Kissing The Bad Boy

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Kissing The Bad Boy Page 5

by Melanie Marks

  So … basically, Cade is a stalker. Just like me. (Only I stalk Cade.) I only joined the play so I could be near him. Not that he notices me. He’s too busy watching Julie to notice anything, not even all of the girls that try to get his attention and flirt with him at play rehearsals. He doesn’t have eyes for groupies when Julie is around (to their dismay). It’s romantic … though it makes me want Julie dead. (Don’t worry, I won’t kill her though.) (Probably.)

  I just want her to … disappear.

  Really, really bad.




  Ashton did it! He got his dad to hire my mom at his fancy law firm. She’s a secretary there or something like that. She’s never had an office-type job before, but she loves it and her pay is way better and so are her hours, so everything is perfect!

  … or anyway, they would be perfect—except Cade Cole is now part of the stage-crew for our school’s play. Which is—uh, distracting. To say the least. It’s hard to remember my lines when I feel his eyes on me—which they are, all the time. I don’t know if he’s just messing with me, getting me all stirred up because he knows it bugs Ashton or—or what? I mean, it’s probably the Ashton thing—right? After all, everything Ashton said about the guy is true: he’s a player and he’s into wild girls. Not girls like me. Except he knows I lied about the fling-thing, and he knows about my research project on “bad boys,” and now he knows my subconscious wants to kiss him wild. So he seems to be using that to drive me crazy—since he knows that drives Ashton crazy. See, lots of guys at our school don’t like Ashton. Well, there are two camps on that, actually. I mean, face it: he’s class president. So he’s obviously popular. But some guys seem to think Ashton is a self-righteous jerk that only gets everything he wants because he’s mega crazy rich. Cade is in that camp—the thinking Ashton is a jerk camp. So, obviously messing with Ashton’s girlfriend is fun for him. I mean, the dude winks when I get flustered and drop things when he’s around. But come on, his stare is hungry. It puts me in this steamy dreamy trance where the memory of him kissing me flickers in my brain and sends me to La-la Land.

  It’s bad!

  And he seems to know exactly what he does to me.

  Unfortunately, Ashton seems to have a clue about that now too. You know, since I confessed about my lie … and that my subconscious attacked Cade Cole. Now Ashton is always grunting, “I hate that Cade is at all of your practices. He’s only doing it to bug me.”

  I snorted (loudly), “Yeah right. He’s helping out with the school play to bug you—that’s it.” I tweaked his nose playfully. “You know he’s really only doing it as punishment, right? His coach is making him.”

  “Well, I wish you would quit the play.”

  “Ashton, I have a semi-big(ish) role. Well, okay, it’s not that big—but it’s fun.”

  “Fun having Cade flirt with you?”

  “He doesn’t ‘flirt’ with me.” Well, not exactly. He stares, big time. But I avoid him at all costs. I’ve pointed this out to Ashton (many times), but I do it again now, “He doesn’t even talk to me, Ashton, ever. He doesn’t get a chance to. I avoid him like the plague, just like you told me to. But I would anyway, Ashton. What happened was embarrassing.”

  “And he’s not your type,” Ashton points out, which really doesn’t fit into the conversation here—at all—but he seems to want to remind me, like I need the reminder. That’s totally okay, though. After all, I wouldn’t be pleased if his subconscious went crazy and kissed another girl. I’d add things into the conversation that didn’t fit too—and probably throw a tantrum. Or at least feel like doing it. So I try to be as gentle as can be and understanding.

  Ashton steeples his fingers against his lips. “At least come and watch my practices after your rehearsals are over—I miss seeing you there.”

  Yes, he misses me devoting my whole life to him. But I’ve been trying to wean myself away from that habit ever since the harrowing “break” incident. I’ve been trying to get my own life—one that centers around me instead of him. ‘Cause, face it, you never know when he’ll want another “break.” If it ever happens again I want to be prepared. Have something else to fall back on besides him this time—me. My own life.

