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Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4)

Page 16

by Sherilee Gray

  "I heard a moan and thought you might need help." His hungry gaze traveled over her naked body. “I was right."

  Chapter 18

  Grace’s gaze was heavy with lust as she looked at him. Her skin flushed pink, a result of the hot water and her turned-on state, and shit, it suited the hell out of her.

  She didn't try to cover herself, and Chaos took advantage to the fullest, his gaze moving over every gorgeous inch. Sleek and strong. Pert, round ass; narrow hips; those perfect-handful tits, nipples tight and pointed. His mouth watered, desperate to taste every inch of her beautiful body.

  "Step out, Grace." For once, she didn’t argue. She stepped into the towel he held, and he rubbed it over her skin carefully, making sure to avoid her injuries.

  "What do you think you're doing?" She sounded a little bewildered, but mostly needy as hell.

  Always so sure and confident, it was good to see her a little off balance for once. Because that’s how she affected him, and he couldn't help but push her a little more.

  He pressed his lips to her ear. "I know how much you need release. Jesus fucking Christ, the scent of you, it’s the sweetest, most intoxicating thing I’ve ever breathed. You have no idea what it does to me.” She trembled. "And I intend to get you there.”

  She shivered as he pulled her long hair back and squeezed out the moisture, then turned her to face him, her little panted breaths rushing past her full lips, fire lighting her eyes. “That’s presumptuous.”

  “You want it.”

  She blinked up at him, then her jaw tightened. “You’re so fucking arrogant."

  “The males you’ve had in your bed…” He bit back a hiss, the very idea of anyone else touching her made him want to douse his brain in bleach. “None of them could ever do for you what I can. No one will ever make you as wet, or come as hard.”

  Her chin lifted, her eyes flashing. “Really? You talk the talk, but I doubt—”

  “We were made for each other, Grace. No one else can ever compete with that.”

  She stilled, trembling under his hands. Finally, she licked her lips. "Chaos..."

  "You will always be bound to me, we’ll be bound to each other, whether you want it that way or not. It's just the way it is." He didn't know what it meant for either of them, but just saying the words, expressing the way he'd been feeling, brought a sense of calm he hadn't felt since he had set eyes on her.

  “What if I say yes?” she said, voice strong but shaky.

  Now it was Chaos’s turn to still. “What?”

  She lifted her chin. “What if I agree to mate with you?”

  His heart raced. “You truly want that?”

  Determination shone in her mahogany gaze. “I want to win this war. I want the power mating will give us. Eve’s power has grown. Chaya told me Mia’s has as well, maybe it’ll be the same for me.”

  “What are you actually asking for?” His voice sounded rough as hell, and he stood frozen as he waited for her response.

  “We mate, then carry on living our own lives. There’s no affection between us—this is not some love match. I won’t be tied down. I can’t give you that. It’s not who I am. I don’t need someone to protect me, and I won’t stop fighting. I won’t leave Vince or the demi who trust and believe in me, either. But I will give you this, this part of me, to make you stronger, to make me stronger, so we can have a better shot at winning this war.”

  Why did her words feel like a knife to the sternum?

  She was right, of course. It made perfect sense. Increased power and an outlet for all the hunger they stirred in each other, without all the confusing emotional garbage. They were programmed to want this, to need it. She held no affection for him, and didn’t want it from him in return.

  But if she thought she could just walk away after they mated, he needed to clue her in. “We’re going to fuck, Grace, but you need to know, it won't just be today. That’s not how this works. I’m hardwired to want you, and that will never change. Do you understand?"

  She nodded. “That’s fine, as long as you understand why I'm doing this, that it will never be more than that.”

  “Yes,” he said, even though that single word felt torn from him.

  She grazed her nails down his back, and he shuddered. She liked that, seeing his tiny loss of control. He could see it in her eyes, the way they flashed slightly.

