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Mountain Man's Baby Surprise (A Mountain Man's Baby Romance)

Page 52

by Lia Lee

  “So, let it snap,” I groaned. “What if I want you inside me immediately?”

  Brett sucked a nipple into his hot mouth and twirled his tongue around the sensitive bud. My back arched and nearly came off the bed to prolong the contact for as long as possible when he started lifting his head.

  “Patience, Love. We need to make sure you’re going to be as comfortable as possible later on. You’re obscenely tight.” Sweat dotted his brow, and the restraint in his muscles was clear. He was holding back, trying to give me the first time he’d promised, but even though I was still coming off the most epic orgasm of my life, I was aching to have him inside me.

  “Obscenely?” I asked.

  Brett flashed me a smirk, but it was tight. “Don’t analyze or criticize my choice in words right now. The only thing I can think about is making you come again. I want that taste now.”

  He lingered on my breasts for a moment longer, then continued his downward trajectory, finally kneeling between my legs and spreading them open wide. Being on display like that should’ve made me uncomfortable. Somewhere deep down I knew that, but somehow, it didn’t bother me with Brett. He made me feel safe, taken care of.

  “Such a pretty pussy,” he said, so low it was almost a growl. “Hang on to the sheets, Soph. I’ll be getting acquainted with her for at least one more orgasm.”

  Then he leaned forward and licked a straight line from the bottom of my seam to the top, like I was his favorite flavor of ice cream. Stars exploded behind my eyelids, and blazing heat spread from my center as Brett kept lapping at me. Way too soon again, the stars turned into fireworks, and the heat became volcanic waves of pleasure that had me screaming his name while he anchored my hips to the bed and licked me through yet another intense orgasm.

  It was only once my body had stilled and my breathing started to even out that Brett leaned back on his heels, admiring me for a second before he crawled up and gave me a deep kiss. I tasted my own bittery sweetness on his tongue, but it surprised me that it didn’t turn me off. Not in the slightest.

  Nothing that could be said in the same phrase as the words Brett’s tongue ever would. Hell, now that I knew what he could do with it, how was I ever going to look at him again without getting horribly turned on?

  “Why thank you,” Brett said, smiling darkly as he slid off the bed. “I’d be happy to keep going if you want?”

  “I said that out loud?” I breathed, feeling my cheeks grow warm from more than just two fantastic orgasms.

  “You did.”

  I was thinking of a retort or a joke that would cut through my embarrassment when he stole my breath. He shed his clothes with quick, determined moves that were somehow still slow enough to give me time to appreciate his body.

  All of him, but especially the part I hadn’t seen yet. His cock was thick and long and a little angry looking. My breathing sped up when I realized that that thing had to fit inside me. Somewhere. God only knew where, cause I sure as hell didn’t.

  Tilting his head slightly, it looked like he was waiting for an answer.

  Oh. He was. “Maybe later you can go down on me again. Right now, I want you.”

  “Your wish. My command. All that.” He smirked.

  There was a rip of a foil packet, then he sheathed himself quickly and propped himself up over me, perching on his forearms. He positioned himself between my legs, and his head parted me gently. He looked deep into my eyes as he slowly pushed in. “You gotta tell me if anything hurts, okay? Talk to me, Soph.”

  I nodded, but I couldn’t get any words out. The pressure and the feeling of being filled was intense. So intense that tears welled in my eyes, and Brett stopped immediately, kissing the corners where the tears lay.

  “Is it too sore, baby? Talk to me. What’s going on?”

  I didn’t want him to stop, but I was going to have to find my words if I wanted him to carry on. “Not too sore. Pain’s not really there. Just full. So full.”

  “Okay,” he said. “Gotta warn you though, that’s literally only the tip.”

  “Shit.” Where the hell was I supposed to go with all the rest of it, then?

  Brett leaned his forehead against mine, pressing a soft kiss to my mouth. “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going to hurt you. I’ll go slow.”

