Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4)

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Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4) Page 22

by Sherilee Gray

  He nuzzled the back of her neck, and she heard him draw in a breath. "Love the way you smell…fuck, it turns me on.”

  He was hard and hot against her ass. She wiggled her butt against him and chuckled. “No shit.”

  A growl rumbled through his chest against her back. "Don't test me, female.”

  “Or what?”

  “I’ll give it to you like I’m fucking desperate to.”

  Her stomach swooped. “You haven’t already?”

  “Been gentle with you so far,” he rasped.

  Her stomach clenched. “You think I can’t handle you? I’m tougher than you think.”

  His hand dipped between her thighs. “Oh, I know you are. But I didn’t want to scare you away.”

  “I’m not scared of you,” she said. “I can take anything you can dish out.”

  She turned in his arms, and he instantly pinned her to the mattress, his eyes black and glittering. “You ever been tied down, Grace? Fully at someone else’s mercy, putting your pleasure totally in someone else’s hands?” His gaze dropped to her mouth and his nostrils flared.

  Her heart raced faster. Could she do that? Could she give him that kind of power over her? He watched her, unflinching, all brutal demon warrior.

  His phoned pinged and he glanced at it on the bedside table and cursed. He kept her pinned under him as he snatched it up and put it to his ear. “What?” He grunted unhappy. “Now?”

  Another string of curse words, a lot more creative this time, and looking so put out and surly by the interruption it was almost comical.

  Suddenly Grace had to bite her lip not to giggle. She never giggled. Like ever. Maybe it was the release of nervous energy that was saturating the room. Whatever it was, she couldn’t hold it in.

  Chaos ended the call and looked down at her, jaw tight. “Something funny?”

  She shook her head. "Nope."

  His eyes crinkled at the corners, an almost smile, but then he sat up abruptly and swung out of bed, tagging his jeans off the floor in one fluid movement.

  She rolled to her side, resting her head in her hand, and took in his beautiful, powerful body, his shaved head, the tattoos, all that smooth skin. Lethal was the word that came to mind. The male was a deadly weapon all on his own.

  He turned back to her, and she licked her lips when he shoved his jeans on, took his erection in hand and tucked it in, wincing as he zipped up.

  Lethal...and stubborn.

  Chaos was pissed off. He had plans for her this morning, and they’d been interrupted.

  “So sulky,” she said, smirking. “Someone’s used to getting his own way.”

  He rubbed a hand over his chest, his abs tightening, and he frowned, looking sexy and grumpy at the same time. “I don’t sulk.”

  Was he trying to make her insane on purpose? Her smirk turned into a grin. “I’d say you were seriously close to throwing a full-on tantrum.”

  He fished a shirt out of his dresser and tugged it on, and when he turned back, she swallowed hard at the determined look in his eyes.

  “Female, you have no idea what I want to do to you right now. None. Laughing at me for being forced to get up and leave you in my bed, wet and unsatisfied, has just earned you a punishment.”

  Holy shit. Her thighs snapped together, and she had to squeeze them tight. “Punishment?”

  Every bit of his hot-blooded focus was on her. “I promise you’ll like it.”

  Her inner muscles throbbed and her nipples tightened to the point of aching. She opened her mouth, closed it. What the hell could she say to that?

  “Zenon called a meeting. I won’t be long.”

  Her stomach rumbled.

  “I’ll bring food back,” he called over his shoulder. “Don’t fucking move.”

  Grace lay there stunned as he walked out, but not so stunned that she didn’t admire his backside as he did. The male looked damn fine in those worn jeans.

  She flopped back on the bed and groaned in frustration, while her belly did somersaults. God, she thought she might want that, to be punished by him. What the hell was he doing to her?

  Ignoring her bossy male’s orders, she climbed out of bed and strode to the bathroom.

  Her male? Nope. Not thinking about that little slip.

  She needed a shower, needed to clear her head and leave Chaos’s bedroom before he hypnotized her with sex and punishments and she forgot her old life and never left this room again.

