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The Doctor's Bargain

Page 1

by Samanthya Wyatt

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24




  New York




  Cover Design by Fiona Jayde

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, business establishments, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

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  Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  Published in the United States of America by

  Soul Mate Publishing

  P.O. Box 24

  Macedon, New York, 14502

  ISBN: 978-1-68291-796-1

  The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party websites or their content.


  To my readers, thank you for choosing my books. I hope you’ve enjoyed falling into the pages of a romance.

  As always, I like to acknowledge my husband, who has been there for me every step of my journey.

  I’d like to thank everyone at Soul Mate Publishing. My editors, my publisher Debby and her team.

  A special thank you to the art designer, Fiona Jayde, for my cover.

  Live an adventure with romance.


  Chapter 1

  Sandi sat at the window of Route 33 Café, half-amused and half-annoyed. Regina, her best friend, was determined to fix Sandi’s love life, which did not need fixing.

  “He’s a doctor,” Regina said, as if that made everything okay. “Dr. Douglas Baker. He just joined Sheldon’s practice. I’m telling you, Sandi, you’ve got to meet him. He’s a hunk and a doctor.”

  Yes. She’d already mentioned that. Several times. According to Regina, her fiancé, Sheldon, had asked this doctor friend to partner with him in general medicine. A doctoral degree gave no indication of a man’s character or his appearance.

  “I’ve got no intention of going out with the available doctor. I don’t do blind dates.”

  “Is that because of your broken engagement? He wasn’t the guy for you.”

  Sandi didn’t need her best friend to tell her that. She’d gratefully come to her senses before making any wedding plans. There must have been a spur-of-the-moment craze, or perhaps she’d felt sorry for Conrad, but whatever the reason, she’d said yes when she should have said ‘hell no.’

  “Are you having second thoughts about calling things off with Conrad? Have you changed your mind?

  “How about, no way in hell?” Sandi said with conviction. “I just don’t like being put on the spot and spending the evening with someone I haven’t met. What if I hate this doctor on sight?”

  “Trust me. You won’t.” Regina fanned her face as if she’d had a sudden hot flash. “Besides, would I set you up with a guy I wouldn’t date myself?”

  “Sheldon might have something to say about that.”

  “You know what I mean,” Regina said, waving a hand. “He’s hot. You’ll see.”

  No, she wouldn’t.

  “I do not do blind dates. I haven’t been on a blind date since I was a teenager.”

  “Dr. Baker is no teenager. He’s all man, which you’ll find out when you meet him. He found a house, rent with the option to own. So, he’s planning on staying in Monterey.”

  “Good for him.” Sandi lifted her banana and broke the rind, peeling one strip, then another.

  “Come on, girlfriend. Be a sport. He doesn’t know anyone, and you could make him feel comfortable, not like a third wheel.” Regina knew how to wheedle and wear a body down until she got her own way. But this time, Sandi refused to give in. The guy could not be as hot as Regina claimed if he needed his friends to get him a date.

  “Comfortable? He agreed to let you fix him up?”

  “Sheldon will invite him to dinner and—”

  “I’ll just happen to be there, right? So, he has no idea. When he sees a desperate and available woman lurking at the dining table, then what? Don’t you think he might get the idea he’s been set up?” Irritated, Sandi took a bite of the banana and chewed without tasting it.

  “All right. If you want, we’ll go to the hospital and you can take a peek.”

  Sandi stared at her friend. The woman had no limits. “Oh, great. I go from dinner date to stalker at his work place.”

  “You won’t be stalking. We’ll be visiting Sheldon, and if Dr. Baker just happens to be there . . .”

  “Just happens to be doing his job?” Sandi huffed.

  She could feel the pull of being drawn into one of Regina’s schemes. Sandi always had trouble saying no. She feared this was going to be one of those times.

  ~ ~ ~

  Against Sandi’s better judgment, she’d allowed herself to be dragged to Augusta Memorial Hospital. As she followed Regina down the well-lit hallway, she thought it was a little late to wish she hadn’t. At least her long blue sweater matched her skinny jeans, which everyone wore these days anyway, so she supposed she’d be presentable enough if they did run into the handsome doctor. Regina was taking no chances, not allowing Sandi to go home first and change.

  The large brick building had floor-to-ceiling glass windows lining the front on the first three floors. The open floor plan made the lobby section seem huge. A piano sat in one corner for anyone who might be so inclined to play. Three sofas with several chairs scattered about made a homey waiting area. Two women and a man sat behind a wooden counter to the far left, welcoming visitors and furnishing information.