  He leaned in, nipped her bottom lip. “I promise you, I won't ask you for more..." He held her gaze. "I'll never ask for more than this." He ground his erection against her tender flesh, and she gasped. Unable to stop himself, he leaned in and gently bit down on the tendon straining beneath the skin at the base of her neck, sucking hard enough to leave a mark, then trailed his lips along her jaw to her ear. “And FYI, when we fuck, I’m in control. That's the way I like it, and so will you."

  "Is that right?"


  “So. Damn. Arrogant."

  Despite her protest, the way she trembled told him she wanted it, wanted to hand over that control to him. “You like that, too.”

  She growled under her breath, and he chuckled.

  "You're still asking for a lot,” she finally said.

  "I know, but that’s how it has to be.” He cupped her breast and squeezed lightly.

  Her breath grew heavy. “What do you actually want from me? Before we go any further, I need you to spell it out as well.”

  What was he saying? He barely understood it himself. So he told her the truth. "I'm not sure, but I do know I’ll need more—more of your time, more of your attention." He cupped her between the thighs. "And more of this hot, tight pussy."

  She moaned and her head fell back. “I’m…ahhh.”

  “You still want me inside you?”

  “Yes, I…I can't think. I'm so hot, I need..."

  "I know what you need, and I’ll make you come as many times as you can take." He lifted her in his arms carefully and carried her into the bedroom, his head spinning from what she’d just told him, what she’d agreed to.

  Grace rubbed against him, lost to her need, undulating in his arms…then let out a small cry of pain.

  He smoothed her hair back from her beautiful face. "Shhh, I’ll take care of you, but you have to be still or you’ll hurt yourself."

  "What's wrong with me? Ahh." She squeezed her thighs together, legs scissoring restlessly.

  "It's my blood, it's strong and you needed a lot. The doc said this could be a side effect."

  She groaned. “How long?"

  "A day or two." He placed her on the bed carefully, and she reached for the front of his jeans, tugging open the button. He pulled back out of reach. In his current state, if he took her, he'd hurt her and he'd rather cut off his own arms than do that.

  "Please," she whimpered and spread her legs. "Fuck me, Chaos. I need you. Make the ache go away."

  Jesus. Fucking. Christ. She was bare and swollen and so damn wet.

  His dick was a steel rod in his pants, so hard he could barely walk, and Grace lay sprawled on his bed, open and begging for his cock. His restraint was as close to snapping as it ever had been. "I'll make it better," he choked.

  Her hands went to her swollen breasts and she squeezed, groaning. “Hurry, please."

  Yanking his shirt over his head, he crawled up between her thighs and drew his tongue through her cleft. Her hips lifted off the bed and she cried out, a combination of pleasure and pain.

  "Shit." He needed her to be still, or she could tear her stitches. Using his shoulders, he spread her wide and took her narrow hips in his hands, pinning her down, then pressed his mouth to her slick pussy again.

  As soon as he tasted her, his mind went blank, fucking short-circuited. Grace was the only thing that existed. Hunger, fierce and wild, washed through him and he gave in to it. He licked, sucked, and kissed her tender flesh, but still he couldn’t get enough.

  Fuck, she was hot and wet, tasted so damn good, that scent driving him wild. If he didn't rein in his s
hit, he'd come in his pants just from having his mouth on her.

  It took less than a minute and she was screaming and convulsing against his mouth. He didn't stop, though, no, he continued to eat her perfect pussy until she came a second time. When the tension in her thighs eased, he lifted his head. "Better?” His demon was right there in his voice with him.

  But she rolled her hips again, and a groan of frustration escaped her throat. “More. I need you inside me."

  Inside her was where he wanted to be as well. He’d wanted it for so long that he dreamed of it every night, fantasized about it most of every day, but he was terrified he’d hurt her.

  He wanted to take her hard and fast, fuck them both into oblivion, and it would take all his self-control to go slow and easy. The female lying on his bed, begging for him to ease her pain, to bring her pleasure, was his, and he realized in that moment, he would always find a way to give her what she wanted.

