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Reincarnated as a Sword Vol. 4

Page 13

by Yuu Tanaka

  “The Soul Essence?”

  “Yes. We know about your raid at the Bandit’s Den, and we know you took it. We’d like to have it back.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s too late to play dumb now. We’ve looked into it, you see. We’re willing to pay you, of course. How does 10,000G sound for your trouble?”

  This guy was cheap. The thing was worth a hundred thousand, if not a hundred million. He either underestimated Fran or he had no intention of dealing with her at all.

  I guessed it was the latter. He probably planned to sic the assassins on Fran one way or another. But how did he know that we had the Soul Essence?

  Eugene should be the only one in town who knew… Did he tell? Even if he did, there was no reason why these people would come to our place. The Soul Essence was already in Eugene’s lab. We needed to figure out where these people got their info.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I told you, we looked into it. You can drop the act.”

  “What act?”

  “Is that how you’re going to behave? Selling the Soul Essence would really be in your best interest.”

  The con man was showing his true colors now. I felt him use Intimidate. Not that it worked on Fran. The man’s slight increase in volume only grated her ears.

  “This conversation is over,” said Fran. “Leave.”

  “Now, now, no need to be rude. I can’t exactly leave without the Soul Essence.”

  He was blatantly threatening her now. If Fran were an ordinary girl, she would be cowering in fear. Instead, she furled her eyebrows in mild annoyance. Fear was the last thing on her mind.

  “I told you, I don’t know. Are you stupid?”

  She was starting to get angry. The man had interrupted her playtime—that is, her training—after all.

  “Don’t give me lip, girl… You may be an adventurer, but you’ll reconsider your line of work once we’re through.” The con man finally dropped his pretense.

  “That’s my line. I know what you are, con man. And you and your crew’ll pay with your lives for interrupting Teacher’s work.”

  Aww, Fran’s getting angry for me. I got misty-eyed, I had to admit.

  “Fine. Have it your way then. You won’t live to see morning!” the man shouted, turning towards the exit.

  He was going to call on his backup.


  Jet stood up to block his path.

  “Wh-what are you doing?”

  “Did you really think I’d let you leave?”

  “M-my men will know of my absence. They will come for you!”

  This guy was talking like a villain in a bad movie. This con man was second-rate at best. He came into this little girl’s house without asking why she allegedly had the Soul Essence he was sent to collect. A real pro wouldn’t have let his guard down around his mark.

  “Go ahead and call them. See if they’re still around.”

  “Very well. Come out, you lot! It’s time you earned your keep!”

  He shouted loud enough for anyone outside to hear. The con man grinned, surely imagining his crew would come barging in through doors and windows to corner this little girl.

  Alas, no one came.


  “Teacher took care of your backup.”

  “You aren’t alone?! Damn it, they didn’t tell me about this!”

  Fran calmly pinned the con man to the floor. He couldn’t believe how much strength she had in her small arms. He looked at her, fear and confusion clear on his face.

  It was time to find out what we needed to know. Interrogating a fraud would usually be difficult since lying was second nature to them. Fortunately, we had Essence of Falsehood to see through his lies.

  “Wh-what are you doing? You won’t get away with this, I warn you!”

  “Who told you about me?” asked Fran.

  “A very good quest—aaargh!”

  Fran administered a painful, but non-lethal, amount of electricity. He twitched as a jolt of Lightning Magic shot through his bare skin. We didn’t want blood all over the kitchen, so shock therapy was the best choice.

  “Huff, huff…”

  “I’ll ask you again. How did you know I had the Soul Essence?”

  “Do you think I’ll—raaaargh!”

  He was stubborn, I’d give him that much. We might as well interrogate the Assassin while we were at it, too.

  Jet, bring the Assassin in, please.


  I thought our guests might motivate each other if they saw each other’s pain.

  “H-how…” the Fraud groaned as Jet dragged the Assassin in. He didn’t think anyone could take the Assassin down so quietly, or maybe he was just wondering when he got captured.

  Thirty minutes later and worn out with exhaustion, both men told us everything. We had succeeded in preventing bloodshed, although that didn’t stop our assailants from crying, drooling, and worst of all, peeing all over the floor. I’d have to pull out my strongest Cleansing Magic for this one.

  “So you’re from the Ythra Trade Association?”


  The same group who allegedly sent thugs to extort money from the orphanage.

  The person looking for our Soul Essence was a rogue alchemist working for the YTA. One of the Adventurers’ Guild’s alchemists was secretly working for them and had overheard our conversation with Eugene.

  The Soul Essence we had stumbled upon was ordered from a faraway land and had been in the process of being delivered to them. I thought those bandits were a little too well equipped. It turned out they were backed by the YTA all along. I was convinced that the trade association was merely a front for their illegal conduct. Now I could use the Cure Turmeric with a clear conscience.

  Fran asked where this rogue alchemist was, but the Fraud had no idea. We knew his base of operations, at least.