  Several doctors had moved their offices to the hospital for both the convenience of their patients and better access to facilities such as blood labs, x-ray machines, and other apparatuses. Sheldon’s office was one of several in a row of buildings on the next street over with state of the art designs and equipment. A perfect location since he had an administrative position in the hospital. On Thursday afternoons
Sheldon had a series of meetings and scheduled appointments at the facility. His nurse told Regina he would be on the third floor.

  Sandi trailed behind an enthusiastic Regina while trying to conquer a sudden attack of nerves. Sheldon would not appreciate the two of them skulking around, spying on him and his partner. If the new doctor was as good looking as Regina said, nurses probably mooned over him on a daily basis. Sandi did not want to be counted among a bunch of silly females who couldn’t keep their hormones under control.

  A bell dinged as the elevator doors opened. Hallways led to the left and right.

  “Which way?” Sandi asked.

  “Let’s go this way. There are conference rooms at the end of the hall. He should be down that way,” Regina said as she pointed. “We’ll walk slow and look for a new face.”

  “Since there are patients in this hospital, I would think there would be plenty of new faces. Not to mention, how would I know who is new? I’m not a regular here,” Sandi whispered coarsely.

  “If your tongue falls out of your mouth, that’s him.”

  “Will you please stop.”

  “You’ll see.”

  Since Sheldon was a right handsome guy, Sandi figured Regina only praised the new doctor’s attributes just to get her way. The answer was still no.

  All of a sudden Regina grabbed Sandi’s arm and jerked her through a door.

  “What are you doing?” Sandi asked, trying not to fall.

  “Sheldon turned the corner and was headed straight for us.”

  “Give a girl some warning next time. Aren’t we here to see him?”

  “What excuse would I have to linger? We want to see Dr. Baker. If Sheldon sees me first, we may not get the chance.”

  Sandi glanced about, taking in various items on stacks of shelves. “What are we in, a supple closet?” Plastic bottles, boxes of what appeared to be gauze and bandages, nebulizers, and all kinds of tubes filled the shelves.

  The door opened, and Regina gave a squeal.

  “What are you doing in here?” A short woman with an expression that made her taller than a six-foot linebacker blocked their way to freedom. “This is for staff only, and I know you’re not on my staff.”

  “Oh dear. We got lost looking for the—”

  “No excuses.” The woman placed her hands on her plump hips. “Get out of my supply room, and make sure you don’t take anything with you.”

  “We wouldn’t dream of taking anything,” Regina said indignantly. “We just made a mistake.”

  “You made a mistake all right. This is my floor. Nothing gets by my notice, and you two don’t belong in here—wait a minute. Aren’t you Dr. Hatcher’s fiancé?”

  “Yes, I am.” Regina thrust her shoulders back, and from the look in her eyes, she had an idea. “I wanted to surprise Sheldon, err—Dr. Hatcher. I saw him walking down the hall and ducked in here. I hope you won’t give us away,” she leaned in, reading the nurse’s name tag, “Phoebe.”

  “You don’t belong in this closet.” The stern woman’s expression meant business. She opened the door, allowing just enough room for Sandi and Regina to file through.

  “I thought she was going to skewer us alive,” Sandi whispered as she stepped into the hall.

  “I’ve heard of her. Phoebe runs this floor like a drill sergeant,” Regina whispered back.

  “What would Dr. Hatcher think of his fiancé sneaking in a supply closet, spying on the staff of this hospital?” the woman continued.

  While Regina squabbled with the dragon nurse, Sandi kept her distance. Getting caught in the supply room had been humiliating enough without getting reamed out in the middle of the hallway. Regina dropped her fiancé’s name several times, hoping his title would save them, but Phoebe was having none of it.

  Sandi had been caught in a storage room. The blood rushed to her face, making her hot. She needed a drink. She glanced around, looking for a water fountain. Seeing one down the hallway, she hurried toward the source as if it were a life line. She wasn’t deserting her friend, she just needed a drink.

  The cool water refreshed her throat. She drank greedily as if she’d thirsted for days. Water trickled down her chin, so she swiped it with the back of her hand and stepped back, bumping into a hard chest.

  “Oh. Excuse me,” she mumbled, swiping her hand to the side of her mouth. When she turned, she fell into the most beautiful eyes she’d ever seen. Velvety brown, with a touch of gold and black flecks streaking out like the sun’s rays.

  “No apology necessary,” the man said. His deep voice rattled her senses, making her aware of her thudding heart. Mere inches separated them. She stood close enough to smell his taunting aftershave, a hint of spice and alluring . . . blueberry? His face had a well-groomed beard that covered what appeared to be a strong jaw. His full lips curved up in a sensual grin, and the bottom fell out of her stomach.