  And he did. He pushed into me at pace so damn slow that glaciers moved faster, but I appreciated him all the more for it. There was a sharp tug and a moment of searing pain, but Brett kissed me through it, soothing me. When I felt so full that I was sure I was about to split in half, Brett groaned and stilled completely.

  “Hey Soph, could you look at me for a sec?”

  Somewhere along the line, my eyes had fallen closed as I focused on taking all of him. I wedged them open and found Brett staring down at me, his irises almost completely swallowed by his pupils. Seeing him that affected, by me, by my body, and the super fullness that was pressing up on every inch inside of me, I needed him to move.

  Brett didn’t seem to agree. He smiled when I opened my eyes. “All good, baby?”

  “I am, but please don’t tell me there’s more.”

  One side of Brett’s mouth curled up higher. “There isn’t.”

  “Thank god.”

  Brett smirked, dropped a kiss on my nose, and grew serious again. “You ready for me?”

  “Please.” My body answered as surely as my words, my hips bucking up. He did as I asked, thrusting slowly, but with purpose.

  His eyes fluttered closed, and he let out a guttural groan. “Fuck, do you have any idea how good you feel? You’re gripping me so damn tight.”

  He established a rhythm, rocking into me with deep strokes that slowly, impossibly I would’ve thought, had my body begin to build again. I tensed, released, and I knew that I was going to come again.

  “That’s it, baby. Let me feel you come on my cock.”

  He bent his head down and kissed me, shifting so that he was angled perfectly. With his tongue in my mouth and his dick buried so deep in me, I felt more connected to him than I would’ve thought I could be to another human being. Possessed by him, protected by him.

  In that moment of unguarded connection, I gave him what he wanted and let go. My body spiraled through the orgasm, and the world around us fell away as my body closed around him.

  Brett pumped into me, each thrust deeper and longer, penetrating me to my very core. I felt his muscles tense under my hands, his thighs quiver against mine, and I just knew that he was about to come, too.

  When he did, he cried my name, and his cock twitched deep inside me. It was the single most beautiful thing I thought I’d ever experienced, seeing Brett come apart for me.

  I was lingering in a post-orgasmic daze for what felt like hours after we were done. I’d honestly thought it was bullshit when people said or wrote about such things, but Brett had proven the struggle to be real. My eyes were falling closed, and Brett’s breathing evened out. Then, a voice outside made my blood freeze in my veins and my eyes pop wide open.

  Brett and I sat up at the same time, but where I was so panicked it felt like I was going to choke on it, he was calm and confident.

  Pointing toward the bathroom, he simply whispered, “Go. I’ll take care of him.”

  He even patted my ass when I scampered over him to collect my dress and underwear from the floor before disappearing into the bathroom.

  “Brett, it’s me, open up!” Mark called out again, banging on the door as loudly as my heart was thundering in my chest.

  Chapter Nine


  What the fuck is Mark doing here?

  Searching my hazy memories from the night before, I landed on the one where the tequila had told him that I’d gotten a room at the hotel for a date. Fucking tequila.

  I wasn’t nearly done with Sophia yet. I wanted to crawl into that pussy and set up camp there. Live there. Never leave there.

  She looked terrified at the intrusion. Her eyes were huge, and her body trembled, alhou
gh that could’ve still been the orgasms. Seeing her come was a thing of glory, and I absolutely intended on seeing it as often as she could take it for the rest of the weekend.

  Sophia scurried out of bed, climbing over me in a rush. Her pert ass drew my attention as she did, and I couldn’t help but reach out give her light smack.

  My inner caveman wanted to pull her back to the bed, get her underneath me, and fuck her until she screamed my name again.

  But first, I had to deal with her date crashing brother. It made no sense that he was there. Zero. He was, though, as I was reminded when he called out again.

  “Dude, what’s taking you so long?”

  “I’m coming,” I yelled.

  Once Sophia and her clothes were safely in the bathroom, I crossed the bedroom, back out through the living room area of the suite, and swung the door open to glower at my best friend.

  “What the fuck, Mark?”

