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Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4)

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by Sherilee Gray

  Knight's Dominion

  Knights of Hell, Book 4

  Sherilee Gray

  Copyright © 2020 by Sherilee Gray

  Editor: Karen Grove

  Proofreading: Judy’s Proofreading

  Cover Design by Cover Couture

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Knight’s Dominion - Sherilee Gray - 1st ed


  About Knight’s Dominion

  Also by Sherilee Gray

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36


  About the Author

  Also by Sherilee Gray

  About Knight’s Dominion

  Fight. Eat. Sleep. Fight some more. Chaos's world is raw, uncompromising and solitary - just the way he likes it. But when Hell's bid to conquer the earth escalates, the Knights need help. If only their best chance wasn't a beautiful demi-demon warrior who fires insults like arrows...and makes Chaos burn hotter than hellfire.

  After she lost everything, Burlesque dancer Grace Paten vowed to rid earth of the demon scum murdering and enslaving her people. But one brutal, arrogant Knight stands in her way...the man who destroyed her world, the man who ignites her temper almost as much as he ignites her lust. The last thing she expects is a request to fight alongside him.

  Only working together can win this deadly war. Yet Grace must keep a secret from Chaos that could not only test loyalties, but hearts as well.

  Also by Sherilee Gray

  Rocktown Ink:

  Beg For You

  Sin For You

  Meant For you

  Bad For You

  Knights of Hell:

  Knight’s Redemption

  Knight’s Salvation

  Demon’s Temptation

  Knight’s Dominion

  Lawless Kings:

  Shattered King

  Broken Rebel

  Beautiful Killer

  Ruthless Protector

  Glorious Sinner

  Merciless King

  The Smith Brothers:

  Mountain Man

  Wild Man

  Boosted Hearts:





  Axle Alley Vipers:




  Black Hills Pack:

  Lone Wolf’s Captive

  A Wolf’s Deception

  Stand Alone Novels:

  Breaking Him

  Chapter 1

  One cool thing about killing demons? When you cut off their heads, the fuckers turned to ash.

  Made cleanup unnecessary.

  Thank you, demon scum.

  If things went the way Grace hoped tonight, she’d end her evening buried to the knees in that shit.

  She quickly swiped another cotton pad over her face, the heavy mask she wore daily disappearing before her eyes. Music thumped through the floorboards. A song she recognized. Tina was on stage, doing her last dance of the night.

  Adrenaline made her hands shake slightly as she brushed the tangles from her long blond hair and pulled it back into a sleek ponytail. Kicking off her six-inch heels and sliding off her pantyhose and garter, she wriggled into soft leather pants.

  It took a few minutes, but she got the laces of her corset undone and tossed the final traces of her alter ego, Gigi Fury, on the bed.

  After tugging on a long-sleeve, fitted T-shirt, she shoved her feet in combat boots, did them up nice and tight, and bounced on the balls of her feet.

  She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Could the real Grace Paten please stand up? She didn't know who that was anymore, hadn't in some time.

  Her hand automatically lifted to the gold rings hanging side by side from a delicate chain around her neck. They were warm from her skin, and she let the weight press against her palm, familiar, comforting—fuel for her rage.

  What would her parents think of what she was, who she'd become? Would they know her if they passed her on the street? Would they want to?

  Shutting those thoughts down quickly, she grabbed her crossbow and bolts, slinging them over one shoulder, snatched up her mask, and climbed out onto the fire escape.

  The rusting steel groaned like it always did, like her own personal call to war.

  The alley below was dark and still, but the streets beyond were alive with rowdy humans seeking a good time, laughing with friends, looking to escape their lives for one drunken night.

  Whatever they were after, they made themselves easy targets.

  The cityscape with its golden halo, caused by a multitude of streetlights and fluorescent signs, silhouetting skyscrapers and apartment buildings, was just like any other.

  And if it wasn’t for that pesky gateway to Hell right here in Roxburgh, it would be. The portal opened every solstice and equinox, spewing out demons faster than they could kill them.

  And yep, the Knights of Hell were here, too—the half-demon, half-angel assholes created to control the invading monsters.

  Unfortunately, they sucked at their job, and their “leader” Chaos was the absolute worst of them all.

  The knights were supposed to protect her kind—demi-demons—demon–human hybrids who developed special abilities. Well, that was another thing they sucked at, and why Grace was heading out under the cover of night with weapons strapped to her body.

