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Highlander's Desire: Winter Solestice (Against All Odds Series 2)

Page 35

by Veronica Wilson

  “No,” Claudia replied, preferring to say the truth. “But that door back there will only open from the outside, and the orderly near it will only respond to my voice, so don’t try anything funny.”

  “Oh, the things I would do to you are anything but funny, Claudia,” Dillon retorted, a slight chuckle creeping onto his face before disappearing again. “But enough about that. You wanted my story and I will give it to you. But I’m warning you: it’s about as crazy as you can imagine.”

  “I can imagine many things,” Claudia commented, unaware that she was smiling just a little bit. “But please indulge me.”

  “No problem. Ever heard of a werewolf? Of course you have. Well, I’m a werelion. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well, you’ve seen it with your own eyes, so you won’t need any convincing about that. Are you following this?”

  Yeah, right out of a bad movie, alright.

  “I’m all ears.”

  “Thing is, it’s hereditary. I can’t ‘infect’ anyone with it. But it’s extremely recessive. Apparently, I’m the first my family line’s had in almost a century. As I’ve told you, not everyone can be me.” He seemed to want to smile, but was obviously not into it.

  “So, you turn into a lion every night? And you regrow limbs? You are allergic to silver, as well? Is that it?”

  “Basically, except I don’t have to shift. It’s just something that feels incredibly good once in a while, and I have need of it. Like sex.” The way he pronounced the word, combined with the manner he stared at her while he spoke, made the already present tingle in her loins intensify significantly. “And silver is not harmful to me. Frankly, I have no idea what is.”

  “Do you kill people, Dillon?” Claudia asked, her expression suddenly comparable to that of a medieval inquisitor.

  “What? No! Well, I did murder the guys who went after me, yes. I ripped them up good! But innocents? Never!” The way he accentuated the word made it obvious that he was serious. “I do eat a lot of meat, and I can’t stand plants, but that’s about it. I hunt animals from time to time, but never people. What kind of sicko do you think I am?”

  “You’re the first person I’ve ever met that has killed people, Dillon. It’s not exactly something most people tend to do.”


  “And speaking of that, why were those men after you, anyway? They were obviously some kind of special force members. How do you explain that?”

  “Easily. They were hunters. I have no idea what particular group they were part of, not that it matters in any way since they’re all the same. Hunting organizations are essentially small, undercover militaries whose only job is to root out anything remotely unnatural. Incidentally, that moniker includes me, for some reason.”

  “You mean that there are others like you?” At this point, Claudia couldn’t conceal the surprise in her voice.

  “Like me, probably, although I don’t think there are that many. Lions, I mean. I certainly haven’t met any in my lifetime. As for other shapeshifters, you bet there are! I’m not exactly fond of hanging out with them, as a matter of fact. Their scent offends me.”

  “So, all this time you were merely defending yourself? You won’t attack anyone without provocation, right?”

  “Of course I won’t. There’s nothing in it for me.”

  Relieved, Claudia exhaled. Carefully, she opened up her bag, revealing a doctor’s uniform.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Dillon. You see, Doc Addams is a good friend of mine. I’ve talked to him, and it seems that he is willing to proclaim you legally deceased if you would do as much as leave the city and not come back. If you agree to those terms, I will go and confirm to him that you are no monster. And he will believe me. In the meantime, you are to get into this doctor’s uniform. Then, we will use it to smuggle you out of here. How does that sound?”

  Almost out of breath from all that talk, Claudia didn’t even manage to react to Dillon pouncing on top of her and knocking her to the ground. The force of the impact was fierce, but the additional padding she had made sure that she was not hurt at all. At first, she considered that he may have been attacking her, but the taste of his wriggling tongue immediately put that idea to rest.

  Powerfully, Dillon’s hands worked their way over and around her soft flesh, causing the traces of heat that lay within her abdomen to quickly erupt into a bonfire; a bonfire that threatened to expand and consume all of her, especially after she felt the touch of Dillon’s erect member on her meaty thigh.

  “Don’t waste time and jam it in!” Claudia wanted to yell out, but all that came out of her was unintelligible moaning. Her legs slowly spread to her sides, without any input from her.

  Someone else might not have been capable of it, but he understood her perfectly. In a single motion, he let his right hand slip inside her wrinkled white skirt, moving her panties slightly to the side. Then, having pulled his tongue out of her mouth in order to take some air, he swung his hips and impaled her mercilessly.

  Oh, yes!

  Claudia felt the pleasure expand across and over her prone body. There was a little pain, but the enjoyable sensations quickly drowned it out completely. Without a word, Dillon pulled out for a little bit, then jammed it back in, this time all the way to the base.

  Oh, God, it’s so good!

  Grabbing her left breast with his right hand and her right thigh with the other, Dillon proceeded to work his way in and out of her. Soon, he lifted her leg up in the air, creating an angle that made his thrusting feel so good it threatened to obliterate her sanity.

  At this rate I will, I will—

  An explosion followed, originating from within her center. The fire did indeed expand, and it consumed everything in her existence.

  Everything except pure, refined bliss.