  He reeked of booze and flashed me a lopsided smile. “Hello to you, too.”

  “Seriously, ddue,” I said. “What are you doing here?”

  “Met Annie for a few drinks at the bar downstairs, but then she got called away on a work emergency, and I remembered you were here tonight.” Mark’s words weren’t slurred, so I knew that he wasn’t that drunk. Tipsy, at best.

  Which meant that I had to be very, very careful here. Drunk Mark would’ve been easy to distract. Still kind of sober Mark, not so much.

  “I’m here,” I said. “Did you forget the part where I told you I was here for a date though?”

  Mark craned his neck to look into the empty suite behind me. “Did you drag yourself out here, away from said date?”

  I shrugged. “Nope, chick never showed.”

  “That sucks, man. I’m sorry.” He reached up to pat my shoulder twice, then blew right past me into the suite. My stomach knotted uncomfortably, and a ripple of panic shot through my gut.

  Fuck, he’s going to find out.

  Mark stopped in the middle of the living room, turned around slowly, and whistled low. “Nice place you got for the night. Chick must’ve been quite something.”

  That she was. “Yeah, I guess.”

  He sank into the couch, crossed his ankle over his knee, and spread out his arms over the backrest. “So why you still here if she never showed?”

  “Already paid for the room, figured I’d enjoy it by myself anyway.”

  Mark smirked and waved a hand toward me. “That why your hair’s all messed up?”

  Shit. I’d smoothed it after I’d yanked my clothes back on, but apparently not enough. Outwardly, I maintained my calm, but on the inside, my mind was warring between ideas to get rid of him and fear that he was going to need to piss soon.

  The suite was large, and he couldn’t see the bedroom or the rumpled sheets from here, but there was only one bathroom. And it just so happened to be inhabited by the one person on the planet who shouldn’t be in it. A stab of guilt lodged itself squarely in my heart.

  Mark was going to freak the fuck out if he found her. I had to get him out of there. Now.

  I wiggled my fingers at him and flashed him most cocky grin. “Well, you know. I planned on getting laid tonight. I’m not opposed to getting the job done myself now that she didn’t.”

  He let out a shout of laughter and motioned to the room again. “Guess you did get the nice suite and all. Hope you bought yourself dinner first.”

  Running my fingers through my hair to try tame it some, I shrugged. “Nope, I’m easy.”

  He laughed again and rose to his feet. “You know there’s a whole bar filled to the brim with pretty ladies right in the lobby, right? Want me to wing man for you?”

  “Nope, I’m good here. Think I’m just going to chill and get some sleep. Last night was kinda rough.”

  “That it was.” He nodded. “Wanna go on that road trip in the morning that you passed on last night?”

  I shook my head. “Can’t. I’m going to have to work.”

  Work on getting Sophia to come at least a couple more times, but I wasn’t splitting hairs about it.

  Mark looked a little disappointed, but he didn’t say anything about it, and I didn’t ask. “Okay, I can see I’m not wanted here. Enjoy your whack-a-thon or whatever you’re calling it.”

  I flipped him the bird, and he smirked at me when he reached the door. “Fuck you too, brother. Oh wait, you’re already doing that.”

  He was never going to let me live this down, but I’d take it every day for the rest of my life if I had to. It was worth it.

  “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out,” I said, watching him open it and laugh as he let it slam behind him.

  Once he was gone, I headed back to room, and Sophia cracked open the bathroom door with a deep frown marring her features. “What did he want?”

  “To shoot the shit. He was downstairs with Annie, but she bailed, and I think he was bored or something. Come here.” I opened my arms, and she walked right into them. “You feeling okay after everything?”

  Those big blue eyes, like sapphires sparkling in the sun, found mine. She looked relaxed, happy even. “I’m feeling more than okay.”

  Chapter Ten


  Brett and I broke the one time only rule almost immediately. At first, we justified it by saying that it was meant to be one time in every position, but then, we started repeating positions, also almost immediately, and neither of us said anything about it ever again.