  The Assassin was also working for the YTA, but we got some conflicting information out of him. He said he was really working for a mage called Linford. He was a master mage from a distant land, with criminals and rogue mercenaries under his employ. He was trying to establish a base in Bulbola and cooperating with the YTA to do so.

  This could get messy. Captain Rengill warned us not to get involved with Ythra, but what could we do when they came to us?

  The Assassin and the Fraud had a rough relationship. They didn’t trust each other to begin with, since they served different masters. The way they snarled at each other was almost violent.

  To the Assassin, the YTA were a bunch of limp-wristed tradesmen who were only intimidating because they employed the Linford Group. On the other hand, the YTA thought the Linford Group were money-grabbing parasites who talked big game but ultimately delivered nothing. The Assassin’s colleagues had messed up at some point, and the trade association was having a time cleaning it up.

  We weren’t up against the Illuminati, but our enemies were significant organizations nonetheless. They had the resources to look us up and the gall to assault us. We could try confronting them but might end up stepping on some aristocratic toes in the process…

  As we mused over our next step, the two men began to plead.

  “W-we’ve told you everything we know!”

  “We don’t know anything else, I swear!”


  “P-please let us go…”

  That wasn’t going to happen, but we weren’t going to kill them either. They were valuable witnesses. So we knocked them out and bound their hands and feet with mana thread.

  This is turning into quite a mess.

  The YTA had their sights on us, and there was no telling when they might strike again.

  Captain Rengill was the first to warn us about them, so perhaps the Lucille Trade Association might know more. The fact that they could still do business in Bulbola meant that they had some powerful backing. The rumors of their links to the local aristocra
cy were probably true. If so, the marked carriages entering the mansion implicated Marquis Christon.

  That would make it difficult to talk about the orphanage’s plight with him. If the Count was actually behind the YTA, then we would be complaining about the crooked trade association to his face. And we still had a contest to win, which meant we had no time to worry about the YTA.

  Things were coming to a head. The best course of action was to drop out of the contest altogether…but I didn’t think Fran would allow that. And of course, there was the matter of the orphanage.

  Well, nothing we can do but stay alert.

  We would start by checking whether Count Rhodus was corrupt. At the moment, all we had to go on was hearsay. Our plan was simple. We would talk to him, bring up the subject, and let Essence of Falsehood do the rest. Good thing we were staying at the Count’s abode. Meeting him wouldn’t be difficult.

  Let’s go back to the mansion for now.


  I packed everything we needed for the contest into the Pocket Dimension. Then we stuffed the two criminals into a burlap sack and loaded them on Jet’s back. They would have nowhere to run even if they woke up.

  We took our time in returning to the mansion, expecting another ambush, but none came.

  One of the guards did approach us, but a namedrop was enough to let Fran off the hook. The city guards had circulated the name of the Count’s honored guest among themselves.

  We circled around to the back of the mansion, and Sebastian welcomed us in. It was like he knew by instinct when his master’s guests would return.

  “Welcome back.”

  I had to admit, being welcomed by an actual butler raised my spirits.

  His composure was even more impressive. The sack Jet was carrying was now squirming and crying for help, but Sebastian didn’t flinch. All he did was look at it curiously.

  “Their Highnesses have been waiting for you. I have been instructed to lead you to their room immediately.”

  We needed to meet Fult and Satya first. Fortunately, they were still on the premises.

  “Shall I take your…sack for you?”

  Sebastian didn’t want anything this suspicious entering the prince’s room. However, if the Count really was behind this, the head butler was our enemy as well. If we handed the sack over, he might permanently silence its residents.

  “I’m good.”

  “But, miss…”

  “No problem. Really.”

  “I must insist…”

  The head butler had to do his job, but Fran insisted on keeping her sack.


  “Thank you. If I may—”

  “I’ll make it stop squirming.”

  “Excuse me?”

  Fran took the sack off Jet’s back and Stun Bolted it. The bag twitched for a few moments and ultimately fell silent.

  “Now, we’re good.”

  “I-I suppose so.”

  Fear was clearly written in Sebastian’s eyes. The butler let us in, Jet still carrying two members of criminal society on his back, and we made our way to the prince’s quarters.

  Satya, Fult, and Sellid were waiting inside.

  “Hey, you’re back.”

  “Welcome home.”

  The prince and princess greeted Fran with their usual good cheer. They really did quite like her.

  “Have you finished your preparations for the contest?”

  “Hm. Perfect.” Fran nodded and gave them a thumbs up.

  “You said you were cooking up something curry-related. How did it go?”

  “I would love to sample it if you have it ready.”


  Fran served a large platter of curry bread to the curious Fult and Satya.

  All flavors were available. I needed someone other than Fran and Jet to try them anyway, so I was thankful. My companions were a little too biased to be reliable sometimes.

  “Oh my! What kind of bread is this?”

  “Are these filled with curry, perhaps?”

  “Hm,” said Fran. “Curry bread. The pinnacle of cooking.”