  “I should be watching where I’m going.” His lips moved and words tumbled out of his perfect mouth. “I was reading, I’m afraid.”

  Feeling like a love-struck teenager, she mentally shook herself. “I bumped into you.”

  “If you insist.” He gave a slow nod, drawing her attention to a wave of hair lounging on his forehead. Thick and blond, falling over his ears and the collar of his shirt. Not too long, but long enough for her to tangle her hands—

  “Are you feeling all right?”

  “I, uh . . . hope I didn’t do any damage.” She couldn’t think. Had no idea of the words tripping over her tongue.

  “It would take more than a harmless bump.” He gave her another smile, and she thought she just might be blinded by it.

  Good God, the man was devastatingly handsome. The sleeves of his dress shirt were rolled below his elbows, exposing his forearms and showing a sprinkle of hair. Wicked thoughts popped into her head. She wondered if the same thickness covered his chest, but the tie he wore doused any idea of her catching a glimpse. Who was this guy? A patient, family member, or someone on staff?

  “I’m waiting for a friend.” She felt the need to explain and desperately wanted this conversation to continue. Anything to prolong the meeting. Maybe he would volunteer something about himself.

  He didn’t.

  After a quick glance down her body, his gaze locked with hers, his intense stare seeming to delve into her soul. The glint in his eyes made her think he liked what he saw. Conscious of his steady gaze, she nervously brushed her long hair behind one ear, hoping her hand wasn’t shaking. Time stood still. Things around them seemed to disappear. Even the air changed.

  “There you are.”

  Sandi blinked. Regina rushed down the hallway, her heels clicking on the tiles.

  “I see you two have met.”

  The man who’d robbed her breath seemed to be as surprised as Sandi.

  “Hi Doug.”

  “Hello, Regina.”

  “This is my friend, Sandi Jones. Sandi, this is Doctor Douglas Baker.”

  Holy shit.

  This was the man Regina wanted to fix her up with? She couldn’t believe her luck. Not only was he jaw-droppingly gorgeous, but she’d met him on her own. Before Regina had a chance to introduce them.

  “Hello, Dr. Baker.” She spoke more enthusiastically. If she’d known this was the guy, she wouldn’t have been against a blind date. Fraught with relief, she was ready to say yes to Regina. Fix me up. Now, please. Even though this man was gorgeous beyond belief, a man’s looks did not concern Sandi as much as a man’s personality. From his smile and earlier conduct, Douglas Baker aced both in looks and character. Not to mention he was Sheldon’s friend.

  “Hello, Sandi.” Where his smile had been warm before, it appeared rigid, now. He took the hand she offered, his fingers more stiff than relaxed.

  “It’s a plea
sure to meet you. Regina has told me so much about you.” Her initial excitement on meeting this man waned at his less than enthusiastic greeting. He’d been so warm and had appeared interested only moments before.

  “I’m sure she has,” he replied, then quickly released her hand. The spark she’d experienced was suddenly replaced with a hollow feeling and confusion. He faced Regina. “If you’re looking for Sheldon, we just finished a session. He should be free.”

  “Oh, I’ll find him on my own.” Regina sent a look Sandi’s way, as if to say here’s your chance. “I’ll be right back.” Regina spun around and hurried away.

  “If you’ll excuse me.” Dr. Baker gave a nod and walked off, leaving Sandi staring after him in stunned silence.

  What the heck just happened?

  ~ ~ ~

  Dr. Douglas Baker.

  Doug stared at the nameplate in his new office, wondering if he’d made the right decision.

  Too late to second guess himself now. He’d agreed to the partnership. Hell, he even planned on buying a house. He’d taken the steps necessary to guarantee he would not go back.


  Nothing could keep him where he didn’t want to be. A house could be sold. Lawyers loved finding loopholes in legal documents. Sheldon would not hold him if . . .

  Weary, Doug fell into a chair and rested his head against the leather. The decision had been made. There was no going back.

  A vision of long blonde hair and vibrant blue eyes filled his mind.


  His first thought was that the woman had the face and body of a model. His second thought, flying in on the wings of the first, said danger.

  Almond-shaped eyes, the color of a lagoon, had caused his lungs to seize mid-breath, right along with the body that had brushed against him. Full, plush curves that he yearned to feel again. He could still smell a hint of her sweet perfume, or maybe a coconut flavor from her shampoo. Her silky blonde hair fell in waves over her shoulders and hung down her back. He guessed she stood about five seven since the top of her head came close to his chin.


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