  We were avoiding having any kind of conversation that addressed either that or what it was that was going on between us. I was avoiding it, anyway. Brett hadn’t brought it up, so I just assumed that he was avoiding it, too.

  My crush had grown by leaps and bounds since we’d started sleeping together, and I was pretty sure that I liked him more than I should’ve. I had no idea how he felt about me, but the way he looked at me nowadays made me feel all fuzzy inside.

  I’d wanted to ask him on numerous occasions over the course of the three weeks that it’d been since I’d given him my virginity, but it was like we’d made an unspoken rule not to talk about it.

  Whatever it was that was going on, I loved it. Things were great between us. Where I’d thought he was hot before, I now felt profoundly drawn to him. Like there was invisible string that pulled me to him whenever he was near, and like I wasn’t a complete person when he wasn’t.

  I lived for our stolen kisses and hidden touches. I counted the days until we could be together again like it was my religion. We’d managed to snag a few nights alone here and there, a couple of times a week.

  Mark was busy at work with some project that Brett had helped him come up with, and Brett’s mom had gone to visit a friend in Florida for a week, but otherwise, we went back to the hotel and got lost in each other.

  Each time that we were together, it just got better. I didn’t think that I’d ever tire of him, and the thought scared me, but not as much as the square, cardboard box I was holding in my hand. Staring at my calendar at work the day before, I realized that I’d been so wrapped up in Brett that I hadn’t noticed that my period didn’t show up a week ago.

  I wasn’t too worried, because between the excitement about Brett and stress at work, I was sure that it was going to come any day now. But I’d bought a pregnancy test on the way home from work anyway. It was a whim that I’d given into because I was passing a drug store when it hit, and it felt like the right thing to do.

  But I wasn’t pregnant. The thought was ridiculous. Brett and I had been careful each and every time. Not even once had we had so much as a near miss. We both brought condoms each time, and Brett made sure to sheath himself before he got near me.

  We talked once, about a week ago, about my going on some other form of birth control because I desperately wanted to feel him properly, skin-on-skin. But then we got sidetracked by Brett’s eagerness to go bare, and well, I’d done some research on the different options but hadn’t pulled the trigger yet.

  The wrapping of the test crinkled when I pulled it off, and I dropped it in the trash can next to me. The blue flap slid open easily, and I shook the instructional leaflet and the plastic stick out. It was the first test that I was taking, but I wasn’t an idiot. I knew how it worked, and it had a digital display screen, so I dropped the leaflet in the trash, too, and stared at the white plastic tube like it was going to bite me.

  Stop it. You’re not pregnant. Just get it over with.

  I sighed, then obeyed the firm voice in my head. The display lit up soon after, like it was obeying the voice to get it over with, too. Only, it didn’t quite say what I was expecting.

  Blinking at the black lettering over and over again, numbness spread through my limbs and my vision blurred. But the words didn’t change.

  2- 3 Weeks Pregnant, they said.

  Fuck me.

  That’s what got you into this in the first place, the voice said snidely. It had to be a mistake. These things malfunctioned all the time. I grabbed the spare I’d purchased because I wanted to be prepared, repeated the test, and got the same result.

  My mind splintered and spun. How was this possible?

  I’d looked at Brett like he was a superhero growing up, but surely, he couldn’t actually have super, latex defying sperm. Only, it seemed that he did. The little fuckers had to go and be just like him and give it their all.

  Who the hell was that fertile? The man basically had virility stamped on his damn forehead, so of course he was. But me?

  I’d never given much thought to having children.

  They were some obscure, maybe-in-the-future thing that I was sure would form part of my life one day, but not today. And yet somehow, I had a tiny little human growing in my belly.

  My hands flew to my stomach and though I knew it was physically impossible that my body had already started changing, it kind of felt like it did. There was a little part of Brett and a little part of me in there.



  We hadn’t talked about whether we wanted kids. I had no idea where he stood on that. We hadn’t even talked about the one-time thing. Kids were so far off the radar of things that we talked about, they might as well have been in another dimension.


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