Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4)

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Knight's Dominion (Knights of Hell Book 4) Page 23

by Sherilee Gray

  You know I am. Have fun x. She sent her reply, then blinked down at her phone. Why the hell had she ended it with a kiss. Shit, she was going soft, either that or losing it.

  His reply was again quick. Looking forward to kissing you for real later. Remember. Text me when you get to the compound.

  She felt her face heat and shoved her phone back in her purse. What was she doing? Did fuck buddies end texts with kisses? Because essentially, that's what they were. Texting for a booty call? Yes. Texting to ask how your fuck buddy’s night’s going because you had a mini freak-out? No.

  But her mind remained so full of Chaos, she was surprised when the car pulled to a stop outside The Esquire, a towering skyscraper of luxury apartments.

  The door opened and the driver motioned her toward the entrance. She knew Rocco was still with her, but didn’t dare look up.

  “Penthouse suite,” the driver said and handed her a plain white card with a four-digit number on it. He grinned, all teeth. "Have a nice evening."

  She made her way to the elevator and keyed in the number on the card. Nerves started up in her belly and she ruthlessly squashed them. She couldn’t afford nerves, had to be ready for anything.

  A variety of unpleasant scenarios flashed through her mind. Being this high up made for a more difficult escape—unless there was access to the roof.

  The elevator glided to a stop and the doors slid open.

  When she stepped out, she was greeted by a male demi. He led her to a set of doors and pushed them open.

  The place was enormous, and gorgeous. She didn't know what she'd been expecting, but the tasteful surroundings and elegantly dressed people milling around, talking and laughing while a female in the corner played the piano for a little mood music, was not it. A high-stakes poker game or a mass orgy, maybe. Not this.

  "Impressive, huh?" said the demi holding the door, and she realized she was still standing there gaping.

  "Uh...yeah." He chuckled lightly and closed the door behind her. A waiter swung by and offered her champagne. “Thanks.” She took a glass, with no intention of drinking it.

  "Grace, you made it," Oden said, moving toward her, those cold black eyes glittering.

  Like she'd had any other choice, but she could play his game. She just wished she knew what the rules were. "Of course. So what are we celebrating?”

  “You’ll know soon enough.” He took her hand, lifting it to his mouth and kissed her fingers. He was wearing a ring. Heavy gold and with the same symbol as the one she’d seen on the cuff link she’d found at Tina’s apartment, the same ring the demon who attacked her on the roof wore.

  She barely resisted the urge to yank her hand away and punch the asshole.

  “Just an FYI, there’s no cell service here, at all. In case you wanted to contact anyone?” His lips curled up in a tight smile. “Come, let me introduce you to some of my associates."

  Now she knew why they’d let her keep her phone.

  Over the next hour, Oden paraded her around the room like some trophy wife, introducing her to several males, all powerful. She could literally feel it rolling off them, and for some reason they were all more than a little excited to meet her. Like they had some secret joke going on, and no one had bothered to fill her in.

  Finally, he took her to the far side of the room, where a couple stood. The male was tall, his features unusual but handsome in a weird way. The female at his side was about Grace's height but with some serious curves. Dressed like a Gothic princess, she was striking with her pale skin, violet eyes, and black makeup. Her only splash of color was the red stripe of hair down one side of her face. The male at her side had his long fingers wrapped around the back of her neck in a possessive hold, but it was more than that—this male dominated her, and not in the sexy way.

  He wanted to make sure she knew who was boss, who was stronger...who was in control.

  Grace itched to take the fucker’s head off.

  Oden stopped in front of them and dipped his head like he was addressing royalty. "Sir, I'd like you to meet Grace. The female I was telling you about."

  The taller male leaned in and whispered something in goth girl’s ear. The female tensed. It was slight, but Grace didn't miss it or the tight, forced smile she aimed at him before he released his hold on her. Her unusual violet gaze darted to Grace before she walked away.

  The male didn’t give his name, just stared at her, his hawk-like gaze moving over her from head to foot.