  She was drying off when her phone rang. Grabbing it off the bathroom counter, she checked the number. Unknown. It could be anyone. One of her people. Vince was always changing numbers. But the tingle at the back of her neck told her it was someone else.



  She curled her free hand into a fist. “Mr. Oden."

  "Come now, why so formal?"

  Asshole. "What do you want?” There was no point pretending anymore. He knew who she was, had just used her real name. He knew what she did to demons at night, had more than likely always known, and she knew he’d chosen the wrong side.

  “Straight to the point. That's why I like you so much."

  "You flatter me." If he picked up on the sarcasm dripping from her voice, he didn't let on.

  He was in hiding. Had disappeared after beating the shit out of Vince. The knights had been looking for him. But finding the beast was the priority, and because of that, he’d managed to stay hidden.

  "I require your presence this evening, Grace. And it would be in your best interest, and the best interest of those you care about, to attend." All the easy charm was gone, replaced by an edge that sent a shiver down her spine.

  "Where are we going?" she asked, refusing to let him know he'd rattled her. They both knew she had no choice but to do as he asked. He’d already hurt Vince, could hurt more of her people, and no one could stop him—not when Oden was in bed with whoever had control of the demons in the city.

  "I'll have a car pick you up at eight thirty outside Revelry. Dress formal." The phone disconnected.


  Her mind raced, coming up with a plan. She could ask Chaos to follow the car when she was picked up, and if something went south, he’d be there to get her out. Wherever Oden was taking her, rushing in ready for a fight wasn’t the right move, not yet, not until they knew what they were dealing with. He was in deep with a demon who’d summoned a beast and had the ability to control large numbers of demons at once. Fuck knew what else he was capable of.

  He'd asked her to dress formal, which she had to assume meant there would be other people with them. Safety in numbers, right?

  As long as they’re not all demons.


  Wrapping a towel around herself, she pulled the door open—

  Chaos was sitting on the bed, dark gaze on her. “I told you not to move.”

  She arched a brow. “I wanted a shower. And heads-up, I’m not your dog. I don’t sit and stay on command.”

  His nostrils flared. “Who were you talking to?”

  Possessiveness rolled off him like a thundercloud.

  She’d given him an inch, and what do you know, he’d taken a mile.

  She also knew instinctively that he wouldn’t let her go tonight, definitely not on her own. The mated male in him wouldn’t allow it. And she needed to go. Oden could lead her to the beast, could lead her to the major players working for Diemos. “Laney just checking in.”

  He watched her closely, and she wanted to squirm.

  "Yeah? How is she?"

  "Good." She sat beside him and took the plate he held in his hands. "Is this mine?”

  He dipped his chin.

  “Peanut butter and jelly. Your specialty."

  A low chuckle rumbled from him and she forced herself to control her racing heart.

  He watched her while she ate, a satisfied expression on his face as she chewed the last mouthful.


  "Yes. Thank you. I worked up an appetit
e." She looked up at him. “Are you hunting tonight?"

  “Yeah, Zen has a lead.”

  He was keeping something from her as well, she could see it in his eyes. She wanted to question him, but considering what she was about to do, she refrained.

  She was used to keeping things to herself, but right then, she wanted to lean on someone else. It wasn't that simple, though, nothing ever was. And especially not with Chaos.

  “You’ll keep me updated?”

  His gaze dropped to her lips. “Of course.”

  If he wondered why she hadn’t demanded to go with him, he didn’t say. Whatever Chaos had going on tonight was important and he was glad she wasn’t part of it. More reason to keep her meeting with Oden to herself.

  The mated male in him was in full-blown protection mode. He didn’t care about her credentials on the battlefield, he was following his instincts to keep her safe. Her stomach clenched painfully. This was exactly why they would never work, why she needed to hold back and not let herself get attached.

  He reached out and brushed her hair behind her ear. “You coming here when you’re finished for the night? Or should I come to you?”

