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When Angels Fall

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by Sherryl D. Hancock

  When Angels Fall

  Sherryl D. Hancock

  Copyright © 2016 Sherryl D. Hancock

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 1540494071

  ISBN-13: 978-1540494078


  This book is dedicated to Ralph W. Hancock Senior, a USAF veteran and my father-in-law, the very best man I’ve ever known. We miss you every day, dad and think of you often. We love you and always will. Thank you for being the example of a man I can trust, I’ve encountered so few.


  Once again to our brave fighting troops for all that you do for your country and others, a very sincere Thank You. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is very real and needs to be addressed before things go too far awry. For all soldiers home from the war, you are important, you are loved, you are needed, if you need help please call 1-800-273-8255 the Veterans Crisis Hotline. For more information and a great video on what this Hotline does for Vet’s every day, check out the HBO Documentary: Crisis Hotline: Veterans Press 1. Please get help!

  Also, to Google search for all the help and reference material.


  “Hi, I’m Jams,” said the handsome guy with the blue eyes as he extended his hand to Devin. His eyes assessed her as he did.

  Devin smiled, knowing she was being checked out and finding it endlessly amusing; she didn’t date men. Her friends knew that, and yet they’d invited this guy and his friends to her party. It was her mistake, she’d told them to invite whoever they thought would be fun, maybe she’d needed to be more specific.

  “Hi,” she said, “make yourself at home,” she said, airily, gesturing around her at her Malibu home.

  The house was beautiful, situated above the ocean, with and incredible view out every window. It was a party house, and everyone was making use of that. There was a large seating area with a wide screen TV that was running random movies. Music poured from hidden speakers throughout the house, a nice mixture of dance music, both new and old. A large bar held every manner of alcohol, while the huge commercial style fridge held beer, wine and soda.

  As Devin moved on through the house, glancing around at the people gathered there, as she mingled, her eyes circled back to the man she’d just met, then skipped to his friends. That’s when she saw her, the woman who stood with Jams and the other two men. Devin couldn’t take her eyes off of her. The woman wasn’t dressed outlandishly, in fact her clothing was very casual, but there was something about her that Devin couldn’t quite place. She watched as the small group made its way over to some of the LAPD people that were there. So these people were fellow cops? Devin wasn’t sure, but she planned to find out.

  An hour later she’d been told that Jams and his “crew” were actually part of the LA Fire Department Rescue team, they were a helicopter crew. Her eyes were drawn continually to the woman with the group, she sensed easily that the woman was also gay, Devin wondered if that was why she was drawn to her. It didn’t really explain it, since there were a number of other lesbians at the party that Devin didn’t know, but they weren’t garnering as much of her attention.

  Devin James always went with what felt right, and something was telling her this woman was someone she wanted to know. So she planned to get to know her. As she made up her mind, she looked around to realize the woman had disappeared; she was no longer standing with her friends. She walked around the house, glancing around to find the object of her interest, having no luck. Just when she’d decided dejectedly that maybe the woman had left, she glanced out the back door. The woman was sitting in the backyard at one of the tables. She watched as the woman lifted a bottle of beer to her lips and glanced at her cell phone lying on the glass table next to her. Devin grinned as she saw the woman roll her eyes at the phone and push it farther away from her. The woman then reached over, taking a cigarette out of the pack next to her, lifting it to her lips, she flicked open a Zippo lighter to light the end, snapping it closed in one smooth motion. For some reason she couldn’t put her finger on, Devin found the movement fascinating.

  Opening the sliding door, Devin, stepped out into the backyard. The woman immediately glanced back at her, the woman’s impossibly light blue green eyes narrowing slightly, even as she blew a stream of smoke out from between her lips. Devin smiled, inclining her head as she moved to perch on the chair across from the woman.

  “Are you not having a good time?” Devin asked, her eyes twinkling in amusement.