  I smile at him gently, gently. “Ashton, I come to your practices before the rehearsals as much as I can, but I can’t concentrate on my homework with you playing so sexy.”

  He grins, “Can’t take your eyes off me, huh?”

  “No, I can’t.” I kiss him reassuringly. But really, the true reason I can’t stay for his practices is I clean my neighbor’s kitchen for her every night now. I do it as she’s putting her kids to bed. She pays me well—but I can’t tell this to Ashton. He’ll just give me whatever she pays me, and tell me to come to his practices instead. I used to be willing to do that. But that was before our “break.” That horrible break did way more damage to our relationship than he realizes. It didn’t only make me tell crazy lies, it left me with open eyes: I need a life outside of Ashton. Face it, he may not always be in my life. His need for a “break” had made that terrifyingly clear.

  Ashton watches me with a sigh as I hurry off to my play rehearsal. “Stay away from the Neanderthal,” he says.

  “Right,” I tell him over my shoulder, and have every intention to.

  But things don’t go as planned.




  At play rehearsal as I’m getting ready for my opening scene, my heart falls.

  Because I hear Zack Arnold tell our director, Mr. Fletch, “Uh, I have to quit the play.”

  My heart shrivels hearing this. So does Mr. Fletch’s. Well, according to the ashen look on the poor man’s face. I mean, there are only two days left before the big performance. Poor man.

  “Sorry,” Zack mumbles.

  “Why?” Mr. Fletch asks. “It’s too much of a time constraint?—all that rehearsing you have to put in?”

  The dude has no lines, so obviously Mr. Fletch is being sarcastic.

  Zack breathes out an incredulous laugh, undoubtedly realizing this. “No. Of course not. My girlfriend is making me quit.”

  His girlfriend, who is standing by his side, scowling, speaks up at this, “He has no lines, you can get someone else—someone without at girlfriend.”

  “I’ll do it,” Cade says quickly, coming from out of nowhere.

  We all turn to him and blink in shock. Cade Cole in the play??

  He grins at our stunned expressions, then he winks at me.

  Holy smokes! I go up in flames, and suddenly get it.

  Zack’s only part in the whole play was the opening scene: kissing me.

  Ohhhh man.

  I can barely breathe, and no way can I look at Cade, though I can feel his eyes on me.

  He’s only doing this to mess with Ashton, I keep telling myself.

  Still, the room is spinning, since the outcome will still be the same: Kissing Cade Again!!

  Oh boy, I need to sit down. And take a cold shower, since just feeling Cade’s eyes on me is making me ignite in flames. What will his lips on me do to me? Well, I already know. (Yikes!)

  Oh, this is not good!




  Yes, I jumped at the chance to get to kiss Julie.

  And yes, it seemed hilarious that I would get to piss off whiny Ashton Davenport in the process.

  All around score!

  But not gonna lie, mostly it was the getting to kiss Julie thing.

  Also, it was my chance to be her hero since she looked so let down that Zack was weaseling out of the play at the last minute. But come on, everyone had to see that coming. His girlfriend hadn’t been to any of the practices, but I knew the minute that she did that his days in the play were numbered. She had steam coming out of her ears as she watched Zack all too eagerly kiss Julie. Julie on the other hand, had been clueless. She has no idea what sh
e does to guys, since she’s been with her inappreciative boyfriend for so long. But man, Zack obviously has a thing for Julie.

  And I was all too eager to get to take his place.



  Someone Else

  I about died when Cade announced to Mr. Fletch that he would take Zack’s place in the play. I was suddenly on fire thinking about it—getting to see Cade Cole kiss tenderly. Yabba Dabba! The thought made my heart pound wild. Even more than it usually does. Because Cade isn’t that kind of guy (sadly), he doesn’t put out PDA, so I’ve never actually gotten to see him be tender with a girl. The closest I’ve come is watching him follow clueless Julie. And watching his eyes follow her everywhere. Constantly. It makes my heart ache. I want him to follow me.