  A month had passed since Claudia and Dillon had disappeared from the city.

  Pleased with her life, the former nurse sat upon a sunny beach, thoroughly enjoying the day. She wore a tight (by her standards) bathing suit, one that accentuated her assets and made them spill out whenever she moved. Some would consider the display shameless. She called it an offering to her lion.

  There is no one around here yet, anyway. She observed the area with wonder, though this was not her first time here, not by far. The beach was crystal clear, the sand soft and pleasant to the touch. Even the nearby mountains looked amazing.

  Now all that remains is for the repairs to be finished and we will be good to go! Indeed, liquidating their assets and buying the slightly old motel they now lived in turned out to have been the best idea they could ever have. Who’d have thought that he had that much money around!

  As if summoned by her thoughts, Dillon appeared from behind her, still in his lion form. He didn’t do it that often, but she didn’t mind when he would shift and go on a run.

  After all, love is all about not suffocating the other person’s needs.

  While he transformed back into his human self before her eyes, Claudia took on a different, more seductive position. With a single enticing wave of her hand, she moved her bikini bottom to the side; just the way her panties were the first time they made love.

  Now human again, Dillon stared into her emerald eyes with sheer desire. In case his expression wasn’t enough, his fully engorged manhood spoke volumes about just what was on his mind. With the fury only a wild animal could muster, he leapt on top of her, burying himself all the way.

  Though love is like that, it doesn’t mean that you can’t drown them in other ways, of course.


  Alpha Wolf Needs A Wife

  Sierra looked over at her uncle and smiled. It was good to be back home. She hadn’t been there in years. Sierra was finally 22 and finished with school. Since her parent’s moved her away from the small town in the Montana mountains, she had done nothing but count the days until she could return. This was her home. Her parents had moved her away from the small town over eight years before. She n
ever found out why but she was determined to now. She needed to know why they just up and moved for no reason. Why did they pack everything and leave like they were running? She had an idea that it had something to do with her older sister, but she could never figure out just what it was. Now six years later she was back for good. She was looking for a new life and answers. Her sister had gone off to school and was now getting married. At 23 her sister had changed once they left. She turned moody at first but as time passed the two of them realized just how much they did care for each other and how alike they were. She made her way over to where her uncle sat in the chair.

  “It is good to have you back my dear.”

  “It is good to be back uncle. This is home.”

  “Yes, it is. There are a lot of things that have changed since you have been gone though my dear.”

  “Like what? Everything looks the same.”

  “Not everything. You have grown as well as your old friend Brysen.” He gave her a look and she turned away at it. Her head ducked as her cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. She knew what he was going at. She had the biggest crush on Brysen when she was growing up. They had done everything together the two of them and then when she turned 12 she started noticing things and he had as well. The day before they left he had kissed her. She knew they weren't allowed to have any romantic feeling towards each other. It was forbidden. They came from two different worlds. She thought about him and couldn’t help but smile. They had been close. Real close.

  “How is Brysen?”

  “He is good my dear. I can’t wait to see the look on his face when he sees you.”


  “My dear you are modest, but you should take a look in the mirror. You are breathtaking.”

  “Oh thank you uncle but I am sure you are just partial because you are family. There are many other women who look far better than I do.”

  “I may be partial, but you are still gorgeous honey. You will see. But the same rules apply even more now than before.”

  She took a deep breath and let the sigh escape from between her lips. He was right. Things were different now. She wasn’t some young kid with a crush. She was a woman on a mission. A mission to find out what happened six years ago to make them leave.

  “I know that look. Get it out of your head.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about uncle. I’m going down to the store. I will open today so you just rest.”

  “You treat me like an old man. I am not that old you know?”

  “I know uncle. You are not old at all.” She laughed as she made her way back out the door.

  Sierra took a deep breath and smelled the woods around her. The smell of the mountains was unlike anything else in the world. She made her way happily to her uncle's general store. There weren’t many stores in the small town. Department stores were nonexistent unless you wanted to drive an hour away. Her uncle's store was the largest store in the area and he carried everything which made his business very profitable. She was smiling when she slowly unlocked the door nad made her way inside. She wasn’t there but a few minutes when she heard the yell from the front door.

  “Hey, Horace you got my shells in today?”

  She turned at the familiar voice and her breath caught at what she saw. There stood Brysen Sinclair the object of her imagination for the last six years. He didn’t notice that she was the one standing there and she quickly cleared her voice. His head was bent downward and he was fiddling with something in his hand. He looked up finally and her eyebrows rose in challenge when his eyes dipped over her body again before meeting her eyes.

  “You’re not Horace.”

  She laughed. “Certainly not. I am his niece.” Maybe he forgot her. Maybe he didn’t remember all the days they had spent playing in the dirt and the nights catching fireflies.

  “I know who you are Sierra. I just wasn’t expecting you here so soon.”

  “Oh. So you knew I was coming?” She felt hurt by his nonchalant attitude towards her. She had been so excited to see him again and he just stood there like it was no big deal. Like six years wasn’t a big deal.