  “Sure I am,” the woman replied, her look direct as she lifted the beer to her lips again. She then leaned back comfortably, gesturing to the area around her, “This is some backyard.”

  Devin looked around her, grinning, “Yeah, I like it.”

  The phone on the table once again buzzed, eliciting a growl from the woman as she looked over at it again.

  “Problems?” Devin asked, barely containing her laughter.

  The woman looked back at her, eyes narrowing slightly again, then she sat back, taking a long draw off her cigarette. “Just stuff back home,” she said finally.

  Devin nodded, pinning her with a direct look, “And where is home?”

  Light blue green eyes narrowed slightly again, Devin could tell she was pushing her luck, but she was bound and determined to get to know this woman.

  “Louisiana,” the woman replied.

  Devin nodded as if she understood. When further silence ensued, Devin pressed on.

  “So, you’re a friend of Jam’s?” Devin asked.

  The woman nodded.

  Not exactly the expansive type is she? Devin thought to herself.

  “He seems nice,” Devin said conversationally.

  Devin saw the slight change in the other woman’s demeanor; she stretched out her legs, looking down at the black combat style boots she wore, as she nodded. Then she looked back at Devin again.

  “He’s single,” the woman said, as if confirming it for Devin.

  It took Devin a second to realize that the woman obviously thought she was trying to pump her for information on Jams. She laughed nervously, shaking her head.

  “Oh, no, I wasn’t,” she began, almost comical in her quick denial of interest in Jams. She saw the other woman’s lips tug in a grin at her discomfort, her light eyes twinkling humorously. It made Devin bold, “He’s not my type,” she said airily, then pinned other woman with a direct look, “You are, though.”

  Devin wasn’t sure why she got so much satisfaction out of the surprise that reflected in the other woman’s eyes as she canted her head slightly. Even so, she only replied with a simple, “I see.”

  The woman was like Fort Knox! It had been years since Devin had to work this hard to hit on someone!

  At that moment, the sliding door opened and Jams stuck his head out the door, “Voodoo, get in here, we’re doing shots!” he yelled gleefully at the woman.

  The woman’s reaction was to grin indulgently, shaking her head and glancing back at Jams. “In a minute,” she replied, holding up her half-finished cigarette.

  “Cool, cool!” Jams replied and went back inside.

  There was a moment of silence as the two women regarded each other.

  “Voodoo?” Devin asked her eyes alight with curiosity.

  “Took about a second in flight school,” the woman replied with another slight grin, when Devin looked mystified, she continued, “your crew gives you your call sign. Louisiana, voodoo, took seconds.” She said shrugging.

  “Aw,” Devin said, nodding her head, and grinning, “So should I call you Voodoo?” she asked then.

  “Not if you want me to answer,” the woman shot back, as if it was something she said a lot.

  Devin laughed at that response, then gave her a sidelong glance, “So
what should I call you?”

  The woman looked considering for a long moment, as if giving her name would somehow violate some rule.

  “Skyler,” she said, finally.

  “I’m Devin,” she replied smiling warmly.

  Skyler nodded, taking a long last draw on her cigarette as she stood up. Devin watched, thinking that Skyler was definitely attractive. She had a long lean frame. She wore faded blue jeans that clung nicely to her body, and a black tank top that exposed the lean muscle of her arms. Her dark hair was shoulder length and cut in short layers to frame a nicely tanned face with those hypnotic light blue green eyes, highlighted by thick black lashes. Devin found herself staring at Skyler’s lips, they were full and sexy. Skyler wore very little makeup that Devin could detect, but she had such a beautiful face, no makeup really was needed to enhance her features.

  Getting obsessed already, aren’t we? Devin’s mind told her.

  She suddenly realized that Skyler was waiting for her to precede her back into the house, and chuckled nervously. Hopping off the chair she walked toward the slider.

