay” one. He must’ve asked something while I’d been trying to keep my knees from buckling and my heart broke into a million pieces in my chest.

  I cleared my throat. I had a voice. I just had to find it. It had to be in there somewhere. It had been fine when I’d announced myself to the soul-sucking bitch out front a minute ago.

  My eyes locked briefly with James’s. No more than a heartbeat passed, but all I saw in those hazel eyes that had fascinated me every time I looked into them was determination. And a silent plea.

  The plea wasn’t, “I made a mistake.” It wasn’t, “I’m sorry.” It wasn’t even, “Forgive me.” It was, “Back me up here!”

  Did he really think that I was going break down and confess everything to my father like a broken porcelain doll after he’d just denied that he’d had any feelings for me whatsoever? Not likely.

  Worse yet, did he think I was going admit it out of spite? Maybe he had never truly known me if that was the case. Even if it had felt at times as if he knew me better than anyone else had ever known me, or would ever know me.

  White-hot rage spread through my veins, temporarily overpowering the gut-wrenching pain and infiltrating the black space where my heart had been but minutes before.


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