  I want to be Julie.

  Especially now. Not just because she gets to kiss Cade in the play (though yabba-dabba! Lucky girl!!) but also because I know the only reason tough, cool Cade volunteered to be in the lame school play is so he can kiss Julie.

  Yet, Julie practically fainted when Cade offered to take Zack’s place in the play. I swear, she turned white. And had to clutch the wall like she was going to topple over. (What an idiot.)

  Stupid Julie! She’s so blind. And dumb. All she has eyes for is her stupid la-dee-dah boyfriend. I can’t stand that jerk. I’d almost rather Cade got Julie than let that stupid loser-head hurt Cade like that—by having the girl he wants so bad. Poor Cade!

  I could make Cade feel better—love him properly: mega-mega-appreciatively.

  … if he’d just give me a chance.

  If he’d just look at me for once instead of Julie.

  Hey, wait!!


  Suddenly I know what I need to do.

  I need Julie’s spot in the play.

  If Cade kisses me—passionately—(Mmmm)—like he’s supposed to for the play, he’ll finally notice me. He’ll have to.

  We’ll kiss and there will be fireworks just like in my dreams. It will be sooo perfect.

  … all I have to do is get rid of Julie.




  Recap: I practically fainted when I heard Cade offer to be in our play. And almost fainted again when I found out he was actually serious—he was willing to be in the play.

  Cade Cole, in a school play! No way.

  Mr. Fletch didn’t seem to believe him either.

  “No, I’m serious,” Cade said, his eyes drifted to me, “I’m dying for the part. I swear.”

  My heart exploded from his stare and words and—him.

  Mr. Fletch’s heart seemed to be exploding too. “Well, splendid!” the dumb-struck teacher said with a huge smile, eyeing Cade like he was a dream come true. Which he probably was, to Mr. Fletch. The character Zack was theoretically playing was supposed to be a big tough guy—just like Cade. (Zack is sort of like a noodle.) (A nice noodle, but still—a noodle.)

  Cade kept his eyes on me, like watching my reaction. But I didn’t want to give him what he wanted: I didn’t want to seem flustered. Instead, I just kept my eyes purposefully off him—as usual. I turned to Mr. Fletch in dismay. “I know you probably want us to rehearse our part together if you’re really going to use him, Cade Cole—who is only here as punishment—”

  Cade raised his eyebrows, “—it won’t be punishment to play this role.”

  I ignored him (of course), because to do otherwise would be to go up in flames, so instead I kept my eyes unwavering on Mr. Fletch for dear life and squeakily went on, “But if you’re honestly going to use him, then I’m going to have to tell my boyfriend first.”

  “Why?” Cade asked.

  I continued to look at Mr. Fletch, then proceeded to answer as though the confused man was the one that asked the question, “To warn him. Since my boyfriend and Cade—who is only here as punishment—don’t get along. And I have to warn you as well, Mr. Fletch: Cade is only doing this to make my boyfriend mad.”

  Cade chuckled. “That’s not the only reason.”

  Mr. Fletch shook his head. “At this point, any reason is good enough for me. Thank you Mr. Cole, we accept your presence in our play.”

  I dropped my prop.

  Cade winked at me.





  After ignoring Cade all through rehearsal, and refusing to practice the scene with him—though I knew that was being unreasonable, since we had such little time before opening night, but still—I couldn’t do it to Ashton. Kiss Cade again without Ashton being forewarned. I just couldn’t. Besides, all Cade had to do was kiss me, and then be ripped out of my embrace by my jealous husband. I’m sure Cade is very used to the scene. After all, everyone is aware Cade has plenty of experience with kissing girls, and also putting their boyfriends in a jealous rage. Face it: he’s a pro at it. Which seems to not be lost on Mr. Fletch. The man seemed beyond delighted, I tell you.

  “At least let Cade rip your hat off,” Mr. Fletch said towards the end of rehearsal. “He may need to practice looking in love.”

  Instantly Cade ripped my hat off, and tossed it, just like it’s written in the script.

