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Dynasties: The Elliotts, Books 1-6

Page 27

by Various Authors

  Renee crossed her legs, feeling Tag’s penetrating stare. Over the past five days she had done a lot of soul-searching and had made a lot of decisions, and she wanted to share them with him.

  “Are you sure I can’t get you anything to drink?”

  “No, I’m fine.” Then a few moments later she said, “No, that’s a lie and I’m not fine.” She stood and slowly began pacing the room. Tag said nothing as he watched her and she knew he was giving her time to collect her thoughts.

  “I don’t know where to begin,” she finally said, coming to a stop not far from where he sat and meeting his concentrated gaze.

  “I know one place you can start,” he said calmly, soothingly and in a low voice. “You can start off by assuring me that you meant what you said Friday night. The part about being in love with me.”

  His words were spoken with such tenderness that Renee’s lips began trembling. How could she not love such a man as this? And that was only one of the things she intended to reassure him about. “Yes, I meant what I said, Tag. I do love you and I will always love you…which leads me to the reason I’m here.”

  She took a step back, needing to say what she had to say without being tempted to lean down and kiss him like she wanted to do. That would come later if he still wanted her. “I thought about everything you said that night and I’ve made some decisions.”

  “You have?”


  “And what decisions have you made?” he quietly probed.

  She met his gaze. “If you still want me, if you still love me, then I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make a future work with you, Tag. I’m no longer worried or concerned about what others might say. All I care about is what my heart is saying, and right now it’s telling me that you’re the best thing to ever happen to me and that you are the one person I need in my life. Now and forever.”

  She reclaimed the step she’d taken earlier to stand in front of him. She reached out, grabbed his hands and gently pulled him from his chair. “I know things won’t always be easy. I know there will be those not happy with us being together, but as long as we have each other, then it won’t matter. Our love will be strong enough to handle anything. I truly believe that now. I want to marry you, Tag. I want to have a future with you. I want to have your babies. I want it all.”

  Tag smiled, let out a relieved sigh and pulled Renee into his arms. “Thank you for reaching that decision. And yes, I still want you and I love you. I will always love you, Renee. And I want to marry you, have a future with you, have babies with you to grow and nurture in our love. I—”

  Renee smiled and instead of letting him speak, she stood on tiptoe and touched her mouth to his. Tag, needing the kiss as much as she did, began hungrily devouring her mouth the moment they connected. He reached out, gathered her closer and molded her body to his, desperately needing the feel of her in his arms, close to his heart.

  She slid a hand to his shoulder, holding on, fighting for control of the emotions he was stirring to life inside of her. Renee groaned as his tongue relentlessly mated with hers, claiming, absorbing everything about him.

  And when the kiss grew more heated and demanding, he lifted her into his arms and whispered, “I want to make love to you.”

  The kiss had aroused her, too, and thoughts of being naked in bed with him, joining her body with his and sealing their love once and for all had her whispering back, “I want to make love to you, too.”

  Tag headed for the bedroom and within minutes her wish came true. They were naked in bed, and Tag was staring at her with love shining in the depths of his eyes. When he reached into the drawer to get a condom, she stopped him. “There’s no need unless you want to do that. I’ve been on the pill for a couple of years to regulate my periods.”

  He met her gaze and tossed the packet back in the drawer. “I’ve never made love to a woman without using a condom,” he decided to admit to her. “But I’m aching to do so with you. And just so you know, I’m safe. Because it’s one of EPH’s policies, I take physicals on a regular basis.”

  Returning to the bed, he whispered, “I love you with all my heart,” just moments before leaning down, moving his body in place over hers and taking her lips in a slow, sensuous exchange, deliberately stimulating her senses as he slowly entered her, merging their bodies into one, flesh to flesh.

  Tag’s presence back inside her body evoked such pleasure in Renee that she lifted her hips and wrapped her legs around his waist, not wanting him to go anyplace but here, locked to her. Desire as powerful as anything she could imagine began consuming her, filling her mind with all kinds of sensations, and of their own accord, her eyes drifted close.

  “Open your eyes, sweetheart,” Tag urged in a low, raspy voice. “Look at me and tell me what you see.”

  Renee complied with his request and looked up at him, taking in his handsome face, the majestic blue of his eyes and the long lashes covering them. Her inner muscles quaked just from looking at him.

  She reached up and skimmed a fingertip along his lips, taking in the mouth that could drive her out of her mind. “What I see when I look at you,” she whispered, “is a man who is my soul mate, my fantasy come true, the only man I love and want to spend the rest of my life with, the future father of my babies.”

  Tag’s breath caught with Renee’s words. She was so beautiful, captivating…and she was his. “I love you so much,” he murmured, before capturing her mouth. He began moving the lower part of his body, feeling the hardened tips of her breasts against his chest.

  He established a rhythm and began moving inside her to a beat only the two of them could hear. And then it happened. He threw his head back as a release of gigantic proportions tore out of him. He screamed her name as he relinquished his entire being to passion of the richest and most intense kind. And to the woman he loved.

