Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1)

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Broken (Broken Trilogy Book 1) Page 19

by Drake, J. L.

  I moan. “I love that you’re such a gentleman.” He pulls my pants off, looking down at my panties.

  “Yeah…it feels great right now,” he says sarcastically, closing his eyes and taking a moment. “Come on, under the blankets you go,” he says as he tucks me in.

  “You’re still dressed.” I yawn.

  “I am.” He sighs. “I still have some work to do.”

  The room is spinning. I watch him shake two different looking pills into my hand. “Take these.” He supports me, helping me drink some water. Way too out of it to even ask what they are, I close my eyes, feeling him stroke my hair.

  “Will you come to me later?” I mumble as I drift off to sleep.

  “I always will.”


  Cole pours himself a fourth cup of coffee, feeling beyond beat. He only got two hours of sleep on his office couch while going over reports for York’s case. Frank is arriving in twenty and he needs to get his head in the game. He looks out the window, seeing the guys heading up the mountain for their morning training, wishing he could join them and burn off some tension.

  Checking the time to ensure he would catch Savannah before she leaves for the spa, he hurries down the hallway finding her pulling on her jacket in the entryway as she chats with his mother.

  “Hey, I thought you were training with the guys.” She smiles up at him.

  “I wish,” he mutters. “Can I speak with you for a moment?” She follows him into a room.

  “What’s wrong?” She runs her hand across his morning scruff. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

  “I want you to stay in touch with me today,” he replies, ignoring her question. “My mother has a phone, so send me a text when you get settled at the spa, okay?”

  “Okay,” she says, looking at him. “But, Cole, you’re kind of scaring me.”

  “I just don’t like the idea of you driving through those mountains without me. I don’t like you being away from me period,” he admitted.

  “Me either.” She sighs, making him happy hearing her words.

  “However, that being said I want you to have fun, don’t let the ladies pry too much. Mom adores you and will want to know everything.” She looks up smiling her eyes holding his.

  “I should go,” she says, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.

  He squeezes her to his chest not wanting to let go.

  She pulls back. “Try to get some rest, baby.”

  He loves how she cares for him like they’ve known each other forever.

  “Okay, you need to go or you’ll never get out of here.” He kisses her one last time.


  I think I’ve died and gone to heaven as I sink further down into the brown goo.

  “Who would have thought mud would feel so heavenly?” June moans, sipping her champagne.

  “Who would have thought I could stomach this,” I hold up my glass, “after Dell’s mad concoction last night?” I laugh, thinking about something. “Sue, is Dell York’s replacement?”

  “No, he’s just filling in till they bring in someone else.”

  “Ladies,” Carlos interrupts us, “time to move on.”

  We spent the next three hours being pampered to the nines, everything buffed and polished. The girls encouraged me to add some honey highlights to my hair, saying it will help brighten my mood, and I am stunned with how much I love the look with huge curls draping down my back. We all decide on complete makeovers after that.

  I feel amazing. As we take our seats for a late lunch at Zack’s restaurant I’m thankful the lunch rush is over…there are only two tables occupied besides ours.

  “Ladies!” Zack calls out hurrying over to our table. “You all look beautiful!” He turns to the male host, clucking his tongue. “Adam, you should sit them in the window they would draw in more customers.”

  “I agree.” Adam winks at me and I smirk finding his boldness funny.

  “Please, let me make you something special.” He snatches the menus, giving them back to Adam. “You all just sit back and let Zack take care of you. Wine.” He nods at Adam.

  “Thank you, Zack,” Sue says as Zack leaves.

  Abigail grins at me. “Looks like someone likes the way Savi glows today.”

  I smile moving the attention over to Abigail. “Speaking of liking the way someone looks at someone, care to give the dirt on Doctor Roberts?”

  This makes June perk right up.

  “As in the house psychologist?”

  “Yes, June,” I grin, “that one.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re referring to.” Abigail tries so hard not to smile but it doesn’t work with three people waiting to get the goods. “We kissed once,” she says, picking at a piece of bread.