  Skyler watched the girl that she’d already deemed “the wild child,” walk back into the house. Devin was definitely cute, with her black hair that was shot through with small sections of purple, and her very green eyes. There was no missing the great body on display either, Devin wore a metallic black bikini top, with short tattered jean shorts, she was all smooth skin and no visible tan lines. Skyler had taken note of the multiple piercings in Devin’s ears, as well as the one in her eyebrow.

  In Skyler’s opinion they were as opposite as night and day, and it had indeed shocked her when Devin had professed her interest. She hated to admit that it had her intrigued, to see the lengths the girl would go to in order to communicate with her. Most women didn’t have that much energy. Skyler knew her mannerism was off-putting, it was intentional, and she only let people in that she wanted near her. There had been less and less people she wanted near her lately, it was concerning, but she wasn’t thinking about that as she followed Devin back into the house.

  “Bout damned time!” Jams hollered, reaching over to hand Skyler a shot glass filled with a dark liquid.

  Lifting his glass, Jams said, “Angels fall,” he said somberly.

  Skyler inclined her head, and repeated, “Angels fall,” with a solemn nod.

  The other two crew members nodded too as they lifted their glasses and then drank.

  Devin looked on, curious about the toast; obviously it had a deep meaning to them. There was a lot more drinking and a few more interesting toasts, and it was becoming obvious that Skyler was getting a bit drunk. Devin started to detect a definite accent that she realized must be Cajun.

  “No, no, no!” Skyler exclaimed at one point, holding up her hands for silence amongst the small group gathered around the bar, “What was dat, really?” she asked, grinning, her accent a bit thicker now.

  “Dat was a pass, cherie!” Jams said, laughing.

  Skyler’s look was stunned, shaking her head she said, “Dat was de worst pass eva!”

  “Maybe,” Jams said, nodding his head in agreement, “but she’s beatin’ em off with a stick ladies and gentlemen!”

  “Oh shut de hell up!” Skyler scowled, even as her eyes twinkled in amusement.

  Devin looked on, watching the way that Skyler interacted with her team. It was very obvious that they’d been a group for a while, but that the other two members, “Tom” and “Jerry” as they were nicknamed, were less familiar with Skyler than Jams was, Devin wondered at that.

  Skyler stepped back from the bar at that point, picking up her bottle of beer, and reaching for her cigarettes and lighter.

  “Cancer she is a callin’,” she said, grinning as she moved to the sliding glass door.

  Five minutes later, Devin found Skyler in the exact spot she’d been in hours before. She grinned, noting that Skyler seemed much more relaxed this time, her legs stretched out in front of her and crossed at the ankles.

  “And here you are again,” Devin said, smiling.

  Skyler gave her a sidelong glance, “You allow smokin’ in your house?” she asked, her tone showing her doubt.

  “Nope,” Devin replied.

  “And das why I’m here again,” Skyler replied smugly.

  Devin nodded, accepting that fact. Reaching over, she pulled a chair up and sat down facing Skyler, her legs placed on either side of Skyler’s outstretched legs. Skyler watched her warily, a wry grin on her lips, but she didn’t shift her position.

  “So,” Devin began, as if to simply continue the conversation from much earlier in the evening, “what part of Louisiana are you from?” she asked, leaning forward, her eyes on Skyler’s.

  Skyler’s eyes narrowed slightly, as she brought her cigarette up to take a long drag, her look considering. Blowing smoke out in a long stream, she grinned, then nodded noting that Devin was going to wait for the answer.

  “Baton Rouge,” Skyler said, due to her accent it came out sounding like “bat ton rouge” with the “ton” emphasized heavily.

  Devin stared back at her for a long moment, trying to decipher what she’d just been told. Skyler grinned, knowing she’d stumped the wild child for a moment at least.

  “Is that Baton Rouge?” Devin asked finally, pronouncing it the way most American’s would say the name of that city.

  Skyler nodded, lifting her cigarette to her lips again. After taking a drag she rubbed her thumb under her lower lip, it was an action that those who knew her meant she was measuring how far she was going to let a person in. She didn’t say anything else.