  “I know everything that happens in my town Sierra.”

  “Oh, so it is your town now?” Her eyebrows rose and she felt the disappointment mingle with another feeling inside her. She was beginning to get angry. “The last time I checked it was the people’s town.” She snapped.

  His head shot up while he glared at her. “And the last time I checked you didn’t have such a smart mouth either.”

  “Well, I can see a lot of things have changed including people. What is it you are looking for Brysen?”

  “If you don’t remember then let me clarify a few things for you. I am now the alpha Sierra. With my father getting sick last year, I have had to step up to the plate you could say. I don’t have time to play little games. I will come back when your uncle is here. You should take a look around Sierra. Things aren’t like they used to be.”

  “Yeah. The company’s grown sour. If you will excuse me. I am very busy. If you don’t need anything then you have a good day.” She spun on her heel and headed towards the back of the store dismissing him. She knew Mr. High and Mighty would be pissed about that one. She was right when he followed right behind her.

  “What did you expect Sierra? You left. Now I am a leader. It isn’t playing with marbles anymore. Look I’m sorry to be so mean. It has been a long week and I haven’t slept since yesterday. I am very busy now. Things aren’t the same as they used to be.”

  “Why does everyone keep saying that like I don’t know this? Look at me. Do I look the same to you either?”

  His eyes did look at her and they did it in a way that had her grow warm all over. She felt a shiver of excitement when his eyes lingered on her breasts. “I am looking Sierra and I know very well that you are not the same. You are a grown woman now. And a very good looking one too.”

  “Thank you. I think. You don’t look so bad yourself.” She turned and went to walk by him when he grabbed her by the elbow.

  “Stay away from the mountains Sierra. It isn’t safe for you there now. There is a war going on.”

  Her eyes widened and she looked at him. Really looked at him. He did look tired and she suddenly felt bad for him. “I won’t. I know what is going on Brysen. I’m not an idiot you know. Besides I have no reason to go to the mountains anymore do I?”

  His eyes met hers. They both knew that he had been the only reason she had gone to the woods in the past. Now she didn’t see any reason to see him. She saw a brief look of hurt in his eyes before it was replaced with the same old stern look. She pulled her arm from his grip and turned away. She felt him leave her side and then heard the bell as he walked from the store. She felt her insides quiver with sadness. Brysen had been one of the reasons why she had returned. He had been a close friend of hers and she had been devastated no to see him when she had been forced to leave. Now that she was back she didn’t know what she wanted. One thing was for sure. It wasn’t Brysen Jackson. She decided to tidy up the store to keep her mind from wondering back to the insufferable man. When closing time came she smiled at her uncle.

  “Here take this for helping today.” She looked down at the money he tried to give her and shook her head.

  “Thank you, uncle, but I’m good. I will see you back at the house ok?”

  “Yeah but just be careful.”

  “I will.” Sierra made her way across town to the small bar. Sam’s had been a staple in the town for as long as the town had been there. She hadn’t been old enough to go inside when she had left, but she was now. She sat down at the long bar and looked out over the dance floor. There were people everywhere. Bring the cold bottle to her lips she sipped at it easily.

  “Didn’t I tell you to stay out of trouble and keep away from these type of places?”

  She turned to see Brysen standing there glowering at her.

  “No. Actually you told me to stay away from the mountai

  “You are at the bottom of the mountains here smart mouth.”

  “But it’s not in the mountains grumpy mouth.” She cocked her head at him in challenge and watched as his frown grew with his anger. “Come on. I’m taking you home.” She felt his hand encircle her upper arm.

  “The hell you are. Let me go. Now!” She jerked her arm from his grasp and glared at him.

  “Don’t make me throw you over my knee Sierra Lynn because you know damn good and well that I will do it.”

  “Go the hell away Brysen.”

  “Not happening. One. Two.”

  “Are you really counting like I’m a damn child? Really?” She shook her head as she turned away from him to order another beer.

  “Three. Times up.” Before she knew his intentions he had picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He continued to carry her out as she kicked and screamed. She felt the sting of the slap against her ass and she felt her face flame in embarrassment and anger when he did it for a second time.

  “You son of a bitch. Let me down damn you.” He lowered her to the ground in front of him as they came to his truck outside. His eyes bore into hers as she slid down his body. They stood there looking at each other for a few minutes before his hand rose to caress her cheek. For a moment, she had forgotten what he had just done and then it came back to her and her eyes sparked at him with anger. She quickly pulled her face from his touch.

  “Don’t touch me. You are an asshole. I should know that your power would get to your head.”

  “My power? Get to my head?” His head fell back with the laugh he gave her.

  She shoved at him and he let her go. As she began to storm away he grabbed her again and placed her in his truck before scooting in beside her. He heard the commotion and looking back he groaned out loud at what he saw. There coming towards them was Toby. Toby was another alpha except his pack didn’t always go by the rules. Shaking his head, he looked over at the woman beside him and knew that there was no way he could get into a fight with her beside him. She was a mere human. They would hurt her just to get to him. He also knew that they had seen her with him which meant she could be in danger.


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