  As if the feel of him coming apart, exploding inside of her, was what she wanted, she followed him over the edge. “I don’t believe this,” she sighed at the peak of her pleasure. She cried out his name and bucked upward, tightening her legs around him.

  “Believe it, baby,” he whispered. “This is just the beginning of the rest of our lives together. Forever.”

  As more sensations tore into Renee’s body, the only thing she could do was meet his gaze and agree. “Yes. Forever.”


  “Renee, I’m glad you came,” Karen Elliott said, smiling, grasping Renee’s hand in hers.

  Renee returned the woman’s smile. “I’m glad I came, too.” She glanced around. It seemed Gannon and Erika’s wedding, although it had been done on a small scale, still had numerous invited guests. Everything had been beautiful; especially the bride, and tears had touched Renee’s eyes when she’d seen the depth of love shining in Gannon’s gaze for Erika.

  She glanced up at Tag. They had decided to marry next year on Valentine’s Day since that day was so special to them. It was almost a year away but it would be worth the wait. They had decided to announce their intentions to only his parents and grandparents tonight since it was Gannon and Erika’s day. But when the couple returned from their honeymoon, Tag and Renee planned to make an official announcement to everyone.

  “Where have Dad and Granddad run off to?” Tag inquired of his mother. He had remained at Renee’s side throughout the entire wedding, always touching her in some way, making it known, just in case anyone had any doubt, that she was special to him.

  Karen glanced around. “Probably in the library. Why?”

  “I need to speak with them and I want you and Grandmother included in the conversation.”

  Karen’s smile widened. “All right, let me go get Maeve and we’ll meet you there in a few minutes.”

  When Karen walked off, the smile Tag gave Renee was reassuring, absolute. “You okay?” he asked, meeting her gaze, detecting some nervousness there.

  She smiled back at him. “Yes, how can I not be? I’m in love with a wonderfully amazing man and what
’s so truly magnificent is that he loves me, too.”

  “Always,” Tag whispered, taking her hand and lifting it to his lips. “Let’s go congratulate Gannon and Erika in case we don’t get a chance to do so later.”

  Renee nodded. What Tag wasn’t saying and what she knew nonetheless, was that after telling his grandparents and parents about their plans, if anyone seemed the least bit not pleased, he intended to leave. He had meant what he’d said about not tolerating anything but total acceptance from his grandfather regarding their future marriage.

  A part of Renee wasn’t sure they would get it. She had seen the look in Patrick Elliott’s eyes the moment Tag had walked into the room with her. Tag’s grandmother had displayed a genuine open friendliness when introductions had been made moments before the start of the wedding. But Patrick Elliott had been standoffish. Tag had gotten the same vibes and had placed a protective hand around her waist, reiterating silently that he didn’t need, nor was he seeking, his grandfather’s approval.

  Tag and Renee walked into the library sometime later. A Victorian-style chandelier hung from the ceiling, illuminating the elegance of the stylish room. Tag had told her when they’d pulled into the estate from the private road that the entire house had been lovingly decorated by his grandmother.

  “I understand you wanted to speak with us, Tag,” Patrick Elliott said in a deep, gruff voice. Renee studied him. Tall, distinguished-looking, with a medium build, he actually looked at least ten years younger than the age Tag had claimed his grandfather to be. His hair was completely gray and his eyes were the same shade of blue as Tag’s. And the one thing she noted was that there wasn’t a hint of a smile on his face.

  “Yes, I have an announcement to make,” Tag said, holding Renee’s hand and closing the door behind them. His parents were sitting on a gray sofa and looked at them expectantly. Tag’s grandmother was sitting in a chair within a few feet of where Patrick stood with one elbow resting on the mantel of a massive fireplace.

  “And just what is this announcement?” Patrick asked.

  Tag met Renee’s eyes and smiled. “I just wanted all of you to know that I love Renee very much and I’ve asked her to marry me, and she has agreed to do so next year on Valentine’s Day.”

  Tag’s parents, as well as his grandmother, immediately hugged the couple and offered words of congratulations. However, a quick glance at Patrick indicated he hadn’t moved an inch and there was a stunned, frozen look etched on his features. “Marriage?” he finally asked, his deep voice drowning out everyone else’s. “Are the two of you sure that is what you want to do?”

  Tag’s hand tightened around Renee’s waist. “Yes. Marriage is precisely what we want and what we plan to do,” he said, meeting his grandfather’s gaze.

  It was quite obvious that Patrick wasn’t ecstatic with the news, and it was just as apparent that Tag wasn’t letting his grandfather’s lack of joy influence him in any way.

  “I’ll be telling the rest of the family when Gannon and Erika return from their honeymoon, but I wanted the four of you to know now.”

  It was Tag’s grandmother, who knew her husband better than anyone, who decided the best thing to do was to make sure Patrick gave his blessing. She went to her husband. “Aye, ’tis a night to celebrate. On our anniversary day one of our grandsons got married and another announced his engagement to a very beautiful young woman. ’Tis a bit special, don’t you think, Patrick?”

  Patrick met his wife’s gaze and everyone knew the woman that he loved more than anything was daring him to contradict her. He only hesitated for a brief moment before lifting her hand to his lips and saying. “Yes, darling, it is special.”