  So still not a chatty Kathy, Devin thought to herself.

  “And that’s how the Cajun’s say it?” Devin asked.

  “Yes ma’am,” Skyler replied.

  “Say it again,” Devin said her look direct, her tone captivated.

  Skyler looked amused by the request, but repeated the heavily accented “Baton Rouge” all the same.

  “Very cool,” Devin said, smiling.

  Skyler inclined her head, an amused smile on her lips, her eyes dancing in what Devin translated as a challenge of sorts.

  “So, does drinking, bring out the accent?” Devin asked suddenly, breaking the silence that had begun to stretch.

  “Pretty much,” Skyler said, not giving in.

  “Do you drink a lot?” Devin asked her looked direct and a bit challenging.

  Skyler hesitated before she answered, “Sometimes,” she said, her tone tinged with defensiveness.

  Besides the tone of voice, Devin noted that Skyler also pulled her legs in and sat up a little straighter in her chair as well. Detecting a definite shift in the wrong direction, Devin decided to do something a little rash. Moving to stand, she stepped forwarding and leaned down, her face close to Skyler’s.

  “I like the accent,” she said, her voice soft, her lips right next to Skyler’s ear.

  Skyler shifted back just enough to look up into Devin’s eyes.

  “Do ya now?” Skyler asked her voice husky.

  Devin nodded, her lips parting in response to the sudden surprising sexual tension that seemed to spring up between them. As her eyes met Skyler’s, she wondered if Skyler felt it too. Skyler’s eyes were on Devin’s lips, traveling up to meet Devin’s look, it took a mere breath of movement and their lips met in a surprisingly hungry kiss.

  Devin moved to straddle Skyler’s legs in the chair, as Skyler’s hands slid into her hair, bringing her face closer, their lips never parting. The kiss intensified as their bodies pressed closer together. Devin grasped Skyler’s shoulders amazed at her body’s reaction, it had never been this intense before. There was no way she was going to stop now.

  Skyler was letting the alcohol in her veins shut down all the warning bells that were trying to go off in her head. She told herself, for once she wasn’t going to think; she was just going to let it happen. She wasn’t sure her body would let her stop kissing this woman at that moment anyway,
since every nerve she had seemed like it was a live wire suddenly.

  They spent what seemed like hours exploring each other’s mouths, hands grasping at hair and clothes. When things got decidedly more heated, Skyler moved to stand, lifting Devin up as she did and setting her gently on her feet. They stared at each other for a long moment; Devin took Skyler’s hand in hers, turning and leading her inside.

  If anyone noticed the couple walking past them, they made no comment. Within moments Devin and Skyler were in a bedroom and there was no more hesitation as clothing was quickly removed and tossed aside even as they moved toward the bed. Their lips met once more, and neither of them spoke again. They communicated only in gasps, sighs, moans and quickened breath. Afterwards, they both lay trying to catch their breath, the silence stretched, each of them thinking their own private thoughts.

  Skyler knew she was making a mistake staying next to the black and purple haired vixen. Her mind had screamed at her so many times in the last few hours to get away from this girl. The minute Devin had told her that she was her type; she knew she should have made a quick getaway. Instead she’d stayed, relying on her ability to block any woman intent on getting close. What had she been thinking getting drunk around this woman? It had dropped her guard enough to let her get in, even just a little bit, and that had been all it took. That and whatever spell she cast on me, Skyler thought wryly, even as her body slipped closer to sleep. The alcohol in her veins was sedating her, and her last thought and action before she slipped over that edge was to put space between herself and Devin’s naked body laying next her. She’d already discovered that kissing this woman had been her undoing, keeping physical contact wasn’t likely to be good either.

  Devin noticed the slight movement of Skyler moving away from her, she wondered at it, but decided she’d already pushed as much as she should with this woman. She didn’t realize that the next morning she would wake up to find Skyler gone without a word.


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