  Grace forced a smile. "Nice to meet you."

  That almost black gaze finally landed on hers and held. The hair lifted at the back of her neck, and every single instinct she possessed went on high alert.


  A full-blooded disciple of Hell, and he had his hand extended, waiting for her to take it. She had no choice, and when he clasped his fingers around hers, he tugged her a little closer. Those black eyes didn't leave hers, and she was positive he could see inside her, see everything. She pulled her hand back, but he held firm.

  "It's lovely to finally meet you, Grace. I've heard so much about you."

  His voice was impossibly deep and grated down her spine. "I wish I could say the same." If this creep had been granted sanctuary, she'd eat her left boot. No way would Chaos, or any of the knights, let this fucker out and keep breathing.

  A small grin tugged at his thin lips. The effect was terrifying. "Oh, we'll soon be very well acquainted." He released her hand, and she had to stop herself from rubbing her palm against her dress. He looked over her shoulder to Oden. "Well done. She is everything you said and more."

  What the fuck was this?

  Oden took her elbow and, after making their excuses, bowing his head and backing away like a simpering rodent, he quickly led her away, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face. "Good girl. You've pleased me tonight.”

  Like I give a shit. She spun to face him. “Why am I here, Oden?”

  They wanted her, she knew that. Did they want her for Diemos’s army? More than likely. They were constantly trying to grow his numbers here on Earth. Demi were regularly abducted for their powers and kept as prisoners by demons. She was well aware that hers was unique. Had one of them sensed it?

  He ran the back of his knuckles down the side of her face and she jerked out of reach.

  "There are things I can't divulge just yet. But I can tell you that every person in this room is working toward the same goal, or will be soon.”

  “And what goal is that?”

  “A better world for our kind, and you get to be a part of that, be at the forefront of change, a catalyst for a whole new and exciting world."

  She forced her breathing to remain steady, while her heart hammered in her chest. “Oden, what are you...”

  "I wish I could stay and..." His stare slid down to her breasts, then lower before coming back to land on her mouth. "...keep you company, but I have a lot to do tonight. Stay and enjoy the wine."

  "That's it?"

  "Hmm, so eager?” He brought her hand to his lips, but instead of kissing her, he slid his tongue across her knuckles. Her stomach lurched. "I'll see you soon, Grace, I promise.”

  He wanted her to believe she was free to go. But she knew otherwise.

  She watched him walk away. This was worse than she’d thought. What they were doing was bigger, more horrific than she could have imagined. How many demi were they keeping captive? How many had they slaughtered? How many were here tonight unaware of what was going on?

  She pretended to take a sip of her drink, glancing around the room. She didn’t know what the hell was actually going on, but she had to fight every instinct in her that screamed for her to get the hell out. The place was full of demi, but there were other demons as well, she could sense them now, like toxic gas polluting the room.

  She glanced at the door. Several large males stood in front of it, blocking the way out.

  Lifting her drink to her lips again, she forced herself to remain calm, and when the opportuni
ty finally presented itself, she slipped down a hall at the back of the room. Maybe they had Hannah here? Others held against their will?

  She searched several rooms, finding nothing. It became obvious that no one lived here. It had probably been rented just for tonight.

  She walked out of another empty room and bit back a curse.

  A male stood just outside, hands in his pockets, head tilted to the side and a small smile curving his lips.

  Grace smiled back and curled her fingers into fists at her sides. “I was just looking for the bathroom?”

  He took a step closer. “Remember me?"

  “Uh, sorry, I'm terrible with faces." His mouth twisted, and that's when she noticed the flat, black emptiness of his eyes. Demon. Fan-fucking-tastic.

  "Oh yeah, we've met. You even gave me a little present. How rude of you to forget." He pulled the collar of his shirt to the side and revealed a nasty-looking scar. "An arrow through the shoulder isn't as fun as you'd imagine."

  Awesome. She offered up a wide-eyed, confused expression. “An arrow? I don't know what you're talking about.”