  "No." Keeping her tone even and her expression neutral, she smiled at him. “I’ll come to the compound. Bring stuff for a night or two.” Distracting him with the prospect of two more nights of sex would hopefully stop him from questioning her about her plans for the evening. She felt guilty, dishonest, but what else could she do?

  More intense staring. "Why the sudden change of heart?"

  The male never let her get away with a damn thing. "Can't a girl change her mind? And it’s just a couple nights. I thought you'd be pleased."

  "I am. Very.” His voice had dropped several octaves, and he brushed his thumb across the hollow of her throat. "Text me when you get here if I’m not back. I want to know you're okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be okay?” He wasn’t even trying to hide it anymore. “Have you forgotten that before we mated, I spent all of my spare time relieving demons of their heads? Chasing the fuckers down and beating their asses until they cried for their mamas? I managed just fine without a big, bad knight to watch over me.” It was a desperate attempt to make him stop acting like an overprotective asshat.

  “Grace, do you have to argue with every damn thing I say?" There was no anger in his voice. "Just humor me, would you?"

  "Fine, whatever.”

  “You made them cry for their mamas, huh?”

  “I spanked those little bitches.”

  He tilted his head back and laughed, deep and rumbly and so sexy she had to stop herself from climbing onto his lap and kissing him silly.

  When his chuckles died down, his gaze went back to her lips, like he was thinking, wanting, the same thing.

  Grace cleared her throat. “But I might be late tonight. I'm going to visit Laney and check on the others." Her heart pounded behind her ribs at the lie. It unsettled her to lie to him, when he'd been nothing but good to her.

  His fingers glided down her arm, then wrapped around her fingers, and he tugged her closer. “Be careful, yeah? You’re still healing. Those wounds could open back up.”

  He pulled the key card to his room from his pocket and handed it to her. "Now kiss me before I go.”

  Jesus, he was chipping away at her defenses bit by bit. After everything that had happened—Vince getting beaten up, Mark’s and Tina's deaths, Hannah still missing, then the call from Oden—she didn't think she could survive that kind of intimacy from him.

  "I don't think that's such a good idea," she said playfully and glanced down at the obvious bulge behind his zipper.

  Ignoring her protests, he lifted her and planted her on his lap so she was straddling him. “Not in the mood to be teased, Grace. Give me your mouth."

  "Chaos..." His big hand gripped the side of her throat, fingers delving into her hair, and he moved in, taking her lips in a hard kiss. He licked her lower lip and she opened for him without any more thoughts of resistance, hungry for a taste of him. His tongue surged into her mouth, mating with hers. Heat spiraled through her belly and pulsed between her thighs.

  A growl rumbled from his chest and he gripped her ass, hauling her closer. Fisting her hair tighter, he held her in place and dominated her mouth. And God, she loved it. His cock was hard between her thighs and she squirmed as his other hand squeezed her ass.

  She rolled her hips and he lifted his head, breaking the kiss.

  “Don't stop." There was no missing the pleading note to her voice.

  He chuckled, raspy and low, dirty as hell. “When I get back tonight, I'm gonna be so fucking hard for you.”

  He licked his lips like he was imagining all the things he was going to do to her, and she pressed against him to ease the ache, inwardly growling at her own lack of willpower.

  “Angel, I can smell how wet that pussy is for me. you have any idea how much I want you right now, how hard I'm going to take you when I finally get to sink inside you?"

  “I’m good with now,” she said.

  He chuckled. “Zen and Kryos are waiting for me.”

  She slid her hand under his shirt, across his abs, and he shivered. She loved that she had that effect on him. "You don't play fair, you realize that, right?"

  His fingers in her hair tugged lightly, tilting her head back, while the other grabbed her wandering hand, stilling it. “As soon as I’m done tonight, I'm coming for you. Be ready, because there won’t be any warmup, nothing except me stripping you down and fucking you until you scream, do you understand?"

  She licked her own suddenly dry lips.

  "Do you understand, Grace?"