  Leaving his wife’s side, he went to stand before the couple. “I wish the two of you the best,” he said, shaking Tag’s hand and then pulling Renee to him in a hug.

  “Welcome to the family, Renee,” he said in a voice that was still somewhat gruff. “And after this wedding takes place I fully expect you and Tag to start working on some great-grandchildren for me and Maeve to enjoy while we still can.”

  He took a step back. “Now we need to return to the wedding reception, which will be followed by Maeve’s and my anniversary party.” Without saying anything else, he walked out of the room.

  Later than night Renee lay in Tag’s arms, their limbs tangled, their bodies naked, after having just made love. She sighed with pleasure as well as contentment. Gannon and Erika’s wedding had been beautiful and the anniversary party that followed for Tag’s grandparents had been nothing short of exquisite.

  “Are you sure you want us to wait until next February?” Tag asked, leaning over and nibbling at her ear. “That’s a long time from now.”

  Renee smiled as she tilted her head back. “It’s less than a year, but I’ll find a way to keep you busy until then…not like you don’t already have enough to do at work. At least by our wedding the feud between the different magazines will be over and behind everyone.”

  Tag nodded, looking forward to that day. “How about a big wedding at The Tides?”

  Renee grinned. The suggestion definitely appealed to her. She had fallen in love with his grandparents’ home. “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” she said, leaning up and touching her lips to his. “And of course we’ll let your mother plan everything.”

  Tag chuckled. “Of course.”

  Renee’s smile faded somewhat when she said, “Your grandfather hasn’t accepted the idea of our marriage one hundred percent, Tag.”

  Tag met her gaze. “No, but that’s his problem and not ours,” he said fiercely. “However, I have a feeling that by the day of our wedding he will have come around. And if not, then oh, well. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is going to stop me from making you an Elliott a year from now.”

  With a smile, Renee leaned up and kissed him. “I like your determination.”

  “You do?” he asked. “And what else do you like?”

  She reached down and her fingers found him hard, large and ready again. “Um, I definitely like the way you go about taking care of business,” she said, shifting her body to let him know what she wanted and needed.

  He leaned down and kissed her, and responding to him was so natural she took everything he was offering and more. And when he straddled her body and slowly eased inside of her, her mind went blank except for one thought. Yes, she definitely liked the way he was taking care of business.


  Cause for Scandal

  Published by Silhouette Books

  America’s Publisher of Contemporary Romance

  For Amy Liu and Gloria Miller,

  two friends that I couldn’t do without.


  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to

  Anna DePalo for her contribution to THE ELLIOTTS series.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  She needed this interview. Her career depended on it. Her plan depended on it. And, as far as she could see, all that stood in her way were a few burly security guards, her lack of a backstage pass and close to twenty thousand shrieking Zeke Woodlow fans.

  Summer looked at Zeke on stage. Even from her seat twelve rows back, his charisma was palpable. His blue jeans and black T-shirt outlined a lean and muscular physique. He wore his dark-brown hair longish, touching the collar of his shirt, and tousled, emphasizing his bad-boy image.

  It was his gorgeous face, however, that really got his fans going. Summer itched to capture that arresting face with her camera.

  Just then Zeke seemed to look right at her, and Summer held her breath. The connection lasted just an instant, but she felt his intensity down to the tips of
her toes.

  She only expelled a breath when he looked away.

  No doubt about it. Zeke Woodlow’s sex appeal was potent.

  Not that he was her type, of course.

  She looked down at the round, two-carat, brilliant-cut diamond engagement ring on her hand.

  Not at all.

  As she was again jostled by fans, she bit back a sigh of impatience and looked around.

  Madison Square Garden. One of New York City’s premier venues. Host to political conventions, site for countless sporting events and witness to history. Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, The Rolling Stones, Elton John, Bruce Springsteen…and now Zeke Woodlow—Grammy winner, rock sensation and current “it” boy of the music world, whose latest CD, Falling For You, had gone diamond, selling over ten million copies.

  Summer had all the vital information on Zeke. She knew that he’d grown up in New York but now lived in a Beverly Hills mansion, that he’d become famous for his sexy lyrics and that he’d helped start Musicians for a Cure, which had led to his headlining a Madison Square Garden concert series to benefit cancer research.

  But, while she had all the facts, she didn’t have access, and unfortunately she had her heart set on getting an interview with Zeke for The Buzz. She’d been thinking for months about how to win a promotion at work. Her paternal grandfather, Patrick Elliott, believed even relatives had to work their way up within the family publishing empire.

  So, when she’d come home one day and spotted an advertisement for Musicians for a Cure among her mail, she knew she’d found her ticket to moving up from lowly copy editor to trusted reporter. An interview with Zeke Woodlow would be just right for The Buzz, which was locked in a fierce battle not only with its closest rival in format, Entertainment Weekly, but also with other Elliott magazines. Patrick Elliott had declared that the head of whichever magazine in the family empire was the most profitable by the end of the year would become the new CEO of EPH—Elliott Publication Holdings—when he stepped down.


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