  "Yeah, you do." The smile dropped, and he grabbed her arm, hauling her across the hall.

  Grace had no choice but to go. She didn’t want to draw attention and knew she had a way better chance fighting this guy one-on-one. She didn’t know who in this penthouse knew about her, but she guessed being a demon killer in this crowd was a pretty big no-no.

  He pushed her into one of the bedrooms and shut the door behind them. “I volunteered to deliver you to your new home, but I thought we could have a little catch-up first? What do you think?”

  “New home?”

  “You didn’t really think you were leaving here tonight?”

  No, she hadn’t. And she’d been ready, anything to get to the truth that would stop this war. And this place wasn’t where they’d find their answers. Thankfully, Rocco wouldn’t let her out of his sight. If they moved her, he’d follow and would gather the troops to take down these fuckers. That couldn’t happen if this dickhead killed her before she got delivered to the next destination—and what she hoped was their main headquarters.

  “What’s it like? My new place? Will I have roomies?”

  He frowned, momentarily thrown, then scowled. “I really would like to end you, torture you for a while first, but unfortunately that’s not an option. But I will make you pay for what you did to me."

  She'd backed up, giving herself some room. Leaving a pile of ash would be a pretty big giveaway, so she couldn't put this animal down. She had to incapacitate him. She glanced at the window. They were twenty stories high; he sure as hell wouldn't be yapping after a fall like that.

  He moved toward her and she held her ground. She needed to knock him out, and to do that, she had to let him get close. He raked her with a stare equal parts lust and pure hatred. "How do you like it, demon killer? I like it hard and rough." He grinned wide. "I also like to bite. Every time you look in the mirror, you'll see my mark on your skin, like the one you left me. I'll make sure you never forget our time together."

  He pounced, and she let him take her to the ground, but he was stronger than she'd expected, making it hard to fight him off and reach the pressure point in his neck.

  He shoved up her skirt, exposing her thighs, and licked his lips. “I’m going to enjoy this."

  As he came down on her, she had the opening she needed. Fisting his hair in one hand, she brought up her knee, nailing him in the balls, while she pinched the nerve on the side of his neck with the other.

  The guy gasped and shook in agony, trying to struggle, but she refused to let go. A hot, tingling sensation began to move through her—her power. She didn’t know what would happen with a demon, but she didn’t stop it, she let it flow out of her into the fucker flailing in her hold, then started pulling it back inside her.

  She could feel him, feel the darkness he held inside, then a surge of power exploded through her, power that was not her own, and she gritted her teeth so she didn’t cry out as it filled her.

  He went limp, and she released him, slumping back, his dead weight pinning her to the floor. She’d taken whatever power the demon had, and now she could feel it inside her, morphing and changing, becoming one with her own and making her own ability stronger.

  Had mating with Chaos made this possible? More than likely.

  The door opened and Grace shoved the male off, jumping to her feet.

  Goth girl stood at the door, her pale gaze looking down at the dead demon. "Fuck," she hissed.

  Not good, not good at all. Grace eyed the other female. She really didn't want to hurt her. She was a demi, but also something else, something Grace didn’t recognize. The female had also suffered, there was no missing it in her haunted eyes.

  "It was self-defense," Grace said.

  “Oh, I don't doubt it.” Goth girl shoved the guy with the toe of her boot. “Greg is a sick, twisted asshole.” She glanced back up at Grace. “But we need to get him the fuck out of here before someone comes looking.”

  Grace held her gaze. “You expect me to trust you?”

  “Nope. But you don’t have much choice. Take his shoulders. I’ll get his legs."

  She was right, Grace didn’t have much choice.

  The other female checked to make sure the way was clear, then they carried the heavy bastard down to the kitchens via a back staircase.

  An elderly male was standing at a counter and looked up when they walked in. His brows shot to his hairline, then he cursed. The female shook her head. "Don't say a damn thing, Spencer. Just help us get out of here.”