  “What?” The three of us yell at the same time.

  “Why do I not know this?” June snaps her at sister.

  “Because I didn’t want you to say anything to him. Besides, it was a onetime thing in the summer. We both haven’t spoken about it since.” She waves her hand. “It was nothing.”

  I shake my head. “I sit in front of that man for an hour a day,” I say. “I see the way he looks at you. He likes you, Abigail.”

  She smiles back at me.

  “Let’s plan to have him over for dinner this week.”

  “Yes, let’s!” June chimes in.

  I beam at June then turn to see Abigail blush. “Don’t let someone good slip through your fingers, Abigail, you deserve to be happy.”

  “Speaking of deserving to be happy,” Sue sits back in her chair looking at me. “What’s going on with you and my son?”

  Oh shit. I lean over, pouring myself some more wine…making her laugh.

  “Ladies, bon appetit,” Zack announces as he and Adam serve us our lunch. “Chicken Souvlaki with roasted potatoes and grilled asparagus,” he says with a flourish.

  It smells amazing. Everything looks so perfectly placed on the plate you almost don’t want to touch it.

  Adam leans over my seat, whispering, “You must have come from the spa…you smell of vanilla.”

  I nod, fighting the blush I feel rising in my cheeks.

  “Can I get you anything else?” I notice he isn’t asking the rest of the table.

  “No, thank you. I’m fine.” I glance at Sue, who is chuckling.

  We are all pretty quiet as we start eating. I’m hoping to god they don’t bring up Cole again but I know it’s highly unlikely.

  “What do you miss most from home, Savannah?” June asks throwing me with her question.

  “I-I’m not sure,” I stammer, thinking. “I mean lots but my life was so different.” I lean back letting Adam clear away my plate. “It wasn’t exactly going the way I thought it would. I was becoming less and less connected to the outside world because of the paparazzi. I was trying so hard to be what my father wanted and so hard not to be what the press was convinced I was, that I lost who actually I was.”

  June nods. “So who is the real Savannah, and what does she want out of this life?”

  “Umm…” I hadn’t really thought of it. “I guess I’m still figuring out who I am. As far as what I want out of life, it would be just to find someone who loves me for me.” I tilt my head giving it some thought. “Someone to curl up with on a stormy night, holding me till it passes; someone who no matter what kisses me hello and goodbye.” I think of Cole. “Someone who can melt your heart with just one look, make your knees weak when they say your name. Make your breathing stop when they reach out to touch you.” I look up to see three women staring at me with dreamy eyes like I'd been singing a love song. I cough and we all sit up a little straighter. “I’m tired of putting my life on hold. I just want to be happy. I know I have a long road ahead of me and a lot more hurdles to get over, but the fact that I know I will be doing it with all of you makes it a little easier,” I confess.

  “That’s a lovely thing to say dear.” Sue reaches for my hand, giving it a squeeze.r />
  God it feels nice opening up and letting them in, even if it’s just little baby steps, I smile to myself. Something else pops in my head and makes me feel happy all of a sudden.

  “The piano, June.” I smile, glancing at Abigail who gives me a wink. It means so much that she’s never spoken about me playing it when I first arrived…I know she understood it was a private moment for me. “I’ve only played twice since my mother passed, but I love to play the piano.”

  “There’s one in the living room dear,” June says. “You’ll have to play for us some time.”

  “We have piano here!” Zack booms coming toward the table.

  How the hell did he hear us?

  “You want to play?”

  “No, no, I’m too rusty.” I hold up my hands. “Perhaps another time.”

  “Okay, but I’m holding you to that,” he says through a grin. “Ladies, I hope you enjoyed your lunch, we’ll see you soon, right?”

  “Of course.” Sue stands giving him a hug.

  We say our goodbyes as Adam races ahead of us opening the door.