  “No,” Mr. Fletch said, lifting an eyebrow with intrigue. “He doesn’t need practice looking in love.”

  Cade grinned, still staring into my eyes—yes, looking in love. (Swoon.)

  “I’ve had a lot of practice lately,” Cade murmured huskily to Mr. Fletch, though his gorgeous eyes stayed on me as he murmured it, making me dizzy and breathless, and worried out of my mind. If just his stare can do this to me—holy smokes! I’m in big trouble.

  I wobbled away from Cade, pretending I had an important phone call.

  Mr. Fletch yelled after me, “No phone calls!”

  He’s told us that a hundred times—of course. But what he didn’t get was it was a fake phone call, just to get away from Cade so I could breathe. Cade seemed to know the reason though, since when I told Mr. Fletch, “It’s important—it’s my boyfriend.”

  Cade smirked and informed me softly, “Your phone is upside down.”


  Heat swamped my cheeks as I silently turned my phone right side up, then continued saying, “Yes, I’ll be there soon. I love you too.”

  Needless to say, the whole practice was tense. Well, for me. (Not anyone else, actually.)

  Then, to top it all off, when rehearsal was finally over, it was pouring down rain.

  “Swell,” I muttered.

  I thought about simply going to the gym and watching the end of Ashton’s basketball practice. But I needed to get home and bake him some more bad-news cookies, so I could tell him my bad news.

  With a sigh, I slogged out into the pouring rain.




  After play rehearsal, it was pouring rain. So instead of stalking Julie all the way home on foot—as I usually do—I hopped into my car, bypassing the formality of keeping a safe distance behind her, since she was getting soaked. This time I pulled up beside her and rolled down my window. “Hop in,” I told her.

  “Uh, no,” she said (after almost jumping out of her skin when I talked to her).

  “Come on,” I told her incredulously. “You’d rather die of hypothermia than get in the car with me?”

  She nods without saying a word.

  So cute. Man, I love her.

  “Get in, Julie,” I tell her in exasperation.

  It actually takes quite a bit of coaxing to get her into my car, but once it finally happens, it seems she may have been right to keep her distance from me, since now all I can do is think of ways to make her stay with me. Yet I drive her home like a good boy, quite discouraged with myself for not living up to my apparent reputation—you know, the one where I make off with innocent girls. (Or is that one just in Julie’s head?) (Not sure where it came from.) But right now I�
��d like nothing better than for it to be true. Only, that would make me a felon. Doubt Julie dates felons. Or anyone not named Ashton Davenport. (Sadly.)

  When we get to Julie’s little house, she frowns when she sees the car that’s parked in her driveway. I tilt my head, not used to Julie frowning. Wow, I really don’t like it.

  “Is there a problem?” I ask, though I can clearly see that there is.

  She sits stiffly in my car. “No,” she lies.

  Yet, she doesn’t get out. Which means the problem is huge. As though her little frown hadn’t clued me into that, her not running away from me the second that she could speaks volumes—that car is obviously a very huge problem for her.

  “Does the car belong to a guy?” I prompt her.

  She nods.

  Okay, easy enough. “You want me to beat him up?” I offer.

  She sighs. “No. The car belongs to my mom’s nice ex-guy-friend, Hank. We both really liked Hank.”

  “Then it’s good that he’s here … right?”

  “No.” She sighs again. “He’s just here to pick up his stuff. He’d left a message saying that he would—I’d just thought he’d be gone by now.”

  Aw, sad. Her widow mom got dumped by Mr. Nice-guy, yet she feels dumped right along with her mom.

  I raise my eyebrows. “You don’t want to see him?”

  She shakes her head.

  I know that feeling, all too well. I never want to see people after I have to actually breakdown and dump them … and the weird thing is, I’ve never actually even had an official girlfriend, so that’s saying something (though what, I’m not exactly sure). Still, I totally get that she doesn’t want to see this “nice” guy that has hurt her and her mom.


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