  On light feet, she quickly climbed the ladder to the roof. She’d done it so many times, the darkness wasn’t a problem anymore.

  Three figures dressed in black stepped out of the shadows when she reached the top.

  "We were starting to think you wouldn’t show," Mark said, voice muffled under his mask.

  She hadn’t missed an equinox since she’d joined this fight, and she wasn’t about to now. "I had to make sure the place was tip-top before I left. Vince heard through some goon of Oden's that he might stop by the club. Vince couldn't hide his boner, was all but frothing at the mouth waiting for him to arrive so he could fall to his knees and lick his leather Berlutis."

  Mark made a gagging sound. "Nice mental image, thanks."

  She loved Vince, he wasn’t just her boss, he was family, but he was so desperate to find an “in” with
some of the powerful demi-demons who occasionally popped by the club that he went a little nuts around them.

  They'd ignored his overtures so far.

  “Where's Tina?" Laney murmured from Mark’s side.

  Both worked at the club, Laney dancing and Mark behind the bar. Most of their crew worked at, or had once worked at Revelry, the burlesque club under her apartment. Grace pulled on her mask. "We'll give her a few minutes. She was still working when I left the floor. Has everyone else checked in?"

  "Yep. We're all set to kick demon ass.”

  The wind picked up speed and tugged at Grace’s ponytail. She fought the urge but couldn’t stop herself from looking up to the night sky, almost expecting to see a pair of dove-gray wings.

  A bolt to the junk might dissuade the arrogant knight from following her next time. The prick had tried again to get her to stand down a couple weeks ago. Nothing—not even an infuriatingly stubborn, immortal demon hunter—would get her to abandon the fight. She imagined the fury in his eyes, veins bulging in his neck as he clutched the family jewels in pain and had to fight back a grin.

  “He’ll be excited to see you, too,” Mark muttered.



  Grace scowled.

  “The terrible gleam in your eyes gave it away.”

  “He better not get in my way tonight." She wrapped her fingers around the handle of her crossbow, adrenaline racing through her veins at the prospect of the coming fight. That initial rush always made her hands shake, at least until she was in the thick of it—then she was in her element.

  "What's with you two, anyway?" Mark asked.


  The guy snorted. “If all the eyeball daggers you shoot at the big bastard could draw blood, he’d be sliced to ribbons by now.”

  “And let’s not forget the growing number of impressively creative insults and death threats," Laney added, a grin curving her lips. “I’ve got to say, I do enjoy those.”

  Grace clutched the cool steel of her bow tighter and felt the rise of cold determination and white-hot rage that was never far away around that male. “What can I say? I hate his guts.”

  The three settled into a comfortable silence while they waited for Tina. Minutes ticked by, but there was no familiar rattle of the fire escape.

  Time was up; they needed to get going. “She'll have to meet us there."

  They took off at a sprint, freerunning across the rooftop. Grace couldn't stop the smile that curled her lips as they leapt the meter-wide gap to the next building and kept going. The surge of adrenaline was addicting.

  Dammit, they needed Tina and her skill with a crossbow. Their bolts immobilized the vermin scrambling out of the portal, giving her people enough time to move in and remove their heads, turning them to ash.

  Of course, the knights would be fighting as well.

  The arrogant bastards were failing miserably, failing the people they were created to protect, and that blame rested squarely on Chaos’s shoulders. And if the guy hadn't already picked up that she despised him with a fierceness that bordered on psychotic, he was even more of a fool than she thought.

  They leaped to the next building and kept on sprinting.

  He had no idea what went on in this city, right under his damn nose. Someone had to stop the bloodshed, the slaughter and kidnapping of her people, and if the knights couldn't do it, she sure as hell would give it her best shot.

  If Chaos didn't like it? Well, tough shit. She'd worked too hard, had sacrificed too much to back down now. She didn’t answer to him, had been fighting for this cause since she was sixteen years old. And she'd continue to do so, with or without his approval. She sure as hell wasn't going to stop just because that growly bastard demanded it.

  When they reached their destination, most of her people were already there, waiting, lining the walls above the alley. She joined them at the edge of the building and looked down. It was dark, with oppressive shadows that seemed to creep in, covering everything in its path. The smell of evil, of death, clung to the brick walls and concrete floor, saturating the air around them.

  And of course, he was there.