  “Have a good afternoon,” he says with a bow. “I hope to see you again real soon, Nichole.”

  “I’m sure you do,” June jokes on the way over to the SUV.

  Keith is on the phone with someone watching me as I come toward the car. “She’s fine we’re about to head home. Okay.”

  He smiles. “You got the boss in a knot because you didn’t text.”

  “Oh shoot!” I hit my forehead. “I forgot.”

  “No worries.”


  Chapter Fourteen

  Abigail and June sit in front of Sue and me. June is prattling on about Doctor Roberts, wanting to know all the juicy details. I notice Sue is quiet and looks like she is deep in thought. I decide I may as well give her something since she’s been so incredibly generous and loving toward me.

  “I really care a lot about your son, Sue,” I say quietly so the guys up front don’t hear. “I’ve never felt like this before. It’s a little new to me, and a little scary.” I drop my gaze to my hands, suddenly wondering if maybe I have too much baggage for her son. “We may not be the perfect fit but he makes me feel alive when we’re together.”

  “Savannah,” she says, “you and Cole fit perfectly together. I can’t tell you the last time I’ve seen my boy truly happy.” Her eyes gloss over. “He cares for you deeply too, I can tell.”

  “Tell me you want children,” Abigail hisses over her shoulder, making me throw my hands over my face.

  “We want a little fritter!” June laughs.

  “Well I don’t know about ‘Fritter,’” I say, “but yes, I’ve always wanted kids.” Abigail and June both turn to look at me.

  “Don’t toy with us Savannah.” Abigail gives me a look. “Our boys need to have babies—we’ve been waiting too damn long.”

  “Oh my!” I laugh as I look over at Sue who is nodding in agreement with them.

  Later as Abigail and I start dinner, I realize I haven’t seen Cole since I left this morning. There seems to be some tension in the house and I recognize that Mark and John also seem a little on edge.

  “How was your day?” I ask, trying to feel them out.

  “I’ve had better,” Mark mutters, grabbing a beer from the fridge popping the top off with one of those credit card openers with the S logo. “You may want to make extra…looks like our company will be staying for dinner.”

  “Company?” I ask surprised. “Who’s here?”

  “I just don’t understand why they’d put oil and water together in the same house,” John hisses as Mark ignores my question, and tosses him a beer.

  “Oh no, they’re not!” Abigail stops stirring the soup shaking her head. “When’s Dell leaving?”

  “Already gone.” Mark shrugs at me, seeing my face fall. “It’s how it works here.”

  I feel badly I didn’t get to say goodbye.

  “I’ll be damned if he joins Blackstone. I don’t trust that man.”

  “I assure you I have no interest in joining Blackstone,” a tall guy with short brown hair says, coming into the kitchen. “The less of Logan I have to see the better,” he says as he steps in front of me, blocking me from the salad I’m working on. “You must be Savannah Miller.”

  “I am.” I wait for him to move—I don’t like the way he spoke about Cole.

  “I’m Derek Rent.” He holds out his hand, so I give him a quick shake and move around him. “Looks like we’ll be housemates.”

  “So I’ve been hearing.” I try to sound friendly, but if Cole, John, and Mark don’t like this guy, there must be a good reason. “Welcome.”

  “Don’t listen to these guys,” he says as he takes a seat at the island, stealing a chopped mushroom from my pile. “No one likes the new guy.”

  “New guy would imply we don’t know anything about you, unfortunately that’s not the case,” Mark says as he downs his beer.

  “Ah, Mark, are we still going to do the same old song and dance?”

  “Where’s Cole?” I ask changing the subject, wishing he was here.

  “He’s talking to Frank, in his office,” Derek says with a long sigh. “Things got pretty heated earlier.”

  “Is everything all right?” I ask tossing the mushrooms in the bowl.

  “Not when I left the room.”

  The usual large crowd doesn’t join us for dinner tonight but Mark, Paul, John, and Derek are at the table and as I sit down Keith slips in to my left telling us that Cole, his father Daniel, and a man named Frank Brandon will be joining us shortly. Abigail, June and Sue try to lift the tension at the table.