  He slid down the zipper on his jeans and shucked them off. His dick jutted from his body, leaking from the tip. Grace thrashed on the bed, moaning every time she squeezed her thighs together.

  "Roll on your side, angel.” She did as he said and he moved in behind her. "That's it. Now lift your leg over mine." Her skin was on fire. Wrapping one arm across her chest and the other over her hips, he pinned her body against his so she couldn't move.

  “Ready?” he muttered against her ear.

  She stiffened. “No, hold on.” She reached back and undid the chain around her neck that she always wore and placed it on the bedside table.

  He stilled as well. “What is…”


  It wasn’t nothing. “Grace…”

  “Goddamn it, just fuck me.” Then she stiffened again, just a little.

  He should push, find out what was bothering her, but he wanted her so bad he could barely think straight. It was nerves, that’s all. He got it. “Relax, Grace, we’re fucking, not mating, not yet. Not when you’re injured.”

  She nodded and held her breath, pressing back as he tilted his hips, positioned the fat swollen head of his cock to her slick-as-fuck opening, and finally…fucking finally, slid deep inside her. He pulled out and thrust back in instantly.

  He groaned and Grace cried out as she reached back, one of her hands going to his hip, nails digging in, trying to hold him to her, to make him move harder, faster, but he kept the pace nice and slow.

  She pushed her ass back. “More…I need more.”

  "Trust me," he said against her ear. “Let me take care of you. Let me show you that I know exactly what you need.”

  She went still in his arms, then after several painstaking moments, stopped fighting him. Fuck, that pleased him. He released a shuddering breath. With the way she shook in his arms, he knew it wasn’t easy for her to give up control. But she did anyway, giving herself over to him, trusting him. He was determined to show her that she could. With her body, with all that she was.

  Every muscle in his body had gone rock solid, and sweat beaded his skin as he restrained himself, ignoring his natural instincts to pound into her. He kept that slow and easy pace, making them both insane. His balls were tight, and sparks of pleasure shot down his spine and lower belly, along his shaft to the head of his cock. He gritted his teeth and slid a hand between her slick folds, circling her stiff little clit.

  Oh fuck. He saw it then, the delicate thread, the connection that proved what they both already knew, that she was his mate. “Fuck, I see it. I can see it.”

  He fought to ignore it, how bright and strong it was, how easy it would be to reach out and grab hold, to make her his mate, but he resisted. He didn’t know what would happen when he finally did, but he knew from what his brothers told him, his control would be shot to shit.

  He would not hurt her. Could not.

  Her body was strong and tight, and slick with sweat, and as they slid against each other, every damn nerve ending fired to life, heightening each touch, each movement.

  Then her inner muscles grasped at his dick, squeezing hard, knocking the wind from him. She cried out, “Do it.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Goddammit, Chaos, I can take it. Make me your mate. Do it now.”

  “Fuck,” he snarled, already zeroing in on the gossamer thread in his mind’s eye. “You sure?”

  “Yes,” she panted. “Do it.”

  He couldn’t resist any longer, and grabbed hold of that delicate thread and let it take him, both of them over the edge. Chaos roared as pleasure engulfed him like nothing he’d ever experienced, a feeling that could only be described as euphoria pushing through his veins until he was full to overflowing.

  His vision went dark and his ears rang. He thrust into Grace, his mate, harder and faster, lost to her completely.

  Grace flew apart in his arms, screaming, nails digging in to his hip, holding him tighter. Her pussy milked him, made him come harder than he had in his entire life. He planted his cock deep inside her, filled her, ground against her perfect ass, until they were both trembling.

  It was a long time before they could talk, before the last tremor moved through her, before she stopped gripping him and setting off zings of pleasure through his entire body.

  Finally, she relaxed back against him and chuckled breathlessly. "Holy shit.”