  Chaos stood front and center like always, his massive body held rigid, looking surly as fuck. She was pretty sure that was the only expression he was capable of, with the exception of a few variations. There was grumpy: when both brows got in on the act. Pissed off: add in a wicked lip curl. And, of course, murderous: his whole face got involved with that one. Add in the short beard, buzzed hair, and the tattoo covering one side of his head, and he looked kind of like a Marvel super villain…or maybe a serial killer.

  He was dressed in his usual uniform: worn jeans and a black T-shirt, black boots on his feet. She scrutinized him as he swung his short sword, limbering up. The muscles in his arm flexed, causing the tattoo-like markings each knight was born with to dance across his tanned skin.

  Her belly tightened, doing a little flip, and she gritted her teeth.

  Laney rubbed her arms. "I can already feel it. Gives me goose bumps every time.”

  Grace jumped up onto the taller lip edging the building. "Take your positions, everyone,” she called to her people.

  Yeah, she could feel it.

  And she was ready.

  Chapter 2

  Chaos stood in the center of the alley, his brothers with him. Rocco to his right, Kryos and Lazarus a few steps behind. Gunner had taken his left with Zenon close by but, as always, concealed in shadow.

  For the first time in a long time, they were the tight, unbreakable unit they were meant to be.

  Only the unit was missing one vital member. Tobias. And right now, the loss of their brother had never felt so raw. He should be there, standing with them.

  A familiar energy shivered across his skin, lifting the hair on his arms. Fuck. He'd been expecting it, knew it was coming, and still the sensation unsettled him, made him restless, off balance.

  She was here.

  With her little posse of vigilantes.

  He shook out his clenched fists, jerking his head from side to side, cracking his neck to release the tension flowing through his body at her arrival. He looked up, unable to stop himself.

  Sure enough, his gaze instantly went to the slight figure dressed in all-black. Her gentle curves were highlighted by the glowing neon signs behind her. Her fingers were curled around her crossbow, the thing hanging loose at her side—locked and loaded and ready to take someone’s fucking eye out.

  Roc snorted. "Persistent, aren't they.”

  "Suicidal is what they are,” he ground out.

  The female moved closer to the edge and had the damn nerve to wave down at him.

  “She totally likes you, brother,” Roc said.

  Her hand was still raised, and he watched as she made a fist, then slowly lifted her middle finger.

  Chaos clenched his teeth and bit back a growl.

  “Aw, look at that, you’re still her favorite,” Lazarus said. “I mean, the death threats alone are a sure sign she wants you."

  Rocco nodded. "Absolutely. I've seen those crazed eyes trained on you through that freaky black ski mask. How can you resist that whole Jason Voorhees, Friday The Thirteenth thing she's got going on? So hot, man."

  Chaos pinned the guy with a cold stare. "Shut it."

  Gunner chuckled, the scar through his upper lip making his mouth twist up on one side. The sound was rusty as hell but good to hear. Something was up with the male, had been for a while now, but so far, he hadn’t been in the mood to share.

  The wall in front of them shimmered to life, and all conversation died an abrupt death.

  The metallic scrape of Chaos’s sword being pulled free seemed loud in the silence. “No one’s getting past us today.”

  His brothers grunted their agreement, aggression rolling off their powerful bodies as they shifted, preparing to fight.

  “Never thought I'd say this, but Chaos is right. Kill anything that moves,”
the pain in his ass above the alley said, weighing in.

  Chaos growled, not only at what she’d said but at the sound of his name coming from her smart mouth. That slightly husky voice echoing down at him caused fire to burn in his gut and lick over his tingling skin. He ignored it and aimed a hard stare at her. “Do not kill anything that moves. Some could be seeking refuge. Not all demons are created equal."

  Her spine straightened. “You're so goddamned blind. As soon as you turn your back, they'll slit your throat..."

  "You'll do as I say, or you'll leave."

  She laughed, a bitter, raspy sound that skittered down his spine. “You gonna make me, princess?”

  Rocco choked beside him.


  "We don't answer to you. And I'd like to see you try; you have no power here," she called down, a whole lot of smug coming through every word.

  She was right. This close to a portal minutes from opening, a knight’s powers were rendered useless. Still, he had no idea why she thought that would stop him. "I don't need my powers to spank your stubborn ass."

  She stiffened, and the sound of her sharp, indrawn breath traveled down to him, tugging somewhere low in his gut. Why the hell did I say that?

  “I hate to interrupt foreplay, that's never cool, but y’know, demons,” Rocco muttered.

  Seconds later the wall ahead shimmered, golden light rippling across the brick surface like it was liquefying before their eyes.


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