  “I still think it was priceless when Carlos tried to get Keith in for a seaweed wrap.” June laughs, continuing. “The look on your face, Keith—”

  “Was like confusion mixed with disgust,” I finish for her, the girls and I start laughing.

  “Why would anyone wrap themselves in something you eat between two sticks or avoid in the ocean?” Keith says, shaking his head. “I’ll never understand why women do the things they do.”

  “Amen.” Mark raises his beer.

  “Sorry we’re late.” Daniel leans over giving Sue a kiss on the cheek.

  “Savannah.” Cole grabs my attention. “This is Frank Brandon.”

  I stand to shake hands with him. With his green camouflage pants, black heavy knit sweater, and his hair in a crew cut over intense dark eyes, he is the ultimate definition of an “army guy”.

  “Nice to meet you.” I smile at him simultaneously noting that Cole and Daniel look exhausted.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Miller.” He moves around the table to sit directly across from me.

  I slip back into my chair watching Cole’s face something seems off.

  So, Ms. Miller, how are you adjusting to the house?” Frank asks, digging into the scalloped potatoes.

  “Please, call me Savannah. Just fine, thank you. I feel safe here, something I didn’t think I’d ever feel again.”

  He nods while chewing. “That’s nice to hear. Savannah have you ever been to Washington?”

  Cole stands, scraping his chair loudly on the floor, and disappears out of the room.

  “Umm, yes once when I was a child. I don’t remember too much though,” I reply as Cole returns with a glass of brandy, “so please don’t quiz me.”

  He chuckles. “I won’t.” He looks over at the ladies asking, “How was your trip into town today?”

  I think it’s strange that he knew we were out.

  “It was very nice and relaxing, nice to be pampered sometimes. Mix that with a little girl talk and you have a great day,” Sue answers him, giving me a smile.

  “Your hair looks nice,” Cole says.

  I smile at him happy that he noticed.

  “Adam thought so too,” Abigail says, laughing. “We went to lunch at Zack’s and that poor boy was tripping all over himself making sure she was well taken care of.”

  “Oh, I bet,” Cole mutters.

  “Can you blame him?” Derek chimes in giving me a smile and a shrug.

  “He was only doing his job,” I protest shooting a look at Abigail, “it was nothing.”

  As the dinner dishes are cleared away Frank asks if I will join him in the living room for drinks. I look over at Cole making sure he’s joining us as well he nods at me and follows us with Mark and Daniel right behind him. I notice Keith and Paul are hovering around as well; something’s up.

  Scoot pounces on my lap demanding his normal belly rub. He wedges between Cole and I and presents himself rather shamelessly. I start rubbing while being handed a Mark special, which concerns me, considering he knows firsthand how drunk I was last night. The presence of the martini tells me I'm probably not going to like what I am about to hear.

  “So Savannah, I want to talk to you about your case,” Frank says leaning forward in his chair, “but first I want you tell me what happened between you and York.”

  And so it begins.

  I fill him in on as many details as I can remember and answer a ton of his questions, including a few that I wasn’t comfortable with.

  “So you didn’t give him any signals that would prompt him to come on to you?”

  “No!” I snap, feeling angry. “I told you we didn’t get along since the moment we met.”

  “Can we get on with this?” Daniel asks, looking annoyed.

  “Was York involved in my poisoning?” I ask.

  “I can’t really answer that,” Frank says, shifting on the couch.

  “Well, I guess I can’t really answer any more of your questions,” I reply, folding my arms and feeling my temper rise.

  Scoot bats my hand but Cole takes over the rub so I can focus.

  Frank lets out a long sigh pressing his lips together thinking. “Yes, we believe he was.”

  I nod letting that information sink in. “Why? I haven’t done anything to that man—why would he try and kill me?”

  “He wasn’t trying to kill you—”


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