  The old guy hustled to what Grace assumed was the servants’ elevator. "Up or down."

  "Up," she said.

  The doors slid open and they carried their mostly, but not quite dead demon inside.

  "If the master asks after you?” the old guy asked.

  "Tell him I'm having one of my headaches and I've gone home."

  They dropped the demon on the floor to give their arms a rest. The elderly male looked concerned, afraid, but not for himself. His next words confirmed it. "He won't be happy."

  "I'll be fine."

  Grace didn't want to see her get into trouble. "I can take it from here."

  Her pale eyes slid to Grace. "Hold the door." She raced out, grabbed a kitchen knife, and came back. "Not without this you can't. And you’ll need help carrying him.”

  The door slid closed. "Thank you…for this,” Grace said to her.

  The other female looked down and sneered. "I hated that motherfucker. You've done me a favor."

  The whole thing was surreal. Usually Grace would be on full alert, waiting for the female to turn the knife her way, but for some reason she knew that wasn't going to happen.

  The doors slid open and they lifted the demon, carrying him out, then muscling their way through the steel door that led to the open roof.

  "What's your name?" Grace asked. This female was helping her dispose of a demon after all.

  She shook her head. "It's better you don't know." She gripped the knife. "Do you want the honors, or shall I?"

  Grace held out her hand. "It's my mess." Then again it would be more beneficial to take him to the compound for questioning, but then she saw it, something in the other female’s eyes as she looked down at the demon. Her stomach gripped tight. “Unless you want to?”

  Goth girl stood motionless for a moment, then glanced up at Grace. “I’ve never done it before. Will you help me?”

  Yeah, goth girl needed this. It was the pain and hatred in the other female’s eyes that Grace recognized, but so much more, so much worse. If killing the monster at their feet helped the other female to heal in some small way, Grace was determined to help, she owed her that much at least.

  Grace kicked off her shoes and goth girl snorted.

  “Hey, they were expensive, I don’t want this asshole’s blood all over them.” Grace glanced up with a grin, then fisted the unconscious demon�
��s hair before dragging her finger across the demon’s throat. “Through here. You might have to saw at it a bit, that knife doesn’t look very sharp. Demon beheading 101, use a sharp knife.”

  Goth girl’s lips twitched, then she dipped her chin and started slicing, or more hacking because yeah, the blade was blunt as hell. Grace pretended she didn’t hear the gasps of rage, the desperate sob that escaped goth girl as she killed one of her tormentors. Because Grace had no doubt that’s what was happening here.

  The head finally came free and the demon ashed out.

  The knife clattered to the rooftop by the other female’s feet. She was breathing heavily, staring in both shock and relief at the pile that used to be a demon. “Thank you,” she finally said.

  “My pleasure.” Grace offered her another smile. “Killing demons like him is kind of a hobby of mine.”

  Goth girl chuckled, then stilled suddenly and looked up, her sights trained up to the night sky. “You came with backup?”

  “Of course.”

  “I need to go.”

  Grace held out her hand. “Come with me.”

  The female’s eyes went flat. “I can’t.”

  “I’ll send help. We’ll close this down, whatever it is.”

  “You won’t find them…us, if you come back. It’ll be like we were never here.”

  “What about the other demi in there? I can’t just leave them.”

  “I’ve got it covered,” she said, then spun and ran, disappearing back the way they’d come.

  Boots meeting concrete brought her head around. Rocco stood a few feet away, arms crossed over his wide chest, flat gaze on the demon’s remains. "What happened?”

  “He recognized me.” The wind would remove the evidence overnight.

  His gaze pinned her to the spot. “Anything?”

  He was asking about his mate. About Kyler.

  She shook her head.

  His throat worked several times. “Chaos is gonna pop an artery when he finds out you came here.”

  “Yeah, probably. But I don't answer to him. I don't answer to anyone. He knows that.”

  Rocco shook his head, not looking convinced, and glanced at the steel door goth girl had disappeared through. "Who was that?"


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