  Holy shit didn’t even come close. “I didn't hurt you?"

  She shook her head. "You were gentle.” She was quiet a beat. “I’m healing fast, thanks to you.”

  Silence filled the room, heavy and thick. They were mates, were bound for life, and neither of them had any idea what to say or do.

  “Was it…is that how you expected it to feel?” she whispered.

  He cleared his throat. “Better.”

  “What happens now?” she said just as softly.

  “I don’t know.” Why was there this weight on his chest all of a sudden? Why did he feel unsatisfied? Because my mate is probably already thinking of an excuse to leave my bed.

  He should probably get out, give her some space, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He needed to be right where he was, with his female. Shit. “I finally got a taste of you, got to slide deep inside you. Fuck, I came so hard I couldn't see straight. My vote would be fuck some more,” he said, trying to keep things light.

  It was unconscious he was sure, but her hand had slipped over his, and she was playing with his fingers. It was such a simple action, but he felt it in the center of his chest. His inner demon fucking rolled to his back in ecstasy as desperate for her touch as Chaos was.

  Grace stilled. “Are you…is that…what is that sound?”

  “My demon likes you. It’s the demon version of purring.”

  “How often does it…do that?”

  “This is the third time, I believe, and each time was when we were with you. He’s never been this calm, this content, in my whole life.”

  “Will he stay like that now? Calm?”

  “Let’s just say we now have more of an understanding.”

  “What was it like before?”

  He’d never spoken out loud about how it felt, and he had to clear his throat before he could talk. “Like a never-ending battle…and darkness, so much of it, always trying to suck me under.”

  She curled her small, delicate fingers around his much larger hand and squeezed, comforting him, telling him without words that she was glad it was finally over.

  The quiet stretched out again, and he ran his hand up and down her side, pressed his nose to her hair and breathed her in. He wanted to hold her so tight that she could never leave his side.

  He realized in that moment that fighting his demon had been nothing compared to fighting his instincts where his female was concerned. He’d royally fucked himself.

  “So, uh…I was kind of demanding before,” she said, breaking the silence.

  He wished he could see her face, wondered if she was blushing. She didn’t do it often, but he heard something in her voic
e that made him think she was. "I like you demanding." He nuzzled the back of her neck, drawing in her scent again. "It turns me on."

  "From what I can tell, you only have two emotions: pissed off or horny. I'm hoping, if I’m really lucky, I’ll eventually get them both at the same time."

  There was humor in her voice, but for some reason he didn't like that she thought that about him, that she thought he was cold, some kind of unfeeling machine.

  He must have given something away because Grace tightened her fingers around his. "I was joking, you know. I know there's more to you than that."

  Did she? He desperately wanted to believe that. He glanced at the bedside table, the chain she wore still lying there. “The rings, why do you wear them?”

  Silence. “That’s not something I want to share.”

  The with you went unsaid, but he heard it loud and clear.

  It was ridiculous to expect her to suddenly share everything…hell, anything with him, especially with their history, but he still hated that she wouldn’t. “I should go, let you get some rest.” He forced himself to say it, even though it was the complete opposite of what he wanted.

  "Oh no, you don’t. I haven’t finished with you.” She rubbed her soft ass against his already achingly hard cock. "I need you to fuck me again, but harder this time."

  Relief washed through him. "Are you purposely being demanding again?"

  She laughed, a light, raspy sound that was sexy as hell. "It turns you on, doesn't it?"

  “Yes, but everything my mate does turns me on.” He thrust into her again.

  In seconds, he was totally absorbed in the feel of her wrapped tightly around him, the sounds she made, her intoxicating scent, and the words slipped past his lips of their own volition. “Stay here. Move in with me."

  She stilled. "What?”

  "For now, at least." Until he got her out of his system. He ground into her deeper this time and nipped her ear. "Well?"


  That was good enough for him.

  Chapter 19

  Grace cracked her lids and groaned when she realized where she was.


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