  “Yes?” she whispered.

  He gently set her aside, gave her one last, hard kiss, then walked out the door.

  Butterflies went nuts in her belly.

  No wonder he was acting all protective; she was behaving like some pathetic damsel, all gooey-eyed and pitiful.

  Forcing herself to pull her shit together, she stood and tugged on her boots. She may not want to tell Chaos about tonight, but she needed backup. Someone who could get her out of there fast if things got ugly.

  She just had to go find him.

  Chapter 26

  Every muscle in her body was tight and on edge.

  She was braced to fight, to defend herself.

  Oden would arrive at any moment, and she wouldn’t be dropping her guard while she was with him. Not a chance. Chaos would be pissed when he found out what she’d done, but she couldn’t let this chance slip through her fingers.

  She looked up at the night sky and saw the outline of a dark figure far above her, shadowed white wings extended, their silver tips catching the light every now and then as he coasted on the breeze.

  Chaos might not be going with her, but she wasn’t dumb enough to go alone.

  She could have asked her crew, but after losing Tina and Mark, emotions were high and she didn’t trust them to just sit back with the fuckers responsible within killing distance. They’d get themselves killed, too.

  There’d been only one obvious choice.

  There were demi living and working all over this city, a whole network of eyes and ears that she called on frequently. There’d been sightings of Rocco around the city, of course. But mainly he seemed to be sticking close to the portal.

  Her heart squeezed, remembering what happened the last time the portal opened, when his female was dragged through and taken to Hell. His agony had saturated the air around them, and it was now etched into his face, in his eyes, lining his features. The male was in constant pain.

  He hadn’t needed much convincing to watch her back tonight, not with how desperate he was for any information on Kyler. Maybe someone tonight might know something? God, she hoped so. Grace curled her fingers into a fist. Just looking at the male shredded her. Rocco was a shadow of himself. She knew from Chaos that they’d been trying to get him to come home, but seeing him tonight, she knew that wasn’t going
to happen, not willingly.

  The club was filling behind her, music spilling out onto the street.

  She checked her phone again. Her ride would be here any minute. She ran her hands down her dress. Formal wasn't exactly something she'd ever needed before. And there hadn’t been time to go shopping. The below-the-knee, black satin sheath dress would have to do. At least it was stretchy and allowed her to move freely.

  Whatever this was, wherever Oden was taking her, she needed to be ready.

  Something would go down tonight, she was positive of that, and she wanted all the intel she could get.

  She’d seen what they’d done to Tina, what had more than likely happened to Hannah. She damn well wouldn’t let that happen to any more of her people.

  Yeah, Chaos would be angry with her, but she’d been fighting this war since she was sixteen years old. Was the same age when she killed her first demon, when she stood over its ashes and vowed to do whatever it took to stop the abduction, exploitation, abuse, and murder of her people.

  She mated with Chaos for that very reason, he knew this. Her power, though still new, had already grown stronger. She didn’t need to be cosseted and protected. She didn’t want that. Never had. Never would.

  A shiny black car pulled up in front of her and the driver climbed out. “Hands against the car.”

  She did as he said and gritted her teeth as he slid his hands over her body, searching for weapons. She hadn’t bothered with any. There was no way Oden would take her into his pit of snakes if she was packing. The male looked inside her clutch after feeling her up, and surprisingly let her keep her phone.

  He opened the door for her, and Grace climbed in. The car was empty. "Are we picking up Mr. Oden next?"

  “He’ll meet you at the venue." Then he shut the door, trapping her inside.

  A feeling of intense claustrophobia came from nowhere and suddenly she found it hard to breathe. Grabbing her phone, she keyed in a quick text to Chaos. How's your night going?

  Her phone beeped a few seconds later. Just ruined an ibwa demon’s night. Jealous?

  Chaos's reply instantly had her heart rate slowing down, and the feeling of being suffocated vanished. She didn't want to think too closely about his effect on her, or the reason she'd immediately sought his comfort.


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