  “I-Is it really that good?”


  “If you’ll excuse me.”

  The twins helped themselves to some curry bread. There were no food tasters, not that they needed any with Fran. The prince and princess had already tasted her cooking during the Seedrun conflict. Chamberlain Sellid didn’t stop them, either. It was good to know that we had earned the old crank’s trust.

  “It’s good!”

  “Very good. I’ve never had something so spicy and sweet!”

  We received rave reviews. I guess even royalty could appreciate curry bread.

  “I told you, curry’s the best.”

  “I think I see why you keep going on about it now.”


  Fran looked smug as her friends enjoyed their food. She nodded every time they mentioned how delicious it was.

  “Visiting your food stall would be difficult for us. I’m glad we could try it here.”

  “Get someone to buy it for you.”

  “We can’t do that either, unfortunately. As royal guests, we must be content with the Count’s cooking. And don’t get me started on the poison testing.”

  When you were royalty, every little act was political.

  The other kids joined us then. We hadn’t seen them in a while, and it seemed like a dark shadow hung over them. What happened? Did someone speak ill of them here? They were street urchins until only a few days ago, after all.

  “What happened?” Fran asked, sounding worried.

  The prince answered for them. Fortunately, the reason was nowhere as sinister as we thought.

  “Oh, they’re not feeling well.”

  “We suspect it’s indigestion.”

  The kids had felt ill since the night before and spent the entire day in bed. They had just woken up, and only because they heard Fran was back. I wondered if the food served at the Count’s manor had caused their current condition. Maybe their stomachs were shocked at the sudden intake of fine dining.

  “You guys okay?”

  “We’re feeling a little rough, but it’s nothing terrible. Maybe a bite of your bread will make us feel better.”


  The kid sure had a healthy appetite for someone with an upset stomach. Fran didn’t worry about his health, since eating delicious food was always her top priority. I wouldn’t want to eat something as oily as curry bread if I were feeling sick, though.

  Fortunately, the children were on the same page as Fran. Soph, the tallest of the three, took the bread first, followed by the short Tenyl. Altie, the only girl and the youngest among them, hesitated.

  “This is great!” Soph said, sinking his teeth into the crunchy skin.

  “I can keep eating this all night!”

  Tenyl made quick work of his curry bread. The two boys ate one after another, like they were in a contest. Their appetites were impressive. They looked much healthier too, and I wondered if the healing effects of the Cure Turmeric were kicking in.

  The magical root was known to cure status ailments, so maybe it could just as easily cure an upset stomach. It sure looked like that anyway. After seeing her friends gobble down the curry bread like it was going out of style, Altie seemed to recover her appetite. She finally took one of her own.

  Fran, we should get to the point.


  Fran looked like she had completely forgotten. All the praise for my curry bread had gone to her head.

  We need to know if the Count is crooked. Remember?

  “Right. I forgot.”

  “Forgot what, Fran?”

  “I need a favor.”

  “What is it? We’ll do anything we can to help,” Satya said, taking Fran’s hand.

  “Thanks. I need to see the Count.”

  “Lord Rhodus? Why?”

  We explained the events of the last few days.

bsp; Fran told them about the orphanage and everything we’d found in the bandit’s hideout. About the link to the Ythra Trade Association and how the Count might be behind it.

  “I see you’ve been busy.”

  “It is Fran we’re talking about.”

  They were shocked to say the least.

  “That’s why I need to see the Count. To see if he’s one of the bad guys.”

  “I see. But you must remember that he is as cunning as aristocrats come. I doubt he will tell you the truth.”

  “Don’t worry. I brought these guys just in case.”

  “And that would be?”


  Fran untied the sack and let its contents pour out onto the floor.


  I silently apologized for startling Satya. The sight of two grown men all tied up might have been too much for her.

  “They work for the YTA, and they attacked me. I’m going to present them to the Count and see how he reacts.”

  “I see… Sellid, arrange a meeting with the Count immediately!”

  “Yes, my lord.”

  And just like that, we were on the Count’s day planner. This was one of the many perks of royalty. They could get you an appointment with nobility in less than five minutes.

  “You called, my lord?”

  “I apologize for calling you on such short notice, Count Rhodus.”

  “Not at all. It must be a matter of grave importance if you have need of me so suddenly,” the Count replied, his eyes narrowing with worry.

  It was so late that it was impossible that the meeting was anything other than urgent. He looked around the room, trying to figure out what was going on. Eventually, his eyes eventually settled on the two captives.

  “Wh-who are these men?!” he shouted in shock.

  If he was acting, it was very realistic.

  “You don’t know them?” asked Fran.

  “Of course not! Why would I know these people?”

  “They work for the Ythra Trade Association. They attacked me tonight.”

  “What happened?”

  He didn’t look like he knew anything, but we decided to press him a little further just in case.

  “Do you know about the orphanage?”

  “You mean the orphanage in the downtown area?”

  “Yeah. They’ve been having a hard time since you cut off their funding.”


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